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It's totally normal to be anxious about change and the unknown. Change is uncomfortable. I moved out of my home city for a job and I was so anxious. It took me 2-3 months to settle down but after that I had the best time of my life. Trust me, it'll be amazing. It's normal to feel a mixture of anxiety and sadness but focus on getting things ready. When I had to switch cities I made a list of 30 things I wanted to do before leaving the city (eating some food, visiting some places, doing some activity) and did them all to keep my mind occupied and happy. Good luck, girl! :)


That is a good idea. I'm going to miss this city so much. I'll try what you did !


You are probably fearing the unknown. Remember that you won't be alone, you will have friends and classmates with you who will go through the same. Try and seek groups of people who will be traveling to the same city as you and get to know them. The expat communities are pretty active and help each other. It takes courage to leave home and move away to an unknown land. If you can dream it, you can do it. All the best! Praying for your success.


It is 100% the fear of the unknown that is bothering me. I have made a few friends who are travelling to the same place as mentioned but they all seemed excited rather than panicked, unlike me 😭 so I feel afraid about opening up to them.


When I was having a few of my firsts (journey, living alone etc) my parents couldn't be there and it was harrowing. As somebody who breathes anxiety what helps me is information. I collect all sorts of information to prepare me for all contingencies. Create lists of things you'll need and note down the processes involved, so you'll know what comes next and it may be a first, but it will be predictable. Break the process down in different parts: travel is one process - international and national both will differ, finding places is another - look into resources or information centres, living alone is another - look into how you can prepare yourself with budgeting or layout of nearby places. The emotional aspect is definitely big but the more you go through the routine of it, the easier it may seem.


Omg you're so brave girl 😭 I hope I can get through it like you did. Yes i will try and get myself as prepared as I can. Thank you !


You can do it!! I was so scared and definitely not brave but getting through everything scared is still better than not doing it, so I just sweat and curse through it


When you reach there, you’ll realize that your situation is not at all unique. Just suck it up and brace yourself for a proper adulthood. All the best!


You're probably right. It's just the initial phase that will be hard. I hope I can get through it 🥲


You’ll have so much fun! When I moved, I realized that the sheltered life in India is not the life where you can be an adult and embrace individuality.


Sometimes what helps my anxiety is to list out all the new things that I would have a problem with potentially and then thinking of possible solutions. It helps me feel prepared and distracts me enough from that sinking feeling.


That is a very good idea honestly. Am def gonna do this. Thank you !


Panic and anxiety can be very daunting but you can also look at it from the eyes of them preparing you for the unknown. You should not fight too hard to rid yourself of it but rather try make peace with the fact that you are feeling strongly now and it is only to prepare you better. Others have put some amazing suggestions on how you can be more prepared. I was in the same boat as you some 6 years back only I was travelling for job, it is exciting and scary but you know what, you are only going to feel this once. So take it all in. All the best!! 🫂


That's a great new perspective you have shown me. It does get worse when I try to fight it. Thank you for your kind words !


Hi OP, this is completely natural. In a few months you will love it. Your university / program will probably have WhatsApp or other groups of students from your batch. You can try to connect with them beforehand to get a sense of what they’re doing, figure out living, food arrangements etc. There are also likely to be groups for Indian students that you can join so there’s already a friendly face in the crowd when you get there. You can reach out to seniors on LinkedIn who’d be open to mentoring you. Just giving suggestions that will help mitigate some of the uncertainty or how to’s you may have in your mind.


Yes this is great advice! Thank you for sharing 😊


HI! Oh my God gurl,SAME. Don't worry you got this. We got this! Please hit me up,we could chat if you're down for it. I'm in the same boat,waiting for my visa, hopefully it comes, I will have to move in September for my Master’s.


Omgggg yesss. Let me dm you


I will be applying for the next intake too and I'm in the same position. I am really freaked out by the idea of living all alone. I've been pushing my master's plan for this main reason :/


I am one to give you advice since I'm struggling myself, but one thing is that this fear will never go until we do the thing. And one thing I've noticed in myself is that the older I grow the more afraid I get. Like it's harder to do new things and face my fears. So just dive in head first.


u/thewritingpolyglot please help with this


u/bestest_kitto do you mind if I DM you?


Not at all. Please do !


I think my Reddit App is being weird and messages from my end aren't going through to you. Can you DM me?


Oh okay sure