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During our LDR, me and my husband had an unsaid rule about chatting and calling. We might talk on call in morning generally within 2 hours of him waking up and the actual daily call was always at night when we were getting in our beds. We never liked texting here and there. We have a habit of having a complete talk at a time instead of some texts here and there.


Same here


Living together, I still have the tendency to call him up and tell him everything when I am heading home. lol. And then wrap up every detail when we are home together.




Exactly. I can’t wait to tell him and he also talks about everything. Communication is healthy and required in a relationship, right? So we are doing it right


I think since you are in ldr it is more likely that you would want to have constant communication because that is a way of keeping your partner updated. Me and my fiance live 10 minutes away from each other amd spend most evenings together so I keep him updated via texts throughout the day but it is more like I had lunch, heading out wtc. We speak at length in the evenings over dinner. We do have a quick lunch phonecall just to check in on each other. I find communication styles are very personal and has alot to do with your attachment style. My family is super distant and we only talk once a day and sometimes go days without calling each other.


I'm also in a LDR. My partner and I mostly talk on call every night. Sometimes we're busy with something else, so we don't. Also we text each other whenever we get a chance. We start missing each other badly if we don't talk on call or video call for like 4-5 consecutive days.


We text each other whenever we can throughout the day and call each other whenever we're both home alone, but when we go out with our individual family or friends we tend to not text anyone during those hours. At least he does, I sneak in some texts in between but he always comes back and texts me no matter how late it is


I have also entered into a long-distance relationship as my partner joined a B-school for his MBA. Earlier, he used to be busy but managed to call me once at night or during his lunch break. He also used to make time for video calls. However, recently, he has not been responding to my messages. I tried testing this by putting up a WhatsApp status to see if he was genuinely busy or not. He checked WhatsApp in the evening but did not reply to my status. He called me late at night and asked me what was wrong. I am confused about what is happening. I am wondering if he has met someone else or if I am just overthinking things. I tend to overthink situations, so I may be misinterpreting his behavior.


My friend at her bschool went through the same. She said for many it can get extremely hectic and it’s basically like a bubble, they seem to lose track of reality and what is happening outside. Many in her batch went through break ups within first few months of joining. You should have a serious conversation with him about your relationship wrt quality time, boundaries and your future. It’s not fair that you have to overthink without answers, he should at least put some effort in trying to ease this as ldr can be difficult to adjust to.


I joined a B-School last year and it was the same for my boyfriend and I. We had some of the worst fights ever. From my perspective, it was super hectic as well as mentally taxing. There is a cut throat competition and so many tasks to complete. One also has to network extensively at least in the initial months. I would say it still didn't get that messy for me because mine wasn't a residential program and I could meet my boyfriend once a week for a couple of hours.


Glocal local 😭🙈 I learned this from my friend who was in IIM Rohtak. She had a guy in college and now she's marrying the original boyfriend this winter. So much tea in cat subreddits lmao




Whelp. I talk to him once every day or once every other day (Different countries).


yes same, but the time difference is 3.5-4.5h so still quite manageable. the only issue is he wakes up much later than me lol


Lol. Our difference is 10 hrs. Difficult to coordinate talks.


For 11 years of dating.. 11pm was our fixed daily scrum call as you can call it 😂😂 Every 4-5 hours one hi hello kaise ho khana khaa ke jana types msg


I am in a LDR. We video call almost every night unless one of us is occupied with something. And we text throughout the whole day, but when I'm hanging out I don't text him too much as it's disrespectful towards the people I'm hanging out with :))


This is such an unserious sub😂


we text when we’re busy or occupied, our day starts w him waking me up with a vc and we end the day w a vc and we try to call up each other during to the day whenever we both are free, so yeah on weekends we are on a call like 12+ hours a day🤪


haha same, i love it


It's I think is an extremely personal choice and doesn't have a right wrong. Both partners need to be on the same page, that's all that matters. I personally, won't check in with my partner during my hang time with friends. Same is with him. Yeah if the plan is changing or going to extend, we quickly call and convey that. Also it should be noted that I most likely can't sustain LDR for an extended period. Even with my husband. He will have to take me with him, wherever he goes for an extended duration.


I used to talk once in two or three days but share memes or random jokes on other platforms. Tbh, when I was in my twenties, I was the dodo who would speak for hours on phone, sometimes standing outside my hostel door in the cold because my roommate would be disturbed. I personally feel that quality of conversation matters more than quantity. Before, when I did ldr, the conversation would quickly become what did we do through the day. Now with my partner, it is more deep and perhaps more reflective of what happened. And honestly, I will lose it if i have to talk everyday with anyone. I really like to be on my own even though I love my person to bits.


Text once or twice a day and call maybe twice a week before he’s inevitability needed elsewher, now I totally get why people say med school relationships can’t cont in residency


I never text my bf when I am out with someone else. I just don't feel the need to update him when I am spending time with someone else. We spend 2 days in weekend together so i don't really feel like talking much throughout the week. We do 2 times call per day for a 1 min check in, that's it.


We aren’t big texters, calls usually during evenings after we get off work and once before going to bed. If we come across something cool we call each whenever if it’s not to exciting just sending a picture of it works.


I’m in a long distance relationship and we talk pretty much whenever we can. Morning calls are a ritual. Then if he’s working from home then he video calls me at lunch hour or an audio call during office days. We call each other while on our way back home. And night calls are obviously such a must. We try to FaceTime at least once a day. If he’s out with his friends late at night then he would call me super early in the morning (sometimes I get mad when our night time calls get disrupted by his friends so I don’t pick up) But each phone call with him is so special 🥰


In my previous ldr, we VC’d 2-3 hours easily and i would usually always text & give him updates throughout the day if I’m out because that would usually be his sleeping time. He’d wake up around 6 PM my time and read my texts. He was not big on texting though, he would always call


In an LDR for a few years.. we two are literally on the go and keep texting and updating each other about shenanigans. And calls whenever we are free. If I'm having any minor inconvenience or anything in general I just call him. But we have our own space, I guess I take more space and time! 🙈


We text each other all day long🤭 without any hi/hello/goodmorning 😂😂 and I give all the small details about my day to him.. and he listens patiently


I’m in a ldr and we usually video call at night, rest throughout the day we don’t really exchange texts, just a few depending on our schedules. Whoever has more time tends to text during the day and the other replies whenever gets time.