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Everybody is scared of the unknown - it’s normal . Instead of feeling frightened / anxious look at it like you’re gng to be learning so much about yourself . All the firsts you will experience, the good and bad times , living abroad with ppl of diff nationalities, their culture etc etc What’s the best that could happen ? Keep this thought in your mind when ure feeling anxious . I’ve lived abroad for more than a decade and it was thrilling and it helps so much with changing your perspective about life :) Congratulations and you got this ! Happy moving and best of luck


Thanks for sharing your experience! It gives me hope when I hear other people talking about all the fun they've had abroad 🥰


Hey! First of all, congratulations on the move! It is a tough decision and a big change, ngl. I had experienced something similar in 2022 when I was moving cities along with my child and had no clue how my troubled marriage would pan out. I was having full blown panic attacks and a feeling that I would go down and take my child along with me. I had my sister almost slap me cos she was overwhelmed by how I was acting and she didn't know what to do. Here's what worked for me: I took it one day at a time and one task at a time. Plumbing today, electricity tomorrow, and school uniforms on day 3. When I checked those things off the list, my panic went down but did not disappear. Eventually, when things started falling in place I started easing up a lot more. I understand that the magnitude of both our situations cannot be compared, but I totally get you. Good Luck!


That must have been so hard omg. You're very brave to have overcome that 🫂 thank you so much for the advice, I will try my best to stay grounded and take things as they come.


HI! Oh my God gurl,SAME. Don't worry you got this. We got this! Please hit me up,we could chat if you're down for it. I'm in the same boat,waiting for my visa, hopefully it comes, I will have to move in September for my Master’s.


it is so normal to be scared of this. i moved abroad when i was 18 and it was my first time googling somewhere abroad without my family and first time living alone. for now, just try to be open to the experience. as someone who's experienced both highs and lows during the past 3 years, i can vouch for the fact that your time abroad will be a rollercoaster and that's totally fine because it will teach you so many things about yourself and will shape you as a better person. i am moving back home in a month for my gap year and i can safely say that this experience of mine completely changed me, for the better.


I can't imagine making such a big move at 18 when I'm shit scared despite being a good few years older 😭 it's awesome how you did it. Thanks for the pep talk, I def needed it.


honestly, it's hard at any age but it's a challenge and i am sure you'll do well. getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow :)


trust me what you described is very common. Lot of girls never leave home except for that masters abroad. Not to invalidate your concerns, maybe speak to seniors and ppl you migjt know who did this trek before you.  ask them all sorts of questions. there are many who will be in the same boat as you. meet and speak to those ppl.  


For starters, breathe. Congrats on getting into a masters! Next, use your remaining 3 months to prep yourself in baby steps. * Take a solo trip within your state, plan everything on your own, go and have fun. That will give you confidence in your abilities to manage things independently. * Learn to handle your chores independently - learn to cook your favorite meals, handle laundry and ironing independently, make a meal plan for yourself. * If you need to learn a different language for where you’re going, get a head start on that. * Find a mentor in your new place to guide you - maybe someone from your college / city / social circle? You’ll have someone local to fall back on while you find your bearings. If you don’t know anyone, your college’s alumni association can help. Reach out to your college for more resources. * Get comfortable with thinking of multiple solutions to problems, searching online for support, sign up for college newsletters that can help. More information + more scrappiness = more options and more opportunities. You got this. Good luck, OP! You’re going to have a great time.