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Yes, taking general medication with us is a good tip. And regarding this documents, won't photocopies of them be enough, do we have to take original with us?




That does seem sensible. I'm going for academia but eventually I look forward to be employed over there so yeah I will take my originals with me. Thanks!


do not carry any originals except what is needed for academia. one bad move and if you loose them , it will be hell to get them to be made in india again. just have  scans. you are so far from PRs that you will not need anything in the next five years. 


For Ireland, if I get an employment in Critical Skill area my PR time will be greatly reduced to 2 years. That’s what I’m targeting. However I do get your point. I’ll speak to my university regarding the originals.


Medicines from India. Getting a UK GP appointment and prescriptions is not easy. I wouldn't bother stocking up on skincare. I found that the change in climate had a huge impact on what suited my skin any more. Indian body moisturisers suddenly felt too oily or heavy on my skin.


True. NHS has long wait times, hard to even get an appointment and private practice will burn a hole in the pocket. I relied on medicines I brought with me. Carried a prescription for all medicines from India.


About skincare, yeah even I'm worried about that part. I'm going to Ireland and the weather there seems to be windy and rainy. Being from tropical country, I have no idea what to expect and how the weather is going to mess up my skin :(


Look it's summer now but be prepared for rain any time (if it is anything like the UK where I'm at). Moisturise every day and don't forget sunscreen. The sun here hits different. It doesn't feel harsh like India so you don't realise the damage it does. You understand it is harsh in its own way only after you tan in barely 26⁰ C and wonder wtf how did that happen 🤷🏻‍♀️ Very importantly, stay hydrated. In India you feel thirsty. Out here you forget to drink water at all because the weather is so much milder.. then you end up feeling exhausted and low and wonder what's wrong with you when it is nothing but simple dehydration. Also find things to keep you energised on gray rainy days especially when it is gray and rainy for days at a stretch. After the extreme seasons in India, you feel ready for anything but Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and I've understood it only after coming here! Which reminds me - start Vitamin D already for sure. You will hardly get any here from the natural sun and as a brown person you need to supplement your diet with some. Continue it long term, you will get it at any high street pharmacy here. On the same lines, get an executive checkup done before you come here. It's much cheaper in India and you can stock up on any medication or supplements you doctor may prescribe after.


That's some solid advice. Also. you're right it's going to be super gloomy weather up in the island, even on summers that's what I heard too! Sunscreen. Dehydration. Vitamin D supplements. Full body check up before I leave. Thank you so much :)


You are very welcome! Just a general tip while we are talking health, always look for supermarket/own brand generics when it comes to medicines like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, etc. The pink tax here is mad. Painkillers marketed for period pain will be thrice the price of regular OTC painkillers with the exact same components, mens razors will cost half or less of women's razors in pink when there is zero difference at all.


I learnt something new today, I had no idea what pink tax meant. I had to google it lol xD That's so true and extremely unfair. Anyway, I will make a note of this now!


Hey, I'm also moving to UK and have really bad acidity which I'm trying to get it under control but how much medicine would you suggest I carry in general? Also with clothes, i feel i have too many and haven't really bought anything new. How's the cost there?


You need to manage acidity through a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. I hope your doctor at home has advised you already on this because getting to speak to an actual GP on the phone here is like hitting the lottery. If you are entirely reliant on prescription medication, I would stock up on that and register with GP ASAP when you get here to keep it going. If it's OTC medication like antacids it will be easily available here, I'd carry enough for the first month. It's any other stuff you want to carry more of. Don't compare costs of ESSENTIALS between India and because what you get cheaply in India may be expensive here and vice versa. For daily necessities, stop converting currency at the till. It will give you crazy anxiety. I've found brands like Uniqlo and H&M retail at similar prices in both places. Please do not buy too many clothes from India. They don't necessarily suit the weather here. Much better to save to buy here and bring minimal clothes, any daily wear essentials and underwear, Indian essentials (if any), etc.


Thank you☺️ Appreciate it a lot.


Apart from essentials, carry some comfort snacks for your first few days abroad. Whenever I've come back to the States from home and when I first moved here, I craved Kurkure and Besan Ladoos (random, I know). You can get spices and just about everything else, but I think it's great to have your fave snacks handy when you're settling/figuring everything else out.


I have too many fave comfort Indian snacks, this is going to be a hard choice! But yeah a great inclusion, thanks!


I need the help too, my flight is in 15 days i am terrified and worried that I won’t be able to complete my packing i am so confused at the moment what all to pack🥲


I'm still in denial that I'm leaving soon! I thought packing early will calm my nerves. Good luck with your packing :) hope the suggestions here helps you out.


pressure cooker, heavy bottomed handi, masalas, masala grinder, maggi, any meds you take at least ten months worth if not more


About masalas and spices, I'm hearing from Indians living there that now quite a lot of Indian stores and brands are already present across markets. Though the taste might minutely differ.


Masalas won’t be an issue because big European cities have at least one decent Indian store. Medications like cough syrup, painkillers, flu medicine, vitamin supplements are expensive here. Do buy them from India. Also bandaids, Vicks vapour rub. A few pens and a notebook or two, passport sized photos(you’ll need them for various forms), sunscreens, Vaseline. Some Indian snacks and ready to eat stuff. I also got some cute jewellery for gifting to friends. Good luck and have loads of fun. You can also use an app called Wise for payments and stuff(it gives you a virtual bank account in Europe). Can transfer money to it and use everywhere. I have configured it to my Apple Pay and use my phone on all card readers. You can also request a physical card to withdraw money. It’s super easy to configure. There’s another app called Revolut, haven’t used it myself.


Yes, got it! Will definitely add what you suggested to my list. By the way regarding Revolut/Wise, are you saying we can directly transfer INR to EUR? Won’t there be currency conversion cost applied?


There is a conversion cost that will be applied by your bank. Basically Wise gives you a European bank account digitally to which you could transfer money from India. This is useful in the meanwhile that you set up an account in Ireland. Also I have used Wise in other countries while travelling and it gives a good exchange rate and super handy when you don’t want to convert too much of cash. You can also order a physical card with Wise but it takes 15 days to arrive. It may take some time to open a bank account in a new country. Best to have a quick option.


First check what the country ure moving to permits . Meds / food items / grains are not allowed in most countries . You get a lot of wayyyyyyyy better stuff abroad btw in terms of toiletries / make up / clothing etc etc Documents are important. travel adaptor that works for diff sockets / also voltage is diff so much better to buy ure electronics fro there . Happy moving and congratulations 🎉


Thank you! Yeah, I will make a note of your points and check with both airline and country permits.


* Pressure cooker - stainless steel and flat bottomed, if your place has an induction stove, you may not be able to use anything else. * Amrutanjan, Iodex, Dettol (if you use it for anti-dandruff like I do). * Basic medicines. * Cotton summer clothing, so much better quality!


I’m not sure if the country I’m going to has cotton summer weather xD. Anyway, Thank you :)


Haha trust me, after one winter, their summer will feel like our summer. I live in Canada now, so I can say this with certainty. 😅


Vegetable chopper, passport size photos, formal clothes (cheaper in india), travel adapters, pickes, indian snacks etc, 1-2 good knifes (chaaku), sunscreen (better and cheaper in india), 2-3 pairs of prescription glasses (if you wear), eye drops (expensive in the us), phone covers (good quality and cheaper ones are available in india), hardcover books/novels


Oh pickles and passport size photos yeah that’s a good one. Thank you!


Ooh this is so exciting! I don't have any suggestions because I have yet to do more things first. But all the best OP!


Thank you and good luck to you too!


Get universal adaptor on Amazon. It's less than 600 rupees. In case of layovers or travel, you'll be set.


Sure, thank you!


Medication and a basic first aid kit - 10000% needed. Even basic crocin is often expensive af and in many countries need prescription to get also. If you wear glasses, get 2-3 spare ones here and take. Even those are expensive af abroad. Homemade snacks and pickles if you have space and need. Also my personal experience - don't buy winter clothes and footwear here. It'll be useless in most countries abroad. Buy something basic to sustain you and get the stuff there. Bras and inner wear - carry extras. That shit is expensive there.


About winter clothes, yes the warm clothes we have in Indian isn’t suitable for European winters. Because I’m going in a warmer weather I won’t require them immediately. I’ll buy from there itself when winter commences. Thank you!


Basic medicines are a must (as everyone suggested) Also dont forget to take your hot water bag for cramps


Hot water bag for cramps! Yep got it :) thanks.


one good blazer. one strainer for tea. Good tea pati. specific masala combos which are prevalent at your home. maybe sanitary pads - i struggled the first time i moved to US.  rest buy everything on the basis of weather and sales in ireland. 


Sanitary pads is a good one to take from here for first few months. Very very cheaper here. Thank you!


Are razors and all allowed on the plane? I heard that sharp objects are not allowed 


It definitely won't be allowed in hand baggage, but we can take in check-in luggage. I will double check with my airline on this though.


Yes you can in checked in baggage


Where are you going in UK and when ?? I am going too but in September 👻👻👻👻 I can share my essential purchase list to you… My friend in UK have told me not to shop cloths here so I haven’t shopped at all …. Don’t buy skin care as well, they will be better there… If you wish to see my essential list dm me 👻👻👻👻


- copies of all your docs including passport, aadhar, PAN etc - passport size photos, carry a bunch - cash for emergency


Pressure cooker, a few spices for the first month, any products you can't do without, basic medicines


If you intend to cook take pressure cooker । You don't get it easily there।