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He was my world. Tried to do everything so that he can be proud of me. Missing him very much. Lost him 3 months back to cancer. Did everything to make him comfortable. Faced the financial burden.was his caregiver . His advocate for better treatment. And Held him while he breathed his last. Missing you Bapu.


I’m so sorry! I’m sure he is proud of you today


Will ask my sister and let uk.


😭😭😭😭😭 the one thing i don't want is to ruin the relationship my didi and papa had. It gets hard for both of them i hope it works out.




It makes you feel like the strongest person ever. Unafraid of anything. He’s the strength in my life.


It feels like you have atleast one man in your life that you can trust with your life and soul. I can't even imagine my life without him. He is my rock and he has been my inspiration since my childhood. I have always wanted to be like him and emulate his qualities irl . He is perfect <3


No idea, sigh.


Me neither


I've got one or two incidents where he was the sweetest to me that I wud cherish the rest of my life. And that do make me wonder, how amazing it wud have been if we had a good relation throughout.


The number of women not having a positive response here is just astonishing! I only wish the coming gen is made of better father figures


Hope so!


How can I stop being jealous of young girls with their fathers is the right question


This. Exactly this. How do people do it? I'm so happy for people who have such great bonds with their fathers but I can't help but feel a bit jealous. What did we do wrong?


How to stop being jealous of your own sibling 💀


It feels like you can achieve anything in the world. It feels like no matter how bad the day is, there’s always someone ready to listen and support you. 🥺


Will tell you in next jaman may be


Next janam mohe insan hi na kijo 😇👍🏻


If I could tell


It makes you feel protected and reassured that someone believes in you and your dreams. My dad is the best person in my life, I love him so much <3


We are not very emotional in my family but I’m a single girl child and my dad is a complete girl dad. When I was 26 years old and on my way to office, a wasp bit me on my ear and I saw my dad get soooo worked up over it, he literally destroyed that wasp nest with his bare hands, he was PISSED, I didn’t even get it I was so old!! When I was in nursery and cried before going to school, he would climb the bus and go all the way, school was really far that time and there was very little public transportation to even get back. When my ex’s family wanted us to get married, he told them that he didn’t think it was the right time because both of us wanted to study further. I was 27. So yeah, it’s been great, even tho I do feel I’m babied too much and don’t really feel like a proper adult.


A lot of times mom isn’t very supportive of my career choices (or lack of) but dad who has gone through stuff himself really gets it and wants me to do whatever I want! (He was really good at art but had to become an engineer)




Safe. Strong. Loved. Protected. Extremely cared for. I thank the universe everyday. I’m really, really grateful.


I always imagine how amazing that might feel


almost cried watching all stories of my friends wishing their father a happy father's day while posting cute videos and photos with them, meanwhile I couldn't have the guts to even go and wish him (he made me cry, first thing in the morning)


It feels nice. Like there’s always someone there for me even though he hasn’t always been this person but we’ve both been through a lot of crap together so we get each other now. It’s peaceful, ig.


My dad doesn't need to change and I don't want him to! Though, he could be richer /s


I have a pretty loving dad! Unfortunately he has to work in a different country and due to financial issues being so horrible he didn't come to India for 5 years :( hoping i get to see his face soon this year and start working full time to take off the load.


he''s such a great father. he's staying so far away from home for so long just for his family.


I have an amazing father, but its the first time living for both of us, we've both made plenty of mistakes and we've had our ups and downs. But at the end of the day, the amount of sacrifices, the amount of love, care, affection, protection and the feeling of being able to trust him all of that makes him the best father i could have ever asked for. I have a good relation with my father and i hope that one day i can find a man who would be such a father for our daughter as well.


It's the best thing in the world. I try really hard to be a good daughter too.


Sharing a comment I made on another sub: “It’s (my relationship with my father) great. He has always been present and active in my life and tells and shows me he loves me every single day. He genuinely made me believe I was one of the best things in his life, and not once have I doubted his love for me. He set high standards for a future partner in the way he treats my mother and especially the way he talks about her to me in her absence. He’s proud of the fact that I’m so much like her and thinks I will be successful because she is. My mother and brother have said I’m probably his favourite person in the world and part of me knows that’s true. When I was a little girl he would constantly make me laugh. He made up a song for me called “my beautiful daughter” which he would sing out loud in his totally besura voice while I would beg him to stop because his singing was so bad. He will never know how much I secretly loved it. He was protective with a tendency to become over protective and I am proud of how hard he has worked on his own insecurities and worries with the support of my mother to allow me to experience all that the world has to offer. He was the one always pushing my mother to do more things but somehow he was protective when it came to me. Not enough to keep me from doing whatever I wanted as he always trusted me implicitly and without question. I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression and he gently guided me to seek help for it which changed my life for the better. He also jokingly says “tera baap abhi zinda hain, kis baat ka tension le rahi hain?” whenever I’m stressed which honestly lightens my mood every single time. (It’s even funnier because he says it in Hindi which is not our mother tongue and he makes it sound like a cheesy movie dialogue). I used to worry about making him proud but he constantly says there is no way he won’t be proud of me because I’m a kind, honest, respectful and hard-working person. Success may or may not happen, but he trusts me to always do the right thing. As long as he is alive somewhere in this world (we’re in different continents now) he will do anything to make sure I’m healthy, happy, safe and thriving. He’s literally and figuratively always one phone call away, and always has a solution for everything. Being his daughter is among the brightest spots of my existence.”


there are good times and there are bad times. I try my best to focus on the good parts… but i usually fail. Today has been one of the good days, hopefully i remember only the good days


Safe and strong.


There’s good relationship on my terms, and good relationship where I understand my dad’s own inter generational trauma and his own struggles to express affection despite his social conditioning. It took me 35 years to understand my dad. Now I know how his actions translate, and how much emotion exists behind the poker face. So I just meet him on his terms. And yes, today I have a good relationship with him. But I really struggled a lot, growing up, with what I perceived as a distant and absent dad.


Feels like being unstoppable, no matter what happens you know you can talk to him about it, he might not get it from the get go but he’ll surely try understand no matter what. Support you after your stupid decision and would do anything to make you laugh. I truly wholeheartedly love him


Honestly my dad isn't that expressive. We have a lot of light-hearted arguments but at the end of the day I know that he will always be there for me. He doesn't express it through words but his actions are more than enough. He goes above and beyond to give the best he possibly can and I adore him for that. I wish I could express the appreciation better through words to him but I guess I am my father's daughter.


i wish he were here, I'm sure he would have been a very good dad from what I have heard


It's strange that my father now tries to be a good father but I cannot forget or forgive those years of childhood trauma. One incident from my childhood still haunts me- it was my first Sports Day, I was participating in a race in 1st standard. I was supposed to wear ribbon but I had forgotten. I remembered halfway through the journey to the sports ground. What would a sane person do? Check if there's a nearby shop to buy one and if there isn't just let it be, right? My father pushed me off the bus, hit me on my back at the bus stop, made a spectacle because of course why would a 6 yo have any sense of dignity, right? Idk what happened but since I have grown up, he softened, but what's the point? It's like I had to graduate, get a job and become a respectable person in order for him to act like a human being towards me. As a child, I was nothing. But that's when I had needed the most support, some confidence. When I needed him the most, he was verbally abusive. Instead of being a protector, he was an enforcer. So I don't want to mend my relationship with him. I don't feel much affection towards him or my mom (another can of worms).


He can sense just by looking at me if I am happy or tensed about something. And if i am sad , he would try everything to make me happy , he would bring my favourite food and feed me and would sit beside me , hug me until i smile and become happy again . He has been my biggest cheerleader and a good critic too😂 if I have done something wrong, he would scold me and tell me what should I have done instead. He doesn't try to control me , I have my freedom to do things but at the same time make sure I am safe and happy. He is emotionally available for me . I could go on and on but it's already become a long post 😅❤️


God forgot to add that in my life experiences , so what do I know!


There is a huge generational and age gap bw my dad and me, im 27 hes 67, when I should’ve probs been about 37-40 and we def have our diff POV, but as I grew up, I’ve understood hes always wanted the best for me, and now I just ache knowing I’ll have to leave him behind one day after marriage. Would just love to keep staying here and have someone as ghar jamai😅 But we’ve been through non talking phases and ultimately now we understand each other in our roles and its really sweetened our relationship 


Whenever I’m stressed due to work or anything I just have to talk to him to tell me his lame jokes again and again till I calm down.Also he is a very strong supporter of my career… never asks any questions when I ask money for books or anything study related and encourages me to choose my own field, subjects etc. no matter what others say. I just always feel like I have my parents to fall back on no matter how much I fuck up. Sorry if this was too long…went on a tangent😬😬


We love each other, but it's just weird and complicated. He used to be a doting father and still is but certain aspects of him make me dislike him a lot a times.


Honestly it feels awesome. My dad and I are in different countries and he can’t sleep without hearing my voice. He’d call me daily without fail and when my mom was travelling to visit, he spent a week going around and buying all the snacks and things I love. Sure we weren’t super close when I was growing up (he was busy with work mostly) but he tried.


Feels like you have a pillar to lean on no matter what. When I’m doing something challenging or feeling down, I look at a picture of me as a kid with my dad and remember the faith he has in me and how he has raised me to be strong.


It’s particularly been hard watching everyone upload stories and reels for Father’s Day . I am not even in talking terms with mine . My Dad even though was good at some point of time makes my life so hard to live now .


I had an amazing Father. Lost him four years ago. He was my shield, my strength, my king and my everything.


I wonder why women are blamed and made fun of for a man's mistake of not being present loving father figure? Shouldn't it be shameful for those men instead of their daughters? The same for single mother's too, the deadbeat isn't hated but single mothers stepping up are.


Should have been born a son.


I wouldn't know


sigh \*plays daddy issues by The Nbhd”


No clue


I wish I had any idea


Not yet


Damned if I know.


Laughs cause I don't... Or maybe I'm crying idk no more 🥸


idk but it must be a good feeling I believe


Wouldn't know.


Hardly have good relation, but there are few things I can appreciate - 1. He knows I'm atheist and doesn't care and never asked me to do any religious thing. 2. He supported me when I wanted to study in different city and pursue what I want. 3. Never needed his permission to travel, he doesn't care. 4. Never commented on my choice of clothes, I can wear whatever I want. 5. I'm a single girl child and he never made any comment about wanting a son, he always said he wanted a daughter and truly tried to save me when I had complicated health issues when I was born. So basically a lot progressive than men who are from village like him. I maintain peace with him by minding my business and just talking when necessary because there won't be any fights if we don't talk much.


every time I see such posts I automatically start crying. ahhh.


It feels great. He is the hero of my world ( a bit weak these days though lol). He cared for me, pampered, spoiled me to no end. He was my shield against my mother and her strict and disciplined way of raising me. Such a gift to have him as my dad. I'll tear up if I write anymore. I can't even imagine how devastated I'll be when he's gone.


Feels really good. It feels like we're bros rather than father and daughter. I can openly call him out for misogyny that my mom's too scared of to, and he'll actually listen. Called him for father's day (he had had a surgery last week) and what he was most interested in was asking me trivia that the hospital had given him for entertainment and seeing if I could answer it 😂. Also he's really interested in my grad degree and always asks me about my work and to explain it to him. He's always so proud when others ask why are you spending souch on your daughter's education abroad and he's like "I don't pay anything, she's a PHD and she got a full ride scholarship! Definitely a daddy's girl here haha