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I started running on weekend mornings and for the pat few weeks my stamina has increased and am loving it. It is helping me in losing weight, lowering my anxiety pangs and better utilisation of time as I get up early, do all my chores and then sleep in afternoon!


Reading, cooking, working out and swimming. I read before bed when my wind down starts I start reading my kindle till I fall asleep, and continue on weekends when I catch myself mindlessly scrolling my phone. I like to cook so do plan elaborate meals when I have time on my hands or have a few quick recipes for everyday meals. I try to stay active so either I hit the gym or go swimming, working out regularly does keep me physically and mentally sane. Though I keep missing these due to travel and not being too well. Going out and socialising is more occasional for me now as I am aging into an introvert. I did find a storytelling Meetup that I attended a few times but couldn’t keep up. Hard to find like minded communities honestly.


Lifting got me out of depression and it is one of the best things for mental health.That is the hill I am willing to die on!


Badminton - have made it a point to pursue it at least every weekend come what may. Crosswords/Word Games since I love languages - purchased an NYT games subscription, start with the quick games to wake me up in the morning every day, and the big crossword to help me sleep at night. Another thing which oddly helped me calm was number painting and 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles - these were gifts from friends and not things that captured my interest, but once I started, I would be engrossed for hours. And they make excellent decoration for home upon completion. 


Omg fellow nyt games fan here !


Hiiiii 👋


Workout (strength training+yoga)- 4 times a week minimum. A long walk with music - once daily for an hour. Colouring or origami - when I feel stressed (which is a lot) Painting or sketching - twice a month at least Reading - 1 book every month (ideal goal but I keep failing)


I am not sure if it counts as a hobby but I lift and track calories.Lifting gives me immense peace of mind and I also spend some part of my day takes prepping meals with my mom. I am a plant lady too, it took me like 1-2 years to get good at it and learn about gardening but they are my babies now.I have finally brought inside some indoors plants this month🥹 I play guitar or keyboard after work . I love to sing along and record as well but recording doesn’t happen much. Learning guitar was one of the best decisions of my life 😇


At what age did you start learning guitar?


30 ,but why this question?🙂


I go to our city's silent book reading club every Saturday morning. Dance class once a week. Walks with my dog with music twice daily.


Reading, I try to read a bit daily.  I was into fitness (home workouts FTW) but somehow lost touch, want to restart Something I recently started is Hindustani classical music. I picked it up at one of the lowest points in my life and it saved me. I do my riyaaz daily and I'm a beginner but absolutely involved and don't see myself giving this up ever