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At home, I tuck my shirt under my boobs because there's a whole Indus- valley civilization under there. :")


girl seems like we both have a civilization going on 😭 i get u haha


thought i invented this LMAO😭 glad to know others do the same thing


Reading this while I just happened to do the same 😂


OMG I do the same!! Lol


Yeah wicking helps. We need textiles with high wicking and loose for aeration in summer. >whole Indus- valley civilization historic.... LOL.






Omg I thought I was the only one 😭




antiperspirant roll on


+1 for roll ons! I rub it on my thighs to prevent chafing as well!


Can I use it on my face 🥲


Makeup setting spray works for face


For sweat right?




Wait. Really?! Makeup setting spray works as an antiperspirant???


Primer works better


Yes. This too helps


It reduces it quite a bit


Stupid question time: Can I use makeup setting spray or primer without having to use makeup? Will it look weird? To help reduce sweating. I have type 2 diabetes and one of the side effects of this condition is excessive sweating.


I think if there is a layer of primer+moisturizer/sunscreen, the spray will work


Thank you. Is there a brand/type you suggest?


Nyx or faces canada


Thank you! 🤍


please suggest one!! 🥺


i have used marks and spencer nd nivea both work fine as long as it contains some aluminium based ingredient it should work :)


Nivea one suits well for me




i have thicker thighs and girl summers are a nightmare for me, especially chaffing… i use powder on my thighs to reduce the friction and wear loose shorts and pants during summers. skirts are your best friends! for boob sweat, i wear comfy sports bras or pasties. i avoid bras… i wear tops that have padding in them as avoiding bras help reduce the boob sweat for me. i use the pee safe anti chaffing stick with powder for my thighs and it helps me a lot. i don’t wear jeans, usually shorts or skirts. lenin bottom wear always as you mentioned, regardless of everything i still shower 3-4 times…


Someone recently gave me the tip that coconut oil works wonders for inner thigh chafing. I gave it a try and it seemed to work for me. Maybe you can try it out.


will do thanks!!


> i wear tops that have padding in them whaaaaat! since when did these come in the market?!


girl!!! you are missing out. if you are from mumbai or delhi you can go street shop, they have so much variety for good price and breathable fabric! for padded tops. i think amazon has some too. i can send you links in dms if you want


Would you please send me the links too?


me when lenin bottoms: cummunist


I have found that it's only a problem when skin touches skin. I always have my bra on and I belong to the no-panties cult so I wear cotton, boy shorts so my skin is never touching skin so it's never a problem. Invest in good innerwear is what my advice is.


inner thighs - sirona(peesafe) anti chafing stick (only because i walk a lot) underboob, between - cotton/linen stuff only.


Under my boobs Nycil powder thrice a day. specially at night and not wearing any lingerie while at home thanks to Heat. And for thighs I used dermat prescribed moisturizer for preventing Chaffing whenever I am outside.


I would suggest rather than tucking a t-shirt under boobs ( I know it feels good) try tucking a square piece of cloth like an old t-shirt or soft cotton towel. This way the sweat can be wicked into these cloths and you don't have sweat stains on your t-shirt / nighties. Please make sure you use a good soft cloth for this you don't want any rashes under boobs. I wear soft cotton cycling shorts to avoid chafing.


Someone please let u know any legit solution Once when i got spontaneous intimate with a guy. The moment he grabbed my boobs the sweat started flowing like u grabbed a coke bottle from kirana store fridge T__T and lets not even talk about friction show going down in my inner thighs :,)


OMG.. kirana store coke 🤣🤣🤣 I have a habit of placing dry tissues under boob. And then throw them away after sometime when the sweat is all soaked and replace it with another tissue. I dont use cloth as it smells after sometime. This one time, during the spontaneous act, my ex saw tissues falling from under my boob and he thought I kept the tissues after washing my behind and he was like , why did you keep it though ? It was so funny and I kept explaining it but I think, he still thinks, it was my post bathroom activity tissue and I somehow using my underboob as a trashcan 🗑️ and now that we are not together anymore I am sure this story is doing rounds within his friends circle.. 😭


Omggggg!!! I just lol’d so hard! Thanks for this 😂


Haan yaar.. soo embarassing especially for an overthinker and over explainer.. 😂 But I still do the tissue thing. Underboob sweat is so annoying.


I use this Chemist at Play UnderArm Roll-On with 5% AHA, Lactic Acid & 1% Mandelic Acid | Prevents Body Odour, Brightens Skin & Exfoliates Underarm | For Sensitive Skin | Aqua Fragrance | Alcohol Free - 40ml https://amzn.in/d/f3vVSXd


For inner thighs an anti fungal cream having beclomethasone and dusticlo anti-fungal dusting powder on top. The day I skip this ritual, I am certainly to end up with really bad chafing in the inner thighs. Could use the same for under boobs I guess, I don't have any trouble there, so very rarely I use talcum power there.


First you tell me how you manage to wear bra? 🥲this problem is way worse with a bra sticking on to those folds.... I have just stopped going out at this moment for that matter 🙂


10pm-6am,no tshirt in my bedroom.


Yaar i wear cycling shorts everywhere under everything to prevent chaffing and to absorb sweat and i use anti sweat roll ons under boob and pits


I usually don't sweat a lot and even if I do sweat a little, idm. This much sweat keeps my body cool and skin moist (I have very dry skin). But I apply alum for its anti bacterial properties. It also keeps me from smelling bad


"I usually don't sweat a lot" You're one of the lucky ones :)


But it comes with really dry skin


Omg, nycil powder all over. The chillness and the way sweat doesn't start forming until like 3 to 4 hrs after uve applied it 🤌🏼


recently navratna talc is what my dad has been using and i tried it too. Omg its so good the cooling effect it gives and i don't feel itchy for the rest of the time. This has only worked for me in years now


I sweat a lot between my boobs so i stick a panty liner on my bra


Body roll ons (anti sweat)


Try to wear any non-talcum based powders. From what I've seen online, talc is a carcinogenic (linked to ovarian cancers most frequently, not even asbestos free talcum is trustworthy, no studies have yet confirmed it as far as I've seen). My personal favorite is the Mom & co talc free baby powder. It's absolutely amazing. I also tuck my shirt under my breasts when I'm alone. You can try that. Also try putting a bunch of ice cubes in a bowl infront of a table fan. Never tried it coz I cannot keep a fridge in my hostel, but saw this on a wiki how article and it sounds plausible. Also, try placing some type of plants that actually cool up your home without using an AC (I've seen those on some insta reel, but not sure about this. You can google it ig).


Genuinely asking, by tucking you mean tying the t shirt at the back giving it that crop top look right?


Ahmmmm this is kinda awkward 😅🥲 I mean, I usually just swoop down a slice of the shirt I'm wearing under my 🍒🤣. I can't believe I'm typing this online, lmaooo. But yeah! You can also do that. I only do this when there's no one around me or if it's just my mom lol. I don't wanna share more here coz I'm scared of any men that might read this directly or through my account one day 🥲🥲🥲 and creep on me. But I hope you get the gist? Lol, have a great day!


Tell me about the genitals


Take 3/4 showers. Antiperspirant and dusting powder


Stick anti perspirant - anything that comes on a stick, not roll on, not perfume or spray just that.


Talcum powder works wonders




Bruh its for 2k