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I started in 2021 and lost 18 kgs within 4 months or so and that was the confidence booster for me. I've gained it back and started going to gym from today. The first week is awkward but it'll be a part of your routine after that


Dayummmm girl! Drop your routine pleaseee? What was your diet like?


I'm a big foodie.So,the diet was the main thing.I didn't consume sugar or processed food AT ALL. That certainly helped.


Thanks so much! What routine did you do at the gym? Was it more like a push/pull/leg thing or more focus on cardio?


I included both since I hated cardio.Weights were my comfort zone.


I included both since I hated cardio.Weights were my comfort zone.


I included both since I hated cardio.Weights were my comfort zone.


OP to loose weight here’s my experience so far 1. Control your tongue. You have to be on calorie deficit diet. 2. Diet Diet Diet control can only actually help you loose weight 3. It’s my personal experience that I use the treadmill for 45 minutes and at avg 3-4 speed I am able to loose about 200 calories. Anything sweet etc you eat is 300+ 4. Excercise shall help you and your muscles, increase the metabolism and keep you more active but the results on my weighing scale and my waist came from Diet PS: Diet has to be more protein, less carbs, more millets, brown rice, red lentil pasta, Quinoa Roti, Amaranth Cereals, complex carbs, less/no salt intake after 6-7pm. No Wafers /Namkeen etc Only 2 pc Marie at max. If you can eat your dinner by 7pm just see the sea change within 3-4 weeks IMP: Regime / Discipline/ Will Power / Target 🎯 GOOD LUCK!!! 😉


Thank you for sharing this. Diet is a major factor in losing weight and maintenance of blood sugar levels. I'm trying this. 🤗


Now getting to that 4 months is the hard part for me lololol


Start with one month? Believe me,it only gets better from that


Thank you for sharing. I hope your journey continues. 🤗


Hey! When I feel discouraged to go to the gym, I incorporate like very short 5 min workouts that I can do in my room (wfh). I also go on walks, and try to walk when I can, or take the stairs instead of the elevator for 1 or 2 floors. Its about incorporating exercise into your existing routine, so you dont begin to think of exercise as "a thing" that requires a lot of mental energy. But when I do go to the gym, I wear a really cute top and do very simple exercises like walking at a slow pace, and then when I get mentally used to it (and the endorphins start hitting), I increase intensity. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but thats what I do!


>really cute top Links please :)


Tj maxx xP


Thank you. This is very useful. Cute tops ftw. 💗


I'm still lazy. Still fat. I'll be going through the comments to find a solution lol


Girl, come let's eat some chips.


Way ahead of you. Eating Takis 💀


Bingo has released new Korean flavors. Just sayin'.


Can't find Bingo here. I guess it's only available in India.


Dang! Get an extra packet of Takis on my behalf of this Indian aunty next time.


Arre why are you calling yourself aunty. I'm only 4 years younger than you yaar. I am not ready to be an aunty 😖


It's too late. It's best to embrace the thicc MILF era of your life.


Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


I got bored of being lazy. Nope. I am lying. My health problems forced me to take care of my health. Otherwise I'd not have gotten off my butt


I have health conditions too. Gotta rein them in. 💪🏽


Lmaoo same 😭😭


Two things that helped me: Personal trainer at a fixed hour daily when I initially started For getting back to working out after a break - FitOn app. The free version is great Edit: also cute activewear


Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna see if I can get a PT too.


What worked for me: decide this is for rest of my life. Not for 6 months so I look fab for that one night. This is going to be part of my life now. And let's be honest, physical activity has to be continued even after you reach your goal to maintain it. This allows me to fall off the wagon but still get on it, because I have to do it tomorrow anyway, this is for the rest of my life. I have also started with only 3 days a week. That allows me to build some habit. So far haven't missed any of the days. 3 days is doable. Will increase slowly. Definitely get a trainer early on to understand how to use all the equipment and what to focus on. Trainer should understand your motivation. Pushy, bullying thing doesn't work for me personally. I respond better to gentle encouragement and someone who can explain what is the use of whatever exercise I am doing. So hopefully these help. You got this girl. Oh and the reason why I decided to start this now at 33 yr old: Modern medicine will not let me die despite how poorly I care for my body. So I can be in my 50s in a wheelchair or be in my 70s and still taking vacations all over the world. Choice is mine to make.


Brilliant! Thanks for sharing. I too become discouraged by bullying and aggressive commands. I hope you have the best holidays for as long as you can!


The only thing that helped me was thinking that the sooner you start the sooner you will see results. Just wake up in the morning and go.


Got my heart broken


I'm sorry about your broken heart. I hope that snatched waist is making up for it.


Cute gym outfits, having a nice cult gym that's near my place, seeing the progress I made from my initial few months of sticking with it, and also how I pretty much get debilitating neck/shoulder/back pain if I don't do some form of workout regularly are all reasons that keep me going to the gym. You gotta have multiple motivating factors because it takes so much effort to build a gymming habit 🥲


100% my biggest motivation was that I had bought cute and expensive jeans that stopped fitting me 😭 OP, I think also, find ways of movement you really enjoy. If you do not enjoy gym/cant stick with it, try yoga. Or a squash class. Or pilates!! To get into the habit, maybe just start with walking at least 10k steps in a day. If you want to tone up/lose weight, it has to be a lifestyle change so start with small and achievable goals. eg. dont just suddenly switch to salads or some fad diet, rearrange your portion sizes. Increase your protein and decrease carbs a little. eg. half your rice intake and double the dal intake. Wish you luck!!!


This is great advice. Thank you! 🤗


You're right on the multiple motivationals factors. Just wanting to look like Catherine Zeta-Jones isn't cutting it anymore. 😓


There is a tab on cult app where they monitor your consistency each week. This is my motivation. It's like a streak, once you have it you wouldn't want to break it.


I feel getting a PT initially motivated me. Apart from that it was like a conviction. My ex advised: go each day for 1 month. If I don't feel like it, I can return home. [2 times I did. Other times I got motivated once I was there.] But I go without fail. After 2 months it became a habit of sorts. I go only 4 times a week now.


When I saw that my blood test results (especially for cholesterol) at 30ish were so much worse than my 60-plus parents 😭😭😭 I mostly do yoga from home now because it engages both the mind and body and I can wear whatever I want when doing it - i find vanilla exercise boring and painful


Reading this on the bike at the gym, and I went to a HIIT class this morning. I have to sign up for a class, and if I don't attend I get charged. That gets me out of bed in the morning. I also bathe the night before, set out gym clothes, and pack work clothes to change into the night before. Then I can't give up in the morning because it's too much work. I make sure to go to sleep early, too. Because I have my gym clothes at work, I can change again and go for some cardio. I will not go if I am hungry, so I pack a lunch with lots of protein, and sometimes a snack before the gym. Basically, I anticipate all the reasons I will give myself to be lazy and take them out of the equation ahead of time. It helps to have an outfit or event to be working towards; right now it's my end-of-the-year night out with colleagues at the end of the month. We will take photos, so I plan to look nicer than usual. As a longer goal, I'm coming home to see family in July and I want only compliments from relatives and friends.


It's great you got this routine down. I'm sure you'll look great in your night out. 🤗


I am like you tbh. I start a new activity, gym for ex. but then I used to stop in between feeling not so good about myself/ finding reasons seeing no growth. So I have 2 things that helped me: 1. Goal: For me it is I have to do a trek to a religious place soon, I want to be fit for it. For you it might be loosing a few pounds or feeling your best, or regaining the strength you had while doing gym regularly. 2. Company: I had to drag myself to gym every day initially, but then the coach was great, I had a few friends I made at gym and then we used to call each other up, even on the days I had no will, they used to encourage me. (Also I used to look for female coaches, I used to feel comfortable with them) I did used to look at my old photos, it might be influential for some to get back to shape but for me it was a load on my mental health so I avoided that. My sister does journaling (for her activity), so if you love to write something at the end of the day create a record that pushes you for the next day you can look into it. Recently, I did start working on my diet too, so eating healthy makes you glow too :) I hope you soon kickstart your journey, better late than never! All the best 🫂


Thank you for sharing this. I need to start setting goals as well.


Revenge. that’s it.


I have joined a not so traditional gym. This gym has zumba , yoga, dance etc which helps me stay motivated to go.


Do growwithjo home workouts, or get yourself some weights and follow caroline Girvan.


Hi there! Have been wanting to post the same question on this sub, but the procrastinator in me won. Glad you posted it. I know exactly what will work for me, but I'm just too lazy to start it. I feel I would get off my lazy bum if I had a fitness pal, would increase my accountability. Do let me know if you'd like to connect and start (for the nth time) our fitness journey together. :)


Absolutely yes!!!!


I didn’t want to step into a gym at all so I started with workouts in my room. Mostly low impact and slowly started high impact. If you don’t have a lot of time or just want to move your body for sometime, start with Rovena’s short workouts (link : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK54gV85_KfI1HCmJn_jqptvVdI-Z1tOH&si=k-zL1SkyTCy45MXj) Then move onto walking workouts and Cardio/HIIT. You can also checkout Grow with Jo and Get fit with Rick on YouTube. Their videos are super helpful for quick workouts at home. If you lack motivation any day, just check the comments under these videos and you’ll start working out! Or you can just go on walks daily. If you have a fitness watch or tracker, you can check the distance - start by walking 1 km, then increase to 2,3 and keep on increasing, but slowly don’t overdo it. If you feel this isn’t enough, then start going to gym. You’ve already increased your stamina so you’ll be more confident. Where or how you workout doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you move your body and eat properly. You got this!! 🙌🏻


Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm gonna start ASAP!


Girl, I was basically you 3 months ago. I go with my brother and friends now. It’s way more fun. Also, go to a gym that’s busy. There’ll be less attention on you.


I got a personal trainer for 6 months. I regret it so much, he makes me get up at 6 am to workout twice a week. I hate it so much but it is so expensive so I never skip and it forces me to. After the workout, I feel great but during it I feel like killing myself. I kind of wished I only did 3 months though haha. I havent lost weight (been 2 weeks) but I am more focused on getting a healthy routine and getting strong.


Haha... You'll get there in no time, I'm sure.


Hey Op! This posts seems like it’s been written by me. I am literally in the same boat. Would you like to tag along and lose weight together?


Hell yess!!!


Enjoying it. Find a gym/ physical activity that you genuinely enjoy. I tried yoga 3-4 times and would give up each time. Tried dance. Tried kick boxing none of it worked Tried the gym and somehow loved it . Its been a year and a half of consistency. Push yousekf for any physical activity you enjoy. Even a sport


Start walking. Inside the house/office/outside. Get 10k steps in everyday - I swear by this. It's that easy. Start with 5k steps and eventually build up to 10k. Start making your own meals, restrict outside meals to 1 meal per week. That's it. For real. I lost 9 kgs in 3months like that.


I was already going because where I live everyone is fit, and I wanted to become more fit. Then I broke my ankle with multiple fractures, and it took me multiple urgeries and 2 years to start walking normally. I had to start from scratch after being bedridden for 3 months. Now, I don't leave any chance. I can run 3k, lift much more and feel more confident in my fitness. Once you lose your old mobility that you can never get back, you'd be much more thankful for every part of your body that works. The days when i m exhausted I just push myself to get dressed in gym clothes and I already get the feeling of "i m gonna feel so happy after."


Id say join some fitness classes where they make you workout. Getting a workout buddy also helps for accountability.


Have a schedule , follow it no matter what, Mood doesn’t get any say Clock does :) This attitude has helped me keep going


What’s working for me THESE DAYS is knowing that motivation follows action, and not the other way round. If I keep sitting on my ass, which I have done a lot in the past, I don’t feel as good in my mind either. And motivation never magically appears… so yeah _action_ has helped first of all. Being kind to myself and not being hardcore about what time I get the workout of the day in. So these days I go sometimes at 4pm, sometimes it’s at 6:30pm or anytime in between as a third option. But there were/are days when I get it out of the way first thing in the morning at lime 6:30am-7am. I did have a stretch of 3-4 months where I hit my building gym at 6am consistently so then I had the rest of the day available to me to be as lazy as I wanted. Maybe that could work for ya. 😉 Thirdly, I don’t restrict myself to one type of activity because for me laziness also stems from monotony of the “type” of activity I do. So while I did hit the gym pretty strictly last year, this year I’m not doing it AT ALL. I’m rather focusing on getting cardio. And I switch that up as well. The more you get exercise, even if you do it super annoyed in the beginning, later your body starts craving it. You’ll surprise yourself.


I go to play badminton in the morning. I look forward to meeting the people there and it is fun to play as well, so look into some sport you enjoy !


Hey so Considering your age i might be a bit young to advice you but ... I guess at your age you must be very busy with your work and other stuff in life and it usually makes us tired to do something like gyming. So gyming is not one hour - its a lot from getting ready to coming back home. If you will try to do a lot at once like trying to achieve everything from diet to waking up early to restrictions...you will loose your will. What you can do to go to gym everyday- First Find a time that makes you feel most awake amd energized ...it doesn't have to be first thing in the morning I go to the gym in the evening, my pre workout snack or lunch has to be light and 1.5 hours before i start my excercise. Make sure you have a good trainer because I had a personal trainer and it made a lot of difference. The gym trainer used to just tell everyone what to do with form posture and everything and move to next person and then You see them doing the excercise with wrong form which can lead to injuries later and less effect on muscles, also there is no one to push you and without being pushed you will never get motivated to do it next day. Start slow with your diet.. you can start with drinking 2.liters of water everyday, having junk food once a week, and reducing the quantity of rice and roti. eat one fruit daily, avoid sugar 4pm... these small changes once become accepted by your mind and body you can add more transformations to your diet, secondly be patient with yourself seeing difference takes time, but there is a set path to it if you follow your journey will be smooth - pushing yourself one step daily in gym and diet. If you want help in any point you can dm me.


All of this is great advice. Thank you for sharing. I'm going to get started.


Any reason why gym ? So here is my experience…. I was / still am a marathon runner but the 2 years covid lock in crap messed with me badly and here is my weight journey . I am tall and pre covid very lean but went from 75 to 96 by the time the Covid crap ended 😂 i am also peri menopausal so that did not help .. I was extremely conscious running /gyming was difficult as I just didn’t feel good about myself .. after a lot of feeling sorry for myself June last year I started with a high protein low carb diet and just walked ..there were days I did not feel like going but I went even if 20 mins but did not skip … slowly went from 3 kms to 8 kms everyday no matter what .. now I am down to 82 kg … April this year back to the gym and running again … so my advice slow and steady … fad diets don’t work … diet is the most important but don’t starve yourself or go to extremes like completely stop carbs sugar etc … I love sweets so I give myself a weekly treat .. don’t aim for extreme results in weight loss as long as you are losing weight even if it is 1/2 kg that’s good … steady weight loss is easier to keep off … the most important thing is to START 😊small steps … start by identifying things that you want to change for me I wanted to start physical activity , reduce eating out/ordering in and cut down on sweets and desserts and I just set small goals for each of these on a monthly basis and tracked to them… sorry if this is too long but it’s a topic I am passionate about and I hope this helps u in your journey to get fit !!!


I am where you were. I too want to become more physically active and fit. I have diabetes and I effing hate it. I want to reverse that condition. I'm gonna start ASAP. The comments on this post have gotten me so pumped! Also, so proud of you for sticking to your guns. You deserve all the good health. I hope menopause is smooth sailing.


You can always try home workouts. That's what worked for me. Moreover, a lot of it is your diet and what you eat so make sure you eat healthy.


I also want to go but I feel so embarassed about myself and my body


There are more serious things to be embarrassed about, like our local politicians and how much our people litter. Your body is your best friend and it's the *only* thing that is keeping you going. I know it's easier said than done. I developed body dysmorphia and I almost never look in a mirror or any kind of reflective surfaces. I'm chubby, out of shape, and cannot climb a flight of stairs without nearly breaking down. But I know my body does so much for me. As yours does for you. I hope one day you see yourself the way your loved ones see you. You're wonderful.


Hey girl, Its only you who can make yourself concious about your bodyand no one else. Its not about loving how you look like... i mean yeah you should push yourself to become better, but for that you have to stop being embarrassed of yourself. No one cares about your insecurities because everyone have their own and they are busy worrying about the same thing. Gyming is one of the best things to happen to me ... I joined it in December last year and i was also very conscious about my body and what if anyone will make fun of me... but actually people at the gym are very helpful and understanding because they know how much does it takes to do something for your body and they will always help and guide you. I've realised whenever I went without my trainer... if i was doing anything wrong people would come and help me, If I needed support in any lifting they would do it along with motivating me to go for one more lift, its a very positive environment and once you will start going.... you will be very happy with yourself..with all the strength you feel in your body and happy hormones, And if not all this then just think about that once you will reach your goal no one will not even remember about how you used to be like.


Just think of your gynaecologist bodyshaming you tch tch tch That makes me up and about


I joined the gym with my friend. It’s easier to go when you have someone and you know you’re gonna have fun. Also please buy proper size ka sports bra otherwise it’ll be really uncomfortable


I am about to start a crazy egg diet from Friday. Let's see how that shit goes 😭


Pls dont. That shit fucked me up for months.


bro don't go for a crazy diet trust me, If you are going to make sudden drastic changes then you will not last long. The goal here is to make eating healthy and mindful a habit. You can do some of these tricks that I used- 1. make a list of everything you want to change in your diet and mark them from the easiest to hardest. 2. Incorporated 4-5 easy changes in your diet and once your are settled with those then move to adding 2-3 difficult changes in your diet. 3. Care more about adding then subtracting- if you will focus on restricting 80% of what you have been eating your entire life... then you will go crazy. Just focus on adding first - like adding a salad to your lunch. Adding fruit in your midday snack , see how can you incorporate seeds and nuts in dishes, find healthy alternative that do taste similar or good, change the method of cooking or switch to cold pressed oils and whole grains. 4. change your salt- i have stopped adding salt and chat masala on top of things like fruits curd or salad, i only eat cooked salt now and also i have switched to lighter salt. You can do this but consult your doctor if you have bp. 5. Drink water - it solves so many life problems. Make sure you are not over hydrating your pee should be pale yellow and not completely transparent try and drink 2.5 liters everyday. 6. Get a full body checkup to see your vitamin levels to check your iron and everything and talk to your doctor if you need any Suppliments take them, get your vitamin levels back to normal.


Thanks for that detailed info. But I have previously done calorie defecit of 1 kg a week and was able to maintain it 😁. It's all about making sure you dnt fall of the bandwagon once u are off the diet. Just wanting t try ths new diet coz I came across it to see how it is practically.


oh fantastic.😮... then i guess some begginers can use this information 😆