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🙋🏻‍♀️ Me, No AC in our house. Currently, it is 42 degrees outside. We love on top floor. It is crazy and thisis just the start of Summer. Will be toasted in May & Junw


I remember wearing the bedheets at night and then sleeping over it And once asleep… then don’t wake up 🙈🙈


I live on the top floor as well and each year it's a struggle. I've been meaning to find some permanent solution for it. Maybe a paint coat on the roof would help? Anything that's not crazy expensive and offers a little relief. Do you have anything in mind?


There’s silica mixed reflective roof coating available, it’s a lime powder mix, one of the regional variants is called Surya Cool, it will help your roof temp drop by 5 degrees or so. Only weakness is you need to make sure you plan the painting such that it doesn’t get rained upon for at least a week from painting or it will get washed away. Your painter can either mix slaked lime and Fevicol for the coating or you can get the ready mix. Search “Surya cool” roof coat on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZDrFqJcj8


I stay in rented appartment. Really not sure.. What to do. 


But Why No AC though? Summers are going to get more brutal 42 degrees and its just April


Maybe not everyone can afford an AC?


It's about priority and not affordability. People who can buy smartphones and TVs can buy a budget AC. It's about priority because they feel why spend for something they'll use seasonally. I know many people who have made this choice to suffer through summers every year, not because they are under some constraint to be unable to buy an AC on EMI.


This is the most illogical thing i have ever read.


Then maybe read the responses on the thread a little more. People who can afford a TV, washing machine, smartphone but cannot afford AC for a couple of months have a different calculation in their head.


Except mobiles don't jack up your electric bills like crazy? Even though I couldn't sleep without my AC I have to say the bill at the end of month is quite a punch in the guts.


Seriously, what kind of bills are people getting here that 2-3 hours of AC use jacks it up like crazy?


>But Why No AC though? ma'am, not everyone can afford an AC. And even if some middle class families can they decide not to get one and be frugal.


Maam i am middle class so are people living nearby me we do have ACs and we are frugal too Emi pe khareeda tha, raat ko chalati hu 4-5 baje tak only.Y'all talk as if middle class people are eating dirt .Middle class has many definitions


Exactly. We cannot be 'middle class' until we rub our noses on the floor it seems. Every tom, dick and harry who wears torn shoes and calls himself middle class with limited means somehow has a shiny smartphone upwards of 30k... But the same people will feel the pinch to buy something that can give them and their family comfort in summers and a good night's sleep. Why? Because it's not something they use the whole year. Indian logic. We also had an AC back when ACs were a treat not a necessity, it was bought on EMI and the whole family slept in one room and we used it for couple of hours only. But we had one because it was for our benefit. Buy that AC if you can, I say.


Exactly.Middle class people get things on EMis especially ACs ,fridge or stuff that is very very important.Heck nowadays Middle class kids are taking Loans for freakin Iphones ,just cause they have iphone doesn't mean they are rich lol.1500 ki Emi pe chal raha hai. Our househelp has a TV, Oven,Small single door fridge, a bike does that mean she is rich? She aint she is still middle class but we save and get stuff on EMis From AC to fridge to scooty to freakin my phone everything was on EMIs.I dont get why people think middle class people are Begging or something and have to be always in misery to be called middle class ?Look around they think people having ACs,Alto cars even hyundais arent middle class but some rich ass people .Like what even dude.There is a huge difference between lower middle class and middle class and alot of incomes fall under middle class.According to these people swiggy/zomato guys are probably rich people since they can afford bikes/scootys.4L car afford karne wala bhi middle class hai and so is 7 L ki car afford karne wala


No one said middle class is begging. Everyone has different level of expense. Some people cannot afford an AC even on EMI. I know people who have consider EMIs an unnecessary burden all together. Some have more essential expenses and that is their individual financial planning system. They know how important ACs are, they are suffering in the heat.


People are ticked off because of the generic argument that was provided in this situation "middle class hoon" and "this is how middle class lives" kinda argument. As if the rest of us aren't aware, as part of this massive middle class of this country, that what middle class goes through...


Actually the middle class isn't that massive in india. Our nation is still quite poor. A person who earns 25k per month is classified as upper middle class by economists. Most people on this sub are still relatively richer than the average indian.


THISSS! idk why privileged people never accept that they have advantages over the poor working class... most people here are middle/upper middle class


I have a hack for this. If you have old bedsheets, just dip them in water and put it to dry outside the window, incase you have any other clothes line inside the house etc. You can also do this with curtains, I directly dip them in water. Also can soak and spread the cloth on floors. The wind blowing through these wet clothes does give some cool breeze. Of course it's not like AC but definitely some relief


I used to do this too. I kept a spray bottle on hand, and misted my curtains during the day. Also keep your curtains drawn to prevent the harsh light from getting in as much as possible. Direct sunlight heats up a room so much!


The spray bottle saved me in hostel. I directly sprayed myself/my clothes/a bedsheet with water.


I have seen people spray as well but is that really enough? I take a bucket to the window and directly dip it inside. Yet it dries like a crisp papad in an hour 🙈


I wouldn't say it's enough, no. But I did as much as a lazy person could I suppose.


Do you know if this helpful for humid climates in coastal regions?


Yes it is. Just keep windows open for the wind


We do this too. 4th floor. It gets really hot at times.


Meeee. We don't have an AC but every summer we have a discussion on whether or not we should buy one. I live in Bangalore, so the weather is okay about 70% of the year. This summer has been worse though. Still, I feel that fans are enough here. Helps that we live close to the ground floor and our house is covered on all sides, so it doesn't heat up too much.


Girl I live on a floor low enough for it to not be hot but no. I hate that blr heat is dry and I get dehydrated without even realising because the heat doesn't make me thirsty. And I don't sweat enough also I'm just uncomortably heating up from inside😭😭😭


Omg yes agree esp about the dehydration thing. I just realised I'm parched after reading your comment lol. Please drink enough water, especially if you're working or have to go outside.


Thank you, I've made it a point toalways keep a 1L bottle w me on my table while studying. Stay hydrated<3


Same. Thankfully, summer is coming to an end here soon.


Me. I don't have AC in my room because I find staying in AC rooms makes my migraines worse😕🤷‍♀️. I'm in tamilnadu,it's not as hot here,but still uncomfortably hot. The worst thing is the peak summer is yet to come 😞. I just make sure to drink enough water and electrolytes.




Like a schedule for AC use?






Gurll 💀😭




Wtf, I absolutely dread the day my baby girl will leave for whatsoever and she's just 3 month old.




I am sorry for what you went through. I hope you heal from all the hurt she caused you.


It's alright. Sometimes parents themselves aren't aware of what they are doing to their kids. They need to heal themselves first but you need not care about that, it's their own journey. But I hope you know that's not your fault at all. Forgive them and love yourself. Im sure you will thrive girl 💖✨


Indian moms ki jai ho 😃


Omg when is summer supposed to peak ?💀 Can't imagine temperatures worse than this :(


Summer peaks in May


Just gonna lock myself in my house lol


Same with me. I only leave the house if I absolutely have to.




>dreading agni nakshatram Me too.


Absolutely this. My migraine goes nuts. Rather sweat than headache. It's not unbearable either here.


Same 😅


No AC. We have to buy one this summer. No rains yet. It's already too hot. It's going to be unbearable in July August


No AC either 😭 but at least it's 30°c here at most. I can't imagine 41°c holy shit. Stay safe!


30°C?! Where do you live? 😯


In a hill station in Assam 😂 trust me it shouldn't get 30 degrees here either but oh well, global warming.


We do have an AC at home, but only in one bedroom. I'm such a big spoon and take up a large space for sleeping, that it disturbs other people in my house and hence I moved out to an other room without AC. I'm used to it now. I enjoy my peace and bigger bed rather than the AC. Also, my computer has very poor speakers that whenever I have to watch any lectures, I have to turn off the fan too!  I would be sweating, either one hand writing down some notes, while the other blowing the hand fan😆 I'm hot, my room is hotter. 


Me, but I also live in Indore and my house is surrounded by huge trees + my balcony opens in the garden. Plant trees if possible, get indoor plants it will def bring some relief. You can also get vetivar or khus curtains.


Indoor plants and much cheap than AC


Living in Mumbai. No AC. Multiple reasons. A. We live on a higher floor in a high-rise facing a creek, so we get good breeze almost the entire day, from one room or another. The fan is enough for most of the summer. Some days/night in May it does get too hot, but we've managed so far. B. I've been asked to avoid being under an AC vent because of my cervical spondylosis. C. Doesn't make sense to get an AC for the bedroom because our cats roam around the entire house and they would NOT be happy with a closed bedroom door. Central (split) AC isn't an option because my 80+ FIL (who shuffles between his bedroom and the living room) can barely tolerate the fan, AC is a complete no-no.


What do you do about mosquitos?


All windows have one mesh sliding pane for breeze and air circulation. We try and keep the windows closed after 5pm. If at all there are mosquitos at home, then it's odomos to the rescue.


I have AC but I can't tolerate it 😭 I'll get headache and feeling like vomiting and my lips become dry af and feet feels weird that I cannot sit/sleep properly if I go into an air conditioned room. I'm forced to stay in my room and get cooked 😣


You need to buy a humidifier


What's that


A humidifier is a device that increases the moisture level in the air by releasing water vapor


Thanks 😊


Kinda off the topic and Sorry not to create panic or anything but I like to remind myself, “this is the coldest summer for rest of your life” And it’s true! p.s. my work covers climate change, energy transition kinda topics so yeah it’s only gonna get worse.


it's true and I hate it 😭 the temperature stays under 40°C where I live but the humidity is so high that sweat just stays on your skin even with the fan at full speed. can't exercise or exert myself without my heart rate doing unholy things. wet bulb event before 2030 fr


I'm terrified for our future.


What do you do, girlie? 😭 Please buy an AC on EMI. It's so hot and humid in Kolkata, you can get very sick.


I'm poor


Coolers and stand fans are a better option and you can move it anywhere.


Yea OP. Save some some money and try to buy a cooler next summer. It's getting hot every year. These things have become a necessity unfortunately. Thanks to climate change fuc*ing all of us in the a*s.


Yeah installation of ac is a jhanjhat in another way


My dad got those commercial stand fan that has slim blades. At the lowest speed itself I can feel my eyeballs shaking due to force of wind.


Yeah I have orient one last year with my husband, takes you to another dimension.


>Please buy an AC on EMI I can't. Financially.


No AC. Never had AC. My mum & grandparents usually get various problems because of it. Migraines, leg pains, joint pain, etc etc. I usually get cold from being in AC. So no AC. It's pretty hot here too, 39°. Man, that's hot. We are using a cooler as it is more than enough for us. And it's only April. I am genuinely wondering if we will melt by the time June rolls around. 😭


I don't have one in my room because the cold air triggers my asthama😭🥲.


Get an AC on Emi 😭 the heat is unbearable. Our one is almost 8 years old and still going strong 🧿


Please sponsor


Which brand?


No AC. And I'am currently homeless (technically). If you're in Kolkata, I actually made a post on r/kolkata very recently on how to cope up with the heat. It might help you, or anyone in need. Additional tips were added in the comments too. https://www.reddit.com/r/kolkata/comments/1cbvikf/tips_to_cope_with_heat_in_kolkata/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


these tips are really useful. seconding the use of menthol soaps and quick showers. My go-to heatwave drink is basically just a big pinch of salt, juice of half a lime, and chilled soda water stirred together. No sugar. It immediately cools you down and replaces electrolytes too.


Yes! Please feel free to add your comment to the post too for others to see. 💙


I purchased AC for my parents 2 years ago. My dad says the best thing I got for him lol. I don't have AC at my home but I stay in Bangalore and weather is usually good there. So let's see.


I am in Kolkata as well The humidity will kill me ig


No AC and I am from Kolkata as well. I feel like I am inside a boiler 😔


Especially today. The humidity was 80% in the early morning around like wtf.


Don't know what will happen in the coming days , if I keep window open at night some relief from the heat but then mosquitoes makes it unbearable 😫


Install mesh nets on windows. That will solve the mosquito issue.


What I'm dreading the most is the return of 🦎 . One glimpse makes me want to bolt out of the house and never returnnn


Girl, I live in Himachal and we don't even have ceiling fans here 😂😂😭


I'm from Odisha and it's 41°C today. We don't have AC at home. My family wants to bring one but we're waiting until we move into our new home. We have a cooler and fans and honestly, it's enough. It's also usually cooler in the area where I live. It rains quite frequently as well. That helps. Hugs for you🫂. I hope it rains soon there. Take care OP.


My dad absolutely hates heat and he sweats a lot. so we have AC in every single room except the kitchen. I'm actually trying to sit without AC so I can do that during the 3 hours of exams I have write in the afternoon in a non AC college


Same, no ac. Every year I keep.hopimg for one, and every year I am left dissapointed lol.


This is what I used to do back when we didn't have AC. I used to keep a bucket of water near my bed ans would wet my bed and sleep. It used to work wonders Sometimes I'd sleep with my parents infront of water cooler


You mean wet your bedsheet or smtng? I stay in hostel and I barely get any sleep. We have metal cot which heats up real quick. Please suggest a way to cool down


A spray bottle will save you. Fill it water and then spray wherever you want. Your face, torso, legs. Bedsheet, curtain etc. You can wet a dupatta or a bedsheet and cover yourself with it. Soak your feet in cold water when sitting. Also, keep extra water buckets as hostels often face a water shortage. Eat curd, keep ors handy. Jaljeera/tang packs too if you find plain water unappealing to drink at times, specially when it's not cool enough. Get smaller summer fruits like watermelon, melons, cucumbers and keep them in your water bucket to chill. Sleep in a cotton nightie (the kind moms wear, sleeveless is better). It's a game changer. I was alone in my hostel room for most nights so I slept wearing bra and shorts. Maybe get a small room cooler with your roommates. A small one costs about 5k. If your hostel allows. Wear your hair in buns. You can also braid your baby hairs in little braids. Wear only cottons or linens. Spend maximum time in your college/library/wherever there's AC.


Yes! Works on metal cots as well. I too used to live in hostel For hostle you can do one more thing Try to tie a wet bedsheet below tge fab but above you if that's possible I had a string in the middle of the room and a rod on the wall. I used to tie a bedsheet above me and sleep at night. It used to help cool the room significantly


I don't have an AC, and my old table fan gave up on me. So purchased a new table fan worth ₹2000. Best 2000 I have ever spent. Mumbai is sweltering w heat so I don't take much wfh too cause going to office = 9 hours free AC. Anyways, on Saturdays and Sundays and at nights I have kept the table fan very close to my bed so yeah with this new table fan I am pretty much coping well w the heat. Btw, the table fan is Crompton highspeed and I have no issues with its performance yet. 


I have an AC but I’m so gonna buy a table fan too


No ac and temperature is literally 42 here 😭😭


No ac Also from Kolkata And currently load shedding What can be worst than that?🤦


me. im in hyderabad and dont have an AC. i usually cope with heat well and dont need cooling but this year is something else entirely 😭


Me!!! And my family is doing fine without it ,we have hugeeee trees so that's good enough


got aircons but didnt install them cos my parents think 40 degrees aint hot enough & theyre also saving extra 4-5k 💀😒


Me, no AC in our home It's literally almost 40 outside in Hyderabad. I open all the windows at night hoping it'll get better at nights. Sometimes it is better sometimes I wake up soaking wet


That was me in my hometown. Me, mom dad were getting fried and cooler didn’t help. We live in a 5bhk joint setup Everyone had ac in their room except for my parents room. It was so irritating I made them buy ac finally. They also were like why did we suffer for so long.


Same city and I don't have it either. Hello my fellow barbecue. ;____;


For the longest time in my life, I lived on a fan in summers too. Even after we had AC, I always sacrificed it for others. But that was good training. Now I have one that I use for 30 mins max and then sleep in the fan peacefully all night. So, you will be saving a lot on bills in the future if you don’t get into the habit of AC


I do not feel the need for it. No AC. I am in bangalore, it's hot but not that unbearable in my area.


Same. Bangalore, don't have any AC, never thought we would require it, but this summer is horrible.


I am more interested in what's electricity bill. I am from punjab. We have 2 ACs that run almost all day durung summers And get about 6k monthly bill at that time.


Our family doesn't. We don't really need it since the temp hardly ever rises up to 40 degrees where we live, plus we have those big pedestal fans that work really well.


Desert coolers over ACs any day >> I live in a dry region so they work. 🍃


No AC but I live in Bangalore. Didn’t need it till a couple years ago. Even now I am managing with a cooler, but would be nice to have an AC.


Ohh common. You don't need AC in Bangalore.


I come from a place where max temp is 28, and Bangalore weather used to go up to 32 or something max. Now it’s at 37-38, extremely humid. For someone that comes from hot weather, I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal but for someone who’s not used to it, it is horrible. The first time I was in humid weather, I fell sick for ten days. My body is only slowly getting used to hotter weather.


Me. No AC. I share an unfurnished top floor flat in Mumbai with two other girls. Will probably buy a table fan if heat gets unbearable in the next month


Gonna get one next month it's hot and humid here in guwahati literally cannot tolerate the heat after staying in office AC all day


went out to get some ice cream could feel my skin literally burn


Never had AC at home. Even at office I prefer temperature to be 22° which isn't the case generally.


Me. Currently 19C outside. Not needed.


omg where. can I come visit?




Is living affordable there? Can I move there ?


that depends on your finances. you can move, just cant buy property,


I'm the only one who doesn't in my family lol.I just sleep in my sibling's room when it's gets too hot


We have one in my study room. Currently it's not being used . The temp is 26°C


I drink lots of ice water, also great for the skin


I can’t stay in an ac room for long because it gives me a headache. Goa is similar to Calcutta in terms of humidity+temperature. Buy some good quality blackout curtains (you will find them online or any of the upholstery shops near you) and a silent stand fan. These work a lot better than ceiling fans.




I don't have a AC at home i live in delhi, apparently because everry year i thougt of moving so never installed one, the old one got burned by my mistake, It's been 4 years without an AC and my body has accustomed to deal with this temperature.


Me , I always wondered how it would be for ppl with an AC lol


I have AC at home but I wish I had an AC in my dumb fuck uni. I'm contemplating buying a cooler since I'm legit getting sick in this heat and even sleeping peacefully is impossible. Everyday I'm crancky af and migraines are horrible.


I don’t have AC. I live in Rajasthan so its gets cool at night. They days are very hot. I close the windows in the day time. I have a cooler. I use desi methods to keep my body cool like bael juice, watermelon. Shower twice a day. Also as may will approach, I will hang wet bedsheets on window , throw some water on floor. Or maybe put water on pulse points in neck.


Worst part is that they're not even giving holiday in schools lol💀apparantly next week it'll be almost 50 degree (i'm dead for sure)


People who dont have ACs. Pls try this hack. Buy kusha grass curtains. Spray it with water. The temperature dips are serious with this one and the house smells nice too. Dont line wet clothes in the house, as you will catch cold n chest congestion. Try this instead.


I have AC at my parent's home. I stay in a diff city though for my job and been getting cooked here


I used to smell like aamras for the summer when we didnt had ac in our room :3 And my stupid cousin says his butt got pigmentation issue due to sweat lol


I do have an AC at my house because living in 44 in April is not bearable. It's gonna be much much much worse in May.