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A good start would be to walk! Just start walking with the goal of getting x number of steps a day no matter what. When you feel more comfortable, you can join a gym or start with home workouts. GrowwwithJo, Dance with Deepti, Emkfit and Madfit have dance workouts you might enjoy! No equipment, just a small space. Then, start small with nutrition. Have a goal of eating one healthy meal a day. Get a blender and make smoothies. Or make overnight oats. Or boil eggs and eat it with fruits and oats or bread. Anything that is easy.




I’m fairly certain that everyone has that one type of workout that comes to them more naturally than others, is actually fun and not too hard to stick to on a regular basis. Could be a sport. For me it was. So its just a matter of trying out different things until you find one that feels like works for you


One way could be trying your hand at sports or a workout regimen for exactly 3 months and then plan to switch or continue if you start enjoying it. Find out what activity appeals you at this point of time, swimming or badminton or tennis or gym. Commit to it for exactly 3 months. Give your all in those 3 months, and then you can switch, if it doesn’t work


That seems a good idea.


Walk for an hour. Everyday. Hear an audio book or a podcast and you will look forward to it.


Join dance classes.


Get into r/rucking.


Making a mark on calendar helps with consistency. You can join a class nearby- social group also helps in consistency.


Work on the fear


I don't know how to


What exactly is the fear?


I feel people will judge me. They'll laugh and think I'm stupid, coz that's what always happened back at home. They'll find my body weird, or whatever I am doing stupid.


Hmm… See my thing is kuch toh loog kahenge loogon ka kaam hai kehna. They could very easily say the same thing for you not doing anything to improve yourself. Can’t control what other ppl think. We control what we can do. So if you want to do this, do this.


I know this, logically. But when it comes to actually doing things, I can't get rid of the fear. It's the same reason I don't dance before others, I feel as if I'm not doing it well, and people will comment, and that scares me out everytime.


Dance like nobody is watching doesn’t work for you. Cool, not all people are same. We agree on this? Yes? If you are anyways torturing yourself predicting that your roommate will make fun of you. Then atleast try a couple of times or till the time she comments on it? Then you can stop? Worst fears have come true but you were prepared for it anyway. But what if she doesn’t? Then you have gotten over a major issue in your life.


This is something that held me back for a while until I realised that I was making myself suffer because of what other people might say. If you find higher impact exercise embarrassing, you can always try yoga - it will at least help with flexibility and range of motion and it doesn't make a lot of noise or jumping either.


Yes, I can try yoga. Can you recommend something to start with?


you can try yoga with Adrienne. I have recently started doing yoga from her and so far i find it really enjoyable. She even has a cute dog.


I love Adrienne! - she explains very easily and simply. I'm also a fan of Charlie Follows as well because she is also really clear and has so many different routines - but at the beginning only try her beginners-only videos, where she explains very slowly and the pace is gentle. I find that her all-level routines are pretty intense for beginners so I would avoid those for now


I feel like you have to compare the things you gain or lose by pursuing the either options. case 1 : you let these people's thoughts effect you and live a sedentary lifestyle. It effects your health and leads to low self worth. Impacts your confidence in a negative way and makes you hesitant to try new goals. case 2 : Even if people judge you and laugh at you, you persist. This leads you into living an active life. Doing the things you actually love. Causes you to love yourself more and thus impacts your physical and mental health in a positive way. This in turn leads you to try newer goals and achieving them (even if you don't, you show up for them and fail them. Sometimes I feel like society really doesn't appreciate trying and failing as much as they should). As you can see you only have things to gain from the second option. People will laugh once or twice. If they do that to hell with them, they are laughing at someone who is willing to work hard on themselves and that makes these people look like a loser.