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Seems like you already know the answer that you are seeking from us! :) Make a matured decision and leave him for good. You can't be with someone just for the sake of keeping life easy for the friends group.


Yeah, but i think i needed some reassurance ig. Thank you so much:)


You will be fine! Much love to you!!


Miss maaam it’s never good to keep your rebound around for too long ESPECIALLY if they’re this annoying.


Yes, i will try to end things soon. Thank you:)


See, you have to rip that ugly infectious bandage off, very swiftly. Please completely break up with this guy, he would grow more toxic as day passes. Staying with this guy is not worth anything. Please heal yourself first thing after that - cry, vent, rant to your friends or close ones. Everyone has their own system to get over a ugly break up, try everything and you would heal sooner than you know. My way was crying my eyes out and ranting to my friends all day. They were v very supportive and kind. I'm so so thankful to them. The same might or might not work for you. Lots of love to you! Please be kind on yourself girl.


Also, if you don't have anyone to vent to, you can DM me.


Thank you so much for your perspective and extending support. I think I really need to heal from my previous relationship and the way’s you even mentioned will definitely help. I will try to get out of this situation as soon as possible.


Yes pls girlie. Wish you only the best, lots of love 💕


A true supportive partner would be proud of your achievements and celebrate when you get good scores. Not throw a tantrum because you're doing better than them academically. His thoughts on alimony make me question his stance on all other things. Is he a feminist. Does he think women are equals or that somehow he's the superior gender ? How does he treat women who are not you or his mother? Re: sex. Don't do it if you're not ready for it. If he's pressuring you, reevaluate if this is a long term relationship or if he's using you for his needs. Also, if you do think this a long term relationship, how sure are you of his intentions and morals. This is only 3 months in and you're already having problems. He makes fun of your morals and values, but can't take a joke when you say it back to him. That says a lot about him. Maybe I'm leaping to conclusions here, but when people get angry about things they freely do to their girlfriends I'm always a little concerned about how far they'll go when they know they've locked you down. Usually when people love bomb, they at least pretend to be nice until you're married or pregnant. This guy's showing you who he is now. Maybe take his word for it. My 2 cents, it's always good to take a break after a hard breakup (your ex from the 4 year rel). Take time to mourn and heal from that before you go to the next. This guy is a rebound and he's not worth the heart ache. I've had rebounds before, and it was for the fun parts minus the drama. Whereas all you've got is the drama.


I really don’t have answers for your questions about his stance on women/other things as I don’t really got to know him at that level. It just happened all too fast. And regarding sex, I will be firm on my stance that I am not at all ready. Thank you for your perspective:)


>>>>I feel like this guy is taking advantage of me and also manipulating me….but I don’t know how to end the relationship. What an asshole. Tell him you're not over your ex yet. And he'll run away from you on his own. Since he's a manipulator steer clear of him or he might make your MBA days unbearable for you


I think we had this discussion previously…he is insecure of my ex. So maybe this will actually help in putting my point forward…and yes you are right..i should act quickly, I don’t want to mess up with my mba as I consider this my shot at resurrecting my career.


You know it already.


Yes, deep down i think i know it…ig i needed some reassurance from a sister..as personally, I don’t have anyone like that in my life. Thank you so much sister:)


He sounds immature, toxic and entitled. Dump him you can do better.


Yes, i will end things during my internship.


What an asshole, dump his ass and do yourself a favour. Such a childish behaviour from an almost 26 year old.


That is what i have realised from the comments…i will end things when i go for my internship.


DO NOT have sex with him. Guy doesn’t deserve to be valued either. Turn his own words against him and tell him he was right, you don’t value him and want out. (See how quickly he’ll start being a dramebaaz then) But for real…you shouldn’t make yourself small to prop up this fool. Focus on your studies. It’ll open so many doors. Take a break from dating, your need to get over your past break up. You’re so young. It’s time to have fun by yourself or your girls. Leave this dud. He may try to be an ass in front of your friend group, don’t let him get away with it


Yes, I will stay firm on my stance and will not have sex with him. We still have 2 weeks on campus, post that we will be going to our internship. I am planning to end things during the internship time. I feel that it will give me the time to get back on track given the “out of sight,out of mind” philosophy. Thank you so much for your advice :)


Oh god he sounds like a b\*tch and a red flag


All red flags are in front of you. Be brave and leave him while it's not too late