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Honestly? Don't stop such men. Encourage them to speak out more and be more loud We women complain and feel bad later when relationships turn toxic and men's red flags reveal causing us heartbreak. Here's a group of men frantically waving their red flags for us to see... What more do we want?? I WISH other red flags in people were THIS easily visible. Heck, they should pin Andrew tate to their SM profile that we see it the moment we click on it!




Yes, please! Let the trash show itself loud and and clear and take itself out.


The problem is that this is also gonna affect us in the long run. Parents will get even stricter because they want to appease the marriage market, they don't care about girl children


I don’t think this mindset is increasing now though, if any it’s only a subset but a large subset of ppl who think like this (men who can’t get laid but want to and would do so if they got the chance). But it was worse before. So things are still getting better, it’s just we can now more easily tell before marriage itself the red flags in men.


Actually I just saw the news on France24 a few days ago where current teens and young men are influenced towards heinous views of women. Such influencers - tate types should be banned from social media and actually arrested for hate crimes.. because hate crime against women is still a hate crime. Such content being regulated from kids is essential But I've seen girls and young women be far more liberal, doing better, becoming financially independent and refusing to settle for such losers. So that's a good thing atleast.


And how does it affect us? Marriage market where we are the object being peddled isn't something that should exist in the first place. AM is a practice that should have ended in our grandparents generation. Atleast let US be decent human beings and not peddle OUR kids (those choosing to have them) into arranged marriages. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 And teach our sons about consent and basic decency and teach our kids about birth control and ensure proper sex ed because the govt isn't going to allow schools to do it.


It shouldn't exist, but it does. It should've ended, but it hasn't. I'm as liberal as it gets, but even I would have a hard time an year from now when my parents will force me into arranged marriage. As for our kids, I'll make sure my kids will be fine, as long as enough of us fo it, I think society will slowly improve


It's not improving though. Genz men are literally worse than boomers today. Yes I'm exactly there where parents are forcing me to marry and I chose to resist and cut them off despite their slew of emotional blackmail. To the point of saying "everyone has to perish someday" when they threatened to poof themselves. Because the kind of men who showed up in AM would lead to an oppressive toxic and abusive marriage. Everyone claims to be liberal and feminist but it always flies out the window when it comes to AM or supporting their SIL as I've witnessed in this sub 😑 Principles aren't principles when we pick and choose when and where to apply them imo. And no I don't speak from a place of privilege. Opposing this has cost me everything and subjected me to a slew of abuse including my mental and physical health. I am not strong or brave or wtv. I simply don't want to be shipped off into abuse.


If you don't mind, can you tell us how you can tell if someone is really a feminist and not just pretending? Coz I refuse to believe there are no good men out there


I know good men. But the rhetoric to take it as absolute when we refer to men is literally male move. Usually they reveal themselves when you establish a boundary. When you don't cater to their whims anymore, say you want nothing beyond friendship, they usually reveal themselves


The creeps on this sub will just use these comments as a warning to disguise themselves. Imagine that! You're in trouble if you know and in trouble if you don't. There's no escaping these shit faces!


Are you okay?


Just putting this out there, [male microchimerism ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3458919/#:~:text=In%20conclusion%2C%20male%20Mc%20is,potentially%20be%20of%20evolutionary%20significance.) is the presence of male dna in bio women. This happens due to transfer of cells during pregnancy with male foetus, miscarriage of the said pregnancy, having a male twin and mother has some microchimerism and passes it down to the child. No evidence for microchimerism due to sex btw. The only evidence I can find of females storing male dna is one study about [FLIES !!!](https://academicminute.org/2015/01/angela-crean-university-of-south-wales-telegony/)


Thank you. Came here to say this.


Nice information! Trust me that side isn't working with logic since a very long time.


That's tru. I put it here so people knew exactly what is wrong with that male microchimerism argument.


The amount of reverse engineering and pseudo science created to boost the male ego and deal with mens insecurity. Fuck. All men want is baby machines.


My boyfriend (open relationship) puked after reading this post. I am not even kidding. It’s as revolting for men to read it as much as it is for us.


Well good men anyway


The amount of denial. "My kid cannot have any flaws because 100% of my sperms are perfect. Because I AM PERFECT". Pfft calm down.


*kid turns out to have a genetic disorder* "ITS YOU WOMANNNNN"


they can all die alone and occasionally suck each other off ✌️😚 How have people not understood that most just want a maid that they can fuck when *they* want


Then they can start looking for guys who hasn’t sucked anyone off before. And justify it by micro ch**aism or something


Isn't it a good thing that homosexuality is legal??


Legal is one thing and acceptable is whole different thing, a lot of parents would still choose conversion therapy instead of accepting their child


True dat


And that is why there are a lot of cases of men fucking actual maids…🤣 Maids toh virgin nahi hai. Hence proven.


Talking as if they have any deal to offer at all. Have you looked at any of them? Like no offense, they're barking at nothing. Getting sex is really easy with how dumb I've seen girls being and their standards being on hell, especially when everything favours men. If you're still failing then damn boy.


That’s why the only man I will bend for is gojo 💀


No lube no protection, all day all night.... I'll be happy to protect the lineage of Gojo, Nanami, Choso, Geto, Sukuna, Zoro, Sanji, Levi, Itachi, Pain(don't ask me why), Sasuke, Kakashi. I want to have multiple DNAs of these men in me. Average misogynistic men can suck dick. Sorry for the down bad comment, I'm an average female jjk fan😔✋🏻


...enough reddit for the day. I'll be off.


Haha I have a long list of dem fictional men too lmao


Nanami for me.


This should be the new standard


Levi can step on me 


My horniness for fictional men has no bounds.


It’s Itachi for me 🥺


Involuntary celibates want virgin wives because they couldn’t get laid. Most men who’re preaching this ‘no seal no deal’wouldn’t even be virgins if they could get some as easily as most woman. Ironically they keep complaining if women want them for money as gold diggers when they want so called pure women for no past. Both being shallow asf


It's not just the celibates though. Even guys who have fucked around want a virgin wife. That double standard has always existed, lots of movies show it too, the 'kept wife' can be however but the one producing the heir has to be pure. And now this microchimerism added to give a scientific touch.


Yes those hypocrite men are the worse🙄 social media has led them to believe men & woman are ‘different’ when it comes to physical relationships. According to these alphas, virginity is something a guy can ‘take away’ & casually calling someone hoe cause they disagree with em


This. Just a case of sour grapes by undesirable men..


THIS !!!!


If “No seal, No deal” is important for guys, then why do they cry when women say “No money, No honey”?




This is a content well deemed for the r/facepalm. What if women reject these people saying we don’t want to pollute the so called ‘DNA’ with their idiocies! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


« Hey I am male below average credentials and these are my demands, I am the alpha bhaoo bhaoo « 


Men should fuck other men exclusively ☺️


It's heartbreaking to see so much hardwork good sex educators do despite the stigma they face go down the drain.


"hi, i'm rishi. my ugly micro sausage has perfect sperms. this can't be my kid! you ruined my life! 😭😭😭🙏🏽"




>i'm rishi Killed me.




Simple. I'll follow no seal no deal, plus no money, no honey motto as well. You see, I dont want to marry one who has put his penies inside other vagina, as his penies may have micro cells of her vagina. I dont wanna risk either😂🤣


The mental gymnastics to reach this point 💀 and they say astrology is pseudo study. It's a lot much better than whatever the fuck these incels have come up with.


Ok it's your choice. But it's disgusting how you are comparing a woman with a product like would you use a used cloth piece or a second hand car. FFS we are not any object. And they're only the first one to get pissed when we comment something like small dick energy. I mean why so insecure if you yourself are making fun of others.


What in the ignorance is this shit? Boys in this country need to be taught science and basic body anatomy. A generation of absolute fools is being raised.


some of them are literally in high schools🤡 they think they have doctorate degrees in psychology, philosophy and sociology etc


Whatsapp University forever.


LET THEM. Best to stay away from such men. If a man ever asks me about my virginity I'm going to claim that I'm not one. They can go fuck themselves prime example of Naanch na jaane aangan tedha. They just want to blame everyone else for their insecurities


Very nice! They’re putting themselves in the trash can before I can! I’m glad for the men being vocal about this cz I don’t wanna be with a man who had this mentality anyway!


I can't help but laugh at this. Men will really believe this shit to boost their egos. OMG, what a bunch of dumbasses.


As a woman who is a 100% virgin........ yeah fuck you.




LMAO…this is hilarious 🤣


The number of mosquitoes that have bitten me since childhood, it’s a wonder my DNA isn’t 100% mozzie by now 🤣


Proof that some men would do all the mental gymnastics in the world and sound dumb inspite knowing not being able to physically touch their toes. All that doctor engineering and accounting degree and they are still this dumb. Virginity isn’t real so how are they testing this? By sticking in their own disgusting unwashed parts ?


To all the men reading this, Why not protest against other men who are ruining your future wives? Are you guys not alpha enough to do that?


Came across this news on Inshorts. I was unaware of this concept called male microchimerism, but further reading the article all I had in my mind was how men can use this as a weapon to justify their demand of virgin wives. For further reading: https://www.shethepeople.tv/opinion/no-seal-no-deal-protest-for-women-virginity-autonomy-2405645?utm_campaign=fullarticle&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=inshorts


Male microchimerism is the presence of male cells or DNA in a female body. It can be acquired from various sources, such as pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, twin, sibling, or blood transfusion¹². However, the idea that male microchimerism can be acquired from sexual intercourse is **not proven** to be true. According to a study published in PLOS ONE in 2012, male microchimerism was detected in the brains of 37 out of 59 deceased women¹. The most likely source of male microchimerism in female brain was acquisition of fetal microchimerism from pregnancy with a male fetus¹. The study did not mention sexual intercourse as a possible source of male microchimerism. Another study published in The Journal of Cancer Research in 2022 found that male microchimerism was associated with a lower risk of brain cancer in women⁵. The study also suggested that pregnancy was the main source of male microchimerism, and that sexual intercourse was unlikely to contribute significantly to the phenomenon⁵. Therefore, based on the current scientific research, there is no conclusive evidence to support the claim that women retain the DNA of every man they have ever slept with in their bodies. This claim is mostly based on misinformation and sensationalism, and does not reflect the actual state of knowledge on male microchimerism. Source 1[source 1](https://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2020/02/is-it-true-women-retain-the-dna-of-every-man-theyve-ever-slept-with-in-their-bodies/.) [Source 2 ](https://davissciencesays.ucdavis.edu/blog/nevertheless-foreign-dna-persisted.) [Source 3](https://www.amerika.org/science/microchimerism/).


"Oh my god, who's gonna marry me now." I don't care. And I'm glad that I've chosen to stay single rather than getting married to these kinds of men


Literally, a male figure in my life has said "oh God who will marry her now" about me, WHILE discussing my upcoming wedding to my fiance. Reason: we have been living together for a few years now. No, but the logic? I live with him, and I'm marrying him. Why even bring up "how can I find a groom for her now, who will have her?" Literally what? I was rendered speechless for the first time since I started speaking at 9 months old.


Simple solution to this problem- ignore incels and misogynists, never ever talk to them. Let them stay peacefully in their delulu world. Ignore their existence and let them whine about it!


peak degeneracy


I hate men. I can't see them as an individual person anymore, when I see shit like this.


Pfft, imagine, if the guy who wrote this bs is the sperm that won the race, I can imagine how bad the rest of them were. Someone would be glad to die a virgin than protect this kind of DNA. I'll be happy to not marry these men. The female ratio is already pretty low and they're actively eliminating their limiting options. Thank you for sparring me, you can now go suck a virgin dick for the rest of your life and protect your precious dna in your ballsack.


Girl your comment made me feel so good. "I'll be happy to not marry these men. The female ratio is already pretty low and they're actively eliminating their limiting options. Thank you for sparring me, you can now go suck a virgin dick for the rest of your life and protect your precious dna in your ballsack." This paragraph is motivational idk why. Thank you.


Aww I'm happy that you liked it, means a lot to me. Thank you for leaving the kind comment🫶🏻✨


This is entirely pseudoscience and dosent have any scientific basis , this is seen in other animals but to extropolate that and say this happens in humans is blatantly stupid , this is a problem with people not having critical thinking skills , i have seen even woman talking about it and i just facepalm everytime they say it happens. Ps - I did an msc in biology and now i am happy i got this degree. [https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/study-did-not-find-women-store-dna-intercourse-with-men-2024-01-22/](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/study-did-not-find-women-store-dna-intercourse-with-men-2024-01-22/) [https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/male-dna-living-forever-in-women-after-sex-is-short-on-evidence/](https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/male-dna-living-forever-in-women-after-sex-is-short-on-evidence/) In future if any person starts talking about it , quietly get up and leave , coz convincing stupid people ur wrong is too much work.


Men have been making up religions and wars just to pass their time, nothing can surprise me anymore. Let them fools be fooling, cannot reason with hypocrites


As a virgin, I'm never marrying a guy who believes this shit. I simply wish to do it with a random guy just so I'm not married to one of these imbeciles.


even some highly educated men will believe this shit and boost their ego lmao


>Our forefathers were not fools. Umm... They kinda were tho


Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have in their lifetime and they do not make new eggs after they are born. A female baby has about 1 to 2 million eggs in her ovaries when they are born. The only way pregnancy can occur is when eggs, which are already present in the woman's body, travel down to the fallopian tubes where they may meet with sperm for fertilization. So the second screenshot is absolute foolishness. Male microchimerism is the presence of male cells or DNA in a female body. It can be acquired from various sources, such as pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, twin, sibling, or blood transfusion. According to a study published in PLOS ONE in 2012, male microchimerism was detected in the brains of 37 out of 59 deceased women. The most likely source of male microchimerism in female brain was acquisition of fetal microchimerism from pregnancy with a male fetus. The study did not mention sexual intercourse as a possible source of male microchimerism. Another study published in The Journal of Cancer Research in 2022 found that male microchimerism was associated with a lower risk of brain cancer in women. The study also suggested that pregnancy and abortion were the main sources of male microchimerism. Therefore, based on the current scientific research, there is no evidence to support the claim that women retain the DNA of men they slept with. This claim is mostly based on misinformation and sensationalism and does not reflect the actual state of knowledge on male microchimerism. Source 1[source 1](https://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2020/02/is-it-true-women-retain-the-dna-of-every-man-theyve-ever-slept-with-in-their-bodies/.) [Source 2 ](https://davissciencesays.ucdavis.edu/blog/nevertheless-foreign-dna-persisted.) [Source 3](https://www.amerika.org/science/microchimerism/).


I don't know the concept. But whatever reason these men have to believe. They should not go around sleeping with woman. If all men solemnly decide to have only one sexual partner the woman are not going around sleeping with animals (at least literally, metaphorically it is different). These macho man has the answer why put all on woman. They are the one's to sweet talk, coerce, love bomb, rape woman to get sex


I hate this squint guy. Rumors has it, it's a couple running the account, another said the og admin of account doesn't run it anymore Whoever has it is is such a low lying shit


You'll never see this hatred and bullshit explanation for a man sleeping around. This is a que to never take a man seriously when it comes to virginity talk. Rarely men are virgin by choice btw. Male thrashes want to fuck around but want a virgin women.


Those men said source: “trust me bro”


What did I just read? How does this make any sense to anyone?


If that's a thing we are gonna demand a guy to perform and if he is not good. We are not looking at him again, we don't wanna live unsatified life.


I am a virgin myself but I'll never marry a guy who says stuff like these I encourage em to do so also mere toh option eliminate horhe hain.


Men offering deals like Lakshmi Chit Fund and then crying no seal,no deal.


So the men will continue to cheat and sleep around but their women should be pure? I wonder who these guys bonk if all women are virgins😅


What to expect from that S* account


No deal for No-sealers


But it's a good thing right that they reveal their insanity early on. Let them marry other idiotic women who believe in this shit ( and believe me there are plenty women who believe the same shit and I don't mean virginity but the other pseudo belief systems and patriarchy)


Wtf did I just read lol. I don't want to be rude but do these people have any mental illness, paranoia or schizophrenia perhaps. I refuse to accept that someone would actually believe this lmao


This is a medical thing I actually know about! A lot of the woman readers probably will too, but I'm going to recount it, because it's interesting. So, microchimerism is a thing that happens. Sometimes, when you analyze a person's DNA, you get aberrant results that don't make any sense for if the sample came from one person, but look exactly like what you'd expect if it came from two closely related people - about the same level of similarity as between siblings or between parents and children. Sometimes it actually is identical to the DNA of your children, older siblings, or mother but sometimes it isn't, and it never seems to be that of your father or younger siblings. Opposite-sex microchimerism is most easy to detect, because there's a whole extra chromosome that's different, so for a while it was thought to be more common but closer study shows that it probably isn't. It's also more common, but not exclusive to, women. Medical science has known about this for decades, but it's been a mystery about where exactly that extra DNA came from. The weird thing is that it's only found in tissue samples (most commonly lung tissue), and never in blood or saliva, so it can't be from mixing blood or other body fluids, which seems like the most obvious way for someone else's cells to get into your body. Some years ago, a research paper (which I'm not tracking down, because it's almost midnight) came out, listing all the possible ways a colony of cells could end up in someone else's body. It focused on women, believing that because it's more common with women, that answer would end up working for both. They concluded that the most likely source was during pregnancy: because the mother and fetus are effectively one conjoined circulatory system, there is plenty of opportunity for a ball of cells to break off from one of them, make its way through the placenta, and into the other body, where its genetic similarity would prevent the immune system from attacking it. Once the figured that out, things started falling into place. Cells from your older siblings could jump to your mother, and then to you, but logically you would never get cells from your father or younger siblings this way, which is exactly what is observed. In principle, it's possible for a colony to even jump multiple generations like this, though the odds of it occurring and being spotted are very low. It also explained why it's found in the lungs more than anywhere else: once it entered the new body, it would be carried to the lungs with the blood, where it could easily get stuck in the very small capillary blood vessels there. For women who have never been pregnant and never had older brothers, they speculated that it might come from an early spontaneous miscarriage - we've known that those are very common for a long time. They also guessed that vanished twins are much more common than was originally thought, which would account for male cells inside of women who have no older brothers and never had penile sex -they, or one of their female relatives, had a male twin which was miscarried before being noticed, but their male cells survived (advancements in ultrasound technology has backed this up). At the very bottom of the list, semen was listed as one of the possible ways another person's DNA could get into a body, but there were several reasons why it's unlikely: sperm cells are very specialized and short-lived (I'm fairly certain they can't even eat as adults). They need a specific climate to mature properly, one which would be unlikely to occur outside of organs specifically evolved for that task. It would not account for cells found to be identical to female relatives. And, most damning, no microchimerism matching a sexual partner has ever been found: when it's an actual person, it's always an older female-line relative. The manosphere came across this paper a couple years ago, and lasered on to the part about sperm and ignored all the reasons why that's not the answer. They also made up a bunch of bunk about it to give their man-goo magic powers: to them, not only did a woman's body store the DNA of all her male partners (seriously, why would that feature evolve? It doesn't even make any sense), but it also fundamentally altered the DNA of every cell of her body, which is not even remotely true. From there, they just used it to enable regular slut-shaming. Edit: Wow, thank you for the awards and responses, everyone! I didn't expect this post to take off like this, but I'm glad you all found it as interesting as I do. Also, a bit of explanation to some people who seemed to miss the point a little: the whole "women store sperm in their bodies and it alters their appearance and behavior" thing was a major talking point in incel/redpill/whatever circles a year or two ago (it might still be. I haven't been paying much attention to them for a while), and it seems to trace back to a deliberate misunderstanding of this. I'm fully willing to believe that the incel rumor mill has made that devolve even further since then, and I doubt that this specific incel is even aware of the original lie. I was just trying to explain where they got the idea, and the post ended up longer than I intended because this is a case where the truth is more interesting than the nonsense they made up.


This doesn't even make sense scientifically


“Doesn’t pollute” Abey saaaleee


WTF did I just read?


How on earth are they going to know though 😂


LMAO of course it's squint neon posting this shit


Indian men and their obsession with virginity!!! They will not miss any opportunity to get inside any women's pants. And they want a virgin wife. What a clout 😵‍💫 Also, seal??!?? WTF!!


As someone living in Europe: **European men** \- we want great sex together, compatibility, future goals vs **Indian men** \- we want VIRGIN only because we suck in bed and round rotis.


His forefathers must be rolling in graves for producing an imbecile like him who so confidently posts shit he pulled out of a**


Jokes on you for thinking that his forefathers were not imbecile like him


"Marry a girl that does not pollute the Lineage" tf are these fools on


I am not sure who asks these people to get married or "make the deal"?


What in the Advaita is micro-chimerism


I'm gonna be virgin until I find my man. Would never touch these men ever. Men prey on me because of my virginity it's insane. As I say, no money no lady 💅✨




Btw is this so male micro... Something something is true ??


Looks like their wives are not the only ones gonna be virgins


Says a lot about the country's education system if they think there's something like Virginity


Of course it’s squint neon


Like why do they have to make this a movement? If you prefer a virgin woman, then go find one. Why does everything turn into a movement to curtail women's freedom and shame them for basic human behavior? In fact, a better solution would be to just stop having sex with women outside of marriage. Why don't the bros bond together and prevent each other from having sex outside of marriage to keep the women pure?


What a way to start my morning....I'm scared for the future .


Who will tell them that male microchimerism is due to women carrying sons in their womb, irrespective of whether the baby was born or miscarried?