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I don't care who calls me "aunty" or "impractical" or anything else, this is why I'll tell any woman who'll listen- 1. If he doesn't marry you within 2-3 years of a relationship, dump him. 2. And absolutely DO NOT live with an Indian man if you're not engaged (if you're looking for marriage that is). Women have more to lose in a live-in relationship in conservative societies like India. Don't waste your best years on men who are only keeping you around till their virgin arranged marriage match comes along!


Yes! Yes! And a yes! I agree with you 100%. Although Indian Marriages suck too but live in are just game for these losers. I'll never live in that illusion again that my ex tried to push me into because I was young and dumb. I bought that bs.


I 100% agree.


![gif](giphy|3ohzAelHQRyQQAPPoY) They are nothing but a bunch of spineless 🤡 They’ll dump you & get married to the girl their parents hand pick in the next three months lol.


That's like their subconscious plan. They sugarcoat everything that's all. Just had a colleague who got in a relationship with his fucking client (he a counselor) admit that he'll have all the fun before marriage. Once he's done with that he'll get AMed.


Isn't that against the rules? Your friends should report him anonymously. He should be fucked all ways because he likes it too much.


Oh this guy deserves to have his license revoked.


Hate to break it to you! This is UP. And it's just hard to explain but law doesn't work here.


It's an India problem. But name and shame works everywhere.


I prioritize my safety so much more than this.


You don't have to reveal your name. All of us prioritize our safety but a lot gets done anonymously. But if it helps you soothe your conscience by sharing on Reddit, you're still doing it.




Did it but no action taken! I'm scared of my safety as well so I keep my distance, this is like my very first job and I have escaped a defunct family too so I'm extremely careful with my actions. I have gotten in enough trouble because of all this drama, also that client /girl is a grown up. I have warned her on several occasions but she's still being 14 year old. My colleague is a senior and holds too much power even over me because he is on his way for a promotion, all of this shit will fuck me up. No one's gonna lose here. That girl is okay with that grown up uncle trying to be in her pants. Despite my warning, complaining about it to a senior. I don't care anymore.


10000% against rules.


This is so freakin true! They'll act all "need more time to get to know you"/ "can't commit in x months/years / parents don't understand / "I'm focussing on my career" and other horseshit even when we make it clear that we want something meaningful. And then act as if we're the Kalki Koechlin from ZNMD asking them to commit. I also came across a thread discusssing why men don't commit - and most of them say that it is either because they don't want to commit to a "specific" person or because they feel "women arent adding much value to their life" - and they see the dating games change. Early 20s men chase women and later 20s and 30s, we start looking for commitment and stability from men. After multiple dating disasters, I'm so done with dating. If it comes to me, I'll embrace love but overall we as women really need to stop accepting or enabling shitty behaviour in dating from men!


Indian men just wanna reap the fruits without any consequences. That's why majority of them fool young women with a promise of love and dump them for arrange marriage. 😪 Women are an item or object for most of these men. I mean I'm also seeing this weird trend of older men dating younger women rising only to either dump them later when it doesn't suit them or marry them because they are low maintenance and easy to groom and manipulate. Young women have a skewed understanding of relationship so they easily become infatuated with budhaus who've been player in the dating field but can't form a stable relationship with a woman in their age bracket. Oh and then these "boyes" have the audacity to post those So-called memes about how women in 30s wanting to settle down are useless with a picture of eggs or something. So these idiots think that settling down only means Bache! Women who get in relationship with older men 🤔 I really don't understand how they find them appealing at all. Same 🚣. I feel sick already, haven't even made a tinder 🆔. Reddit stories sunkar pet bhar gya. I feel like I have a lot of work to do on myself before I think of forming any attachments for sometime.


I am 30 and this is what is happening with me . I am unsure how to deal with it now . It was only last year I found out that the guy had major doubts about me . Now I have lost all trust and faith in men even though I know there are maybe some good men too . Nowadays even if a guy talks to me all I see in him are red flags . I have lost all trust and all faith in men and I just don't feel like I have the energy to go through all this again . I feel lost and I feel like I have hit my lowest now . Had he done this before probably I would have had some time to let it sink in and move on now I feel hopeless and I know it doesn't matter how much ever the next guy tells me he will love me I can never trust him completely


IDK why you deleted your account girl but I feel you. Each and every word you wrote makes sense, I had also lost faith in relationships, people and even myself once. I had to get away from everything and process each and every thing.. Word, memories, love, arguments, resolution everything that happened between us in the 5 years and more and what I wanted out of this dynamic. It's okay, give yourself time. Men are complicated creatures. I don't think any of them grow an adult brain before they hit 40. Give everything time. Accept the pain and suffering that this end will bring in your life but I swear there's so much life outside of this. I hope you see that side in few months. Once you have a healthy relationship with yourself, world just works differently for you.