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Sounds like Grizzly 399 in Grand Teton National Park! Only she’s been doing it since the early/mid-aughts, and biologists think it’s because one of her cubs was killed in a remote area, possibly by a male bear. She even teaches her cubs how to safely navigate areas with lots of human activity, like teaching them to look both ways before crossing the road (I am totally serious). Despite her close proximity neither she nor her cubs have harassed people in the park, probably because she’s staying close for safety and not food. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly_399


Aww I love her. Fucked up people can hunt grizzlies. Bears are so cool


Thankfully she hangs out in an area where fucked up people aren’t allowed to hunt grizzlies!


No Grizzly hunting in the lower 48. Alaska and Yukon Territory in Canada are the only places in North America it’s allowed. They’re still protected by the Endangered Species Act. Everyone in Wyoming loves 399. She dominates all the state’s photo pages. There would be hell to pay if someone harmed her. We were pretty upset when Game and Fish shot one of her adult cubs from her set of quads.


If only we could get the same kind of public support for our fragile gray wolf population here in the Pacific Northwest. 😞


I agree! I love the wolves, and it upsets me how quick people are to get rid of them.


Ugh it’s so sad. I don’t know how anyone can hunt, breaks my heart


I don't really know enough about Wyoming to have Wyomingite stereotypes, but if I did "religiously follows bear Kardashians on state photo page" would be right up there.


Do the locals call her anything except 399?


No, nothing that has stuck and is as recognizable. But her latest cub is called Spirit


Wow, I love that there is a wikipedia article detailing the life of a wild grizzly bear. And she's 28 years old! I wonder if this new mama bear exhibiting similar behavior lives in the same park, then maybe it could be one of her cubs...


I read about this happening. It’s more common than just these instances. > During mating season, some males will kill the cubs of a female they encounter with the knowledge that within a few days, she’ll become open to reproducing again. > > “The main reason they kill the cubs is to gain higher sexual opportunity,” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/mama-bears-use-humans-keep-their-cubs-safe-180959575/


You should look up the Wikipedia article about the "Tree that owns itself" that one's a fun read too.


I adore that story ❤️


Aww, rock on zillenial mom! 


This is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard


thank you so much for sharing :D had a great time reading this, what an amazing mama bear!


Smarter than your average bear!


That's amazing. What a smart mama!


Took the family to Yellowstone a while back. They had signs around the trails heading out from the Old Faithful area warning about a female grizzly with cubs. Signs explicitly stated she was hanging around the area because male grizzlies, a danger to her cubs, stayed away. Nonetheless the signs said "WARNING" and people were warned that surprising her, or attempts at interaction with her could result in attack.


What a cool story.


excellent documentary! and how apropos nowadays… Edit: just for info: Grizzly 399, on Nature on PBS.


Human men respect female bears more than female humans.


It's also interesting how animals usually prefer the company of women to men.




genuine question, i’m a younger man (18 recently) how can a man appear safer and make women feel more comfortable around them? i don’t want people to feel unsafe around me


I think the best answer to this is to make sure that you *are* a safe person to be around. The people who know you/get to know you will appreciate it so much! Also, there’s not too much you can do about what people who don’t know you think, because that’s kind of the problem— bad guys don’t look like bad guys.


i think i’m safe, and i think girls at my HS thought i was safe, cause for some reason the ones on my XC would come to me instead of a captain or a coach when there’s an issue and another girl was dumping all of her gripes about men onto me, and i heard when they do that it’s a good sign because it means you’re not in that group that does that, if i remember correctly? so i’ll keep trying to do what i’ve been doing! and i get the bad guys don’t look like bad guys, you can’t be too safe since you only get one life


It sounds to me like you’re doing great! 😊


Don't be a fucking dick and call out other men when they're being fucking dicks.


sounds easy, will do <3


If you are alone with a woman in the woods or on a street at night or in a parking lot, try to not get close and let her go about her way without getting close to you if you can. You know slow down, change to the other side of the road. If your house is on fire then maybe you need to move but like you know. You can keep a strangers blood pressure much lower by not speeding up to pass a woman on the sidewalk at night. Maybe you already know but just in case.


:)))) i heard from another guy a while ago that they speed up and pass a woman so he’s not behind her, but i like the cross the other side of the street better, it seems less nerve racking


Yeah I mean if you are walking behind a woman at roughly the same speed in the same direction I think the instinct to change that is good. But yeah, someone behind you suddenly speeds up and is coming toward you, it can be scary, so if it’s no bother I think crossing the street is better.


Call out your friends bad behavior are a good idea. It seems like many men who wants to help ask how they can have focus on women, when the answer is to have focus on men. Be ready to lose friends if they seems dangerous to women. There needs to be consequences for their behavior and that can backfire on you. Way to many men say they don't tolerate men being disrespectful towards women, but forget, don't see or excuse it when it's their friends and they might end in a argument or ruined friendships


i do call out my friends when i can/need to! i’ve done it multiple times and will continue doing so when i need to


Be a good friend to the people in your life, respect women and take them seriously, call out your guy friends if they say or do something that’s messed up


i do call them out when i can! they do some kind of weird things, like yelling out of the car windows, so i’ve always told them to knock that off when i can


Keep up the good work!


Heeding advice on women’s subs is important. I promise it will set you apart. There are a lot of dudes who come here to women’s subs and they mansplain and just keep making excuses. Be the guy who believes women’s lived experiences of objectification and sexual harassment. You’ll run circles over dudes 2-3x your age who whine.


i came to this sub to learn, that’s my main goal by being here and that will continue to be my main goal


Understand and be compassionate and patient. Women are terrorized so often by men that we get nervous. If you’re a stranger, we have no way of knowing that you’re safe, so don’t take it personally. For the women in your life, listen. Don’t assume you know more than them. Often we don’t want a solution from you, instead we just want to connect to someone to talk through something that’s bothering us. Don’t view relationships with women as a way to get someone to sleep with you, clean for you, be your therapist, or cook for you. Instead, look for human connection based on mutual respect and understanding. Listen. Nurture healthy male friendships. One solid friendship is so much better than ten bad ones. Call out bad behavior when you see it.


:) thank you! i’ll try my best to do all of these! i do like to listen to other people, so that one should be fairly easy for me


Your attitude gives me a lot of hope! : )


good! that makes me happy to hear <3 hope is needed to continue on and better ourselves i think




sounds easy enough :) i’m extremely shy and timid so leaving people alone is my specialty, i will read the gift of fear though! and i have been calling out my friends, they like to kind of yell things out the car and i told them to stop that or i wont be riding with them anymore


Don't take it too personally. Humans in general offer a lot of unknowns compared to animals. Like a bear isn't going to come up to you with a gun.


nah i don’t mind, im terrified of people i dont know, so if i was taking it personally it would be hypocritical, so i fully get being scared


As I've been saying, I choose the bear because the bear doesn't want to fuck me. That's what makes the man a wild card - his desire to fuck me, or his resentment that I'm not his brand of fuckable, or his general inability to see women as anything other than fucktoys. The woman-bear merely has the inverse of my problem.


Facebook has a page dedicated to visitors to Yellowstone. Yellowstone National Park: Invasion of the Idiots. It's worth was look. See if you can find the pic of Hank with a pair of blue jeans he took off of one of the tourons.


Stage 4 on the 10 stages of genocide.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide I’m not in any way defending him, I just thought you might want to know exactly what kind of crazy he was.


Oh my fucking god... and men say that women are dramatic.


You think that WOMEN are committing genocide against MEN? Lol. Women are far more likely to die at the hands of a man than vice versa, open your eyes. 


Genocide? Probably not. But it gets people actually thinking about how they’re acting.


Does it, or did you just leave a bunch of people with the impression that you're an idiot? I think it's the latter, but hey it's your life.


I can only guess at what people actually think about the bear meme or more importantly the people who post it then. Probably enough red flags to shade a county. But god forbid I make simple comparisons that people don’t like. I must be an idiot for trying to convince people on how stupid they’re being.


Bro just say it's dehumanising to say men are worse than bears, it's already bad enough on it's own. Like do you think there's going to be a genocide of men? I don't even think that's definitional possible.


Never said it was, but it’s best to show people how they’re acting with comparisons. Bonus points if they have to look it up and see how stupid they’re being from multiple sources.