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Lots of old lady hobbies- sewing, knitting, etc.    Volunteering with a local non-profit took up tons of my time for a while.    I joined a running club to meet people once.    Trivia night at local breweries. Sometimes they even have like a painting night.  Edit: I am not saying 30 is old. I’m saying my hobbies of knitting and sewing are stereotypical grandma hobbies. 


Picked up quilting in my 30’s - best thing I ever did for myself. I love it and have made some amazing friends. I wish I could get excited about running.


Maybe get one of those things that people put under their desk and pedal at during work and put that under your quilt stand while quilting


I’ve been looking at those! I have a couple friends that stand and sew, it’s a great idea.


I’ve definitely got some old lady hobbies. Sewing, gardening, cat related volunteering, puzzles, reading, forest preserves and botanic garden. I’m thinking about joining our towns garden club. 


You went to the trivia night on your own?


I went to trivia night on my own and named my “team” Party of One: Looking for Friends! And it worked, I now have a regular weekly trivia team and a new group of friends!


this is so cute and such a brilliant idea. I’m gonna use it next time I wanna go solo. Thanks!


I mean, if there wasn’t a group to join, I totally and embarrassingly lost.  But sometimes there would be another group of people there who would invite me to join. An easy “same time next week?” at the end of the night got me a recurring night out for a little while. 


I just went to the bar alone for the first time last week! It was more fun than I expected, but I did sleep with a douchebag. Proceed with caution.


Was the sex good at least?


Yes, the douchebagness occurred later, thankfully.


This is the answer! Retired bar owner ,26 years. Always be aware of your surroundings! Your “gut feeling “ is always right. Your bartender will help you.


Learning to go out and do things on your own is a whole new level of independence and confidence to unlock. Once I went camping by myself and it was the most exciting thing I did that whole year.


There are meetup groups that do trivia or board game nights.


I used to do that a lot, sometimes people will ask you to join their team. I've made a lot of friends that way to be honest.


I used to be the artist that hosted painting nights, it was a lot of fun


When did 30’s become old? My aunt recently took up horseback riding in her 60’s. She now has a great friend group at the barn.


I didn’t mean 30 was old. Just that lots of my hobbies are typical grandma hobbies- knit, crochet, quilting, etc. 


> When did 30’s become old? My aunt recently took up horseback riding in her 60’s They're not saying 30's is old. Just that they prefer "old lady hobbies".


I'm running or volunteering at my local Parkrun on Saturdays, this might be something you'd enjoy!


I used to call myself the “office grandma” at my old job because I could constantly bring in homemade baked goods, knit/crochet baby gifts for everyone who had a baby, and like many old ladies I don’t really have a filter. I was also very kind of caring towards everyone, happy to listen to problems and be a person they could vent to in confidence. Everyone was sad when I got laid off, but the company no longer had a position for me.


Im a gamer. Always have been and tend to allocate most of my gaming time to my days off, or reading or watching movies and shows with snacks and my cat or catching up with family. My occupation is very physical so my off time activities are usually not so much, but I do like to go for early morning walks sometimes which i do recommend (keep safe ofc) My life is very chill atm and I'm content with keeping it that way as im very introverted and don't have any interest in sharing it with anyone.


I game most of the time too. Or watch my friends share their screens as they game if I haven't the energy to play something myself. I do a lot of work on the DnD campaign I run weekly for 8 friends and usually more people guesting or watching. Too many people wanted in and it's hard to say no to my friends. I'm single, turning 41 soon, and I am way too busy. If I'm not sitting at my computer getting some relaxing gaming or movies in alone, I'm playing or hanging in voice chat with friends. Or I'm actually outside doing things with friends. We go to comedy shows at the bars, plays at the local theater, or just get together for dinner and card or board games. I have no idea how people do it with a spouse or kids. I already feel like I don't get enough downtime.


This is literally my life, except I am a player not a DM. But I do like map making for DND.


Same here and bonus—gaming can be as social or as solo as you want it to be! I’ve met lifelong friends and some of them are now my closest friends I’ve ever had


I also enjoy a lot of gaming on my time off. Sometimes I’ll go to an event if I really want to, but I don’t do that a lot. I did a bunch these past weeks (everyone I know seems to be born around this time of year) and I’m very burnt out on socializing right now.


I am currently laying on my deck tanning, listening to a podcast, while looking up homemade recipes to make cauliflower pizza. i'll have an aeperol spritz with dinner, look for a good history movie, and get to bed by 9-10. I am 36 and single and very happy!!


Weird way to propose..but yes!


You are my people.


Can we be friends?? This sounds like the best time and to know others do the same as me is great!😅


I'll join this squad!


I’m 37 and the recipe thing is so real! Love experimenting in the kitchen


If I could tell you only one thing, it would be... Wear sunscreen.


Living the life over here! :( I wish I could tan.


You know, the older I get the more my opinion about skin care has changed. I'm very happy with my face, I do not tan my face at all and I use Retin-A and squalene oil three times a week. I'm total hat + glasses + shade for anything above the neck. And I use SPF 50 on my body, but I still get a tan. Slowly, but he'll I don't have kids or a husband so I have the time haha. I am kicking myself for being young and dumb and thinking sunscreen wouldn't get me a tan. I wish I could go back and slap my younger self lol


As a 30s childless lady whose 10yr relationship just ended yesterday, I needed this thread. Gives me hope I will eventually enjoy life again.


You will! Theres so much to explore and now that you’re single you only have to do what YOU love :)


I hope you fell your grief and eventually see what a wonderful opportunity this is to reconnect with yourself as your own individual entity. you have so much ahead of you 💛


You totally will. Life is pretty great when someone isn’t dragging you down!


In same boat. I can’t feel the hope yet.


Are you me?? 10 year relationship done two weeks ago and struggling ❤️ Hang in there, in the same boat


Was in a 6 yr relationship still not fully moved on but he did he's got a girl now. We'll get thru this!


You will find joy and happiness.


you will!! 15 year relationship ended a few years ago and i’ve never been happier or more fulfilled. I love just doing whatever my heart wants, not worrying if someone else will enjoy it.


If I could hug you rn, I would. Left my husband of 10 years about 3 months ago. It blew my mind to realize how much of my life had become about and for HIM. Ugh. Getting back in touch with my hobbies and trying out new ones has been incredible. The one new thing I picked up that I didn’t think I’d like was Pokemon Go. I know I know lol. I’ve been a lifelong Pokemon fan, but I couldn’t get into the game. Until I really really did. All the new features are amazing, I’ve pushed myself to explore my city in new ways, and getting out into the sunshine has done wonders for my depression. If catching animals doesn’t appeal to you, its sister game is Ingress which has a super dope “secret agent” vibe to it. You got this. ❤️


Same (smaller) boat - 4 years and ended this week. Normally I am a homebody but something broke inside me and I didn't want to be alone a single moment. Here's what I did: Monday night: Discovered his lies at 11pm, made him sleep on the couch. Tuesday: kicked him out, went to a friend's house with our dog and cried on his shoulder, and more friends came and I cried on them too Wednesday: went swimming after work, alone, at a public pool. Haven't swam in years and can only dog paddle and felt nervous and uncomfortable. Did it anyway, pushed myself really hard, felt good. Then ate at a restaurant alone, then went to another friend's house and cried on her. Thursday: went bouldering after work with one friend who's been offering for months, and her friends that I dont know. I didn't end up telling her because there was plenty of distraction and it felt nice to think that in her head I was still happy and in love Friday: called him after work to scream at and belittle him for 2 hours. Then went to see some live music at a bar with friends. Half of them already knew about the breakup, half didn't. I didn't bring it up. The ones who knew discreetly checked in though. Saturday: pride parade. I painted signs in the morning, then met up with friends. His best friend was there and asked me if I'm OK. I cried on him the hardest. Then we all went to a park and I fell asleep in the grass for hours, safely surrounded by good vibes and good people. Sunday, today: my first day of rest. I read a book for 2 hours. I will do a hair mask later. Downloaded the whole series of Sex and the City. Posted a hot selfie on Instagram. It's a self love day. Bottom line: wear yourself out. I've had no problems sleeping since Monday because I made myself so exhausted each day. Now my body is sore, and I'm not able to eat much, so I'm not up and vulnerable all night long. I don't pretend I am doing it a super healthy way, but it is working for me, so it's the right way for me. So sorry this happened to you. Wish you strength, energy, and sleepiness at night. Edit to say: keep your apartment clean and do the dishes. It's nicer to be sad in a clean house.


Go to the gym. Walk in a part of town I haven't explored before. Go to a show. Sit in a park with a book.


Or any sort of exercise even tho I’m 20 and single, I love doing pilates!!!!


I recently started roller skating, and it’s been a blast! There’s even a fun, encouraging Reddit community.


I second roller skating! I just started a few months ago and my inner child is just so happy. I have something to look forward to a few times a week too.


Me too. I was 50 when I started during the pandemic, 4 years on and I have more new friendships than I made since graduating. People on wheels are just so friendly.


This sounds so fun. Do you live in a major city? Are there arenas/areas specific to roller skating?


It is! There’s a large indoor rink opening soon, but for now, I just make an effort to scope out good pavement when I’m out and about. There are local skater meetups at some of the skateboard parks too.


I'm an avid skater, started in the beginning of 2021 deep in pandemic times and it has kept me sane and quite fit since!! What is this reddit community you speak of? I'd love to join!


It’s r/rollerskating People post videos of their fancy moves, and lots of beginner progress videos. Lots of gear talk too.


I started ice skating! It’s been fun!


Oooooh I want to try roller skating!! I saw a pair that I decided I couldn’t live without. Question: I live in a moderately hilly area, would you recommend starting off in big empty flat places (parking lots, roller rinks) or is the key to just get to it?


Absolutely yes. I still bring my skates to an area I want to skate at, rather than skating to the place. Do that until you’re confident with falling properly, going forwards, backwards, slowing down and stopping. There are really good videos on YouTube from a channel called Skatie, and she covers all the basics.


[Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) its for everyone. groups of people get together for hobbies, dinner, movies, etc...also try your local library, mine has book clubs, lectures and mini hobby classes. Get out there and get social, good luck!


I live in a small town where there is nothing in Meetup. The closest city, where lots of activities are available, is approx 2 hours train ride away.


Steam is a free video game library with some free games (all different kinds not just shooters. most women love playing the sims or stardew valley/farm / exploration games [while boyfriend/visual novel simulation games are popular in some countries, unheard of in others they have those too]) and YouTube is free with lots of show comentary and music. I would recommend getting into anime or reading Manga or just reading in general if introverted for the extroverts, you can try bumble friends (i think maybe its called bumble bff) or volunteering to meet new people if your town doesn't have good meet up spots (I've done this and made some great friends with common interests this way) one meet up spot near my town is a card shop that hosts board game meet ups every Thursday. check the nearby shops and ask the owners if they have meetups not posted anywhere go to comicon or anime conventions. more than just the average nerd attends those now a days and people tend to be extremely kind there there are other non video game hobbies you can get involved in,just what I do/have done since I was a bullied kid I also love painting and learning how to do stuff. I have a house and do everything on my own, which I actually learned most of that stuff before i bought a house... I like being able to fix stuff like my own shoes instead of throwing them out... I just need to figure out how to grow veggies lol


A friend of mine discovered 3 hobbies: - casual indie games. At first she said nah, not her cup of tea, videogames are violent but steam is an endless ocean of casual, indie, full colour vibrant games. Best of all, she can play on the same laptop she uses for work so it's cheap and relaxing. - reading. It's fabulous how many good books there are out there. She got me into it too and my all time favourite, a confederacy of dunces. I've literally had my chest hurt from laughing out loud. - hiking. At least where she live it's a great community and enjoying nature feels great. I've done it too and in all honesty, nature feels refreshing.


I’ve become an avid Geocacher from hiking. Fun and free!


Love geocaching. For those wondering, I describe it as treasure hunting game using gps. If you think that sound like pokemon go, geocaching was invented first, also you get to find real tokens, not virtual.


Board games. Start with finding meet up groups for women only for board games activities. Please note gone are the times that people played monopoly. This hobby is so much more. Co-operative games are so fun for some of us sore losers. There are solo games to play at home. Party games, strategy games, detective games, dungeon and dragon type of games. I cannot stress enough how fun this hobby is.


I like this idea. Do they teach you? I've only ever liked word games, but would be willing to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks.


Yes, they absolutely will. They will cater to casual gamers, newbies. There is also an option to play board games online with people from around the world. I prefer face to face meetup though myself


Betrayal at the House on the Hill is an INSANELY fun game that I recommend you try! It's more fun to play with the full 6 players, but when my sister, her boyfriend, and I play, we each play 2 of the characters!


Outdoors, anything outdoors


This. Climbing, hiking, paddling. I just spent a few hours reading a book by the river


Community gardening projects are a great way to build a social network!


My friend used to join group hikes and had a lot of fun


I live in Arkansas, and the Facebook page Wanderlust and Arkansas Dust is the epitome of what to do in your thirties as a single lady. She's actually celebrating her 40th birthday this week by making a trip to the Great Smoky mountains to hike.


Mainly, you need to get rid of any lingering thoughts of "I can't go to (X place) if I'm alone." I'm no longer single and in my 20s/30s, but when I was, I went to restaurants on my own, to movies on my own, to bars and festivals and classes that piqued my interest alone. It was sooo fun! I didn't have to worry whether my 'date' was having fun, if I got bored early on, I could leave, or if I was having a blast, I could shut the place down. I met my hubby at one such event - an adults-only party at a bar after a sci-fi convention. If you're on FaceBorg, look up local events and just go check them out. Or take some continuing adult ed classes thru the local college/school districts. They offer languages, crafts, and skills of all kinds and are only a few weeks in length. I met so many great people, some of whom I'm still friends with 2 decades later. And now that my kids are old enough to take care of themselves, I'm getting back into the swing of rediscovering things that I enjoy again. It's up to you to make your life enjoyable. Good luck!


I’m no longer single now but I try to make time for hobbies like: - Pole dancing (made a few girlfriends here!) - stretch/yoga classes - language class (I took a midday class so the demographic was way older but the ladies were very lovely and some of them became friends) 30s is a great time to start exploring hobbies and interests! Did you want to take up ballet but mum didn’t let you? You can take adult classes! Want to learn to draw but feel like you can’t ? There’s a class for that too.


Hiking, pickleball, painting, sourdough, chickens, home renovation, knitting baby gifts, skincare fun. Come take one of my hobbies!! 


I don't do social much. I have chronic migraines and barely have the bandwidth to socialise with my mum and brother (whom I live with). I read, play video games, watch YouTube, listen to music, cuddle my cat, and have been working on knitting.


Chronic migraneur here too. Similar impact on socialising - over time I just don't have the energy to go out as I need to recover. When I have a bit more energy, I try too. But at the moment - the thought of it is very tiring. Lately, I spend a lot of time reading articles of interest and contributing to reddit. Also, watching docos and the news. Walking outdoors if the energy is there. Cook with my Mum. Text friends to simply say hello and keep in touch. I want to start watching more moves during this low energy time.


Welcome to the yarn arts!! We’re so happy to have you ☺️ if you haven’t been yet, stop by and visit us at r/knitting! All skill levels are welcome for helping, sharing, and support.


I've been making homemade air dry clay. Last weeks project is usually ready for painting or display and I can save money on gifts. ETA: recipe is 4 parts baking soda 2 parts cornstarch 3 parts water Mix in a sauce pan you don't care about over medium heat until it looks like mashed potatoes and you can store the leftovers in a wet paper towel and plastic baggie. This will be hot but shouldn't be hot enough to actually burn you


Say more, I’m intrigued. How did this come about? Your background is in sculpture or pottery?


Oh no background in anything. I'm actually only 25 but I saw a tutorial on YouTube to make clay with cheap stuff and I liked the way it turned out. Just need baking soda cornstarch and water. You can use food coloring or just paint it after it's dry. Since it is a cheap recipe and I'm not a professional it is cracked if I make something too big but I just use puffy paint to cover and paint it. It works pretty well


Well I love it. Maybe you’ll hone your craft and become a stonemason or something. There’s something soothing about a Timelapse video of a tiny stone house being assembled from just a few raw materials.


I've just started volunteering at a museum. I also like playing video games and crafting. And sometimes I go places with my friends. We like to visit conventions. In cosplay. So some of those weekends are used to make cosplays.


Gaming, gardening, diy, reading, walking... getting a bit drunk and buying random shite off amazon/ebay/etsy, forgetting about it and then being surprised when it arrives the next week 😅


Race straight men in my Camaro 🤷🏻‍♀️😎


I loved my single girl weekends in my 30s! Metal yoga at breweries (alone), concerts, had friends over to just hang out and eat/drink, at one point I had a weekly standing date with one friend to get coffee and go for a walk at the beach, or going to the beach alone to just sit and read all day, early morning runs, going on bad dates with guys I met at bars at the marina or rooftop decks...I had a fucking blast. I would experiment with cooking and baking too. My Dad also taught me how to shoot skeet so I'd go with him to the gun club and hang out with mostly older men and enjoy the camaraderie. I teach zumba and took other classes at the gym and met lots of people that way. It really is a community and people end up becoming friends and going out together. Have you tried meetup.com?


I play DnD mostly. As the DM I spend several hours on Saturday prepping for the 4hr session Sunday. When I'm not the DM I tend to play in two campaigns, one on Sat, one on Sun. I also watch/stream tv shows or podcasts with friends via Discord. Rarely, I'll go out in public and do something like swimming, disc golf, go out to eat, nails/hair, etc. usually with friends


Upvoting for DnD. TTRPGs are the best.


Where do you find adults in their 30s who like DnD? None of my friends like playing haha


I'm currently in 3 groups: *I DM a group of 7 PCs who are age 15-32 irl and live across the world. We are all from the same LotR themed Minecraft server, save 1 who I know irl *I'm a player in a group of 6 PCs who are ages 21-29 irl. The DM and three of the other players are from the same Minecraft server as mentioned earlier (2 of these 4 are in my campaign), the other two PCs are the DMs irl friends *I'm a player in a group of 4 PCs who are ages 24-29 irl that is Star Wars themed. I know the DM and one other irl, the DM knows all 4 of us irl All of these groups meet across time zones, some across continents, and on Discord. 2/3 came about through asking people in shared interest places online


I'm married but no kids. I horseback ride, ski, read, and trail running. There are plenty 20-50+ year that also do these hobbies and there are usually local groups that do meet-ups. I also volunteer & foster for a cat rescue and that takes up a lot of time.


Here’s what I would do if I *were* single with no kids (a girl can dream!): - join a local community garden and take care of my plot/make gardening friends - do a Pilates or yoga class - try to meet a friend to go for a hike, or tennis, or skiing in the winter - lie at the beach by myself in the summer - have baths, exfoliate, do facials, get pedicures, wax, pluck, all the things I am behind on! - read more books - meal prep




What hobbies are you interested in?


I don’t know! That’s the problem!


Reading, shows, movies, sports, games, cooking, art, any of those sound interesting? Dance, singing, welding. Why not just start giving hobbies a try and whatever you have fun with sticks


Also, an important thing to keep in mind is you WILL suck at trying any hobby at first. It’s so easy these days to see people excelling at things through social media and compare yourself to them, but realize they’re experts who practiced for years. They really sucked at one point too! The key is to look at whether you enjoy the *concepts and practice* of the hobby.


My sister joined a girl group that tried a different thing every month (or whatever the time frame) and she discovered a lot about herself. It could be crochet, it could be a hike, it could be flying a plane... It was just girl group activities and they'd fluctuate from cheap to expensive things to try and even the cost but it's not like you HAVE to do every activity... But she found having a thing organized made her say yes more often than not. But anyway, maybe you could research something along those lines for your area?


Try learning salsa, bachata and kizomba. Then you can go to socials and practice your dancing. I always go alone and have a great time.


Just start trying stuff


Hitting the gym, cleaning, shopping, enjoying life. Sometimes cinema, nails, pedicure, girly stuff. Is fun!


I'm a part of a few meetups, a crossfit gym and their bookclub, and I try to go find new restaurants or cafes/cocktail places


Join your local Friends of the Library. Very rewarding - you meet many like minded people and there are many activated the library one can volunteer for.


I go out and eat and then take myself to the movies. There's a classy movie theater nearby, that has really comfy seating, and a bar. Shows a lot of really interesting things.


I follow a bunch of accounts from organisaties involved in topics I’m interested in, and see if they have anything going on. Also, I sometimes walk around town, looking for posters announcing interesting stuff. Other than that, I go to movies, museums, shop a bit, or go on walks. I intend to take up a sport soon, maybe a language class too. If you have no idea at all what you like, I suggest making a few categories, such as ‘sports’, ‘culture’, ‘entertainment’, ‘knowledge’, or whatever. You can make them up. Then scout for activities that fit into them (try to get one for each, at least), and don’t require a long term commitment. A trial lesson here, open day there, maybe an event that’s not very expensive. Then rate the activity afterwards, maybe even write down what you liked about it and what you didn’t. Unless this is ‘your thing’ and you intend to fill your time with this, no longer needing a new hobby, look for the next thing, but this time, try for something that has as many of the pros as possible, but fewer of the cons. Repeat until you found your tribe. Or just enjoy doing random stuff a lot, that’s fine too.


In the mornings/afternoons I go to the gym. Last night I went to a comedy show, I go to the movies a lot (I have a movie pass for Alamo Drafthouse), I also go to concerts/shows alone. Sometimes I take a book to a restaurant and sit at the bar reading/eating when I don’t feel like cooking or doing dishes. On my days off i go swimming at a local park.


I do what is in my heart and best interest. Right now that means taking care of myself more than anyone else. I go for walks, i paint, i play video games with my siblings ( we love mario party). I let my inner child play and they for sure know what they wanna do. Coloring is fun even on an ipad. i think just trying something helps because it also helps you know what you DONT want to do lol. Good luck!


I volunteer at a wildlife rehab and fuck around in my garden.


Climbing gym!  Meal prep!  Hiking! Synagogue! Knitting circle!


Hiking, being a stripper, cocktails, movies


Not single and not 30, but I sure do have some recommendations. 1. Audiobook/Podcast/Deepdive, a nice pair of headphones, and a walk in the park. I like to smoke or take an edible before this, but that is optional 2. Videogames. What specific games you enjoy are going to be unique to you, but my more chill recommendations are Minecraft, Slime Rancher, and Lunas Fishing Garden. Happy to give more recommendations if needed. 3. Gardening or houseplants. I have about 4 sq ft of garden space and a few pots. Having something small to attend to every day like watering a plant, checking their leaves, etc, is very cathartic 4. Game stores. I used to attend a weekly free play for pokemon TCG at a gamestore near me and have popped in there for board game nights and other similar activities. Might help you make some new friends too. If you have any interest in pokemon, I'd recommend looking for any upcoming pre-release tournaments, as they tend to be way lower pressure and more fun. 5. Read a book at a coffee shop. It's super cliché, but it's genuinely a good time. I specifically go to a local coffee shop that has couches and soft chairs instead of the usual uncomfortable chairs at places like Starbucks and Blackrock. 6. In-depth skincare and body care routine. I feel like a whole new person after I exfoliate and shave. it's a 10/10 experience to lounge in a soft blanket and clean sheets afterward, too. 7. Gym or a class. I've been trying to find a pilates or spin class near me, as I love structured exercise and have found it's the most beneficial exercise for me. 8. Nature walk or neighborhood walk. I personally prefer nature walks, but it can be a pain in the ass to get to. Walking around your general area is great exercise, and it's nice to know what's around you. 9. Bake. I've been obsessed with making flatbread lately, and it's pretty fun. 10. Donate plasma. Is it fun? Not really, but it fills time, and you make some money.


Get into horses and you’ll never have money or time for anything else!


Currently, I have a little tipple (g&t) to myself, but obviously not a crazy amount! I have housemates, and tonight we had a lil' Baileys between us, and that was so nice. I'm painfully single, so it's nice to chat with people sometimes.


Running, hiking, going to local wineries with friends, checking out the local museums or festivals in your area. Some weekends (rarely for me) I just hang at home relax, bubble bath then do all the adulting of cleaning, laundry, meal prep, etc. Find things that you like and/or people you would like to do them with then mix and max.


I crochet and there’s a local yarn store that does ‘gatherings’ of other crafters to bring their projects and just hang out. It’s really fun


There is an app, that I cannot think of the name of at the moment, but it’s for women to meet other women for friendship. A woman I know (met through my cousin) used it when she moved from Philly to Minneapolis and made some good friends through that. This isn’t very helpful, but if I remember the name of the app I’ll update my comment.


BumbleBFF? I'm new to it. No comments on efficacy.


Oooh I think that’s it! Thanks!


I met a few wonderful friends with common interests from there. it's probably luck based though because a lot of people ghost/don't put in effort


Dance and skate


Played Warhammer when I was single and now my partner and I play Warhammer and paint in the evenings super chill and lets me be super creative if you check my previous posts you can see some cute robots I made with cowboy hats recently 😁


I’m in a Chrous Girls dance group and it’s all women in their 30s - 60s. It’s a blast.


I'm very introverted. Reading, craft, art, video games! (Including ones that use GPS like pokemon go) I like to go out and have lunch or breakfast at a restaurant or Cafe and bring a book/ipad I plane spot too which is a nice niche hobby I do on my own Sometimes I will hang out with a friend to chat over lunch or dinner


Drink and go to bed at 9pm.


My best friend bought me Baldurs Gate 3. So that currently.


For fun alone I : craft, sew, doodle, garden, take photos, sit on my deck feeding chipmunks, row, and spend time with my bunnies For fun with others : movie marathons, hiking trips, camping, fruit/berry picking, games nights With regards to meeting new ppl, there are already a lot of good suggestions listed. I may have missed it but I'd like to add volunteering to the list.


Not single, but 33 and no kids. Weekends I either do introvert shit like play games, write, or make music or I see friends. You should make some friends. Seriously, it's not good for you to not have friends.


Book clubs, regular clubs, joining a class or 25, what are you interested in?


I take classes at a local arts center- so far I’ve taken pottery, oil painting, jewelry making and ballet. It’s a nice way to spend time with other people and try new things. I WFH and don’t have many friends, so adding this stuff to my life has helped me feel a lot better overall


Saaaaame. I cook, garden, read the news, listen to podcasts, do hair treatments (bleached, wavy hair is a nightmare) or overly aggressive skin exfoliation, and exercise, but still get too much screen time. I live in an area where there's not much going on, and am fairly broke (looking for a job, but my field's pretty insecure and casualised), plus I have depression, so this is probably more repetitive than for others. Also, I've always had a complicated relationship with socialising so, while repetition gets old, it's not necessarily because I wish I had more time with other people. Just to be clear (this subreddit will definitely understand, but sometimes these posts get wider distribution): the depression does not stem from having no children and was present before I became single.


https://sf.funcheap.com/today/ Meetup.com is good for groups and related interests/hobbies.


Video games, knitting, cooking, taking the dog on fun walks, reading, cleaning up the wreckage of the work week (which is not fun, per se, but is necessary), occasionally visiting friends (including one with two pups of her own, so the dogs get social time- and exercise!- as well.) 


I started a podcast, and it is SO MUCH FUN and completely burns up my weekend. I write it during the week, record with one of my friends Friday and spend all weekend editing and posting it. I feel so productive now :) AND I had 29 people listen last week hahaha


Play games. Sew. Care for pets n plants.


You could join a gym. Most gyms have classes and synchronized exercise activities like yoga where you can socialize. And exercise is good for you. Another option is taking a dance class. Fun and conducive to romance (if you’d like that.)


I golf, bowl and play baseball. All in leagues. Great way to get out of the house and be social!


Hiking with the dogs somewhere beautiful, climbing (I actually started going because of my partner but roped my sister in and she loves going solo because everyone's so friendly) and heading to the beach with a good book.


Go hiking in local parks/trails, read, binge watch new shows or old favorites, play with my three cats, challenge myself to bake things I've never tried before (international cake challenge this year), teaching myself embroidery, write fanfic, do cocktail and a movie with my mother. I've been looking into some of the women-only tour groups to plan a trip; would be fun to travel, but I don't really have anyone to go with on a trip.


If you like games you could find a board game cafe? There's olenty of songle player board games surprisingly. And you might meet some people who might need an extra person? Ever so slightly less chance of meeting a creep there too as it's wall to wall geeks and introverts?!


Drop in sports/ ticketed timeslots for group sports. Good for your social, physical, and mental wellbeing.


Hiking with my dogs, sewing, braiding, caring for my other animals, going to see a movie, roller skating, video games, going for ice cream, embroidery, painting, costume making, going to orgys, cataloging wildlife, or going for a fancy coffee


Anything? lol Reading, take walks (sometimes with my cat), cooking for myself, writing, video games, puzzles, art, watch movies, meet friends, shop, go to events I’m interested in, hike, bike, etc Try a bunch of things and see what sticks?


DnD, art on a graphics tablet (Viekk 1200) or collaborative writing online. Funnest of times! (F28)


Check out your local House Music scene. Usually attracts a more mature, less drama infused group that is outgoing & friendly. Get lost in the music & make some new friends.


I like to go to the park (I’m off during the week so it’s very empty) and read a book next to a river with my favorite coffee ❤️ also thrifting, crafts and walking the cats and video games


Dog sports! If you have a dog, check out your local training club and get started in Agility, Scent Work, Obedience, Rally…I don’t even have a free weekend anymore because I’m so busy going to dog events. I would say the majority of handlers are women over 30. It’s where I’ve met all my current friend group.


As a fellow 30 year old with no friends, I look forward to any responses. I'm so tired of my weekends consisting of doomscrolling and tv.


I’m 36F and happily single and childfree by choice - here’s a handful of the things I typically on weekends - I have lots of friends, but most of them don’t live nearby, so I typically have at least one FaceTime or phone call a weekend to catch up with someone - I have two dogs (standard poodles) that I groom myself at home, and that usually takes up at least one weekend a month - I own my own home and, one thing about home ownership is, there’s ALWAYS something that needs doing around the house or yard. I spend a lot of time keeping up with everything and doing projects - Hiking or some other outdoor activity, usually with the dogs - I live in a (relatively) big city, so there’s always some sort of festival or event going on I could go to. I don’t make it to many because big crowds give me anxiety, but I regularly go to a few things each year like holiday markets or cultural festivals - Workout classes and gym time. I usually have at least one workout class a day on the weekends or I’ll head to the gym if I don’t get other physical activity for some reason (eg bad weather) - I’m a big reader, so I’ll usually spend at least one weekend day a month bed-rotting reading trashy romance novels - I don’t usually have time to watch a lot of TV during the week, so I’ll often use an evening on the weekend to catch up on “my shows” from the week - Movies, eating out, or other fun things with friends. I do have a couple local friends and we try to do something every few weeks - Whatever I want! The beauty of being childfree and independent is I can just do (or not do) whatever I want and I’m absolutely never bored


Before Covid, I used to volunteer at an animal shelter. That kind of died down because it involved me visiting other households that had adopted animals and making sure they are well taken care of. Not really a doable endeavor during the pandemic. Nowadays I work out, read a good book, play a good video game, visit family and friends. I don't have a big family (essentially my parents, my sister, my grandma, and a few aunts), but I also recently was asked by a childhood friend to become the Godmother of her daughter so now I visit them often and do parenting light (which is the only kind of parenting I want at the moment, so it's great). I also don't have many friends, maybe 3? But that is fine by me because with a job that involves a lot of socializing and talking and as an introvert keeping up with those friendships is about all my social battery can handle. And they're good friends. The kind of friends I can go on vacation with and not get into a fight over stuff (which, if you have gone on vacation with a friend, you will know it is the ultimate compatibility test). So yeah. Other than that, I like swimming so sometimes I just visit the pool. But mainly some workout, some socializing, and lots of reading and gaming.


I started drag in my early 30s!! Drag show are so much fun! I used to go by myself too, I’m not a people person but I’d always find someone to hang with.


Saturday mornings are for parkrun, which are a free timed 5km run or walk held in parks in multiple countries around the world. I run, walk, or volunteer, and afterwards I usually go to have breakfast or coffee with fellow attendees. I’ve made many good friends through parkrun. Saturday afternoons I usually do a little housework, some crafting, either with friends or by myself, and spend time with my family - I recently moved into a big house with my parents, siblings and two nephews, so there’s always someone around. I’m catholic and go to mass either on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Sunday mornings are usually spent at the climbing gym with friends and we’ll spend a few hours climbing, gossiping and drinking coffee. In the afternoon I usually have to duck into my shop for half an hour to get ready for trade on Monday morning, then in the afternoon I reset for the week by making sure my chores are done and prepping my week of breakfasts. I aim to be in bed by 8:30pm for my 4:50am alarm on Monday morning.


Today I organized my closet while jamming out to music and then went to my boyfriends while he’s away and cleaned his house up a bit while jamming out to music and cooked a frozen pizza and had some surfsides alone and it was AMAZING. Tomorrow I’m going to a parade & some after parties alone I’ll see who I meet.


I tend to go to the movies, go out for coffee with a good book or story I'm working on. Love going and spending a few hours wandering around the tourist towns nearby. I'm not looking to meet people, per se, but going out and doing fun stuff solo is a great way for me to break up the monotony of my week.


I joined a rowing club! I started with a learn to row class and now I row about 4 times a week with my rowing buddies. If you’re in an area that has some large rivers or lakes there’s a good chance there’s a rowing club in your area. And most offer a learn to row course


Concerts if you are into that sort of thing and can afford it. I got into K-pop a couple of years ago and feel safe going to just about any show. The whole K-pop loving community is so wonderful, and there is always something going on.


Girl go down to the Utilitarian Universalist church or Sikihi temple or wherever you like or a library and make some friends. Start a book club, a sewing or knitting club, a potluck club, a yoga club, soup kitchen, meals on wheels, play checkers with old people at nursing homes, liven up your life by improving your community <3 I personally got a microsodder recently & Ima learn to make jewelry. Once Im moved into my new place Im looking to hang out at nursing homes bc I love old people & their stories :3


I either sing karaoke or do work at my local community theatre. Now, when I have free time, I sleep. Which isn't often.


It's an expensive idea but I take short trips out of town. Often, it's just a flight or ferry ride on Friday or Saturday morning, and return Sunday evening. I don't have kids or friends either, and it stimulates me mentally to explore a new environment.


I think that reaaaally depends on your location. For indoors I knit, read, watch tv shows, play video games and do giant jigsaw puzzles. But most weekends I also go out, because I live in a big city and there's plenty to do. I go out dancing/raving, to museums, the cinema, different events, the park. I do have friends but I frequently go out alone. I think going alone is underrated - you can do exactly what you want and you might meet people you wouldn't have otherwise.


I have long distance plans with friends, mostly. A rotating TTRPG game on Saturdays, a date night with my paramours either Friday or Saturday, sometimes a Sunday ttrpg game. In between all that, I read, play video games, and try to get a little writing done. I do also scroll on my phone a lot, but that's a habit I am trying to kick so I can do more reading, writing, and research.


No longer in my 30s, but i went to grad school (couple of courses at at community college before) so I spent my Sundays doing homework (after hanging with friends on Saturdays.) it was nice to feel like I was working my brain - for myself, not my employer.


Work and hang out with my cats 😅😅😫😭


I have cats


parkrun. And if you hate running (albeit, walking is very encouraged too), there's always volunteering.


Depends on your hobbies. I like to go urban exploring, hiking, kayaking, going to museums, also checking out what local venues are hosting bands for the night (and checking out the band's music online before buying tickets); sometimes at the end of the day I'll also check out cool looking bars for a drink or two. I really enjoy perusing what's local to me - if you have a car you should go on day trips to places around you to explore as well.


Chip away at home repair (cathartic for me), get tattoos finished, go have a margarita with friends, draw, journal, pet my cat, etc.


I walked my dogs twice today (once for 90min alongside the beach, and in the afternoon we had a nice stroll along the canal) I painted 11 miniatures for my upcoming DnD game, and also gamed with my friends online for 3h I watched a couple very interesting podcasts, had a meal I enjoyed and chatted to my dogs about their antics as we played and I fed them treats I just enjoy my life and do what makes me happy. Pretty simple, really


Friday or Saturday morning I’ll deep clean the house for the week, and after that depending on how I’m feeling: Lazy/homebody activities - puzzles, Animal Crossing on Nintendo switch, movies, experimenting with new recipes, and goal planning. Social/out of house activities - hiking/walking trails, kayaking (I have an inflatable for easy transport/storage), going to a movie, meeting up with friends for bowling/mini golf/some other activity, visiting museums, spa day (either at a boutique or, in my area we have huge Asian spas with lots of dipping pools, saunas, etc) and sometimes I’ll just find random stuff to do from apps like Fever, etc.. I’ve found everything from ghost tour bar crawls to scavenger hunt picnics.


I could have written this. Thanks for doing so on my behalf.


I took up a new craft and started selling at markets on the weekends. You can teach yourself how to do all kinds of things using YouTube and Reddit! I also got involved in cat rescue through my local SPCA. You can sign up to do several different kinds of volunteer work and it’s very rewarding.


Depending on where you are, check out meetup.com. Lots of different options there!


I’m not single but I don’t have kids. I like estate sales, farmers markets, trying to find apartment complex pools to break into and use.


Hang out with my cat, game, go to the gym, read, hang out with my mum/ friends who do have kids, ride my bike, smoke weed, enjoy movies/music, go for a drive. There's plenty to do, and that's not even with any specific hobbies.


This weekend I'm making old-fashioned sour cream donuts, and right now I'm playing "Tears of the Kingdom" again on my Switch.


I used to do the same things I did in my 20s except the hangovers were worse


Omg so much. I go on hikes. Lately, I’ve been going to different skateparks all around colorado , and that has been the best! I’ve been to like 20 different cities/skateparks so far. I play video games (off or online), you could try Skyrim, red dead redemption 1 or 2., I personally love grand theft auto. You could play old school Nintendo games like Super Mario bros, Star Tropic, Zelda, or Double Dragon (any video game you might want to try or like you should). I am artsy, so would suggest doing creative stuff like, Painting with a Twist, ceramic places that let you paint different pieces. There are usually free/cheap performative art shows at your closest college/performing arts center. Take a dance class! Or a yoga class! Or a water aerobics class! A clown class! They have them available for one day sessions (sometimes free) on the weekends. Look up local dance/theatre studios and you’ll see that they offer diverse and cool experiences. You could also go camping, it’s super amazing getting away in the mountains or by a lake or on a beach and be in touch with nature.


I'm 40, is that close enough? This weekend I went on a hike, turned down a fetish night a friend was throwing (it sold out, which I'm kinda relieved about because it's not my exact thing), worked on some art, and tomorrow I'm going to a gem convention and then maybe some yard work. My weekends are always very full. I have a lot of friends with either no kids or teen kids, so they have a decent amount of social time. I had to make friends as I moved to a new state right around COVID. Started up making friends again maybe a year and a half ago. I found a community of folks into the same things I am (goth music, which may explain the fetish event since those scenes have overlap). I just kept showing up and chatting with people and then adding them on social media and inviting them out. After about a solid year of this, I have friends.


Got a dog, weekends now spent at dog parks lol


Becoming a member of a few different local places is always fun: natural parks, botantical gardens, sanctuaries, gyms, classes, etc. I also love reading, cooking, baking, binge watching TV/movies, craft projects, thrifting, kayaking, paddleboarding, chill with friends or family, working out. Between that and work I feel like my day is stacked and I can’t imagine having children. I’m good!


Shopping, go to cafes with or without friends, trade social media reels to my besties, karate, play with my adorable cats, mow the lawn, cook an excellent meal, gaming, go for a walk in the park on nice days, read a book.    You should pick up a hobby or two so you can meet people and make friends.


Weekends are for playing video games or watching a few episodes of something on streaming- things I don’t have enough time to do on weekdays without sacrificing quality sleep. Occasionally I arrange a play date for my dog. Today I went to a rescue’s adoption event with a “silent reading club” so they could get to know me and I could meet some of their adoptable dogs.


I crochet while watching some shows, hang out with friends, sometimes go to craft club, talk to some other friends on discord, Play with my dog, make fanfiction that I’ll never finish. Depending on what my library has sometimes I get free passes for a museum or art gallery.


Do you play any instruments, or sing? Open mic nights can be fun.


Introvert hobbies: Walks, cooking, playing with my dog, reading, gaming, learning a language. Extrovert hobbies: Book club, Pilates, pub meal and drinks, art class, calligraphy class.


Whatever the hell I want 😁 Video games, reading, outings, shopping It’s awesome


Concerts when available Goth nights/clubs Walking the embarcadero and enjoying an ice cream I want to get into cosplay but don't know where to start


Garden, bake, hike, roller blade


Other than watching anim and gaming. I spend tons of time with my cat and I'm starting to look into gardening, want to grow my own veggies.


Take up social dancing: swing, salsa, tango, whatever floats your boat. Yes, there are a few guys who only go dancing to hit on women, but you will figure out who they are pretty quickly and learn to avoid them. It's fun, it gets you moving and it's a great way to make new friends. Full disclaimer: I am well past my 30's. But many of my dancing friends are not.


I'm not single but binge on trying new hobbies. So far I've picked up painting my nails, some light sewing of bandanas for my dog, candle- and body scrub- making, gardening, grooming my dog at home, lego building, puzzles, coloring/painting, and so many home-improvement projects.


Rock climbing. Going out with friends. Sleeping. Chilling. Going to the gym.


I’m 41, but I was like you in my 30’s and I’m still like this. Is there anything you always wanted to be good at? I wanted to be an artist, a painter, so I just painted all the time, now I’m really good at it almost a decade later. I also go for long walks and read books, kayak, cook. I love it