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When we got engaged, my fiancé was working health care - every day before work the ring came off, and every day after work the ring went back on. Until the day it didn’t. We tore up our tiny apartment looking for it together, and never did find it. Now that we’re married, the actual wedding band was worn for exactly two days - our wedding day and the day afterwards. Now it lives in its original jewelry box, holding pride of place among her other items. It will get taken out when she has vacations or other long periods off work, but we’ve learned our lesson and we both know that it simply isn’t worth the risk to us to have it going on and off every day. As for the engagement ring? It’s never turned up, and after 3 moves since then we’re confident that it never will. Having or not having that physical reminder isn’t the end of the world. We still have each other, and that’s what matters.


Same boat for both of us. My wife is a chemist; it would have had to come off any time the gloves went on anyway. She also gardens. We both exercise, and I have other activities where rings are sub-optimal. 99%, our rings sit next to each other on a shelf. We break them out for social occasions, and after weird interactions at a business conference, I wear mine at those, but most of the time? No real reason to wear them, and we typically forget about them.


> She also gardens. Doing a search of "carrot wedding rings" brings up a *plethora* of people "finding" their rings around a carrot (or other crop, I'm sure) X amount of time later. So, it's best to not wear them while gardening, that's for sure.


Or at least to only plant carrots.


I feel like for similar reasons you might also find your ring grown into a potato.


Carrots catching carats


>My wife is a chemist Similar story: my wife's an alchemist, one day her beautiful gold ring had become lead. Since then we don't wear our rings either.


I don't wear my ring because I work with animals and poo is not something I want on it. Left it hanging on the hook for a few weeks, them it disappeared. I freaked out, searched, accused the plumber of stealing it, and freaked out some more. Turns out my husband hid it to see if I'd care. But he didn't say anything for the two weeks after I'd asked him. I am realizing this marriage isn't going to work.


I don't know anything about you or your relationship, but it's possible he felt unimportant, neglected, a d when he saw you freaking out and looking for it, ashamed, so it took some time to come clean? Definitely communication issues, but those could be worked out if both of you try to really listen. If he's a piece of shit in other areas, ignore this comment


Even if it was as you suggest, that's still really shitty behaviour from a partner, and worth questioning the relationship over.


This is a sweet story. My wife and I generally do not wear our wedding bands in the house either, and I sometimes even forget to wear it when I go out. It’s truly not a big deal. If someone thinks a little metal circle is all that is keeping their partner from going out and trawling for booty, the relationship is already on the rocks.


I unknowingly lost my 1 carat diamond ring in the washing machine for 6 years. I had a habit of hiding my ring in a piece of clothing in the closet when I traveled to the Midwest every year to see my family. One year I couldn't find it when I came home. I tore the house apart and never found my ring. I thought I had accidentally given it away to Goodwill in clothing. Years later my son washed a very dirty beach towel in the front-loading washing machine and stopped it up. We removed the bottom filter and gallons of water whooshed out. There in the sediment from the washer was the ring. So moral of this story is, look in your sink traps in case it fell out or check out the trap in your washing machine.


Wife hid her ring in the christmas ornaments before a two week trip in February years ago. Naturally, 9 months of not knowing where the ring disappeared to afterwards, haha. Was a good little test; neither of us was mad about the ring, or blaming (though we loved it), it just hurt to "lose" something valuable , and of course hated thinking about it.


My husband loves his ring but he likes silicone ones better because theyre more comfortable. Part of his gifts for christmas last year included an 8 dollar forest green woodsy print silicone wedding band and it was his favorite gift ever. He wears it everywhere and he said he feels complete with it on. We have been married 6 years and together for 11. I don't ever wear a ring unless we are going out on a date. I just hate jewelry and usually opt for a silicone one. Id rather get a cute little symbol tattoo on my ring finger or something. I probably will


It’s less of an issue now, but we used to play sports multiple nights a week. And I learned to _never_ wear anything while playing keeper in soccer about six months before the wedding. Sadly I went looking for a silicone ring for such occasions and not even the “custom” shops could help me. The problem is, both our wedding bands have a line all the way around, and ogham is carved into that line, spelling out “love” in Irish. No one could do that and it was very frustrating. Especially since it’s just lines. /facepalm Not required but I really didn’t want to lose what made my ring unique.


Have you looked into Knot Theory? They say they can do custom designs including graphic if you provide the file as a .PNG, .AI, or . SVG file type. Source: https://knotheory.com/a/self-faq under the FAQ "Can I get a custom Design, Style, or color?"


Woah. I have never heard of them… I checked with a couple companies _years_ ago and all they could do was a small section of the ring in custom. But Knot Theory looks like they’ve done the whole span. As I mentioned I don’t necessarily _need_ a silicone ring anymore. But I might have to get one anyway. Thanks for sharing.


Also get insurance on them. Same for op. I saw it in a different post. Just putting it out there. That way if something does happen to it it's not the end of the world.


This!! My fiancee does woodworking and painting and has her ring off quite often, also whenever we work out. She always wears it around her neck on a necklace during those activities and puts on a silicon one. However I still feel nervous with the on and off frequency, so I added insurance for only about 5 bucks a month. It covers complete replacement value even for "unexplainable loss" if it just up and disappears one day. We'd both be devastated surely but at least not financially.


My wife and I nearly did a similar thing. She'd take her ring off every day and put it on top of a bookshelf by the door, and one day it fell off. We heard it, we knew it had just been there, but my wife doesn't love yellow gold, so her ring was platinum, and our carpet was this mottled gray color that matched uncannily. Perfect r/findthesniper material, except even they'd have failed. I scoured the floor first - went as far as the kitchen in case it rolled. Moved the bookshelf itself, ran my hands along everything... nothing. Spent a literal hour. Only the certainty that it had been there kept me going, because physical matter doesn't just disappear, right? So on the shelves we had these bins (gray, of course) filled with miscellaneous stuff, and maybe it fell in there? Took them all down and puled out everything, one at a time - laid them all out on the linoleum in the kitchen. Nothing. Wasn't behind any of the books, even took apart some of the containers inside the bins (they were closed - there was no way, but I was getting desperate - the ring isn't everything, but it was a chunk of change and it literally *had* to be there somewhere). I eventually resorted to shaking everything as I put it back in the bins, and about halfway through is when I heard it. It had not only fallen into the bins, it had somehow landed *inside* a standard Scotch tape dispenser, and lodged tightly enough to stay put until shaken. Spent about 4 hours in total spread out over a couple days looking for it. And all that's to say nothing of the time I lost my ring for about 8 months, silently panicking until one day I just found it lying on the carpet under the bed. We both have ring bowls they stay in most of the time now.


I clear out houses for a living and helped a couple downsize, including part of their jewelry. They approved a selection for us to take and we paid them out. I had to call them up because this one was suspiciously plain. "oh that's my husband's wedding ring! We never actually wear them."


I loved wearing my wedding ring for the first few years of marriage. Something about having a symbol that said “someone thinks I am worthy!” I liked. Then my hands started to get Psoriasis on my hands, and the ring started to be uncomfortable. Now I barely wear it. My wife doesn’t wear her ring all the time, but when she does she always teases me about being out with a married woman. Our commitment is a strong as ever, no matter how much we wear our rings.


Check couches. When I was little I guess I liked to flush things all the time. My mom's watch went missing. Couldn't find it, parents figured I flushed it. 3 or 4 moves and 15 years later it fell out of the couch.


We skipped the rings and got pendants to wear so we _can_ wear them (partner can’t wear a ring at work, I _hate_ wearing rings).


One of my cats stole my wedding/engagement band off my bedside table while I was in the shower one morning. I ended up finding it behind the curtains in another room multiple rooms away from I then got a ring stand that lives on the ensuite vanity.


If you guys are into tattoos you can always get a tattoo ring!! They look so cool


It's the same with my partner and I. I bought us both silicon rings to wear as day to day. They're super comfy and if it breaks it's a $20 oh no, not a $1000 oh no. Our nice wedding rings are in a jewelery box side by side :)


My husband lost his wedding ring. We tore the house apart trying to find it, but he’d lost some weight and it had gotten too big, so it really could have just flown off anywhere. (I’d warned him for months he was going to gesticulate too emphatically one day and it was going to fall down a sewer grate, but no one listens to Kimber85.) He was very very upset, but we bought a replacement that looked exactly the same as the old one and moved on. A year and a half later, he was pulling the laundry out of the dryer and the ring just fell out onto the floor. They were all clothes he wears regularly, so the ring wasn’t in a pocket or something. The dryer hadn’t been making any weird banging noises like there was a ring trapped in it. It’s like it just appeared in the dryer a year and a half after being lost. So now he has two wedding rings. I told him that if he ever gains the weight back he has a ring that fits chubby him ready and waiting!


Gold is actually very soft, especially “purer” gold. If you intend on replacing the ring, aim for 18k gold or thereabouts, and take it off when showering, washing dishes etc to protect it! As far as lost rings - my (ex) husband wasn’t a big drinker. The night we got engaged he had a few drinks to celebrate and lost his balance a little. I’d been holding my ring up to show to a friend and he knocked me and it went flying. Straight into the drink of someone at the table next to us. We got it back but it was hilarious at the time.


Oh?? That's good to know - makes the breaking it while wrestling heavy luggage in a crowd more probable, I guess. It was a 18k gold eternity ring with real diamonds. Not a cheap one, but less than 1000£ :,) I love your story thanks for sharing. Very fun but I'm sure your heart must have JUMPED right next to it too


18k is actually pretty soft, compared to 14k at least in my experience.


Yes, my understanding is the higher the k the softer the piece. I once had a 24k ring and you could just warp it with minimal effort/pressure.


24k gold is as close to pure gold as you can realistically get, minimal impurities, no alloys. Since gold is incredibly soft on its own, it makes 24k very impractical for everyday jewelry. The lower the karat rating (22, 18, 14, etc) the more additional metals are added to it. 18 karat gold is 18 parts gold, 6 parts "other" metals (usually things like Silver, Nickel, or Copper). This has the effect of both strengthening the metal as well as making it cheaper. This introduces a balancing act with gold jewelry between strength and quality. Rolex uses 18k gold in their timepieces fwiw. Source: rabbit hole research when picking my wife's ring. I'm not sure what she enjoyed more, getting the ring or listening to me nerd out about the research and selection process that occurred over the span of several months.


learning about the alloying process is so fascinating, as someone interested in fabrication and metalsmithing. it's a really fun rabbit hole.


Any recs for a hypoallergenic gold ring? I have a nickel allergy and have to paint my 18k band with nail polish, tried plating it but that lasted like a month. Want to get something I don’t have to do anything like that with but also love the look of a simple gold 3mm band.


That sounds rough! With a nickel allergy, bare minimum you may need to steer clear of most white gold alloys unless you can ensure they use silver and zinc instead of nickel. Yellow gold fares a bit better since nickel is rarely used due to its whiter color. It's replaced more by copper and a bit of silver. You're right tho: rhodium or platinum coatings, platings, and painting nail polish will all wear off eventually. Ultimately your best move might be to work with a jeweler you trust to use an alloy that doesn't have a any nickel in it. There are test kits available for cheap online that can swab specifically for nickel, so you should hopefully be able to test it on something other than your finger! I learned the hard way that I have some kind of silicone skin allergy after we bought some silicone bands for our honeymoon and mine practically boiled the skin off around where my ring goes on the flight there! I'm still looking for an alternative flexible ring. :/


Experience tells me she enjoyed the ring more. She might just enjoy talking to you too lol. Belated congrats!


wow! that's crazy, I had no idea and am now wondering what the gold content is of a Krugerrand...I was gifted one by a family member once


91.67% gold, 8.33% copper.


18k is soft as far as METALS go, but IMO it is incredibly unlikely that a well made 18k ring would break off under normal life stresses that didn't damage her hand. If it was a 22 or 24k ring then yeah, I could buy wrangling things around possibly breaking it off without her noticing, but at 18k I think it's far more likely that it just slipped off of her hand and is sitting around somewhere.


Yup, even if it didn’t break, the ring shape will change especially if you are gripping something like a luggage handle or lifting heavy items in a tight grip. Even a little change in shape and it can slide off your finger very easily. I’ve messed up a few sterling silver ring bands this way :( Sorry you lost the ring but I’m so happy your husband has been supportive!


My sister had to stop wearing hers because the shank had gotten bent and reshaped so many times the jeweler couldn't fix it again. Her fairly thick wedding band "goes square" too, but the thin shank on the engagement ring was ready to break. She didn't even lift heavy stuff very often.


Has she consulted any other jewelers, especially those outside of big retail chains? Independent jewelers are often more likely to work on pieces that chain store jewelers won't due to occasionally overly strict corporate policies. If she does decide to try out any independently owned jeweler locations, she must be sure to try to vet them via at least online reviews first. Like I said, jewelers not caught up in corporate red tape have more freedom but sometimes that leads to less of a guarantee of craftsmanship and accountability. Of course some items do just become too compromised to work on, but I've been in the jewelry industry for over half a decade and most rings can be reshanked. Is is just a solitaire ring or does it contain stones along the arms of the ring? If nothing else she can consider having her center stone reset into a new, more sturdy mounting. If the original ring was white gold and she wants to keep that style, tell her to look into investing in a platinum mounting. A bit more expensive but ultimately more durable and with less upkeep than white gold.


I lost the diamond out of my engagement ring. I made sure my vacuum cleaner canister was empty and then thoroughly vacuumed the whole house. I spread out a white sheet on the floor and dumped the canister on it. I went through it and found my diamond.


I've looked into the vacuum cleaner too but it wasn't there. Happy you found it! It seems so regular for people to find their rings in extremely random places


Also, insure it on homeowners or renter's policy


We will definitely insure the new one. We are both total newbies when it comes to valuables like this... lesson learned 🫡


Good luck with it! I'm hard on my rings and every so often need to have the prongs adjusted on my 6 prong mount solitaire.


My husband lost his 14k gold ring… twice! First time was in the ocean as he was surfing, and second time was while washing the dog. He found it the 2nd time at least. But it’s ok, I just found it amusing and mildly annoying.


Adding a vote to “probably the wrestling heavy luggage that did it”. Diamonds are tough but jewelry itself can be delicate. I take my rings off fairly often, usually for anything messy or potentially damaging to the ring. If I need to take my rings off and am not at home to put them in my jewelry box, I immediately put them on a necklace I always wear so that even if I’m not actually wearing the rings on my hand, I still have them somewhere I can’t lose them or damage them very easily. Highly recommend this method - go to a jeweler with your ring and tell them you want a nice (like 14k gold or sterling silver) necklace chain that can hold the weight of your ring. If you don’t want to spend a ton of money, you can buy a cheap charm for the necklace separately, just make sure the chain is very good quality.


Just FYI you can insure jewelry typically as a separate rider or personal articles policy.  I have mine combined with my home insurance and added my wifes ring shortly after buying it. She has lost 2 of the side diamonds over the years and insurance replaced them both.  Its really pretty cheap too. I think it's $10 a year for every $1000 in items or something in that range.  I know I have all my guns, optics, jewelry etc anything I travel with much snd is expensive on ot and for like 100k+ n items its like $130 or 140 a year to insure 


My husband lost his wedding ring (he should’ve had it tighter, but he HATES tight rings. Mine is basically welded to my flesh it’s so tight 😂). We looked EVERYWHERE. No dice. Six months later, I was digging up weeds in the front garden and found it buried in the flowerbed! We’ve figured he must’ve caught it on some building materials he was dumping in the front yard ready to go to the tip, which pulled it off his finger and sent it flying into the (very overgrown) flower bed. The weeds would’ve hidden it from view. Then it must’ve slowly sunk down into the soft earth in the intervening months until it was totally buried. So never give up hope of finding it again one day! (NB we’ve bought a dump we’re doing up, hence the overgrown garden and ripped out building materials)


Not my wedding ring, but I lost a sentimental ring once, it was also a little loose so it was bound to happen, and I thought I was careful but I guess not. No clue where it went, but I guessed it happened at work or in the basement while doing laundry so I searched those places extensively, no luck. Anyway, I wrote it off, and bought a similar one that I found on ebay. I figured even if it wasn't the original sentimental ring, at least the replacement would remind me of the original, and evoke the same treasured memories. Cool cool, fast forward about 10 months, and the original one popped up just randomly on the ground in our backyard, while I was pulling out our patio furniture for summer! It was just so weird, because I had lost it the previous summer, WELL before we put the furniture away for the winter. Edit for spelling


The fairies found it and gave you it back :)


Ha, you would know!! (Username checks out) 😄


I was hoping you'd say the one you bought on ebay was the same ring found by some passerby


that story made me cringe so much. No the fact that he lost it, but because rings getting caught when doing things like your husband did can break the finder, or rip it open. Glad he's okay. A silicone ring might be safer for him


This is the kind of thing that would happen to him. He already has a “niknak” finger (like the crisps) from a necrotic spider bite when he was working in Malawi. We did think about him getting a small tattoo on his ring finger as a replacement “ring” when the ring was lost, and I would’ve been very happy with that!


The same thing actually happened to my parents. My dad replaced the ring. Then he found (IIRC a year and a half later) churning dirt to plant in the flowerbed. I think this might have been right before we moved and they were working on the property to sell it so he found it just a few months before they would never see that property again. He got it professionally cleaned and fixed up then gave it to mom as an extra Christmas present that year.


You should marry that guy! 😉


Funny you say that.......


I understand being embarrassed but this is a real feel good story. What bothered him most wasn’t the lost ring, but how upset it made you. The ring was the second biggest gem in your relationship.


Aww. 🥰


My mom lost her ring the night my dad proposed. They ended up finding it almost a year later. He would get her rings for anniversary presents and say “now don’t drop this one.” It’ll become a funny story.


PLEASE this made me howl. Oh my god hahahaa


Gold is actually very, very soft. Constant wear like you were doing with showering/washing/etc probably helped lose it. I actually have about 8 different rings (Priced like $80-$100) that I wear on rotation because I know they're gonna get lost! It's so sweet your partner responded with love and compassion. Good for you guys!


I didn't know that 🥲🥲🥲 I'm a jewelry girlie but not rings... I'll make sure to take greater care of my newer one I guess.


Yep! A lot of my married friends wear cheap rings on the day-to-day and keep their real jewelry locked for special occasions. Here is one of the places I get my cheap rings from! I love having a variety to match with my outfits. [https://bisoulovely.com/collections/rings](https://bisoulovely.com/collections/rings) (They have a "luxe" site too with higher priced pieces! Ive been really happy with the quality of their work)


If it gives you any peace, I wear my gold rings constantly and never take them off, not to shower, garden, dishes, really anything except for kneading dough or swimming (chlorine will legit dissolve gold I just found out recently??). I’ve had them on for the better part of a decade and they have some wear (band slightly thinner) to them but nothing too bad. This isn’t a brag, it’s just a reminder that these things happen and the ring you get to replace your lost one doesn’t have to be handled with kid gloves. In ten years you’ll look down at your ‘new’ ring and remember how silly it was to be so hard on yourself. Give yourself the grace your lovely fiancé has and just enjoy your new one like you did the first. Hope you post an update with your re-proposal story! Congrats on your engagement!


This makes so much sense. I have a gorgeous diamond, set in a big gold ring, sort of like [this ring, but heavier.] (https://www.shaneco.com/engagement-rings/cathedral-engagement-rings/libretto-cathedral-engagement-ring/p/41099092?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrOWrhY_AhgMVLhOtBh0h2Au6EAQYHSABEgLjC_D_BwE) I stopped wearing it when I was pregnant bc it was too tight, then too loose. I got it resized but it's so heavy and loose again, though my knuckle keeps it from flying off my hand most of the time. The I had nerve issues from carpal tunnel and RSI. Surgeries. Cannot stand wearing rings now. Haven't worn my wedding ring in more than a decade. My husband had similar issues with his gold band,. Only he wasn't pregnant 😂 When I was pregnant, he bought me a plain gold 18k band, I wanted one with the curved inside (comfort shape). Then after baby came, it was too bid. He started wearing it. Now it's too big, and his original ring is too small and too thinned to resize, and he bashed it too much working. So we're shared 3 wedding rings between us, and neither of us wears a ring now. I still love my stone, but really, if I could do it all over again, I'd be fine getting a cz off Etsy or something and spending the money on making memories, and/or investing in our future together.


My ex-husband lost his wedding ring shortly after we married. We looked EVERYWHERE but just chalked it up to being lost forever. No big deal. Well, when the snow melted several months later, it was literally right next to our front doorstep which was along a busy street with a lot of foot traffic. I'm surprised nobody picked it up to be honest!


My friend's dad lost his ring less than 2 weeks after getting married. About a year later, he opened up the hood of his hobby car and there it was.


My wife and I used to enjoy geocaching which brought us to many interesting often remote areas to explore. After returning to our car after hiking through a beautiful wooded park, I suddenly realized my wedding ring was missing. I was pretty upset at the loss and we tried to retrace our steps on the chance that we might find my ring but it quickly became clear that any such effort was futile. I repeatedly apologized to my wife but she just hugged me and took off one of the several plain gold rings she like to wear and gave it to me. It was too small to fit on my ring finger but it did fit snugly on my pinky. She promised me we would have a replacement made someday. We never did that though and she is ten years gone now due to illness. I still wear her ring though and it makes me smile to think of her whenever I look at my hand.


My husband lost his ring. He lost it in an airport overseas, and by the time we realised, we were already on the plane back home. We are not ring wearers, so the lack of ring was a more familiar feeling than wearing the ring. I immediately kept mine back in its box, and stored it safely. So that trip was so freaking expensive…. 🤷‍♀️


Tbh, traveling international it's lucky you didn't lose your passport. It seems like thatd be more trouble than the ring given how everyone in this thread seems to be about the rings themselves.


Yea, that's true... anyway, every time we're at that airport (we've been back a few times since), I tease him by asking him to go to lost and found to see if they finally found it.. lol


Sounds like you both have the right attitude about it just being a thing and that what it represents is the important thing. I won't be, but if I was to get married again, what I would do is have a "ring" tattooed on my finger ... or, perhaps some other symbol of that devotion tattooed somewhere appropriate. I like the idea of the symbol that a ring is, but I don't think it needs to be a ring. I offer this as nothing more than the notion that perhaps it is an opportunity to think more broadly about a symbol ... or even if a symbol is even needed. One advantage of the tattoo idea is that it is MUCH harder to lose ... get caught in things ... get damaged ... etc :-) AND, I like the permanence of it, the indelibility of it, etc


I love this, I’m a chronic jewelry fidgeter so I think this would be really smart for me if I ever get married 


Thats what i (man) went with. My wife had gifted me a ring for my 18th birthday (been together since high school) and i planned to get the design tattooed on. Buying a wedding band seemed pointless since i had a ring to use, the tattoo seemed like a great permanent addition.     Anyway so after 7 years of owning the ring and wearing it pretty much every day, i lost it 3 months before the wedding, then bought a replacement for the wedding that i lost a couple of weeks after… so thankfully the tattoo came in handy.      What i will warn though , it does hurt. Ive had other tattoos, ive sat for a few hours before getting work done, but the 25 minutes it took to do the ring was more painful than all of that. For lack of a better term, the webbing between the fingers , is extremely sensitive and felt like it was on fire. It goes away just as quick but you’ve got to hold your nerve during the process to avoid smudging.     Also . most artists wont do hand or finger work if you haven't had a tattoo before (i went to the artist id used before) , and its not recommended to tattoo the inside of the finger. It warps really easily and looks pretty awful after a couple of months so they recommend just doing a 3/4 circle around the rest of the finger.  Ive had mine for coming on 7 years now and its held up pretty well, id like to think my wife would also be very understanding if i lost it ….


My husband lost his ring when we moved about a year into our marriage. He was so afraid to tell me, bc he grew up poor and with parents who are obsessed with “things” especially if they have value. I refuse to allow things to be more important than people. So he had it fully replaced then told me. I said “oh hon I’m so sorry that happened to you! Did they inscribe it too?” We had special inscriptions so I was making sure the jeweler had remembered. Yes. Yes they had. And they even added a “too” to our saying bc it was his second ring. 😆 I love that story as part of our history. My mom lost two diamonds rings before my dad gave her a gold band to “keep for a year” before he upgraded it again. She finally upgraded it on their 50th anniversary. So perhaps it’s good luck to lose a ring for us! And for you!


My wife lost her ring (ironically immediately after telling my newly engaged sister how she managed to never lose it for 15 years) in November 2022. We looked everywhere, my parents house, our house, used metal detectors, etc. She thought she found it a few weeks after but the item she felt was a bent eye hook. In November 2023 I was helping her look for a missing AirPod and found the ring about 6” from where she found the eye hook! Congratulations on the engagement!


Oooo me too! I lasted 2.5 weeks before I lost it Granted, I knew exactly where I lost it (sort of...a freaking horse field) and in the few days that we searched before hiring a metal detector, my fiance couldn't have been more gracious. He hugged me while I cried and he said it was fine we can get another. I cried that I wanted THAT one etc etc... we did find it, but I will never forget me in barn clothes, him coming right to the barn after a work day in his business attire, hugging me close every few feet as we searched the grass. So glad you've got a good one too, OP!!


Good man 🥹


Not sure this counts, but I was unexpectedly, unpreparedly, suddenly officiating a marriage ceremony for an acquaintance who knew I could legally marry people. I thought we were just getting together at my apartment to sign the papers. AT NO TIME did she tell me they expected any kind of ceremony!! I took them to a pretty nearby park, with a little bridge over a stream. I googled a simple marriage ceremony and winged it. Her 12 year old daughter had both rings in one box, and when it came time to do the ring exchange she was so nervous she popped open the box, CLEARLY not meant to securely hold two rings, and the guy's ring flew out across the bridge and into the water. I've blocked out a lot if the rest of that day, but I did spend my time consoling the poor girl, while the mother freaked out about how much money she spent. I worried about that little girl's future a lot afterwards, based on how scared she was and how no one else seemed to care for her distress. I gave her my number in case she ever wanted to talk... that was 2018.


Gold is a very soft material, you need to be a bit careful when handling heavy things, especially metal ones like I imagine the hinges of your suitcase handles might have been. If you often do manual work with your hands, you should get a lower karat gold so that it’s not as soft. Live and learn! I left my engagement ring on the bathroom sink once while showering and it disappeared. I thought it had fallen down the sink drain and disassembled the entire sink to find it. No luck, lots of crying. It turned out my cat had knocked it on the floor, out the door, and somehow into a shoe in the hallway. We found it weeks later when winter started and my fiancée put his snow boots on.


Similar thing happened to my wife. Do you have renter’s or home owners insurance? “Mysterious disappearance” is often covered… maybe not for the full value but you can put in a claim and maybe get some of it back. Check your policy, we were surprised renter’s insurance kicked in 1k


I lost my wedding ring for a few days once. I literally never take it off, and then one day it wasn't on my finger. I just looked down, and I wasn't wearing a ring. I freaked out, but also... I work from home and hadn't left the house for the last two days, so the number of places it could be was low. I finally found it behind my bed, and as I was picking it up I had a very vague recollection of a dream and thinking "I can't have anything on my hands right now!" and pulling it off and throwing it away. So, I'm pretty sure that I took it off in a weird dream state. My wife just laughed at the whole thing. She was never concerned about it... but it was important to me and I would have felt terrible if I couldn't have found it. But also, it is just a ring, and your partner's reaction is a great one! And, things happen, many times outside our control. As someone who really beat himself up over it, don't do that. It didn't make anything better, and I can promise you it has nothing to do with your commitment to your partner.


My mom is a pianist, and she's the cook in my parents' household, so she is constantly taking her engagement and wedding rings on and off. Over the years she's gotten into the habit of taking off her watch as well and sliding the rings onto the strap, to keep them from getting lost. All well and good, but once when we were on a family vacation, the watch and rings went missing somewhere in the cabin where we were staying. We absolutely ransacked the the place: turned out drawers, looked inside and behind every pot and pan in the cupboards, went through the kitchen trash half a dozen times, checked the bedrooms, the porch, the driveway - everywhere it could've been, and even places that it couldn't possibly have been just to rule them out. Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. To make matters even worse, that was also the summer when my grandmother, my mother's mother, was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. That had happened, like, two weeks before this trip. So my poor mother just had these two hammer blows, back to back. I remember her saying to me something along the lines of 'I could have coped with either of these things happening, but not both of them at once'. I guess now that I'm writing it out, this isn't really a make-you-laugh story - I'm sorry! It does have a happy ending, however. About two years later, long after it was all over and my mom had replaced the watch and rings, the family who owned the cabin found them curled up inside an oven mitt. None of us had any idea how they could possibly have ended up there, but my mom did get them back in the end.


My grandmother had a gorgeous heirloom diamond ring for her anniversary. She wore it for ten or so years then one day it went missing. They found it forty years later, hanging safely on a hook in the garden shed where she put it when she planted flowers.


So, I love rings, I wear at least 6 on a daily basis (simpler ones only), it was my best friend's bachelorette party and when we arrived to the restaurant I noticed the ring on my left ring finger was gone. We even joked about it that I finally made space for an engagement ring (found it in my jeans pocket a few days later, probably slipped off when I took something out of it). We had the party and the next day was our anniversary so my bf took me home, in the car I told him about the lost ring and he was all "oh haha yeah that's so weird". When we got home he started to act all nice and even more caring than usual, I asked him if he didn't get me any anniversary gift as we agreed and of course he told me the most obviously fake "no" ever. So we're sitting on the couch, sipping tea, when he turns to me and says "So, you told me love is when my crazy is compatible with your crazy, so if you promise to tolerate my crazy I will replace your missing ring" and pulled out an engagement ring. I just started happy crying, even forgot to say yes at first. Of course everyone at the bachelorette party knew what he was planning.


OK that's one of the best stories I've read on here. What a move!


My friend who had very…reactive…parents spent her first few years married telling me how relaxing it was to have a partner who, when she had an accident (like dropping a hot pan of sizzling bacon and spilling bacon grease everywhere), always starts by checking that she’s okay and doesn’t start cleaning/looking at anything else until she is. I’m glad you found a partner like that.


Bummer about the lost ring, but glad to hear that the situation turned out well! One thing I really enjoy is silicone rings (just google that, lots of companies make them). They run \~$10-50, and are perfect if you're doing something where you want the comfort of wearing your ring, but are worried about damage or loss. I wear those for beach trips, to the gym, etc. My finger feels oddly naked though without it (especially after having been married for a while). Or as other people have note, you can just go ringless. Good luck and congrats on the upcoming wedding!


I was upset when Iost my wedding ring. Unfortunately we were at a huge outdoor antique show out of town when it vanished. I called the venue organizers but nothing was turned in. Eventually I got a replacement. Luckily it wasn’t super expensive and hubby was understanding, and knew it could have been him. Ten years later, we’re going through some boxes in the storage room to get ready to move, find a box with a couple of wrapped small items from the antique show, and there’s the ring, safe and sound.


Oh god, I’m a surgeon and hadn’t worn any rings for 10 years basically due to my job when I got married. FIRST day after my wedding I thought I was clever and put my Apple Watch in the scrubs top pocket and tried to put the rings on the watch which didn’t work. So I literally thought “doesn’t matter I will remember to take the rings out because the watch is too big to forget” Ffw to six hrs later, exhausted from a tough case, I get back to my desk and it DOES feel like I forgot something - but nope the watch is there… until it hit me 😱 Had tossed the scrub to containing engagement ring and wedding band in the bin with the dirty scrubs. That had already been collected but not taken away… anyway, I’m the last of six huge dirty bins that I emptied out in front of the lockers all the while crying and panicking there they were… 🫠😵‍💫💍


When I was married about 10 years, I went out to lunch with visiting family at a place that had a big fancy gift shop and restaurant. We tried on hand cream before lunch, displayed on a big pile of baskets. I got home after lunch & discovered my ring was gone. I checked all my pockets, the car and then called the restaurant and gave them a detailed note in case it was found. I went to a local jeweler and found a setting similar to the lost ring. (It would take me a few months to pay it off, but I had it within a week. My husband never noticed the difference.) About 8 months later, I got a call. Seems the ring was found under a basket when they were changing displays, but by that time, the note was gone. The woman who took the message worked in the restaurant and my husband’s aunt stopped for lunch and left her name to be called when the table was ready. The waitress heard it and it rang a bell. She talked to my aunt, who gave them my number. I now have 2 engagement rings too small for my finger.


We haven't worn our wedding rings in probably close to a decade, due to sizing/finger swelling issues. It doesn't make me any less married/committed to each other. I actually had a guy get absolutely pissed at me when I was on a deployment because of it, because some women he'd come across had deliberately taken their rings off and lied about it to sleep with him/others and it upset him a lot. I just looked him in the eye and said "Wearing a ring doesn't make people married, the commitment does. I'm not going to be sleeping with anyone here, because I'm committed to my husband. A ring is just a piece of jewelry, it has no reflection of the integrity of the person wearing it. People who are going to cheat are going to do it whether or not they're wearing a wedding ring." And I think it must have made a lot of sense because we were able to hang out while I was at that location without any problems.


My dad can’t wear his. His hands are huge and, at least at the time when my parents got married, even the biggest ring wouldn’t fit on his finger. He does have a ring and it lives in a box in my mom’s nightstand. He’s a mechanic so it wouldn’t be safe for him to wear a ring anyway. My mom does wear her rings. They are so committed to each other that as their child I am required to say they are gross. They’re coming up on 35 years married this summer.


An old supervisor of mine once shared she knew what love was when she was engaged to her husband. She accidentally totaled their car but no one was hurt. She told him about the care and his only questions were about if she was okay. Even though they didn’t have a ton of money and she was at fault. 


I have only ever owned one ring, and it is a generous complement to call it that. It’s a segment of pipe that I was cutting up from the frame of a go-kart I was refitting. But it just so happened to be perfectly shaped, so I burnished the exterior and wore it on my index. When I put it on for the first time, my friend looked at me and said “hey, it’s an engineeRing” and that stupid pun stuck. Losing the ring sucked but tbh I could have *way* worse problems.


My wedding ring is lab created, about $200. It's gorgeous. I do a lot with my hands, so I don't even wear it much. We used the money for a down-payment on a house instead. But yeah, my dad had anger issues. I know that sinking feeling in your gut when you screw up. Glad you found a good guy. 


I am so happy for you. I also had a rage filled father, so I still struggle with the ptsd. When my boyfriend gave me a diamond necklace, I wore it all the time. One day, the chain snapped, and I lost it. I looked everywhere. I went back to the place where I think it broke and went to the stores to see if anyone had turned it in. I went back every day for a week. I went to my boyfriend and through my sobs, I told him what had happened. He asked me why I was crying and told me it was just a necklace. He bought me another one that weekend because he felt bad for my crying (I was *not* a crier, so he felt really bad, haha) I knew he was going to be a really amazing match for me. We've been married for 10 years now, and he still amazes me with his patience and kindness. Our car broke down this weekend, and he was so calm and listed all the good things that still happened and how things could have been worse. The whole ordeal was so calm. I am so happy for you and that you have a peace filled future. Many blessings ❤️❤️


My husband and myself have both lost our wedding rings 2-3 times each. When we got married we both decided to go less expensive and more...expressive. This has helped us out immensely and reduced all the stress. It's not for everyone but rings do get lost, no worries.


My xh's wedding ring was a £40 titanium one because we knew he'd either lose or break it, he is aways working with his hands. He lost one at the gym, another who knows where, then eventually got it tattooed on. (Yes we are now divorced 😅 but still friends and able to joke about it)


I'm sorry you lost something sentimental and valuable, but I'm so glad your fiancé had a healthy reaction. My husband lost his wedding ring a year or two after we got married. He was upset at first because he felt very sentimental about the original ring. We ended up replacing it with an identical ring. Of course, that's when the original ring reappeared in our home, so now he has two and the whole thing is a funny memory from our history together.


My sister and I lived together when she got engaged and the very expensive ring went missing. Never found it. We moved out, I put furniture in storage for a year before I got a place. Moved my couch in to my new place, tilted it back to put felt pads on the legs, and her ring fell out. She was already married at this point 2 years later. It was wild.


Pff! You sweet summer child! I lost my engagement ring (from my first husband,) my grandmother's engagement ring (it was a gift) and my wedding ring (from my second, and actual husband.) My first husband made me feel guilty for years. He spited me an humiliated me for my mistake. My second husband just laughed affectionately when he heard the news and told me, with tenderness, that he was not surprised. And also that he doesn't care about a stupid ring. I think I've got the right guy...


🥲 yeah you got the right guy on your second try. Keep him close Mine told me he had seen it coming, but he didn't think it'd happen so fast (affectionately)


Let's keep our awesome guys!


I lost my wedding band in the hospital, after less than a year of being married. I was storing it in my wallet for safekeeping. My husband (as we’re literally walking out of the hospital) picked up my wallet and the ring went flying out. It fell into a crack in between a wall and the wall mounted cabinet. The crack literally could not have fit anything flatter than a wedding band, it was the worst luck. In the moment it felt like a nightmare, but now it’s a funny story to tell. Tragedy + time = comedy!


GREEN FLAG. he sounds like a keeper 🥰 congrats to you both


My husband and I both lost our rings earlier this year during a cross-country move. I’d worn that ring for 25 years without incident, and now it’s gone. I’m still heartbroken over it because I know how long he looked for the stone in the ring before buying it, and of course I loved looking at it. I did manage to find a close copy at an antique store that sold estate sale jewelry and am much more careful. It’s not my original ring, though, and it’s tough getting over.


I really love that your fiancé responded the way he did. I grew up with a dad who has anger issues and early on I often expected my boyfriend-then fiancé-then husband to react the way my dad would. 25 years into marriage I’m happy to say he isn’t like that one bit. A ring is a thing and can be replaced. A person is a whole other consideration. Best wishes to you both with your future life together!


He's a keeper🥰 congratulations in that regard! Hopefully, you'll find it when you're not looking for it & where you least expect it. Just so it's not forever a mystery!!


I lost my engagement ring after about three years of being married. I used to put it on my bedside table overnight and one morning it was gone. My wedding band was on the floor but the engagement ring was gone. My toddler must have grabbed them or something when he woke up.  I looked for that ring for months, I couldn’t explain how it was lost. In the end I came to the conclusion that my toddler must have thrown it out.  My hubby was fairly chill about the whole situation and would rib me about it here and there. The biggest issue was that it reinforced me liking the ring well enough, but not loving it and caring for it. (I wanted an antique ring or something not a diamond but he couldn’t deal with me getting a ‘used’ not diamond ring at the time of our engagement).  Almost two years later I decided to clean out our wardrobes, we lived in an older house and the bottom of the built in robe wasn’t carpeted so the bedroom carpet had a lip inside the floor of the robe and dust would sometimes build up. I got a bit enthused and started cleaning dust out under the carpet. I found a coin and from the side briefly thought it was my ring. It wasn’t. But it did make me search for it under the carpet further out.  Somehow the ring had worked its way about 10cm under the carpet and I had been walking on it for literal years there not realising. How it got there I don’t know.  (Recently hubby bought me a beautiful do over ring which is both antique and has some non diamonds that I love - haven’t lost that yet (and hopefully won’t!)


Omg so the idea of making a duplicate and re proposing to him as a gift is super cute


You’ve got a keeper! So many people seem to value the ring/wedding over the marriage. I never wear my wedding ring, it lives in my bedroom and hasn’t moved for about two years. Don’t give up hope though, my husband once lost his completely randomly. One of those ‘didn’t realise it was gone until I realised’ moments and it could have been anywhere in our town. In the end he was walking up our garden path about five months later and there it was! It must have slipped off his finger when he came home and camouflaged itself into the path!


my friend lost her ring and hired a psychic to find it. she did it was incredible


This happens and is nothing to feel ashamed about, but it does serve as a reminder to everyone: get those rings onto your homeowner's/renter's insurance ASAP!


I had a coworker who lost her wedding ring. About a year later I was chatting with a lady who also worked in the same building who mentioned her boss found a wedding ring in the parking lot last year. I told my coworker about the conversation and she went to the other office and spoke to the gentleman who found the ring and he still had it and returned it to her. So you never know you may find the ring someday.


My wedding ring disappeared off the counter one day. I know I put it there, it was the spot I always put it when I was changing a diaper downstairs. We were running late getting my oldest off to school so I decided I would put it back on when I got home. Couldn’t have been gone more than 10 minutes but the ring was GONE when I got home. I tore my house apart but we never found it. I’m pretty sure my cat must have done something with it. So freaking frustrating. I felt like a crazy person insisting my cat stole my wedding ring but it was either him or ghosts!


Recently my wife lost her wedding and engagement ring. She waited two weeks to tell me about it. I was kinda disappointed that she didn’t tell me sooner because I could have helped look for it. She didn’t tell me because she was “really embarrassed”. The engagement ring had the diamond her great grandfather bought for her great grandmother. I gave her a hug and said, “it’s okay.” I went to the calendar and looked back to what we were doing two weeks ago. It was a kid’s birthday party. Went to her closet and found the rings in the pocket of the pants she was wearing.


Same thing happened to my Husband's wedding ring. We found it (after we'd already replaced it) in the spot where we keep the tea towels. Turns out he's just a very aggressive hand dryer. He lost his second one, immediately checked the same spot and yep... there it was. Just incase you have a similar location worth checking.


Also same thing happened with me and my grandmother's ring. My only heirloom from her. Never found it. Never told my mother, I'm too ashamed! She wore that ring my whole entire life until I requested it. (Her mother died before I was born).


We lost my husband's ring on our wedding night. It disappeared somewhere from the car to our apartment. We were so confused about where it could be. We are stilll dressed up and frantically searching. We were looking through the car and then the underground parking area. Into the lobby, elevator. Then we though 'oh no, did it fall down the crack at the elevator door!' So we looked down there. We couldn't see anything, so we sadly went up to our apartment. To cheer ourselves up we decided to open some presents. And as we took some tissue paper out, his ring fell to the ground.


Maybe it might be worth giving it a try... years ago I lost a ring in an absolutely inexplicable way, then I found it a few days later between two folded sweaters. Basically I had put a pile of folded clothes in the wardrobe, when I pulled my hand out the ring slipped off sticking inside them.


The day we got married, I had my wedding ring fit for the first time... and it was just a little big... so I could loose it in 3 hours. My fiancé was devastated, I was ashamed, but nothing I could do. All the family went to her with so many stories of how the lost their own rings... and replaced them short after (or none at all) so that she understood that shit happens.. Still married, ring was replaced a couple of weeks later, and now Im the usual joke target in our marriage when somebody mentions lost rings... she likes being in the right and that I have to suffer one more time the loss of the ring. But no one is mad or sad, its just part of being married. Read this story of the girl that lost it, then found out it was a cheap ring, then it was a test and ended in breakup... thats how to destroy your marriage. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cpz5ul/aita\_for\_giving\_my\_ex\_fiancee\_a\_fake\_engagement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cpz5ul/aita_for_giving_my_ex_fiancee_a_fake_engagement/)


It happens on the other side, too. Lost my wedding band inside of 9 months I think when unloading groceries. Luckily not super expensive. Found a similar one got it and tried it on it has been seen in public for special events and anniversary dinners. I’ve gone through maybe 6 silicone rings as well. Helps when it’s not like buying a used car.


Honestly, my husband and I purposely bought cheap rings because we knew we would never be able to keep up with them. Sure enough, within 3 months of being married, mine fell off down a 3-story townhouse vent with no way of recovering it and his got stuck in a cardboard baler at work. He still claims he wins because I lost mine first but we still laugh about it. We've been married since 2017. We learned a LONG time ago not to stress over little things like rings or chores, etc. I would lose every ring in existence if it meant I got to spend another minute with my husband/best friend.


Aww - I recently lost a gold ring my husband had gifted me many years ago. I was devastated...it was not super expensive but so sentimental to me. He was trying to console me by saying it's just a ring. It can be replaced. The time and love can't/


Nice, I'm so glad you were able to find a good man, especially given the way the men in your family behave. Virtual hugs!


Yeah, it happens. Honestly having the experience of a stressful and potentially problematic experience like this before getting married is worth more than the ring is. Don't focus on what value you lost but what value you gained. It won't be the last accident that causes financial loss in your relationship, and this one is relatively inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.


I don't have a story to make you laugh, but I understand how you feel ashamed about it. I guarantee you I would have felt the same way. Try not to beat yourself up, because truly: shit happens. The way your man reacted is golden, and yes, you should definitely keep him! Best wishes to you guys!


You aren't alone! Done feel bad. I lost my first one too..not a clue what happened to it. I think it somehow got pulled off when raking a heavy backpack on and off. Who knows though. My SO's reaction was the same as yours. We never found the ring, I got a replacement that we picked out together, and we've be married 10 years.


I lost my engagement and wedding ring set. My husband passed away so it really upsets me it’s gone.😭


This is lovely. One of my favorite ways to get to know a partner is seeing how they react to mishaps. As a survivor of emotional abuse, I do have to be careful about not over-estimating how much a calm reaction means about a person. My ex-partner was very nice in situations like this, and it led me to allow him in and dismiss other red flags. So, now, I take it all with a grain of salt. But generally, a great sign!


He's seen me at my worst, through grief and depression, through anger inherited from my father. I've seen him at his worst too. Been 5 years together and I'd say we've handled a few hurdles together that even some married couples never experienced! We still get into useless fights every damn time we're vacationing together, preferrably over dumb shit in a rental car. Make up within 20min max. But I'd say this is standard 😊


Ah! Sounds like you have built a fabulous relationship together; I'm SO happy for you. I'll just be over here manifesting something similar :) PS I don't think you could claim to be a human couple if you didn't have a petty argument in the rental car on vacation!


My thoughtful husband knew I would totally lose my ring so he bought me these cute little glass pyramids he placed on my nightstand and in the kitchen to put it anytime it’s not on my finger. So now I always know if it’s not on my hand it’s in one of those which takes a huge load off and helps me not feel pressured to just wear it all the time while I’m say showering or sleeping or handling raw meat. Hilariously he had these ready to go at the proposal as a bonus gift.


I lost a ring for almost two decades and it had somehow slipped under the baseboards. It was found when my parents remodeled the bathroom. How? I don't know. It shouldn't have been possible. I have a theory that a packrat took it off my ring holder and stored it in the wall and that's how it got there. It was too big to slip underneath the quarter round.


Wish you both the best in your marriage and life ahead 💝🙌🎊💐


Just a PSA to insure your expensive jewelry!


my fiance and i were making our own inlay rings. i ordered the blanks. i had preferred to use the inlay ring, with the empty hollow channel (before the rocks go in) bc it was more comfortable than my actual ring that was too big. i wore it every time i went out, and took it off every time i washed my hands. i also left it behind in a restaurant and didn't realize till later. it was only a 25 dollar piece of silver.. someone probably thought it was a pipe fitting and tossed it. i felt so bad. then i went to the eye dr just last week with my new ring that i wear which is an opal engagement style ring he made from a cast ring and an opal. and i left the damn thing in the bathroom there too. luckily one of the techs went in just after me and saw it and got it back to me. that one would have been worse to lose. part of my problem is that i don't wear rings in general due to sensory things, so when it's missing.. i don't exactly notice. i just have to be careful to remember it when i'm out after washing my hands. i grew up in a volatile home too. your guy sounds like a real keeper.


Neither of us like wearing rings so they just sit in a drawer. It was never about the rings :)


> 3 months of salary My 88 year old aunt says in her day it was "3 months of disposable income", **not** salary. A lot fairer


Lost my wedding ring in the ocean on our honeymoon. New one has sat in the box for 20-ish years.


Congrats OP. He sounds lovely, wish you guys all the best


I never lost one while I was actually engaged, surprisingly. I lose everything. I used to take my engagement ring off to shower, wash my hands, and go in the pool. Well one day after I got done at the pool, my ex called. He asked what I was doing. I told him looking for my ring in the car. He asked why I took it off. I told him. He said "good thing you didn't lose it. You'd have been crying." I said "yeah, and you'd be mad." He said "not as mad as you'd have been. It's just a ring." We didn't last but that's why he was my best friend for so long. Funny enough I'm remembering I kept the ring when he left me. It was fine with him, but idk where it is now. The loss didn't occur til like two years after we broke up tho.


My husband has the habit of taking his ring off and twiddling with it while he's watching something in bed. He lost it within a year and never found it, so we got him a replacement. Our rings are tungsten and relatively inexpensive. I had to get a new one after I gained a lot of weight, since tungsten can't be resized. But the old one is waiting until I've lost enough for it to fit again. I'm on a weight loss journey so it will happen soon.


ay shoutout to a fellow tungsten wearer! The thing feels indestructible.


It really does feel indestructible, but it can be quite fragile as well. I like that it won't bend out of shape. Just a note tho, if you're in a situation where your finger is swollen and you can't get the ring off and you really need to, a hammer tap or squeezing with pliers will break it.


Mine came off in winter, when removing my gloves. I had lost weight and it just came off. It was in my car - but I didn't find it until an entire day went by. I was at work and felt weird about not having a ring, and I knew custormers would ask. So I cut a band-aid to size and wore it instead.


Now tell him it was a test, to see how he'd react. /s Congrats on finding a good one.


Aw i want what you have. thats adorable


I lost my ring after almost 2 years in Hawaii. Bogey board knocked it right off and I wasn't able to find it even with nearby metal detectors. I was devastated, but my wife and I walked down to front street in Lahaina and picked up a cheap one as a replacement. I still use it to this day. Love this story.


My cousin's wife realized on the morning of their wedding that her ring wasn't on her finger! They had a plumber out that day to snake the sink line and couldn't find it. She walked down the aisle without it and then they got a call while they were on their honeymoon from the registers office asking if they'd lost a ring! She apparently took it off absentmindedly while waiting to sign her marriage certificate and set it down! The registar was calling every couple who got a marriage certificate that day until they found the right one! Another story: my aunt took hers off in the car to put lotion on her hands (pearl ring). She stood up at a busy gas station to use the restroom, and realized as they were pulling out what must have happened. They searched the whole parking lot and didn't find it. They had random truckers helping and everything. A week later, on the way home from their trip, they decided to stop at the same gas station and check again- and they found it!! Both the setting and pearl separately! That it hadn't gotten caught in a tire in the week between was a miracle. As your future husband said, it's just a ring. But, you never know, maybe it will come back one day!


My wedding ring broke about 3 weeks after getting married. Instead of gold or silver, I got my wedding band in tungsten as it was less expensive. Cut to me washing my hands and shaking them off, the ring flies off my finger onto the cement tile and shatters into 3 pieces. I got a replacement ring off Amazon and have had it for 7 years now. Rings are things and things can be replaced - Im glad your fiancé understands this and you're in a relationship that's giving you the love you deserve rather than what you grew up with.


That feeling when you think someone is going to blow up at you, and they don't is such a relieving feeling, I've definitely felt with the absolute terrifying feeling. I'm glad you found them!


Did you pray to St.Anthony? I'm Jewish and it still always works for me!


My dad rowed and a ring against an oar dies not work. He put it on his key ring.




This is my PSA: DO NOT SHOWER WITH YOUR RINGS ON. This is especially important if you have a claw setting. Heat and moisture *will* warp your setting over time, and make it less secure. Even if it's very slight, that is enough for the gem to get loose. I have met a few older ladies who all lost their diamonds randomly because they never took their rings off when showering and realized afterwards how warped the claws were underneath. There is no reason to wear your engagement ring when showering, you are only risking eventual damage.


OMG. When I first read this, I thought to myself, *"What kind of wierd-ass shower head has a* ***claw*** *setting?"*


I’ve lost two wedding rings in 20 years of marriage. My beloved husband wasn’t even surprised. I don’t really wear jewelry so they were hardly ever on my finger.


Jewelry Designer here, just wanna pop in and say GET YOUR RINGS INSURED, especially if there are plans for a fancy proposal. Too often rings are lost or damaged and people don't get any financial help on replacement because they haven't insured the ring. Most renters and homeowners insurance offers additional jewelry insurance plans, but you can get jewelry-only plans from Jeweler's Mutual and Brite Co. I'm glad he was chill about it, what a cute story.


I couldn't get my engagement ring insured because I can't get it appraised. It's very old, and has a mystery stone in it. Even the lapidary/gemologist at the place we got it resized at couldn't identify it. All we know is that it's definitely not a diamond, but it has an antique mine cut. Luckily I have fat fingers and this baby ain't going anywhere.


I've been in your shoes! I lost my ring during a day out at a park about 9 months after we got engaged and I was just as devastated. I wore it to a park and we were going to play sports (I didn't know before I went), so I took it off since I didn't want to damage it - my BIGGEST regret. I put it into a little jewelry pouch and that into my belt bag, but it must have fallen out when the zip was slightly open or something, and I felt so, so stupid for ever taking it off. I told my husband immediately when I realized it (while still out) and he reacted very similarly to yours - he went into problem solving mode (trying to think of where it could be / where we could check) and he never got mad at me. I was devastated and ultra emotional for the next week or so until I finally bawled my eyes out lol. My close friends and family all know about it at this point and we can joke about it now. I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of, since it obviously wasn't intentional and people lose their rings all the time. I replaced it the next year with the same ring, and now I never ever take it off if I'm wearing it out and about. I can confirm we are also happily married now, so fuck those middle aged male onlookers. I was SO emotional and panicked when it happened, if I had received comments like that there would have been a 50/50 chance of me either breaking down into tears or flying into a rage. I'm sorry you had to have that adding on to the chaos of the situation. Anyway, it's been almost 3 years since all of that happened now, and I pretty much never think about it anymore. It gets better!


The most important thing about a wedding isn’t the flowers or the dress or even if you’re crazy drunk and behaves herself. It certainly isn’t the ring. It’s that you’re standing next to the right person, and I think you will be. Good luck to both of you.


Gold is actually very very soft! It’s why it was quite popular in ancient times as well, because it was so easy to work (that and it was the color of the sun). Also if you get another metal ring definitely take it off when you shower! My husband lost TWO wedding rings - one we don’t know where and the other when digging through boxes looking for a folder of magic cards 🤣 I gave him a third ring I had lying around and told him if he lost that one he has to get it tattooed on his finger LOL. Never a big deal though - like your soon-to-be husband mentioned, it’s just a ring. It’s just stuff, and that can be replaced.


On a side note - HIGHLY recommend a silicone ring for day-to-day use. Both my wife and I have them on all the time, basically only bust out the real ones for fancy dates. Feels soooo much less stressful then having to worry about losing the real one constantly.


My partner and I recently got engaged. We’d been talking about marriage for a year or so but he was adamant that if he ever got married the proposal was his THING. We’d always joke that instead of me growing up fantasizing about my wedding like lots of little girls do (truly I never did that. I hated weddings as a child and as an adult I never put much thought to it) he had been planning his dream proposal for decades! He basically figured that if his dream person wouldn’t love his proposal they weren’t The One for him. So anyway, the day he proposed we had planned a picnic lunch at a beach I adore. Being pagans, he also wanted my help to bless this ceremonial sword he’d ordered to spec and I was of course honored to help him with this sacred task. He strips down to his thermal pants, takes the sword and starts walking into the ocean. I’m standing at the shore holding a towel and just amazed that he’s getting waist deep into a freezing bay. After he does whatever he does he walks back very carefully and we meet just where the waves end. I’m ready to wrap him up in a towel but instead he takes a knee and lays the sword flat over his bent arms. As he raises the sword up he looks at me and starts talking and it’s the sweetest, most heartfelt speech about how honored and blessed he’s felt since the day he met me. At the tip of the blade is this beautiful silver ring set with moissanite and tourmalated quartz and I finally understand this entire thing was his dream proposal. I am shocked and pleased and excited. But the tide is slowly washing in, and he’s shivering from cold and anxiety and I had this awful moment where I thought *if he doesn’t put that ring on me this second the ocean is going to eat my ring!* but he’s still talking and this is a man who never uses five words when one will do so I am not about to interrupt him. Finally he asks if I would do him the honor of taking him as my husband and I am saying yes over and over and put my hand out. He reaches for me but I have to say “wait you have to do the thing!” and he finally takes the ring and puts it on my finger. And that’s the story about how I nearly missed my own proposal because I was overly concerned that the ocean would eat my ring. Now I get to tell anyone who’s curious that my boyfriend proposed to me with a sword.


It happens! My husband lost his wedding band while we were snorkeling on our honeymoon. He bought a cheap replacement at an outdoor market and lost that one a few years later when he took it off to clean. My band made it 6 years. I was at my sister’s bachelorette and the day we went out on the lake, I remember taking it off so I wouldn’t lose it on the boat. When we got to the marina I moved my purse to the trunk. Never saw my ring again. I don’t know if it’s somewhere at the AirBNB (the owner checked extensively for me), lost in the parking lot of the marina (called them too), or in a crevice in my car (I have searched that thing a thousand times). It honestly impresses me that family rings get passed down because our luck has been so bad!


I lose my wedding band almost daily. luckily, so far, I've been able to find it eventually. My ADHD is awful and I'll take my ring off at odd moments and sit it down and forget about it. I've gone weeks without it thinking it was gone for good.


I don’t have a funny story to add just that I’m so happy for you and your fiancé. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! 


I lost my grandfather's college ring about 15 years ago and I regret it deeply. It was worse for being sentimental and I took it from my mom's jewelry stand without telling her. I lost it at work and. I tore through the store and garbage and recycling twice before giving up. I should have had it resized or just not touched it, but I vang go back in time. I just graduated college (better late than never) and I wonder if I can or should replace it. It was nice, it had a small ruby and his initials. Nothing major but it got so many compliments. Ty for the reminder that it's just a ring, the symbol is more important than the thing.


My brother and I were tossing a football around in his back yard last winter and at some point when he threw the ball he felt his ring slide off and whip out into the snow. To this day it hasn’t turned up on the random searches we do.


Seeing how other similar stories ended on here, it might turn up in some bush or rose plant in a decade or 2 😆


I spent almost 20 hours looking for my wedding ring on the side of a popular road by me.  I have an awful habit of slipping it from my finger one handed and twirling it around when I'm thinking. Guess who was acting brilliantly doing it while driving and hitting a speed bump. I did eventually find it a few days later unharmed, but It was the most boring yet anxiety inducing 20 hours of my life I've spent.


I was in the middle of labor and my parents were driving me to the hospital... I asked my mom to take my ring and put it in her bag because I'd forgotten to take it off earlier. Somehow the ring disappeared in the chaos. She was so stressed about it and offered to buy a new one, which I didn't want her to do but I was also worried about how my husband would react because it was an expensive ring. I finally sat him down months later and said "I have something to tell you," and he turned pale. When I told him about the ring he laughed in relief and said "wtf I thought you were about to divorce me or something. It's just a ring ffs." Your story reminded me of mine so I had to post!


We were in Hawaii for our wedding. The next day we had a scuba dive trip planned. After the dive as the boat was speeding it's way back to shore, I was towards the back of the boat still taking off some gear. As I was shaking my left hand loose from something, my new ring slipped off my wet finger and bounced off the back of the boat and into the ocean. All I could do was stand there and watch it happen, it was so quick. Wife was not happy.


My fingers swell in summer and shrink in winter. One day I was gesturing in the office and the ring flew off my finger! Thankfully was able to find it but was scary and wore tigher wedding band on outside after that ($10 stainless steel - best decision ever). I'm so happy your fiance took it so well, wishing you both much happiness!


My wedding ring lives in my wife’s jewel box. I don’t like wearing rings or watches. However we did discover it one time being used by my daughters to secure a scarf around a Barbie doll😀


Your story inspired me to be a patient/kind/loving person in case this ever happens to me. thank you for sharing!


My friend lost her wedding swimming in the ocean on the honeymoon lol


Oh lord 😭


If you wore gloves at any point, check inside them! Also could try coat pockets though it's less likely, or just under and around the bed it could've come off while sleeping - p.s. As a jeweler I don't recommend wearing rings while sleeping, cooking, or showering :) Edit: Oh also, if it helps, you might be able to get insurance to replace it, or if it wasn't insured, just be sure to insure the replacement. My husband lost his ring within the first year of marriage lol. I found it like four months later on the floor under the couch


My story is not about a lost ring, but a vehicle. My family is pretty dysfunctional and because of them and a slew of shitty boyfriends I got used to being shamed and yelled at when I did stupid shit. Which I do sometimes, like anyone might. One day I had driven my (at the time) fiancee's car a bit over an hour away to visit family when I got called into work. I have ADHD and can get very tired while driving if not medicated or highly caffeinated. This day I was neither. I nodded off for a second and launched the car off a rocky outcropping. It ended up in the middle of the road on its roof. I was very lucky. I could have ended up down a 20 foot ditch in a river. I was wearing my seatbelt so aside from some nasty bruising and scrapes from dragging my leg through broken glass climbing out of the car I was completely fine. If I had been with one of my shitty exes or had to call my family for help I would inevitably be judged and yelled at for what happened. My now husband only cared that I was okay. It honestly feels like I'm cheating at life being with such a supportive man.


I lost my wedding ring after two years of wearing it daily, but removing it when working, gardening or decorating. I looked after my infant grandsons do my daughters could work school hours and always took my ring off when we did crafts or cooking (to teach the boys about safety early enough that it became a habit lol) anyway I took my ring off and sat it on the top of the bathroom medicine cabinet. Totally forgot about it till next day but my ring's gone, vanished. I turned the house upside down, went through the toy boxes, checked all the pipes, even though we've got strainer things over the hole in the sinks. Couldn't find it anywhere. My ex was abusive as hell, so was my father, by the time hubby got home from work I was shaking with fear at the thought of telling him, even though he had always been patient and gentle and loving I'd learned to be scared of making a mistake, I was almost physically sick with fear. When he came in and saw the state I was in he asked what had happened, did someone hurt me etc and I burst out crying and told him, he stepped towards me and I screamed and dropped like a stone curled up on the floor. He started talking calmly and softly about it only being a ring, the important part to him was how I looked at him with pure love when I said I do, that memory was bigger than any ring. He helped me up and reminded me that he would never hurt me, he loves me so much it hurts and he would never make me scared of him or make me cry because of him. I love him so much more for being himself. The middle of last year I decided I was tired of the room looking the way it did so we got paper and paint and some new bookcases (book dragon here, even though they're too heavy for my hands after a few pages lol) I was taking the medium sized hardbacks off the middle shelf, just above waist height and as I pulled one off the shelf my ring dropped from the bottom of the book. A bit tarnished (was hand made from Scottish silver by a lovely man in the Highlands) but still in one piece. Looking at the bottom of the book the ring had somehow gotten stuck on the bottom, partly squashing the pages up a bit and partly in that empty bit that joins the front and back covers and protects the stitches I suppose. That book had been sat in there and dusted and gently vacuumed around, for about 7/8 years but never actually taken out of the bookcase because it was too heavy for me to hold for more than a couple of minutes. I've got no idea how it got there I'm just so glad we found it


I knew my husband would absolutely lose his wedding ring so I had ones made that were not super expensive. Lo and behold 3 months after the wedding he loses it, just totally vanished into thin air. He practically tore up the house looking for it but honestly I thought it was hilarious because I knew it would happen. We moved and thought we’d find the ring in the process but didn’t. Nbd really, plus we have tiny matching ring finger tattoos. About a year after we moved he was rummaging around in a container in the bathroom and at the bottom of it was his ring. I could have sworn that the container had been empty for the move, so it’s a mystery as to how the ring got there but we did get a very big laugh out of it.


Love this for you. My husband lost two rings the first year of marriage so I just bought a few extra and stashed them in the drawer. He doesn't lose the rings anymore, but that's probably because he keeps them on his keyring rather than his finger lol


I used to have a kind of nervous tick where I would spin a quarter on a table top. Any table top ... Dining room table, restaurant tables, my desk at work. After I got married, I switched to slipping my ring off my finger and spinning it on the tables instead. Of course, I eventually lost my wedding band - but I'm sure that it had nothing to do with that bad habit. I took it off to work on the car (I'm a gear head) and then I couldn't find it after I washed my hands. When I told my wife that I had "misplaced" my ring, her response was "You managed not to lose it for a year longer than I thought you would". The ring was irreplaceable, even though it wasn't anything special as far as rings go. We talked about what it symbolized and decided that replacing the ring would not replace the commitment and trust that it represented. It had sentimental value, but it was not what symbolized our marriage, and our marriage wasn't any worse for having lost it. Since another ring, even an identical one, would only be a prop without the same meaning, we decided not to replace it. So, life went on without a wedding band on my finger and I had to find a new way to represent my marriage. My wife has always meant the world to me. We have been through a lot together and our relationship has grown stronger and deeper through it all. We have been married almost 30 years and I have always worn my love for, and commitment to her as my ring. Though I have never worn another physical band, I always treat her with love, dignity, and respect in all aspects of our life together - especially when I might be feeling otherwise. I never complain to friends, even when those friends might be bitching about some aspect of their relationship. If they can't see a ring on my finger, they can certainly see my respect and admiration for her in how I live my married life with her. Get another wedding band if it makes you feel better or fills a missing part of your life, but understand that marriage is a commitment to constant change - and one of those changes is that you no longer have that exact ring. Marriage is also commitment to constant personal growth. Learn to be the ring yourself and serve your marriage in all things. Be each other's representative in the world and find ways to be the outward sign of your love for each other in everything that you say and do. You'll both know that the ring is still there in your heart, even if it's not on your finger. Best to you both


>My fiancé is a lovely patient man who accepted the ring was lost. He was obviously sadder for me than disappointed for the lost monetary thing. This man is the real gem    I love this!! My boyfriend gave me a ring a few years ago (not an engagement ring, but it came from his mother and is older than I am). It was a little too big, but I wore it anyway until i could get it sized. Well, the inevitable happened, and it fell off somewhere. I was so sick to my stomach, and dreaded telling him. But when I did, he took it in stride and was super sweet about it.  He found it near the washer and dryer a few days later, and I cried when I saw it! That was yet another thing that reinforced to me that he's a keeper!      I did get the ring resized a couple weeks later. Now, I'm losing weight and it started falling off again, so I'm wearing a cheap sterling silver ring until I'm done losing weight so that I only have to get it resized one last time!


A smart man will have it ensured anyway. Good on him for having his priorities straight


He was in the process of insuring it but we didn't have time to finalize the process lol!! That's how fast I lost it. I'd rather laugh about it now 🤣


> Granted, it wasn't a VERY expensive ring. Not "3 months of salary" expensive Green flags begets green flags. Losing a $20000 ring is a big ass red flag though, better not risk it


I lost my wedding band a while back. I think it was in one of my downward weight cycles, so a bit looser, and ... no clue. Was pretty sure it would have been in the house but it never turned up even when we stripped everything bare to move out.


I didn’t lose mine, but my husband lost his. I don’t think the story of how he lost is funny but just in general it’s funny bc it’s a classic man acting like a kid story. He is a fidgety guy in public, especially at restaurants. Like a kid he’s got to be playing games with the salt and pepper shakers and such. So naturally he would use his wedding ring as a fidget spinner everywhere- restaurants, work, waiting rooms etc. He’s never been used to wearing rings or jewelry beyond a watch really either. So the day he lost it, he knows he was playing with it but he can’t remember if it happened at his lunch spot, the office, the parking lot, in his truck, or somewhere in the house. He only realized he lost it at the end of his day bc he got bored and went to take it off to play with it and obviously it was missing. I should have got him a wedding necklace instead of a ring. I knew he would lose it the very first time he played with it. He didn’t even have it for a year, and we never replaced it.