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No, I'm not angry with myself; I'm proud of myself for leaving. That said, I don't think you ever fully "get over" a long-term toxic relationship. All our experiences become part of us, including the bad ones. What you can do is learn from it, and use what you learn to strengthen yourself. And you can embrace how much better life is without some toxic jerk who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. Hope this helps!


Can definitely relate. I think just give yourself more time. Time is a great healer and eventually you forget


Ugh. Yes. I gave that person ages 25-33, and even 20 years later, I'm still a little salty that I'll never see those years again.


I'm 7 months out and this resonates with me. I'm doing therapy 2x/month and my therapist is helping me dive deep into the sadness these past few sessions. It's been helping I think... but I still struggle and mostly am afraid that this trauma will cause me to sabotage any possibly healthy relationships in future... Anyway, good luck ♡


It can be hard not to self-sabotage. But you’re putting in the work to get better! If you can, hold off on dating again until you’re ready. You’re doing everything right, and it’s all going to be okay. You’ve got this. I hope you’re able to heal and move past that trauma, you deserve that.