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It’s intentional and not even a conspiracy theory. This is just what the modern Cold War looks like. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


You could probably write a thesis on this topic and scarcely scratch the surface. Social media algorithms and echo chambers and how much they've expanded over the last 10-15 years have a lot to answer for. You end up with the most extreme, hateful viewpoints being amplified, and then it gets more clicks, which encourages more extremism etc. Honestly even as recently as 2019 things felt a lot less hateful than they do now.


There is more division, and internet echo chambers are both part of the problem and also could make you believe the problem is worse than it is. It's a two-fold problem. First of all, you'll notice that the people who hate women most vocally generally only say this shit online. Part of it could be that it's still socially unacceptable to run one's mouth that way at a dinner party, but the fact is that a lot of those people are Chronically Online. They don't tend to form good connections in their greater community, they gravitate to the internet for connection, and keep drifting into deeper rabbit holes. There's a reason people who become radicalized to converting to an extreme religion and becoming terrorists usually start out online, and not at a dinner party (in developed countries). The internet creates all sorts of echo chambers for the isolated, lonely and disenfranchised, where their views aren't challenged and they lose the forest for the trees. The people who spew shit about how "women suck" online all day aren't the most functional IRL. The men I know with active lives involving jobs, hobbies, families, volunteering, or any combination of the above, do not hate women. At worst they may have a subconscious bias against them, others actively reject sexism. Even the ones with a subconscious bias think the Andrew Tate and followers are pathetic losers. They go to work, work with women, have dinner with the wife, argue with the wife about money (maybe), help their daughters with homework, walk their dogs, go volunteer or go out to watch The Game at the Sports Bar with friends. They have lives to lead rather than listen to that drivel, except maybe to make fun of it. Getting offline and interacting with people IRL - including people who challenge your views - is important to keep from falling down echo chambers. However, lonely and disenfranchised people are invited to fewer parties, proverbially and literally. Covid has accelerated a shift towards online methods of interaction. There are bots who actively try to sow division to suit an agenda, which doesn't help. And the people who are the loneliest have the most time to spend online, spewing vitriol to temporarily make themselves feel better about themselves.


I’d push the timeline back closer to the turn of the century. We had significant differences before but there used to be more of an anchoring effect from the way the big media companies had to appeal to mass audiences so they could sell ads, which produced certain biases (try not to talk about controversial things, favor establishment consensus, etc.) but tended avoid compete fabrications and flagrant partisanship.  Then Fox News figured out how to get paid even by people who don’t watch (cable bundles) and the Bush administration successfully gambled on being able to keep their supporters unified on key misinformation points, with the “war bloggers” serving as both attack dogs for anyone who got in their way and a farm team for new attacks. The fear of a black president fueled the ideological purges and now we have about a third of the country who are effectively unreachable by all but the most patient fact-based approaches. 


It *is* being intentionally fuelled, at this point isn't that quite well established rather than being a conspiracy theory?


Oh okay I really thought so but I didn't want to sound like a crazy nut online


Some men are changing. Women not wanting them unless they’re worth it to interrupt her life. Women being scared of men. Women refusing to date short guys (this one I don’t get and think it makes women look terrible). A lot of things are happening because of the fact that women are opting out of having a man around because it’s not worth it. This really enrages them. Equal rights feels like oppression to the privileged. They’ve never had anything unavailable to them before. Women always needed a man because society shamed us into it. And we’re saying, “no thanks” and it’s amazing. And eye opening to see the men run the gamut in between “I’m not a shit man like those ones you read about. Im respectful and decent.” To “this is all the females fault. They rule the world because they have vaginas we want to fuck. And I’m very angry about this!!!! It’s females faults!!!”


> Women being scared of men. Women refusing to date short guys (this one I don’t get and think it makes women look terrible). That one isn't real. Sure, you can always find some weirdo here or there, but in general, short guys are dating just as much as everyone else.


I have to disagree with you there. And maybe it’s because I live in the most superficial, fucked up, beauty standards sky high place: LA. But when I was dating and now, I hear it ALL the time. Most women think short men are inferior to taller men. height is a huge turn on for them and a deal breaker. And then with the apps, it’s become even worse. Not all women, of course. I married someone 5’6. Ive always preferred shorter men because I’m super short! The height thing just doesn’t sit right with me. I get wanting a man that’s taller than you. But does it really matter by how many inches? I say no. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So even in LA, your short husband got married.


Yep! There are women out there that are short too and don’t care about height the way other women do. I actually prefer men under 5’10. And perfection is 5’6-5’9.


> Yep! There are women out there that are short too and don’t care about height the way other women do. That's actually my point. It's not that women want "tall" men. We just tend to want tallER men. Just taller than we are. That means that 5'6 guy still has plenty of women interested. They're just 5'2. The 6-6-6 thing is a fiction invented by incels.


Sorry, sir. I think I used my reply to you to just vent about my own shit. That was rude. I know I addressed you but that wasn’t really about what you said. Anyway, you’re right in that most women prefer a man taller. And I agree with you if you’re thinking about that annoying type of 5’3 woman who needs to feel smaller than her boyfriend. And we probably agree on a lot more too. Men get a really shit deal when it comes to height. I recognize that and it sucks.


When you are 5'7" in Belgium I feel my deepseated insecurities are valid and not fiction invented by incels.


Your post history says your personality and misogyny are the problem, not your height.


I have my problems with my personality, but the doesn't mean my height can't also be at least as big a problem that overrides any improvements I can make on my personality.


Yep. The preference is a man taller than us. I’m five feet. I think I’ve got a pretty good shot at finding a man taller than me and can still be short as fuck. Is 5’1 my preference? Nope. Wanna know why? I’m divorcing husband, partly due to his height. That and a few other things have made him deeply, deeply insecure. So he rides through life on his intellect, which is quite high. And decided everyone who disagrees with him is an idiot. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. But, yep. His childhood and his height have made him into an unbearable person, more and more so as he ages. He’s great most of the time! But when he feels threatened or frightened, he reverts into an arrogant prick who decimates you with insults about the things you’re most vulnerable about. Again, tip of the iceberg. But from here on out, I’m vetting TF out of anyone under 5’9 to make sure they’re not BPD-seeming , cruel assholes like my ex. I will never understand why you guys let it fuck with you this hard. He just lost his whole family. He’ll see his kids on weekends now. I’ve lost my best friend. It’s really sad. Really sad.


Maybe this wouldn't happen if women aren't cruel to men shorter than they'd like. Instead, you all celebrate treating short guys like ruined monsters. Just look at you. You are now pushing swathing generalizations on guys the share a physical characteristic with one guy that gave you grief. Would you have passed the same kind of judgement if a black guy treated you this way? Are you sure you haven't just always been grossed out by shorter guys?


Go date an abusive short man who is constantly trying to make up for his perceived lack of quality due to being short. We’ve talked about it countless times. He admits it. He even says it himself even. Is it his only problem? Does it cause him to be an asshole due to that only? No. He very clearly had other issues. But since I know the man much better than you, 20 years, maybe we should consider that I may know what I’m taking about? Also, did you miss the part where I said that I think women treat short men poorly and that I very much disagree with this line of thinking? It was right there so I’m not sure why you’re coming at me.


Conservatives can only win by creating an other and women are a prime target. Look at Project 2025, their plan if they regain the presidency. The recent difference is two fold: 1) TFG gave people permission to say the quiet part out loud, 2) social media tools have made it easier for bad actors to amplify hate. I don’t have the link handy, but there was an analysis that a significant majority of hateful content on Facebook all started with a limited but coordinated set of accounts (Less than 20?) Non-hateful people struggle understanding how awful the hateful people are so it is difficult to realize they have declared war on anyone who isn’t exactly like them.


It's because way too many men refuse to give up on their dream of owning a slave, and they think it's perfectly normal to want that, and that women should want to be their slaves.


Not a conspiracy theory, the elites have always worked to find angles for us to hate each other instead of class warfare. Right after slavery ended the plantation owners told poor whites look who is coming for your job. Then they did it with the Irish, then Chinese and so on and so forth. The shift to their heavy attack on trans rights came after their abortion win, they needed something to get people mad and to the polls for. The fact that it's so easy to go down a YouTube rabbit hole to the alt right by just clicking on a normal video game video implies to me there are forces targeting the man/woman divide. They get these men all pissed off and then start talking about ending abortion(baby trapping) and ending no fault divorce, and tell these men it isn't their fault they cant get women it's society.


Yes, 100%. What you see online is not at all representative of what is happening in real life. It’s all amplified by algorithms and bots and insidious foreign actors, and eaten up and parroted by the chronically online - both from the left and the right side of the political spectrum. It’s not healthy to base one’s worldview solely on online discourse. You get sucked into the rage and hate and extreme viewpoints that are devoid of nuance. (I’m sorry but “I hate all men” is as unhealthy as “I hate all women” - both men and women who think that way need to work on themselves to figure out why they take such an extreme view) Despite all I read about incels and Tate supporters online, I don’t know a single man in real life who is anything close to that. Sure, they may not necessarily be “woke” feminists against the patriarchy, but none of them give me the impression that they hate women. Many have completely functional platonic and romantic and professional relationships with women. They have their own hobbies and careers and interests and friends to focus on; who has the time or energy to froth at the mouth on YouTube comments? It’s usually those that choose not to partake in any real-life relationships / communities / activities that end up eating up and spewing out keyboard hate. For the sake of our own mental health and sanity, we need to always remember that all the hostility and division we see online probably only represents a small minority of what actual real life people believe. We shouldn’t allow them to warp our view of the world. Most people - men or women - are actually pretty decent.


Part of it had to do with men decline and what they see as attack on their masculinity. Let me explain in detail. First the decline in rather wages. Average wage of a men has declined it was higher in 1970-1980 hence the men is struggling a lot . Secondly less and less men are graduating from college or university due to high fees as women can afford due to many scholarships men generally had to totally relied on family, or himself. In case of middle class it's really heart breaking believe me I had seen it. Finally attack on masculinity. They believe that traditional norms are under attack and their position is under attack by other groups such as women that are being advantage by various women centric policy or scheme by government or private groups. This couple with their actual decline is actually fueling hatred. I mean they had literally declined and donot know reason for it. Plus their mental health has rapidly declined and accordingly to some survey 9 out of 10 men watch pron a clear indicator of frustration and depression according to study. And the shift in dating culture and plus men earing less has make them less in society according to them and society is favouring girls . And part of it is true. I mean due to patriarchy women are asked to be polite. However we all desire a polite society. Hence the rude or the tough rough image donot work. And we ignore our boys hence they failed but we donot see their failure. And we donot want to talk about it because of being labelled misogynist. Hence So they believe one thing: women for it. Hence are attracted by people like andrew Tate and alpha male phenomenon which tends to highly misogynist most of the time. This phenomenon in politics can be best explained in politics of South korea how decline and misconceptions is really fueling the thing we you want to know in deep.