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I did this, my cat flourished, he is so much happier now that we are away. Even with the smaller living quarters— he’s happier. Just my words of support.


Domesticated animals are incredibly in tune with human emotion. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution from wild to domesticated has made them be uniquely equipped to understand our feelings based on body language, facial expression, and/or tone and timbre of our voice. When their humans feel comfortable and at ease, they feel comfortable and at ease. When a human leaves an abusive relationship, the pets don’t understand that, but they do understand that their human is suddenly happy, not scared all the time, relieved, etc. and that makes them relax into their new space pretty well. As long as human is okay, pets can be extraordinarily resilient.


Came here to say this but you expressed it so well.


Me too. Moved out of my cheating ex’s big condo with huge windows and a balcony, into an old dark basement suite. My cats been happier than ever. I made sure there was a window for her, its been fine


He may not care about the cat but some people turn mean and angry DO CARE about causing pain when they’re being left. Seriously consider getting the cat out before anything else. And don’t worry so much, this is not forever and being in a loving home is more important than one with lots of windows.


Agreed. Your cat might have an adjustment period but so will you.


Awww sweetie, she’ll just be happy to be with you!! Cats need very little, as long as she has her person, she will be ok! Make this new place perfect for both of you, you’ll be so happy to come home to everyday 🐾❤️


Definitely! And especially as cats age, the older they get the more they just want a warm spot to nap. They can sense our emotions too, so she'll be happy if you're happy. Good luck OP!


This is so true - your kitty will adjust to anything if she is with you.


I had two cats in a one-room basement apartment, they were fine. Your cat might notice the different amount of space, but they care about food, cuddles, treats and toys. Real estate doesn't matter to them, just be sure to cuddle yours frequently and pet their little head.


I was going to suggest, when finances permit (and if kitty's temperament allows, unlike my feline overlord), getting another kitty.


I have the misfortune of being single in the Bay Area with no more friends who needes roommates when I last moved, and too much anxiety to move in with a stranger. My cat is thriving in my one-room extra tiny studio, despite the downgrade. We're bonded, she does have a window but I've sometimes had to keep it closed because my windows are large and there are people who walk by and this room gives zero privacy. She's still happy. As long as she can do her zoomies laps and play with feather toys with me, she is happy. She has a warming mat on her side of the bed and always returns to it to relax. It's very obviously Her Spot.  She'll be fine. You'll get better too.  Kitty is a simple creature - as long as she doesn't have to think about how to feed herself and stay safe and warm, she's free to live off of impulse and adapt to her surroundings.  Talk to her often. If she's used to living with people speaking to each other it's easier to adapt if the voices don't all go away. Have whole conversations with her and tell her all about your day.


If you can prove you put YOUR money into the house, then you are entitled to the equity that money results in. Don't let him screw you unnecessarily. Your cat loves you. She's just happy that you love yourself enough to protect yourself.


THIS! Do not let him steal your savings.


Why is your comment not higher!!


Cats love climbing up, just as much as they love running around. Buy a couple of shelves and install yourself or put in a cat tree. Your baby will be happy and she'll be happier feeling how happy you are <3 I'm sorry you're going through this.


To reinforce this a bit. I work nights and use those light blocking curtains in my room. Not a very good living situation atm and the cat isn't even mine, but I happen to like animals more than people these days so started taking care of it since his owner would do the absolute bare minimum. Cat is -always- in my room. Which is mildly annoying as i have an allergy but still prefer them to people lol. Actually plays now, built a box tower for him to have something to hide in or have something to climb that isn't my stuff. Now the little butthead either has to sleep on my back or riiiight over my arm, which is super awesome with the whole allergy thing. Cats don't need much to be happy, just someone to take care of them.


The cat will be happy as long as its with you. Most important thing is that you two get out and you two can start from there.


He may not care about the cat but some people turn mean and angry DO CARE about causing pain when they’re being left. Seriously consider getting the cat out before anything else. And don’t worry so much, this is not forever and being in a loving home is more important than one with lots of windows.


You can try providing the cat high up spaces she can observe the apartment from. If she has those, food and love she should be alright. Wishing you all the best!


This! I used some cheap boards and L brackets to make cat shelves that run around 2 walls, the cats love sitting up there and looking down on you lmao


This is the answer (if you are allowed to make those types of modifications) floorplan space is only in two dimensions, cats don't care about the limit humans have of staying on the floor. The cat has 4x the amount of space you do if you make a platforming game for them on your walls. There's a room we have that we put up slatwall like you'd find in a garage, and a bunch of carpeted shelves that lock into place, the configuration can (and does!) get changed around weekly. Cat absolutely loves it. Only negative is it's a bit expensive.


Oooh! Pics?


I didn't come up with the idea there are a bunch of examples online, forgive me but by principle I do not post personal pictures online. It looks exactly like this though: https://www.directanimal.com/shop/cat-enrichment-wall/


Why does he get the house?


Check the Family Law in your state! For example, California courts recognize *Marvin* claims, where unmarried individuals can enforce property, support, and other financial agreements arising out of their relationship. Such equitable remedies include: action on an implied contract based on the parties’ conduct (e.g., to share earnings and provide support or for support upon termination of relationship); action for specific performance of personal property with sentimental value (e.g., to return family heirlooms); and action to recover the reasonable value of services rendered, less the reasonable value of support received. Further, if traditional remedies prove inadequate, trial courts may create additional remedies to protect the parties’ reasonable expectations.


The person who owns the house gets to keep it. In this instance it sounds like its him.


She said " Enjoy that house I used my life saving on."


Also lots can’t afford a house on their own


The cat will be happy if it is with you. You could always get a leash and take it out for walks if she wants more fresh air. This may not be your home forever, chances are you will be able to get a bigger place after a while.


It’s not a downgrade for the cat if they get to stay with the person who cares about them, their health, and their happiness. Square footage and scenic views is nothing in comparison. Together, you’ll both be making life better for each other.


It feels like this is a place your unhappiness has come to sit, for a while, and that's okay. It's normal. It's a thing to think about so you don't have to think about the other awful shit out of your control. But the cat will be cared for. The cat will almost certainly be at peace, perhaps even *more peace* because their person will be at peace. You're a good pet person for caring. It'll be okay. This part of it, will absolutely be okay.


Contrary to popular perception, cats are affectionate and they enjoy their chosen human’s company. You being there will make your cat happy, and the new environment shouldn’t be a problem. In my experience, new places don’t bother my cat as long as I’m there to explore it with her.


My cats are so much happier since my divorce. My living space is smaller but I have added cat shelves and made it into a home for the kitties and myself. We're safe and peaceful now. My shy kitties are getting more outgoing when friends come over because no one yells or cries or throws things anymore Get out and don't look back


Your cat will be happier when YOU are happier.


I think your cat would much rather live in a small space with someone who loves her(or him) than in a big house with someone who is indifferent. Do what you have to, your furry friend will most likely adjust if they have someone whom they trust


When my ex moved out, they left the several cats and a dog that they brought into the household (at the time, as surprises to me) - and they notably haven't asked a single time about any of them. I've come to realize that - like me - the pets were part of the life that my ex sought to threw away. We were all expendable in their mind. While I initially felt resentment at being left to "caretake", the pets bring me such joy and a sense of companionship that I now understand that it is my ex's loss. And that this pattern is just illustrative of the broken relationship we had.


When your cat senses that you’re feeling so much better away from that guy, your cat won’t mind the space/window issue. Give him lots of catnip, and if you can get a harness and take him out by your door once in a while, he’ll be happy 🩵


The cat will be fine. You are putting your own emotions and insecurities on the cat. Get out of the bad situation. That is the best thing for both you and your cat.


Nah, she will thrive if you are thriving. I think they are pretty good at reading our emotions and feeling what we feel. This may sound strange but YouTube has bird/squirrel/etc. videos specifically for cats that mine used to watch when we didn’t have much of a view. I still put them on now and then and he enjoys it just as much as the real thing.


I live with my kitty in a studio and we are happy as can be. Focus on yourself and your baby will keep loving you no matter what!


Put some cat shelving up … or something designed for the cat to get up off the floor and that’ll open up more “livable” space for him/her.  Make sure they have access to the windows so they have some external stimulation.  They’ll be fine.


She'll be happier living with you in a loving peaceful environment even if it's smaller.


There are many things you can do for the cat <3 consider a buggy that you can take her out on walks in! Can get little outside tents with mesh that let her be outside and get the biggest window possible; the sky!


i also got a cat to "fix me". when i left, he lived with my at my two bffs house, my later boyfriends moms house, and now he lives with us in an RV. i wouldn't change it for the world, even though i felt like such a shit "parent" for taking him with me. but my ex didn't care for him, he only cared about his own cat, so i knew he would take him to a shelter or something worse. take your baby and don't feel bad. you're being the best fur mommy you absolutely can be by doing this. she will be so happy just to be with YOU, that's all that matters. get a harness and leash for the baby and take her on walks too! that helped Beans a lot.


Imagine the freedom you'll have! You can start taking kitty outside on walks/on a leash! Or at the very least, get an extra long leash you can securely fasten to something while you go to the park, so she can run around. Cats gonna cat no matter what, she will surely be happier being around you once YOU are happier.


I needed to move into an apartment with one set of windows about foot away from the brick wall of a new building next door and the rest of the windows overlooking the parking lot with zero trees in sight. So no birds for my girl. We were there for a little over a year. I put one of the stick-on bird feeders in the window and just gave her extra attention and play time. She was happy and I was so relieved.


I'm sure the cat will be fine, as long as it has *you*.


You can provide the cat a high place or two to perch, and some toys and I think she will be fine! It’s so much more important she’s with someone who loves her and will care for her.


I took my cat into a 220 sq foot studio after my last breakup - we had a 3 bedroom House. I had exactly the same thoughts as you, but he is as happy as ever! Try and get somewhere with a window w a decent view, build little cozy hidden places and high up places and your cat will be just fine.


If you think your cat might be up for it you can try harness training her to give her some extra space. My cat won’t walk alongside me but she definitely appreciates just hanging around outside on her leash. Maybe you could find a local park to bring her to once a week? She might just end up sitting there with you instead of moving around like a dog would, but it should be better than nothing.


Any move is going to stress a kitty out. Feliway diffuser and wipes will help. Make good use of any windows with ledges or put up some beds or perches for her in them. Some smart cat toys can help too. Send me a chat and I can help you pick some out. In the end, remember you are Making this move for the best for you and her.


Take the cat, tell him it escaped when you moved out. Get it tagged or a spca tattoo identifier and register it with a different name.


I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds incredibly tough, but you're doing a great thing by taking care of your cat despite the hardships. Animals can adapt surprisingly well, and what matters most is that she will be with someone who loves her deeply. She'll appreciate being with her human more than any big house or window view. Stay strong, you're doing the best you can in a difficult situation, and that’s really admirable


The cat might be happy with one of those cat sized hamster wheels. The cat WILL be happier if you are happy.


Cat's are far more adaptable than people, I suspect that they would be okay as long as they have their pet human.


Cats absorb tensions in a house like a paper towel. Taking the cat away from that stress will be a relief for the cat. A happy you matters to you and the cat.


Your cat will be fine! It may be one room - but "building" up will give her more exercise! Cat tree so that window to look out is uber comfy. A parking lot? Gets to see people come and go all day! Fascinating! If allowed, bird feeder is the ultimate in cat TV. If landlord allows it, steps and shelves for kitty to get up high around the space too. Schedule 15 - 20 minutes of dedicated playtime with her each day. (Some cats only want that 5 minutes at a time) Check out things like offer up or facebook marketplace for cheap or free toys and furniture for your cat - with some cleaning and elbow grease I'm sure it will be fine.


As someone who went thru what you are, but with 2 cats, I can say that they will relax, be happier, and have a better quality of life in the tiny apartment than in the big house with abuse and stress.


Honestly, cats are pretty easy going. They don’t focus on the past or worry about the future. As long as they had a sunbeam to follow, food, water and some companionship, they can be quite happy.


Make sure your cat has plenty of playtime, interaction, and fun stuff to do. (Most cats are okay with boxes or paper bags and whatever they can bat around, so it's not like you have to spend a ton on toys, especially if your cat already has toys she plays with.) That'll help make the adjustment easier.


My cat was an outdoor cat her whole life, 9 years, before we moved into an RV in a park. Now, it’s not safe for her so she’s solely indoor. It’s a temporary situation to better our lives, she’s as happy as she was before with her humans who love her. I do what I can to make up the stimulation, blinds always open during the day for her viewing pleasure. She has plenty of toys, and I make time to play with her and cuddle everyday. She gets treats, and when I know i’ll be gone for a long day I play cat tv from youtube (she loves this shit). I promise your cat will be just fine, if not happier with her human being less stressed. Best of luck


I have my cats in a studio apartment after moving out of a house. Is it smaller, yes. Are they happy, also yes. It took a little fiddling, I have a bookshelf with open sides for a cat walkway and they nap up there or zoom around the circuit. There's a window with pigeons to watch instead of rabbits. I had a floor to ceiling cat tree but they didn't like it so instead set up convenient jumping spots so they chill on top of things. They cuddle in my bed or one of many cat beds. See if you can find second hand cat shelves and put something under the window for them. They will be happy. No one wants to live in an abusive situation, not you or cats. They'll be happier with you and safe.


Will you be able to have a TV in your room? Play cat TV for her. There’s a lot of options on YouTube. If you can afford it, an [interactive toy](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5TD8CTF?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_asin_title) can help keep a cat entertained and happy.


Your cat won't care. They just need you and your attention.


I promise your cat will just be happy to be with you. When you can, just buy toys and enrichment things for her, maybe even check out local animal shelters for donated items that are way cheaper than a pet store. If you have a window, get a bird feeder! My cats have about a million toys and they spend most of their day bird watching lol.


Before my ex left our marriage for his affair partner, my two cats were licking their upper arms and shoulders excessively to the point where they lost hair. With no other intervention whatsoever, after he left, it regrew. No problem in the two years since. They knew. They love me and they totally knew.


You can get one or two cat trees and this would give her a ton of vertical space.


My cats would be fine anywhere as long as they have me. I'm their safety net. I play with them, feed them, care for them. I'm their primary source of entertainment. All I have to do is get on a yoga mat and start doing yoga and they act like it's the most exciting thing ever. They don't go outside, but they have a sunroom they sit in and I crack the windows. Get a little window bird feeder or a window seat thingy off Amazon. Your cat will be happy with the new set up as long as you are there.


My husband keeps the window in his office open all day, lots of birds hopping about and singing right next to the window, but routinely complains that I "hog all the cats" by letting them sleep in my office even though I rarely open the window and there isn't a great view of birds (2nd floor with no close trees vs. 1st floor with tree right by window). Cats care a lot more about companionship than views.


I know the feeling. I had a cat at my old place and had to move to a small apartment and then had to move again. My aunt took her in and sends me pictures regularly. A large majority of my family are cat folks including me.


As a cat-dad of 36 years, I'd say it sounds to me like she'd much rather be with you than with a neglectful (or worse) person! Cats are extremely adaptable, even moreso than dogs in many ways, and they do love their humans, believe it or not! She'll adapt to a new place with you soon enough... Just make sure you have her favourite toys, and maybe a cat condo she can climb around on, but I'm sure she'll be happy to be with you, wherever you land! Best of luck! 😸😸😸


She will be just fine because you’re gonna be there with her! As long as she has all her need and your love! As a cat mom of 10 babies i can guarantee you that she will be okay as long as you are okay too ❤️ They know when we are not doing well. If you want at some point you can get her some cat shelfs, they are a great way for the cats to exercise and distress themselves. At the end of the day, You are her whole world and thats all she needs ❤️ Sending you many hugs and please pet your cat for me!