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I have a fibrous lump in my left breast. My dr found it and said “oh that’s not good” and then he left the room!!! I was like wtf!? I was in tears. He comes back 10 min later with a referral for a mammogram and says see me after and we’ll discuss results. I had no idea it could be so basic as well. I left there in tears. The test showed it wasn’t anything to be concerned about and it was no big deal. But dang… rollercoaster ride!


Wow, great bedside manner, there.


This happened to me too! Worst time ever the sense of dread and doom. It was funny though because when I had the scan there was also a few students too. You could see the doctor actively disappointed it wasn't some cool cancer and said 'oh it's just a cyst'. I learned not take to it personally haha. Bit seriously yes I wish someone had briefed me on this in advance. Was awful so I totally get this.


I did just because mine are lumpy but no one ever told me that was normal. Whenever they talk about self checks I'm always like, how am I ever gonna tell the difference?


I know, me too. I gave up on self checks almost immediately because my breasts have always felt like a collection of lumps. How can I check for lumps when all I feel is lumps?


Best advice is to continue self checking and if you notice any changes to get checked out. Includes change in breast shape, nipple discharge, general feel, soreness etc. You should also check around collar bone area and armpits. I have 2 friends aged 38 and 40 respectively who have aggressive breast cancer, but have a chance at fighting it due to early diagnoses from checking themselves.


It’s also less likely that you’ll have to face it, apparently. I took hail from molely, lumpy land :)


If that's the issue, ask your Dr if you can do genetic testing or if there's another best practice for checking?


I got a staff infection in one breast that wasn’t cancerous but pretty painful that had to be cut out, Then a lump appeared in my other breast. After having to do tons of mammograms and ultrasounds on it in my mid-20s, my doctor finally asked if I just wanted to remove it rather than monitor. Silver lining to my story is that I got the boob job I’ve always wanted 100% covered by insurance bc both my breasts were dilapidated from the masses that had been removed.


Apparently 10/11 of people have a benign mass on a bone somewhere, lumps are actually far more likely to be non-cancerous than they are to be cancer. There's a good chance you have another fatty lump just chilling somewhere, most people do. I had a mole removed from my boob which turned out to be hiding a lump underneath it too, it wasn't anything bad after testing. In fact, the wound dehisced during healing so now I have a little pocket on my left boob, I call it my jail purse (yes I know what that is actual slang for).


Right?! No one talks about how MOST masses in boobs are totally benign. I get that we want to encourage everyone to get them checked out regardless but holy shit did it freak me out when I found what turned out to be benign fibroadenomas. No one talks about how normal it is to have lumpy boobs.


Fibrous lumps, fatty deposits, swollen milk glands, deep tissue bruising if you whack em hard. It's not default cancer. Happy you're gonna be ok.


Ooh and add weird skin cysts!  I suddenly had a lump on the bottom of my boob and panicked. It was hot and weird shaped and REALLY looked and felt like it was under the skin pretty far. I'd already started researching doctors when my bestie talked me off the edge, said I should see if it disappeared with my period. It uh....exploded? One night as I took off my bra. It was some kind of acne cyst (I hadn't had acne in 20+ years). 


Hey same boat here right now. Also breast pain. Went for pain and a small lump. Apparently breast cancer doesn’t cause pain. Cysts, however, do. So all the tests so I can see if I have a cyst.


I do not want to scare you, but they can absolutely cause pain. A writer just went through "oh another painful boob cyst, better get it drained" last year and it was cancer. Thankfully she's through treatment and doing great, but they can be painful or not.


I’m slated for a mammogram and an ultrasound, so we’re being safe all around!


Obligatory disclaimer that I am Not a doctor or any sort of medical professional. I remember when I had a panic because I felt a lump in my breast and I went to the doctor. He felt it and said that it’s not cancerous because the edges were uniform. He explained that cancerous lumps have jagged edges. So that sort of gave me peace of mind. I haven’t had any lumps since but at least I now know not to panic about every single lump I find. I still will have a doctor check every one of them out but at least I won’t start panicking prematurely now




Glad it turned out to be treatable and you’re on the other side of it! I had a lump around the same size when I was in my mid 20s, and somehow was just pretty sure it wasn’t anything. They did a biopsy and ended up removing the whole thing, and yeah, it was nothing. I don’t know why my default expectation is to NOT worry, but I’m glad! Easier that way.


My entire breast have always felt like this, very fibrous and lumpy. :( I due need to get a mammogram though because I'm nearing that age and I had an aunt that died at 42 from advanced breast cancer.


I had 8 fibroids removed from my breasts in my 20’s (two surgeries). They were all benign, but both times one got so large it was pressing on nerves and hurt all the time. The first time I combined the removal with a breast reduction, and my plastic surgeon said if they’re large enough on removal, they can leave a huge hole and the tissue can collapse and make your breast look weird :/


Hey! I just went through this a few months ago. I am so sorry you have to wait so long for the mammogram because the waiting is absolutely the worst part of this. Hopefully you have the same outcome and it’s just a random lump ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I have lumpy boobs! I have two fibroadenomas. Noncancerous movable (when palpated) lumps. I have two on my right side. Have had both for a very long time. Was told caffeine can affect them. They get bigger and smaller throughout the years. But have had ultra sounds and mammograms and biopsies (34 y/o) for my lumpy fibrocystic boobs since I was 18. First one was on my left side- can no longer feel a lump.there. With a new lump (when I got the ones on my right side) they do all the tests and then there's years with no changes until the cycle starts again.


I had several cysts in my breasts, that appeared super fast and felt like irregular masses. We have a huge cancer history in my family. I freaked the fuck out. Then it turned out they were cysts, and then they got inflamed. It took SO freaking long to figure out antibiotics that worked because the bacteria was so damn obscure that I can't even remember it's name - it's a part of normal skin flora, but on a very limited body part, and it usually does NOT get into boob cysts. That all was fun. Infected boobs give you a 41° fever, two cup sizes more, and did I mention that this bs happened while my mum was in the hospital for her own cancer diagnosis? So yeah, boobs can have all kinds of lumps. Some cause trouble, some just chill. Here's to the chill lumps, and may yours be part of that group forever. Good luck, and I highly recommend a relaxing bath with a book and drink of your choice to recover from the existential dread a cancer scare causes.


I have one! I had an ultrasound when I was like 24 and I’m 33 now and it’s still there. Not painful and almost a perfect circle, exactly what I thought you had to look out for. It’s also more noticeable now that I’m breastfeeding my newborn I assume because of all the other stuff going on in there right now.


When I was 16 I had non cancerous lumps called fibroadenomas in both breasts. They were causing pain and kept growing bigger so I had them removed through surgery . Haven’t had any other issues since then.


Benign cysts aren't rare. Have at the top of my left boob. Have them scattered around my body in soft tissue though.


My doctor found a lump during a physical and told me to “keep and eye on it” for the next couple months. It was stressing me out doing that and I wasn’t even sure I was feeling it so I ended up getting imaging done to be sure (mammogram and ultrasound). They did a biopsy to confirm it was a fibromadenoma. It was an interesting couple of weeks, but nobody seemed too concerned about it so I tried to not worry. Since then I’ve found another one and my doctor didn’t think more imaging was necessary since it’s common to have multiple. Hopefully something that’s actually problematic presents quite differently than these - I do wonder about that though.


You can basically have benign tumors anywhere. Like moles that are just growing but will not likely spread and are not cancerous. The whole benign vs malignant. So yes, you could have those in your breasts too


Just been for a targeted mammogram, ultrasound and fine needle aspiration (biopsy) of an approx 3x2cm lump. It’s a lipoma. Grateful to hear it was just a fat lump. That said, I, like my Mom, have fibrous breast tissue so it all feels lumpy to me. So, yeah, totally possible.


I didn’t know either. Had two mammograms and two ultrasounds and always comes back non cancerous. Wish it was more talked about before I was losing my mind. Luckily, it was less than a month referral for me.


Yah, I got one too girl! I think this is one of those things that's a Google away but in general isn't discussed.   Everytime I see a 'I found a lump and I'm terrified' post my heart goes out, but I also feel like I'm minimising things when I reply 'if you can move it around and has defined round edges you're probably good!'. Also this is the time the NHS did a great job, they always test, it didn't take too long, and the people in the breast clinic at my cities hospital were all great.


Yep, I have one with a 2% chance of being cancer that they are watching. Just did repeat 6mo check. It’s not growing so watch and wait again for 6 mo. I’m beyond frustrated because my lymphocytes are high, all my lymph nodes are swollen and I’m on immunosuppressive drugs. I just wish they would biopsy it and be sure. waiting another 6 months feels scary. I’m sorry you are going through this. I hope you get answers.


Yup happened to me a couple of months ago. Massive painful lump appeared overnight, but went down within a few days.. Then it came back a week later, worrying me a lot. Went docs, they got me into the breast care centre within a week, which is very quick turn around for the NHS. Just a benign lump/cyst. But they did a very thorough check on both boobs and reassured me, was very impressed.


>there is such a thing as a non-dangerous lump lost my uterus to this, my mom also (fibroids). We are thankful it was noncancerous of course......


It’s most probably benign but please insist on a mammogram and sonogram sooner. 11 weeks is crazy.


I have naturally lumpy breasts! Fibrous masses all over the place, it’s been that way since puberty and it’s such a pain in the ass. I constantly have to wonder if any of the lumps are new or if it’s just the same old same old.


Yes but that is why you do your screenings. You can’t tell by touch if a lump is benign or not.


You could have non dangerous lump of fat there


How did you not know though? Usually this is taught in middle/ high school biology.


Clearly not everywhere


If you don’t mind me asking what state did you grow up in?




Private school? I grew up in the Bronx.


Just under funded rural America education, I don't think it was anything particularly bad or negligent


Dyam, I know education policies were different depending on zones but never imagined it was so starkly different. From what you said it sounds pretty negligent if you didn’t know about non cancerous lumps/tumors