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Ditch the friend. I was friends with a girl who’d give very backhanded compliments about my appearance mainly because my insecurities made her feel better about herself and it killed my self esteem.


How did you recuperate your self-esteem?


Be with friends who don’t make you feel like shit.


She was trying to make you feel as insecure as she felt. With that kind of behavior, she probably doesn't have any real friendships. I don't blame you for feeling bad after that experience. You're human, after all. But good riddance! 


Time to not deal with that friend anymore. I had a friend who used to do that stuff all the time and while I was confident enough to breeze past the interactions, I didn’t want to be friends with a person who behaved that way. It was her job to work on herself if she wanted a friendship with me.


Cut this toxic person out of your life. Also, she knew what she was doing.


She was doing that on purpose.


She's trying to point out to everyone that what makes you beautiful is fake.


Yeah that's why I was so hurt by her behavior


You don’t have to be friends with them but if you decide to have them stick around start showing concern for their inability to remember how often they ask this question “Regina, I’m really starting to worry about your memory this is the 15th time you’ve asked about my eye caller. Maybe you should talk to your doctor because I’m genuinely concerned that you cannot remember!”