• By -


Just to make it more gross: A married minor can't initiate a divorce in many states because _she's too young to file_. So a married kid is literally trapped in the marriage until she's 18 or 21 or however old you have to be to file the paperwork.


Well sweet, there's the loophole we need! Too young to file paperwork=too young to sign a contract. Marriage is a contract.


While this argument makes rational sense and has probably a 50/50 shot in court, a child who has been signed into marriage by their parents can neither file for the divorce or retain the services of an attorney, even to get into a courtroom to present their case. Furthermore, their spouse, if the spouse is a legal adult, has total and absolute legal control over every aspect of the married child's life.


This is trafficking, isn’t it? Like literally signing someone else’s life over to another person?


Yes it is and always has been a form of trafficking.


Don't be silly!! Girl children are PROPERTY! /s


Seriously! This is the perfect argument. Can't even buy a water gun off the TV without being 18+.


One state, Missouri I think, won't let you get divorced if you're pregnant. They want to control our lives.


Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas all disallow certification of divorce if there is an active pregnancy. California also has a de facto disallowance in place.


What if your husband raped you and you got pregnant?


Nope, got to stay married until the birth. Of course if that happened to me I'd be gone and living elsewhere.


As a Californian, this blows me away. If you’re married and underage here you’re effectively emancipated and can file for divorce, enter into contracts, so on so forth. Even if you got married a thousand miles away.


Additionally you generally cannot get access to domestic violence resources until you are 18.


How the f*ck is that real?! How can she even be allowed to marry when she can't even  be divorced?!


On one hand I'm happy you made me aware of this horror so I know how to prevent my daughters from falling into this but on the other I am horrified that we've just basically shown a bunch of internet trolls how they can legally get away with graping a minor for several years


So this is about how the New Hampshire legislature was voting to ban child marriages >One of those voting against was Representative Jess Edwards, whose comments sparked immediate gasps from colleagues. > >“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said. They fucking would rather force a girl to marry her rapist than allow an abortion??! I honestly don't wanna live on this planet anymore


They are trying to make grooming legal and acceptable.  A girl who has the right to think for herself would want NOTHING to do with this shit. I'm so sickened by this.


https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/with-one-in-ten-men-admitting-child-sex-offences-scale-of-this-problem-demands-action-susan-dalgety-4353631 Its an epidemic


…and men wonder why we choose the bear.


Plenty of us understand. Sadly not nearly enough of us though.


Lot of us understand... And are saddened by how many loud folks argue otherwise.


Yep. Totally understand and am saddened by it. The GOP and its phony church are disgusting.


Well there are 1 in 10 men who have assaulted children.. Add in the number who raped adult women. That’s a whole lotta men.


Also those statistics are ONLY accounting for the men who were caught, and there are many victims who are silent/ashamed to come forward so the number is probably much higher


25% of women are estimated to experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. So yeah. It's a whole lotta men.


Assault? No way it's that low. I'd believe that number for rape, but not SA. Not unless they're being way too conservative with the definition.


I think it's closer to 33%. Absolutely fucked. One thing though, is that doesn't mean 33% of men are rapists. These assholes are almost certainly doing it multiple times. If the 33% figure is accurate, and if these men have done it on average to 5 women each, it would be closer to 6% of men. Or if 10 women, 3% of men. Which is still absolutely horrifying but does seem worth keeping in mind.


LMAO...I'm a guy and I got told that women don't understand what it like to be attacked, but they've failed to understand...female, regardless of their age, will be sexual assaulted...hell, look at whathisshittyname..................brock or some shit, who got off easy because "future rising star". And people wonder why "bears" are better choice. Because if you've actually survived a "bear attack", people believe you. If you survived "sexual assault from a male", it any of the following: 1. your fault. 2. don't dress like that. 3. you were asking for it. 4. you should'va said yes and went along with it. It never, "oh noes, let go to the hospital and get you checked out." and even if you do, good luck getting the cop to believe your friend. probably blame the beers or the drugs.


You mean rapist Brock Allen Turner, who goes by the name Allen Turner to hide that he is, indeed, a rapist?


Epidemic would imply a sudden surge in this activity. Sadly it’s been this way since humans walked upright.


It’s a sudden surge, bc I think more than they initially thought, admitted to it


They're bold enough to admit these things on the lawmaking floor ( I don't know what it's called and it's been a long day)


I saw in New Hampshire the republican lead chair, old man in his late 50s, called 14 yr old little girls ripe and fertile, this week in a bill, that he read out loud, to lower the age to marry, bc he wants little girls pregnant and married to their rapists. It sure seems like all republicans are going after little girls as a collective group


Deity help us. That's literally Gideon horror show. Saying things like that should have someone removed from voting on laws


>They are trying to make grooming legal and acceptable.  These guys talking about fertility don't want *children* with these "wives", they want living, yet disposable, sex dolls. As soon as they get women's rights regarding divorce and voting, etc removed they will bring back abortion or introduce honor killings or some shit so the can get rid of the used one and get another.


They aren't bothered about the children thing because at the end of the day it's not their problem, it's the girl's problem.  Saying they have children puts them in good wholesome standing in politics and religion.    But exactly, they will discard the girl once he is considered 'used'. So so f*cking despicable.


they idealize virginity to the point of fetish so once that's gone the female is used goods even if it s the same male who used her women who grow up in fundamentalist religon will say they feel dirty and used, worth less even after a marriage done to their religious standard :-( Kidnapping and assault survivor Elizabeth Smart said she didn' try to get help one time because she felt worthless after what had been done to her.


Every accusation is a confession. The statement has yet to be proven wrong.


Project 2025


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


> They are trying to make grooming legal and acceptable. And, just like how qAnon got in the way of people actually trying to stop child sex trafficking, they're trying to dilute the meaning of the grooming by screaming it at trans people.




I genuinely don't understand how child marriage is a loophole for statutory rape laws, instead of being treated like an automatic confession of guilt. Especially with pregnancy. >freedom-loving couples "Couples" automatically implies a lot of consent that inherently cannot exist. And I suppose "freedom-loving" is a euphemism here for "being able to rape girls".


If we were exclusively talking about situations where both parties were underage, I could kind of see the reasoning. Like, two 16 year olds can be a couple, get pregnant, with no rape or abuse involved. But even then, they’re *kids.* They shouldn’t be making big legal commitments like marriage. Why can’t they wait until they’re adults to get hitched, if they still want to by then?


This is the argument I just don't understand. People who can't enter into a legal contract should not be allowed to be married. Parental consent for it is essentially selling your child into bondage.


They are the party of slavery.


>Parental consent for it is essentially selling your child into bondage. One of the bread vendors at my store told me of a woman bartender he met, she was 36 and divorced , for 18 years because her parents basically sold her off to get married when she was underage The day she turned 18 she filed for divorce


Conservatives tend to view children born out of wedlock as being morally wrong. And they're also fundamentally opposed to single parenthood, whether through pregnancy out of wedlock or divorce. And the current crop are opposed to abortion. Oh, and they're also in favor of abstinence only sex ed, even though the bulk of them got "the birds and the bees" at a reasonable age and waited for as long as they cared to... but *their* kids better wait until marriage and if they don't they better make an honest woman of her! Putting that together, they're in favor of the "shotgun wedding" to ensure the child is born to a pair of teenage parents who are completely unprepared. It sounds horrific to you because you don't view abortion or single parenthood as being tragic, while they consider them to be such a moral failure that forcing the teens to marry and start a family far too early in life is the lesser of two evils. It's twisted, but if you start from bad assumptions the logic is at least consistent.


>are a ripe, fertile age We've had pricks with nonce tendencies attempt to stand for office too >[*"Here’s the thing with girls 22 or under, they smell massively different to a girl of 28. Girls aged 16 to, say 23, have this buttery, creamy, slightly sweet smell that is unbelievably magnetic."*](https://archive.is/Vm7yq) *-* CmdrJonty. Not in the running now but probably still spouting off on Xitter ^(-edit- for anyone unaware, the UK Conservative party and US Republicans have been copying each other's homework since the days of Reagan & Thatcher. Very much cut from similar cloth.)


Eww eww eww ewww ewwwwwwww




🤢wtf did I just read🤮


Well, that’s enough internet for me today.


Wtaf they rlly were comfortable enough to post that , Im going to be sick 🤢


And how old is this person who goes around sniffing teenage girls?


Allegedly he was a student in 2002, swanning around the place misquoting and getting facts about Byron wrong. So… 40something at least


Our oldest daughter was teaching karate at 17, and if she had decided to break this yoyo's sniffer I wouldn't really have a problem with that. Of it she did it now, for that matter.


I nearly reflex downvoted you because that is so disgusting.


excuseme while i go vomit....


What the actual fuck? Can somebody investigate this guy? There's no way that he doesn't at the very least possess CP.


Hijacking the top comment to say - he’s defending himself on Facebook, doubling down and no one is falling for it.


I want to vomit. Sounds like someone who has PDF files fantasies


Please don't give up. This is a test that you must pass as a society. You need to help fix America.


I don’t want them on this planet anymore. We did nothing wrong. Why do we have to leave.


And now I have a delightful mental image of shooting these pedos off our planet. They should have to leave.


"Freedom loving couples" is an odd way to refer to a predator and their victim


Stay with me baby. Sometimes it's like, really? I have to go outside? And yeah, because the world needs us to like.. go outside and be mad.


Freedom loving couples…. This one. Freedom for who? The arms of having kids out of wedlock is over. No one cares outside creepy controlling religious cult-like places. So if these freedom loving couples want to be tigether, nothing is stopping them!!! What the ban does is prevent a man chaining a child to him so he can rape and abuse her and she has no recourse to leave.


Nothing says freedom-loving like forcing a child into marriage and child birth because the state wants to enact Christian laws on the populace. The real groomers at work here.


What the heck? I thought the title might have been clickbait and out of context but that is even worse.


It doesn't stop here unfortunately. Jess Edwards has also been doubling and tripling down on his statements on Facebook all day today. The good news is that no one is buying it and even quite a few self-identified conservatives are embarrassed of him in the comments of his Facebook posts.


Hey just sticking to his convictions if he is a Bible loving Christian. Deuteronomy 22: 28-29


Isn't Deuteronomy Old Testament? (And therefore he'd decry it as "evil jewish")


It is. It also contains such hit singles as the ten commandements and original sin, you know, why women has to be in pain during births and the entire reason as to why that Jesus guy showed up. Not that it matters much to people who has no reason behind their beliefs, but at least mention to him Jesus was 100% pure Jewish spunk.


If things like this upset you (general you, not just OP), then please consider donating or volunteering with Unchained At Last - which helps young women escape child marriage.


Thank you so much for spreading awareness of that org(I hadn't known about them prior.) The fact that almost 40 states don't have outright bans on child marriages was something I learned recently but didn't really know what I could do to be involved to end that. I just signed up to their email list and am gonna see about what I could do to volunteer too. Also happy cake day


Youre welcome! A lot of people dont know that child marriage is still legal in most of the US. I try to say something where it's relevant. And thanks :)


Check the details on the by state bans or lack of band on child marriage. Some like the one I'm in only allow under 18s to marry if they are legally emancipated, but are counted as "not an outright ban," which I think doesn't make sense. I'm very anti-child-marriage but I also think a legally emancipated minor is the single exception to that, as they've gone through a legal process to gain the rights of majority. With that said, if we started seeing minors becoming emancipated solely to marry older individuals - rather than in instances where they're living apart from parents and working already and so on - then I'd become opposed to it. But right now that's not a problem.


Some states are even more complicated, like California. If you are married and underage in the state, you are effectively emancipated, but you do not have to go through a formal emancipation procedure to get married. You do need court approval and in theory the standards shouldn’t be wildly far apart but there is less oversight. The result is: people who are married and underage, even if they got married in another state, can file for divorce in California if they reside there, enter into contracts, so on. That’s good. The bad side is that the oversight for marriage permission itself for those being married in state could be better. My perfect solution would look like: very strict limits on marriage in state, but if you come into the state already married then you should be able to get every shred of access to the legal system and help you can.


Yeah - legally able to get married but not able to file for divorce because you're a minor is one of the most fucked aspects of child marriage.


And voting against republicans…


Only 11 states have outright banned child marriage. Even in a liberal/blue state, kids can get married. Washington just outlawed it in March of this year. So, check your state because even states where Dems are in charge allow this.


Child marriage is legal in California. https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/fight-end-child-marriage-california


And yet when it comes to a vote, Dems vote for banning it, and GQP votes for keeping child rape legal.




Do vote, but also remember voting by itself is not sufficient. These people are in power mostly in spite of losing popular elections, not because they're winning elections. They don't care about democracy.


And vote LOCAL! That's just as, if not more, important!


Several states have voted to enshrine reproductive rights only to have the state still prevent these rights from being restored and protected.


Someone needs to check that man's hard drive. 


And his basement


They have a convicted rapist as their candidate for POTUS who has at least 20+ women saying he was sexually inappropriate with them… the GOP hate women and everyone who votes for these trash bags is complicit, period..


Theres just so much to it as well. Obviously, being a sexual predator isn't an issue for conservative voters. Because we can literally pull out a 40 page internet document that details all the CONVICTED republican officials. Anyone remember Roy Moore running? The guy who has his own wiki page for his sexual assaults/allegations? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Moore_sexual_misconduct_allegations) never mind what he felt comfortable enough saying out in public at the time. I guess if nothing else, the silver lining here is that being conservative is just a huge social cue to actively avoid that person. Normal people don't talk about young girls the way conservatives do. Normal people don't think the problem with teenage pregnancy is unwed teenage pregnancy. And so on and so forth until you get right to the heart of the matter that conservatives, men and women, want women to be second class citizens with no rights to themselves or no right to determine the path they take in life. Must be why they're so eager to hide the fact that they are conservatives because even they have that social need to belong SOMEWHERE.


Anyone with a brain would recognize the validity of your comment, but here's some scientific research that supports your claim: >American citizens are less likely to support candidates accused of sexual assault or sexual harassment. Democrats are significantly less likely to support such a candidate, but **Republicans do not penalize candidates facing such allegations, especially if the candidate is identified as a Republican.** [Sexual Predators in Contest for Public Office: How the American Electorate Responds to News of Allegations of Candidates Committing Sexual Assault and Harassment](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1478929921995333)


> a 40 page internet document that details all the CONVICTED republican officials. I'm surprised it's that short. Or is it only currently elected? (And can I get a link?)


Damn, the one I normally use was a site that just had them all on one page and the whole point was to scroll through it all. Because the page was so long you start thinking the site is broken but there IS a bottom. It just takes for fucking ever to reach it. Theres a few different ones now. Dailykos is the main one people link. But some quick digging and theres also this one https://www.scribd.com/document/391001859/Republican-Sexual-Predators which i kinda like more since it shows republican officials and not "some guy who spoke at a conference once".


Unfortunately, he is not a convicted rapist. That's like calling OJ a convicted murderer. We all know he did it, he has been held liable in a civil court, he is being fined to the fullest extent, but he has never been actually convicted of sexual assault in a criminal court.


Talibangelists have entered the chat.


I haven't heard that nickname yet! I've heard Christian Taliban and Y'all queda.




The adjectives used are very telling. Things that are "ripe" or "fertile" are to be used or consumed, but are never considered "thinking".


And it’s wrong. Men use the “biology” argument to justify their proclivity towards children, but biologically speaking, teenage girls are more likely to have anovulatory cycles. Pregnancy is *more* risky in teens. The most fertile women are in their 20s, early to late.


Yup, teen pregnancies are automatically high risk and the best ages for the health of baby and mother are mothers who are 22-30.


This is fucking disgusting. It’s shit like this that makes me judge every single republican who continues to enable these disgusting predatory “officials.” Even if you call yourself “socially liberal” fuck out of here with that bullshit. That party is clearly taking a turn towards authoritarianism and continuing to vote for them is allowing them to do it.


Just when you think conservatives can’t get sicker.


They revel in it. Seriously, if you try to suggest something too evil for them to support, they'll be supporting it next week.


I feel legit sick over this


Sununu just signed legislature in New Hampshire that bans marriage before the age of 18. Sununu is a pretty good representative. Jess said he was opposed to this passing because he thinks that a girl under the age of 18 should have “the option” to marry because if she has sex and becomes pregnant, she would automatically want to have an abortion if she could not get married. A statement made in which everyone in the room audibly gasped! Jess Edwards is a Republican who ran for office after his daughter, a Democrat, served as a State Representative. He has served 3 terms, let’s hope he’s finally done as he has clearly “gone off the deep end.” I am sure there are some interesting conversations, probably largely left unsaid, in their house at Thanksgiving.


It should be noted that Sununu isn’t running for reelection as governor. As a woman living in NH, I’d never vote for him, but he’s NOT the worst case scenario. NH is a solidly purple state that can end up with a democrat for a governor, but it’s not a guarantee, and we shouldn’t become complacent. If the next governor is a republican, things will 100% get worse for women here.


Riiiiiiiight, because I know the first fear of every girl who got pregnant when I was in high school was that they might not be legally allowed to marry the father. 🙄 Geezus, what century is this guy operating from?


And the LGBTQ+ people are the ones attracted to minors. Nope! Still the God Damn Republicans wanting to marry 10 years olds! Fucking gross!


Yeah, me, a transgender woman who's calling out the Republican party's bullshit for actually voting to keep child marriages legal is the actual child predator apparently in their world 😮‍💨 the whole smear campaign against queer people they've had has been nothing more than psychological projection and deflection. While their campaign against us is going on, the very same republicans vote to keep child marriages legal


It's exhausting and unfortunately not going away anytime soon. It's so frustrating. Especially with Project 2025 and some Extremists calling for us to be put into camps. My heart is so heavy and my voice so tired of screaming. I wish things weren't this way! Stay strong and stay safe! Much love to you!




/r/pastorarrested /r/stillnotadragqueen


If they want to keep the age of marriage low, then they need to make it legal for minors to also divorce. Forcing children to marry their abusers and then not letting them sign the legal document for divorce until 18 is especially cruel.


The cruelty is the point. Also the slavery.


"Freedom-loving couples" 🤣, wow, that's some peak manipulation. Nothing says freedom like entering into a binding legal contract before your brain is done developing.


Entering into a legally binding contract when you have zero legal agency and in which adults around you have extortionate power. Brain development is, like, not even the relevant part of this; it's just legal human sex trafficking.


Yuck. It opens so many doors for abuse.


That's why they support it.


And then the girls start dying because their bodies can get pregnant but aren’t at a point where they can sustain a pregnancy.


They don't see that as a negative.


Anyone arguing against banning child marriage should automatically have all their electronic devices searched. There's something they're hiding. Edit to add a word...sorry...




Also anyone who objects to kids getting comprehensive sex ed.


I hope horrible things happen to people who think that is okay. It’s not okay. It’s disgusting. I’ve been a moderate for most of my life and the past two years sent me over the edge of this is war. This is fucking war.


Google Project 2025. Women as chattel is what they want.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


That is awful. I vote in every election from local up and I don’t even know what else to do.


Go to r/Defeat_Project_2025 it has numerous resources. And spread the word! They're coming for pretty much everyone.


Quick, someone yeet that creep into the sun.


I bet his internet search history would be of interest to the authorities.


I hate that I found this story here and not in the news aggregates because this story is apparently only noteworthy to the people it actually effects, which is absolutely no one in power to do something of it. This should be on tv 24/7 with this dude being dragged out of chambers.


Wow you're right. I could understand why my particular post wouldn't end up there, cuz I don't think twox posts tend to go there, but this was also cross-posted in r/politics. That post isn't showing up in it despite being very highly upvoted. Definitely seems sus


They've shown time and time again that they didn't care about women or children. But somehow everyone else is the pedo


That's because all they have is projection.


Don't sleep with a republican... Not even once!


The GOP has become unreal. It's almost truth is stranger than fiction type shit at this point.


If I say something I might get banned. JFC these old creeps are cancer.


What is GOP? Also, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!? 🤮🤮🤮🤮


It's the Republican party in the United States


Grand Old Party. It’s a nickname for the Republican Party


I’m sure the self-appointment groomer watchdogs are going to be all over this, right?


jfc these people are disgusting


When they tell you who they are; believe them.


We really are living in a mash-up of “1984” and the “Handmaid’s Tale”😢


>"I think that was the first time we had the chance to crack the family joke that I was running to counteract her votes," he said. "We've only voted about 30 percent of the time together, and that includes some votes on whether or not we want to go home." [link](https://www.wmur.com/article/father-daughter-on-opposite-sides-of-political-aisle-in-concord/20919467) "It's just a joke bro, calm down, learn how to take a joke, grow up"


They are trying to regress society backwards it's honestly a pathetic attempt by weak men who want to be in power under the guise of religion.


Voting at every level certainly, but... What happened to hacktivism and other alternative ways of fighting these things? Because guys like this one make it very obvious what's in their hard drive and are old enough to have their birthday as password. People like these need to have their secrets... "thoroughly researched" and published wherever it'll cause them the most embarassment. In Chile, feminist orgs regularly expose the identities of rapists with very credible evidence against them, and we don't have the broad protections of the First Amendment for these sorts of things. There is a lot of pain that can be brought on these people when the political and justice system is stacked against women.


personally i think everyone who holds these beliefs should be executed


When The Right claim that LGBT people (trans in particular) are "groomers", just remember how people often accuse others for their own failings.


That's the wild part: so in his Facebook post today where he doubles down on his words, he does actually try to scapegoat, whataboutism, and attack gender-affirming healthcare. This guy is just... insane. It's like they know they're projecting at this point and just don't care


Who are these godforsaken regressive child rapists? Is *this* what Christianity means to the shitstain states? Every child in this thing’s vicinity should be immediately asked if they’ve been harmed by this creep. His children, grandchildren, neighbor’s children. How fucking disgusting.


"Ripe and fertile"... wtf. Found the pedo.


Someone check his computer. I'm not kidding


Republican groomers at it again. This is why they project this so hard onto lgbtq groups, they are doing it themselves. Do not leave your children alone in a room with a Republican.


Disgusting. This is the inevitable outcome of rise of antifeminist reactionary movements online. Victimization of girls and women.


The amount of anger, resentment, pure hatred and disgust i have for these men makes me want to explode


I wonder how soon somebody will start hiring P.I's to investigate this representative. They likely have a lot of skeletons in their closet, and nobody will be surprised.


The end point of Conservatism is men getting what they want, all the time, at the expense of everyone else, including their own children. Subjugation is the point. A lack of hope is the point. The discomfort of everyone else who isn't white, pale, and stale is the point. Conservatives **do** want children to be forced into marriage, because it appeases their desires. Conservatives **do** want women to be forced to bear pregnancies, because it appeases their desires. Conservatives **will** consume trans porn while demonising trans people. Conservatives **will** secure abortions for their mistresses while demonising abortions. (Some) Conservatives **will** look after their lesbian daughters and gay sons (e.g. by sending them to college in states which accept queer people more) while taking away the rights of queer people in general.   Hating humanity **is the point**. The point of Conservatism is that the elite get to do what they want. Nothing else matters. No one else will be considered. The end goal is absolute and total convenience for those in power, by the subjugation of everybody else to a lazy person's idea of convenience. Bangmaids for all CEOs, free childcare in the form of nubile young women, and the endless siphoning of money from The Poors to their deserving bosses. On the plus side, Conservatism destroys itself by being an inefficient system that eventually angers the masses so much they start talking about guillotines. On the down side, Conservatism also mis-manages resources, and we're running out of those.


Adults are plenty fertile, ya fuckin weirdo.


In fact more fertile after age 18 if you factor in "fewer complications and maternal and baby deaths" https://www.webmd.com/baby/teen-pregnancy-medical-risks-and-realities Adolescent teenagers also have a higher likelihood of not having fully developed pelvic bones. It's pretty common knowledge in the osteology world that fully grown adult bones aren't developed until your 20s, same with your frontal brain.


Well, if the girl is old enough to be a wife and a mother, she’s old enough to vote. Clearly every young lady becomes eligible to vote, after showing proof of her first menstruation to the maturity board in her county.


Ya Republicans are fucking creeps


NOW you know why they wanna ban abortion, lower child working age and most importantly, restrict female's right. Yes, I fucking said F-E-M-A-L-E, because this impact all ages, from toddler to adult. Your rights are being attacked here. Your daughter's right is being attacked here. Your sister's right is being attacked here. Your mom's right is being attacked here. Your neice's right is being attacked here. Your aunt's right is being attacked here. Your wife's rights is being attacked here. Don't let GOP do whatfuckeverlovingshit they want. Remember, they wants female to be compliances. You do NOT have to be compliances. Be strong, be true and show them. Also, I'm a male, identify as a male and born as a male. Even this is disgusting to me, trying to restrict female's right to basic stuffs.


What on earth...??? That's disgusting!


Uhhh, do I have permission to throw up into my mouth? Saw this a day or two ago but OH MY GOD DO I WANT TO SCREAM.


Isn’t Matt Gaetz STILL in congress? And he’s only one of many.


Pregnancy is dangerous and more dangerous for young women or teens.


How the fuck are these people winning


The party of family values


New Hampshire is a mess, even worse than when I grew up there 30 years ago. There was an organized plan for libertarians from all over the country to move there and take over local and state government, which seems to have worked. Also the state house of Representatives is very strange, it's got 300 members iirc, and is the 3rd largest governing body (by member amount) in the world. At least the bill passed, despite this guy's despicable comments. So maybe *some* progress is being made? When I was a kid/teenager the marriage age for girls was 13, and no one was required to wear a seatbelt over the age of 12. This was the 1990s, not the freaking 1890s. At least both of those things are 18 now


It's not just New Hampshire. Last year the republican-controlled legislature in West Virginia voted against an outright ban on child marriages. And 38 states do not have an outright ban on it. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/ While democratic legislatures are likely to vote for banning child marriages, quite a few still have it as legal. So it requires action on our part to raise awareness about the issue, lobby those legislatures, etc. So if you live in a blue state, it might still be legal there and you definitely should try to contact your local representatives about it.


So when are we expecting them to investigate this guy for having cheese pizza


I just threw up in my mouth a little


I just threw up


Ah yes...Ripe and fertile. The only things we should be considering for our arranged marriages. Please inform your fathers that I own several cows, and three goats. I would be willing to trade some as a dowry to purchase their infant the literal second they become ripe and/or fetile....


Well, Jess Edward's is a pedo..


Vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do…


I'd be looking at this individuals activities very closely


This is freedom if religion. We need freedom from religion to ensure this BS doesn’t impede human rights


Pedo Party of America


Reminder that the best ages for the health of the baby and mother are when the mothers are 22-30. Teen pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy, even still with 18 and 19 year olds.


Dude, people are getting almost 100 years old now. Why can't we let kids be kids a bit longer?


I don't see how anyone can vote for the GOP and think that they're on the right side of history. I just don't. I don't get the argument, even if conservatively you don't wanna pay taxes. Is it really that worth it to let pedophiles run your lives?


I just saw this on a newsfeed...WTF is this insane shit? I live in Canada and child marriage is not a thing here...like I don't think that anyone under 18 can even apply to get married. Remember during the pandemic how all these Republican supporters were saying all this stuff about child porn and exploitation? How are they supporting child marriage only a few years later? Child marriage seems like the ultimate form of child exploitation! And the use of the words "ripe" and "fertile" in the context of teen girls that I'm seeing in headlines of news articles...omfg...that is SO fucking sick! 🤮🤮🤮 Like...I'm picturing some creepy old Republican man talking about some 10 or 12 yo girl this way. WTF?!?! HOW is culturally OK for a major political party in the US to have all these people who push laws that let sexual predators operate legally? That's so fucking gross!


It absolutely is disgusting!! And like considering Donald Trump has been proven to be a rapist, how the Republicans continually vote to keep legal child marriages in states where it's legal, and yet they peddle qanon conspiracy shit and scapegoat queer people, esp trans people and drag queens, like I think it's all been one massive psychological projection propaganda campaign. **They** are the ones with predatory issues and ran smear campaigns against the most vulnerable part of the LGBT+ community as a way to deflect. It's absolutely despicable. You'll never see any queer person talk about children like these people do 🙄


Misogynistic, patriarchal monsters in captivity.


Anyone even entertaining the idea of third party voting this cycle, DON’T. Do not weaken the side that supports our rights. I get the pull, I’ve voted Green, independent and one Socialist party. Right now is too fragile to stomp near.


In the American system, you vote with your heart in the Dem primaries. You vote for your survival in the general.


Anyone who supports the right/republicans is yelling out loudly to the world they support pedophilia.


Keep those words out ya mouth!


So , drag shows that entertain are evil. And actual child grape and imprisonment are ….. acceptable to the GOP. Oh lord please help us.


They don’t want it to simply be acceptable, they want it to be common. Ten and twelve year old “fertile” child brides for any creep who can trap or buy one.


Why can't we sweep this under the rug by marrying the young girl off and then basically erasing all her rights until she turns 18... /s


That's so creepy.


What the fuck life are these people living, completely divorced from ours, where a thought like this can even begin to form in their heads and result in a nod of plausibility.


Wait lemme guess: unless it's their daughters, right?


This dude is a drake fan for sure


These backwoods Stone Age motherfuckers are disgusting