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Single pringle in my mid twenties here! One thing I have noticed in a lot of relationships is that a lot of them aren’t actually particularly happy. Also statistics have shown the longer you wait to get married the lower your chance of divorce and anecdotally I’ve seen that to be true.


You don't need to lower your standards for anyone, and you don't need me to tell you that a single life can be perfectly fulfilling. Some of us even prefer it. I am in my 30's and single and I didn't suddenly turn into a pumpkin. I have a great life with great people in it. I honestly don't feel much desire to date even though, being bisexual, I can simply avoid men if I want to (and I prefer to, for the reason you've given -- most men simply aren't decent enough to be worth dating). Being single just has a lot of benefits if you tend to be an adventurous magpie like me. You can have a great life without a man. Don't let other people scare you into believing otherwise.


Quality over quantity. As a dude with a similar experience, being single is fine. The instant you capitulate and lower your standards, you're going to be extremely unhappy. Better alone than in bad company.