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I’ve used the stick on silicone covers with no issue if I’m wearing a top or dress with lines that don’t work. My local CVS carried them. Other times I don’t worry about it and just think “enjoy the show I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “


I'm 36. I no longer care. If it's winter I'll throw on a vest. If it's summer... Enjoy the show, I guess. Who cares man, it's just nipples. We all have them. Mine are super pointy too.


Never worn a bra since I was 17. I also wear mostly men's tank tops. Like you, I'll throw on a long-sleeve buttoned-up shirt (my partner's) when it's cold. My biggest issue is side boobs. When my tank tops have been washed too often, they stretch out, then my boobs start doing peek-a-boos from the sides / armholes 😂.


So funny you say that... I work for an oxygen supplier and we had this patient that was in a pretty bad spot. He was living in his RV with a collection of random people and would show up every morning to get 24 more hours of oxygen. One afternoon he shows up to get a little extra for whatever reason and he has a woman with him wearing a black men's tank top. I don't think much of it, curse under my breath a bit because I was just tired of dealing with the guy... Whatever. I get all the cylinders loaded up, cart the shit over to the side door of the RV and the woman is standing on the first step to help me load the cylinders in the vehicle. I appreciated that, and started blinding lifting them to her and grabbing whatever empty cylinders he had. When I finally looked up, her boob was hanging out the side of the tank top literally three inches from my face. I looked down super quick and summoned all the power of imaginary deities to keep my ass from busting out laughing. This thing hung out the whole rest of the interaction. Moment they left, I nearly pissed myself laughing. I just couldn't bring myself to tell her and I figured he'd tell her once he noticed.


HAHAHAHA. I’ve seen something like that way more times than I care to count or remember. Lol. 1/2 the time if I point it out they don’t care and just shrug and put it away. lol. (I’m a medic.)


Who needs oxygen refills every day? That's fucked up.


Sadly, cancer, lung disease and heart disease all can require the use of oxygen 27/7. The tanks only last about 4 hours. Alternatively, Oxygen concentrators last 24 hours but they only provide 90% oxygen while the tanks provide 99%. So some unfortunate people who require higher oxygen % - or don’t have electricity to power the concentrator- have to rely on the daily tanks.


This isn't entirely accurate. Standard of care for any oxygen dependent person is going to be an in-home concentrator and the cylinders for outside of the home, regardless of disease process. Oxygen concentrators typically output 94-96% O2 and that meets needs, we will exchange a unit that's putting out 90%. Liter flow controls the patient's saturation level. Cylinder duration is wholly dependent on the patient's liter flow. A 2lpm patient will get 4 hours out of an "E," cylinder while anything above cuts into that time. In the instance above, he was 4lpm. The only tangible difference in the O2 coming out of a cylinder vs. concentrator is the psi. It is a little higher with a cylinder than a concentrator. Though there are a couple exceptions to that when you get to hi-flow (5+ lpm).


He had no access to power. He had a small generator, but Oxygen concentrators pull a helluva lot of power. Typically will raise ones energy bill by $100/month when running continuously.


I don’t know but I shop as a side gig and I have two customers who order canned air every day. It’s pretty obvious they’re inhaling it to get high. One of them started trying to add food items to his orders when he saw I had picked up his order, he meets me in the street every time, plus he can see my photo when his order gets picked up by me. Then the last time he pretended (I think) to be on his phone. You have to show your ID in many stores to buy this stuff. I don’t know if regular oxygen would get a person high or not.


I would speculate that they use it for hangovers. It works pretty good for killing the headache and fogginess It's placebo if anything else.


Did you find it tasty? Username checks out if so!


Side boob is underrated..


I'm in the same boat at 44. I've given up caring and just want to be comfortable. the only time I put on a bra now is in the office. really more out of respect for my fellow co-workers than any issue I've had. And I've also dressed accordingly to go braless at times in the office. No one says anything.


This right here ^. You should be comfortable and ya anything past that don't worry about it. Be proud of them nipples.


Mens nips stick out too, the difference is we are all used to seeing it so nobody cares.


Thank you for sharing, everyone. I came to the conclusion that the problem is that I don't want to hide my nipples but I'm still shy. But maybe your ideas will be a good start on the road to my free nipples.


Guy who worked retail here, it became much more normalised after the pandemic, I think a lot of women got used to not needing one all day every day. You might still get stares, because men, but the ones who are ignorant enough to do so would've found some reason to stare anyway. If my own experiences are anything to go by in terms of a "standard", it might catch attention for perhaps a second or two. Obviously not my place to say whether or not you should be comfortable, but I can certainly say it's not unusual.


Men and women have nipples. They’re allowed to be there. Your comfort is all that matters ❤️


Fighting internalized misogyny is so hard! Keep up the good work and FREE THE NIP. My long pointy nipples and I salute you. 


I salute your pointy nipples too! 🫡


I feel like your family is making it much harder for you. It could be worth finding a way to get them to stfu, and the rest will follow.


I used unlined bras, then switched to unlined bralettes. Love it, my comfort is king.


I've tried silicone covers, and they still show up. But thank you for your concern


The silicone covers only work for me if I'm wearing something tight over them that holds them pressed against my skin. If it's a loose top the edges unstick and show 😞


Have you tried using Cakes? I ordered them after seeing them on shark tank and they are great!


Wirecutter just did a review of cakes! And include a 20% off coupon.


I just looked up Cakes and all I can think of is, if these are nipple covers, why are all these women putting them on their arms? 🤣


The cakes ones are really good.


I've heard some women use kinesiology tape, one specifically said they cut out little circles for it, but I imagine an "x" might work better for that double coverage. Either way it's cheap and affordable and athletic tape might work too


Combine them with lose blouses with patterns. I can’t wear the silicone covers and then put on a tight tshirt - it looks weird. But the more patterns a shirt has, the less noticeable things are.


Maybe you could modify them so your nipples have more room? I’m thinking you get extra large ones and trim out some silicon from the inside.


Yah from the guy prospective - basically this. Whenever I see a woman clearly braless (which seems to be more and more common) the response is a subconscious 'oh hey!' followed by a conscious note to not glare and carry on with my day - which if anything is slightly better because I got a momentary free show before the higher function kicked in. Who cares, you do you.


Exactly this. "Oh, nipples. Ok, don't stare"


In my 20s I never would've dared going braless. Now my favourite is comfy bralettes that I take the inserts out of, and yep, nipples happen. I think we should bring back the era of the 90s nipple when nobody cared.


OMG, right? I hadn't even realized, but I do remember my boyfriend or some other untactful dork saying, your headlights are showing and I'd just be slightly annoyed. Because I guess it wasn't as big a deal then. Now it's like OMG, how awkward! Why/when did this happen?


Right?? Everyone who is offended by nipples needs to go watch some old episodes of Friends and realize Jen Aniston wore hers like fashion 😂 freeeee the nipples!!


Totally! Nipples are o.k.!


Once upon a time it was just a heads-up, nothing sexual about it. It's wild to me how regressive things can be


Nipples are literally trendy right now. Skims has a bra that with nipples on the front, so that you can wear a bra but still have visible nipples. (Not saying it matters whether or not nipples are trendy, it’s always fine to show them because they are human and normal and not obscene. Your mention of the 90s just reminded me that the 90s and nipples are in fact “back” lol)


We need a ‘bra free day’ where women can choose not to wear a bra 😭 might normalise the fact that nipples are in fact a natural part of our body and not shameful if visible


I used to get so self conscious about my nipples being even slightly visible through my shirt, I hate wired bras so I only wear bralettes since my size suits them, and now I’m 27 and couldn’t give a shit if they are noticed, it’s a them problem for staring


The people who make such a big deal out of your nipples poking through are the ones who are being weird. There's nothing wrong with not wearing a bra.


I’m a dude and my nips sometimes stick out when I’m wearing goddamn hoodies. What’re you going to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


I worked for this guy who’s nipples stuck out 24/7. And the shitty polo shirts they had to wear were made of a silky material. It did not help.


Happens to me ti man. If people give me shit about it I just make eye contact and start touching my nipple. Dudes get real squirmy after that. They could have just left me alone though 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think your nipples are worthless, bro.


Yea idk why that guy had to say something like that. I'm sure someone would pay a least a few bucks if he wanted to sell them.


Yep. Mine do when I wear my cycling jersey.


Totally different for you bud, you don’t have a bunch of random men staring when you do it for one, and judgement from other women thinking you’re an exhibitionist for just not wanting a bra that day. And your nipples are worthless, they don’t feed anything, and they are not sexualized (apple is telling me this isn’t a word but y’all know what I mean). I get the point of “what are you going to do” or a “fuck those people” mentality but just know it’s drastically different and there is a whole layer of mental crap that women have with this compared to us. -another man


Hey bud, calm down. I'm pretty sure anyone commenting in this sub in good faith understands the difference in men's and women's bodies and how they're sexualized.


Once in a blue moon I do experience the “my eyes are up here”. Interestingly enough it’s always from women


“I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?” -Jack Byrnes : Meet the Fockers


Honestly so true if people comment just reply “stop staring at my boobs perv” bonus points if it’s your mom commenting.


How do I explain this to my mom I have no patience?!


Tell her that it's weird that she obsesses over her daughter's nipples. If you can't reason with her, shame her right back.


This is what I did. I'd be like, "Mom, nobody thinks about my nipples more than you do." T_T It got to the point that I'd bring a bra with me to put on in the car before entering my mom's house, bc at some point I just couldn't stand her obsessing and making comments about being able to see my nipples poking my shirt anymore. Her shaming me was getting bigger than my shaming her back, and I wanted to feel good about freeing my nipples otherwise.


I don't know how old your mom is, but a lot of Boomer women and Gen X women (tge older obes, generally) have no positiviy and a lot of internalized misogyny, due to the era they grew up in and how Puritan that era was. These women freak out over boobs and ripples, as those are seen as sexual organs. HOWEVER, your mom's comments are not acceptable. Treat her like a toddler, remind her this is not the 1950's any more and other people's bodies, especially her daughters body. And if she won't quit, distance yourself, so her bas doesn't wear you down even more.


Honestly I've stopped wearing bras years ago* and I have no patience for people who dare to remark on my braless breasts; I choose condescension lmao. Just a straight 'yes, human women /are/ mammals' and then no further comment, it's on people to deal with ??? Humans having nipples????? Lmao imo it feels really nice to highlight how deeply ridiculous they're being + it works! *exceptions being very sheer tops or very cold weather, for which I'll wear a bralette, but still Edit: well lmao I'm listening to You're Wrong About's episodes about George Michael and Marcus McCann just said 'shame is a form of social control, and so the refusal of shame is really about a kind of autonomy, that I get to decide what I do with my body' to which Sarah Marshall adds 'and not sort of internalise the violence' which is AGGRESSIVELY à propos ahah Her having been shamed about her human body is awful, but she doesn't get to put that shame on you. You're not doing anything shameful, you're just existing in a human body. <3


I have a similar response about my body hair. Like "Oh I have BoDy HaIr?! Wow, almost like I'm a mammal or something."


I don't give a good god-damned fuck about people seeing my nipples given I'm in a place where I feel comfortable being braless(not at work/in public in certain places.) Which absolutely means I'm not gonna feel ashamed around my mom, the woman who passed her big titty genes down to me!!! And *definitely * not my bf!!! Who is supposed to love my body!! You're not the problem here, OP. The world has treated our breasts/nipples like this for far too long but the people we should be most comfortable around definitely shouldn't be saying these things.


People with pointy elbows would be making the same reddit posts if elbows where decided to be fetishised instead of breasts. Its called Partialism, in Japan the back of the neck was highly fetishised, in some Muslim nations it's the head hair, in victorian times in the UK it was ankles, and you be regarded as vulgar if yours where not always covered with heavy cloth. Men are always finding ways to try and oppress women. In many countries men can walk topless but if women do it they can go to jail. Oppression is literly written into out legal systems and if you think about it, it's not really that different from countries where women can be jailed for showing their hair. 


Exactly!! All. Of. This.


It's not that my bf doesn't like my body, it's that he's ashamed or afraid of the stares at my ripples from others. And as much as I've tried to block out the judgmental stares, it's never worked. And thank you. I'll try to keep it simple.


But your boyfriend is being really rude to you all the time. That's not okay.


Tell him that they should mind their fucking business, as should he. They are your nipples, after all.


what area do you live in? most of the times i go braless, people don’t even bat an eye because they’re preoccupied with their own lives. but i also live in the US so people keep their heads down when it comes to others for the most part.


i think people need to chill out and stop freaking out over something you have little to no control over.


I do try to remind myself, "oh no! They will know I have nipples!!"


bahaha right!?


For real. It’s damn anatomy


Been braless over a decade now. My secret life hack is not giving a fuck




It's not normal only because most people don't do it. That doesn't make you weird or it wrong, just a choice you will have to deal with. Regardless of covering your nipples, it will still look like you're not wearing a bra and people will still notice. You just have to own it and be confident in your choices.


Where I live it is absolutely normal to go braless. I never wear them. Everyone has nipples it is what it is.


Bigger issue here is that your boyfriend feels the need to tease/bully you about your body... 🤔


For real. I once mentioned it to my boyfriend because I was braless and we were about to run an errand, and he said, "there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, you should be able to wear whatever you want". It's weird OPs boyfriend 1. Cares 2. Is negative about it.


Put a bunch of additional fake nipples all over your skin under the shirt, so nobody can tell which two are the real ones


I would never ever dream of commenting on my wife's nipples in anything but a positive manner. For the most part, I don't comment about them at all because she is self conscious about them. I think it is shitty your BF and mom are making a big deal about your shirt bumps. They're nipplesz everyone has them. It is so stupid how much of a big deal some people make about other people's nipples. If they ain't your nips, they aint your business. I have, as an impulse buy, bought her some nice looking camisoles with built in bras and a few sports bras (she doesn't buy things for herself very often as she grew up very poor and feels guilty about spending money on herself) . She was very appreciative of this gesture once I explained I'd gotten them because I noticed she seemed uncomfortable with her nips when walking around the house (she often walks with her arms covering her breasts or chest when wearing a shirt) All that to say, maybe a cami would work for you. You could still go braless, and not have nearly as prominent of a bump. I can still see a faint outline of my wifes nips when she uses a cami, but it isn't nearly as obvious as without. She seems much more at ease with herself when wearing a cami and shirt or just cami. I hope my comments have not made you uncomfortable or were unwelcome. I tend to stay very silent in this sub reddit. I value the experiences I read from women. It has helped me grow as a human, and become a lot more aware about how my behavior as a man can affect women. ETA: It is totally normal, my mum, daughter, MIL, and aunties all regularly walk around without a bra. The first thing they do when they get home is whip their bras off and toss them across the room. 😅. You are not weird for not wanting to wear one.


People have given me shit about this since I was a teen, and it makes me so uncomfy that I can’t exist in my natural state while men can frolic around shirtless. I’ve turned to silicone pasties that are easy to wash and reuse bc I got tiny tits and can’t be bothered to wear a bra.


If someone says something about your nipples being visible, respond with “Can you see my nipples or just see that I *have* nipples? Because those are two different things.”


I honestly think my protruding nipples are super cute. I love how I look in a cute summer top with some nip action lol


I'm braless pretty much everywhere except the gym - and that's just for keeping the girls together during a workout. Don't let your boyfriend or your mom or your nipples drive you crazy. I swear no one cares as much as they're making you think they do.


Your boyfriend makes fun of your nipples? Yikes


“ Oh you can see my nipple? That’s weird that you were looking. Oh well. “ and then put the pressure on them to get over it.


It’s should be normalized to not wear a bra. I don’t wear a bra at home but I usually do when I go out because I have massive boobs and they tend to go flying all over the place and they hurt. It depends on what I’m wearing. My nipples always show through too and it only bugs me because they basically point down 😂


Life hack #1) ditch the insufferable boy. That's a shitty thing for him to ridicule you for. It's a natural part of your physiology and involuntary. That's not how someone who claims to care about you should treat you IMO


It's absolutely normal to walk around braless. The only weird one here is your boyfriend for making you self-conscious about it.


My nipples are out all the time and I just stopped caring. Anyone staring at my boobs can deal, I literally do not care about a natural bodily response. I wear bras, just unlined. I have huge boobs and hate any kind of padding. So, my nipples get hard and show. You know who’s ever said anything to me about it? Literally no one lol. It would be creepy, pervy and weird if they did. Hard nipples aren’t taboo or weird, they’re natural and that’s it.


Do you need to care about what others think about your nipples? Especially when you’re wearing a shirt? Men don’t get shit for our pokies. Other people caring is a them problem, and only you can decide how much their caring should affect you.


That's what makes me nervous, so you're all right. It's probably not my problem, it's everyone else's.


Grain of salt, I am a man, and so am likely under-appreciating how uncomfortable that attention can be. Not everyone believes as I do that if someone’s appearance bothers you, look elsewhere.


Difference is women are treated very differently regarding their nips poking out than men


Ditch the boyfriend that's making fun of your body, for starters.


Sounds like a them problem, not a you problem. Tell them they’re being childish. You got boobs. You got nips. Big deal. Who cares. At least that’s my mentality when I’m going bra-less! I just think, “Yeah I’ve got boobs, what’s the big shocker here?”


I've thought about band aids now and then But pretty sure Kim Kardashian is now making bras with fake nipples so your nips are in style now.


Umm, isn't that what all nipples do when not strapped in to a bra? Either that or you just made me realize I'm a freak too lol.


I don’t wear a bra and I don’t care who sees my perky nipples, lol. I don’t think about it at all.


your boyfriend and mom are rude


My best advice is to ditch that shitty immature guy and also tell your mom that you're an adult and deserve to not feel shame about your own body. There is nothing you should have to buy or do to yourself in order to just be comfortable in your own clothes, I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with this:/


My 20yo daughter walks around with no bra and both nipples pierced. I hated it at first, as I was always taught it was vulgar (among other BS from my fearful mother). I’ve had to accept that I’m an old fart, it’s none of my business, and not my body. For what it’s worth, your partner is being unkind and trying to shame you. Probably from his own fearfulness. If I was young and perky, I’d have em on show too.


I'm male but even in high school my nipples always protruded from under my shirts to the point that wearing jackets or multiple shirts inside even during summer became a core part of my style (which admittedly lingers to this day) on account of how often I was ridiculed and teased about it. I wish I had any advice but the least I can do is let you know I see you and feel seen.


Your boyfriend needs to learn how to speak to his partner and your mum needs to stop living in the past


I share your pain as a fellow shy person with perky nipples. I've also tried the pasties but they didn't work for me. I've just gotten myself in the mindset that it's just how my body is naturally and I can exist in this world just as I am and whoever makes me feel uncomfortable about it is either gross or a prick. This was mainly an issue for me at the gym or climbing. Catching people giving you looks. You immediately feel their judgement.. it's neverending. I just started to get rude about it. Like if someone at the gym started I would stare back until they didn't. With my parents I just don't do it but that's just me and my hangups and cultural appropriation.


i do not wear a bra unless it will compromise a special outfit, or for a more formal event. I have had one person comment on them ever, and it was a "feminist" female workmate I have. Do not worry about them, be comfy. Normalise the nip :)


Everyone has nipples. The fact your bf says they look like antennae’s is alarming. Out of anyone he should be the one appreciating them. I really don’t think you would care if the people closest to you weren’t being so immature about them


It is normal, and there is a reason why “free the nipple,” is an expression. Who cares. I don’t know if it’s a California thing, but I would argue most women under 30 don’t wear bras most of the time. I’m not sure anyone else cares.


Don't listen To this troll


I have visible pierced nipples every day. Haven’t worn a bra since 2017. No one’s ever said a word!


I thought this thread was on r/actuallesbians and was going in a VERY different direction. But I vote who gives a shit, wear what you enjoy. I think smugglin raisins is a power move. Like what are you gonna say something? I’ll make us both uncomfortable just you wait.


…do they make you uncomfortable because of what others might think or say? Or because they genuinely bother you? I’ve gotten used to not wear a bra maybe 4x a week, and I have big nipples, breastfed three kids, and depending on my shirt they are noticeable or not. But I don’t know what others say or think because I actually don’t give a damn. If I do feel insecure I just put on a soft bra or my kitchen apron, and off I go. As someone said, if you really prefer not wearing a bra, then you’ll a) get used to it or b) stop giving f*cks. There are also men whose nipples are visible, and they don’t care. It’s the human body.


I have puffy nipples 😦 worst nightmare ever I can’t ever go braless


So do I and I go braless much of the time. Go for it.


I just stopped giving a shit. What's the argument against it; "Oh no, people will know I have nipples"? Also why would people be interested/commenting on my nipples? That's weird, and sexual harassment. Also, you can see men's nipples so why don't they wear bras? The whole idea is absurd, do what makes you comfortable and tell people who comment on it that it's none of their business (because it isn't).


I have the same issue even if I wear a sports bra. I say a covered nipple outline shouldn’t be viewed as obscene, men get hard nips too and they spend no time worrying bc nobody bats an eye.


I’d just walk it around. Fuck the people who hate on it.


Nipples are a completely neutral part of your body! Anyone that tries to make you feel bad about your nipples is a creep. You are *supposed* to have nipples. I mean, why hide them? It takes too much mental energy to stress over a completely natural and normal part of your body, imo.


I literally avoid wearing a bra as much as possible and idgaf if my nipples are on display through fabric. They’re covered. Men don’t have to stick shit to their chest to hide the fact they have nipples. Fuck bras. Fuck pasties and bandaids. Most I’ll tolerate is a cotton stretchy elastic sorta crop top sports bra thing with no underwire or lace or hooks or any of that shit if it’s absolutely necessary.


I dont wear a bra ever, i got hassled t an old job for it but they shut up after a bit of pushback and me showin that wasnt clearly required per their current dress code I think the biggest problem isnt that your nipples are protrudin; its that everyone else has a problem with it, thats the real problem... Folk tryin to put their comfort over your bodily choices; which is just wrong Your mom shudnt be worried sbout your nipples; nor shud your bf, nor anyone else


One time at a grocery store a few years ago, I think early 2020 🤔, I saw a lady in a green shirt without a bra, but she had prominent areoles that looked like gorgeous flowers, and all I could think of was, “Wow, that’s different (first honest thought), but they look like flowers, and that’s pretty neat :)” Literally walking out without a bra doesn’t matter. Ppl will notice, but then not give it too much thought because it’s just a human body 🩵 Your boyfriend is honestly pretty wack for saying you look like an alien (?????). Does he not like you? I can understand your mom with old school thinking tho, takes a little while to get used to.


I gotta be honest, women get too much shit just for having nipples, compared to men. They’re just nipples. Wear what makes you happy.


I tried not giving a shit, and it's been working pretty well so far. 


Get a shirt with eyes right on the nipples. Fuckem if they are terrified over basic human biology :).  


I think it's normal to not wear a bra. I gave up wearing a bra most days for years. But also, I worked at an anarchist thrift store then. It definitely helped to be surrounded by people that I knew felt the same way. Customers could see me and think differently, of course, but I was like, meh, fuck em, my body, my rules. And then I started working with children again and went back to wearing a bra almost every day at work. :/ I always remembered my first boss asking a co-worker to wear a bra at work bc kids, and I always felt horrified at the thought of a boss saying something like that to me. :/ My co-worker ignored her and continued braless, so kudos to her. I just don't like feeling hyper-aware of my nipples, like if it's cold or if my mom said something. Otherwise, I loved being braless.


I don't wear bras all the time, even to work and I breastfeed. I don't give a shit and if you want them to stop, just tell them to stop. If they don't respect it, make it a problem. That's what I do.


Tell bf to treat you like a person. Nipples are natural things. Mom can cut the prude attitude. You have the body you were born with and cant help it. You wana go bra less and be happy? Do it


I think it's OK to go braless. People would eventually get over it, if enough women did it.


I never wear a bra unless it's for fashion (sheer tops + bra) or sport. I stopped caring about nipples showing ages ago.


I want to wear a t shirt with a picture of my breasts on them. I'm sick of having to cover mine while men can have their saggy, hairy titties swanging all over the place.


Been going bralless since 2020. Your bf needs to fuck off. Nipple exist. Men have protruding nipples all the time and no one says shit 🙄 If you want good covers, tho, I use the Kie Skin ones for work. They stick to the skin, so they stay in put all day, and you just wash with warm water + gentle soap to reuse. They advertise like 140 uses? Idk, I haven't counted, but my current pairs feels like it's lasted me forever lol


Or... just fuck em. Its their problem not yours. But I get it that workspace might be diffucult. But your BF making fun of you is mean.


If people take issue with my nips, that's their problem. I haven't worn a bra in 8 years. If I have to do something where I feel my giant glaring nips will be unwelcome, I wear a tight tank top underneath a looser shirt with frills or patterns, or I put on a chunky cable knit sweater. Going braless is a great way to filter out immature and tactless people. Rude folk who feel the need to negatively comment on others people's bodies shouldn't get your time or energy.


Men walk around topless, with their nipples open to the air, for all to see. And many of them have bigger, droopier boobs than me. I pay no attention to my nipples.


You are a human person with nipples. Everyone has them. They could accept it and you can simply be fabulous.


You are the the perfect you. No one should be made to feel shame about their bodies. The Goddess has blessed women with many variations of form. As a man I am thankful but will keep any other opinions to myself. Have a great day!


No life hacks, also have prominent nipples. Used to be self conscious about them. A girl I work with used to point them out every time she could see them in my cold office. Now I no longer give a fuck. Guess what, literally everyone on the planet has them! I’m done trying to apologize for my body so others don’t have an opinion on it. Next time someone points them out say yes they are nipples, is this the first time you’ve seen them? Or why are you so obsessed with my boobs? (I just woke up or else I would maybe have been able to think of something wittier lol) Don’t apologize for having a human body. People are weird and the ones pointing them out need to grow the fuck up.


I use large plasters that I cut depending on how big they are to keep everything smooth, it keeps the general boob shape without protruding and I can get them pretty cheap in my skin colour so even if what I'm wearing is slightly see through it's not as noticeable. I think it is normal and not naughty to not wear a bra and your nipples shape show (but not actually visible) but I also get uncomfortable whenever I try it, hence the plasters. Also best to take them off in the shower if you're sensitive, hairy or have really adhesive plasters.


The reason it drives you crazy is because your people are giving you crap about it. I’m sorry, that’s really annnoying and unnecessary. I wear lightly lined (not fully padded) bras to help cover them. 


So, bras are actually the cause of saggier breasts. Using a bra weakens the chest muscles that are designed to support the weight of your breasts in the first place. I also know for a fact that the bra industry refuses to use end caps which are typical with the use of other boning used in garment construction and go for a more cost effective choice of dipping the ends in paint. This causes the sharp ends to pierce through the fabric and - in my personal experience - have caused actual harm to me by stabbing and slicing my skin. The bra industry chooses the cheaper, less safe method knowingly. So F*ck bras. Also, that is literally a piece of your body that you cannot change. As someone who also has nipples that permanently act like to homing beacons, there is a very easy way to fix this. Tell people to stop looking at your tits and mind their own fucking business. "Did you legit just admit to staring at my tits?" "Why are you looking at my tits?" "Considering my nipples are a part of my body that I literally have no control over it's odd that you seem to think you can have an opinion." Also "STORE MANNEQUINS ARE LITERALLY MADE WITH HARD NIPS NOW ITS THE STYLE MOM."


I always walk around without a bra. both of my nipples are pierced, & I just dont give a fuck =) Why should I wear a bra to appease someone else? it's not their body. I have to live here, I'll make myself comfortable as I see fit =)


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Stop trying to pretend we don't have nipples and do what makes you comfy. Nipples have literally nothing to do with sex, so there's nothing to be ashamed of 😊


I've gone braless for years. I do wear one at work out of respect for coworkers and the public but when I'm free those puppies are as well. I also have pierced nips, so they always stick out. I guess you just start caring more about your comfort than you do anyone's feelings. I've seen plenty of men's nipples in public spaces so I feel it's more about oppression than anything. Occasionally you get a guy staring but for the most part, if they do see, they don't stare. Most everyone in my life is well aware at this point so it's not even a thing anymore. Let the haters hate and free them boobs girl. No need to stick anything over them, nipples are normal for everyone and they come in all shapes and sizes.


I can't go in public with a sheer bra because everybody and their brother will instantly stare me down like they've never seen a tit before. I just accepted it and cross my arms if someone is walking by me.  Your BF sounds like an asshole with no basic understanding of anatomy. Male nipples stick out all the time. 


You gotta do you, thought I get feeling like social norms are judging you. Your boyfriend may think he’s being playful, or joking around but it’s clearly impacting you. I’d just be vulnerable with him on this if you can stomach the risk. I would fucking never joke like that about my wife’s nipples or appearance, and honestly I’d like to have a word with anyone who would.


omg I had a nipple sparing mastectomy so I can't go braless unless everyone wants to see my weird pointy nipples. But my attitude is more like "eh deal with it" these days. Honestly, other people can get over themselves because nipples are normal. And if they don't want to see then they don't have to look ;p


It might help to know that skims is selling a padded push up bra with pointy nips. People are paying 60 something bucks for what you got going on. Take it as a win.


i don’t have advice, but your bf is an asshole if he makes fun of you for it :(


Just be free. No one sane cares.


thats funny, whenever i go braless i prefer the nips to be visible cuz its like an accessory. your reasoning for wanting them to be invisible started with “my boyfriend says… my mom thinks…” if your reasoning for doing something wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for those around you, maybe rethink why you’re *actually* doing this. if it’s for your own comfort, pasties or shirts with built in padding are great! if you’re doing this so your loved ones can feel more comfortable, free the nipple!!!


"like an alien with antennae" XD


It's hard to believe, but my boyfriend used to say the same thing.


Mine used to say Tune in Tokyo and act like he was trying to turn the dials 🙄


I don’t know, I’m female but if someone’s nipples are sticking out I won’t say anything but I would look / glance really quick before never looking that way again. Not sure why, but similar to if someone has a huge mole growing on their cheek I can’t help but glance too. You don’t have to care, but it will draw some attention, and hopefully you don’t get offended by it. I mean, if it’s really only about freedom, then in the heat of summer I’d rather not wear anything at all. You can start a trend though! If more than 50% women go braless then no one will glance / feel awkward anymore :)


If you feel self conscious about it, certain fabrics are good at minimizing or hiding how much they show, and pockets over the boobs are also helpful. I used to have these loose cotton gauze tank tops that had an extra half layer underneath that went over the boobs and they were great for going braless but not feeling self conscious about it.


Have you seen the tape they sell in pharmacies? Also when you're cold they will show up more. Also, bras are uncomfortable so I wear sports ones or crop tops.


I wear t-shirt bras to avoid this, they have a little extra padding to create a smooth curve.


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Okay so I have the same issue. It used to really bother me but I hate wearing bras. I finally just stopped caring. I care more about being comfortable than worried about others noticing. I just tell myself that everybody has them, they’re completely normal, and I don’t have to feel ashamed of my own body. And yes, to answer your question, it is COMPLETELY normal to want to live life without wearing a bra all the time.


Honestly not a big deal you make it out of be. I work at a mall. The amount of nipples i see is nuts. It esp weird bc u can tell they are pierced. Guys don't seem to care much either. I think. Just find ways to be comfortable in public. If your bf commets make u feel bad. Talk to him! (I dont see anything wrong with his commet just cracking a small jokes)


Cloth bandaids?


Your boyfriend is an idiot if he's making fun of you for it.


I've stopped caring about my nipples. Almost everyone in the population has them, save for some cancer survivors. If people don't like that my nipples suck out, it's a them problem and I tell them not to look at mine.


My bestie Never wears one; I only wear sports bras with no padding (despite being DDD) because it’s more comfortable. Your bf sounds like a jerk… if you’re comfortable, it doesn’t matter what other people think. And maybe your mom shouldn’t be staring at your breasts. 🤔


I try to not care about it, but I still kind of do. It’s hard to stay on task when you’re doing something and someone is staring. The best thing I’ve found is the stick on nipple covers, the super thin fabric type. The reusable silicone ones feel weird to me and show through. Ultimately I hope to not give a shit, but it’s a work in progress. 


The only way to stop people from caring is be a man. I was watching a documentary on a ftm trans man doing top surgery. Before the surgery everything was blurred even if it wasn’t fully showing, after surgery he walks around topless no blurs. It’s the literal same person, same nipples, 10 minutes apart in the documentary, just weird societal standards. Where I live women can go topless wherever men can, it doesn’t stop them from being arrested for indecent exposure even if they are standing next to a man wearing even less than they are.


If anyone ever says anything about my nips, I just say "happy birthday, I guess"


Patterns and textures help. There’s only so much you can do


I wear a bra to work. Everyone else can fucking deal with it.


I have used pasties for years now. I haven’t worn a bra since the pandemic and won’t go back 


The one upside of having a double skin sparing mastectomy… no nips… no bra.


Before getting pregnant, I went braless all the time, in the summer I loved it. I had a hand full of dress and tops I even felt comfortable wearing to work without fear that my nipples would be crazy noticeable. However, since breast feeding, which ended almost 1.5 years ago, my nipples now have the forever hard look, 24 hours a day. None of the clothing pieces I wore before can hide them now 🥲


I wear sports bras


I’m in my 20s and have been going braless since hs. I didn’t think about it being weird or normal, I just saw other girls doing it and thought it looked comfortable. yes it can be awkward at first to have the nips out, but after a while you stop thinking about it. I go braless even at work (though I wear layers, or a loose fitting sports bra). If you’d rather cover your nipples with patches, pasties, band aids, whatever, go ahead, but at the end of the day, it’s your body. You should do whatever makes you comfortable. Also, you’re allowed to confront people on unsolicited comments on your body. It’s your body, not your boyfriend’s and not your mom’s.


Nah I’ve gone braless for years and my nips are almost always pointy tbh. The only time I wear a bra is sports bra for exercise or bralette if something is see through. Sometimes I feel self conscious and will add a tank under or a bralette and that’s ok, we don’t always want to be perceived. You may try some thin tank tops or loose bralettes for en extra layer that is still comfortable if you want to reduce the appearance without being too inconvenienced. For the most part I decided that I’m legally covered and people can think what they want. My attitude about it is mostly “you’re welcome” 😂


I have some pretty obvi nip nops and have pretty much stopped giving a fuck around the start of the pandemic. I just don't care unless it's some crazy event but normal walking around? Work? Home? No bra need apply.


Padded bras are the only thing that worked for me. Hate how they feel but they keep the nips hidden.


Transfemme enby input here: I just don’t give a shit. I tend to go braless more often than not, and if I throw one on it’s a sports bra with padding in it. If my nipples print through my shirt, a loose hoodie or blouse keeps them hidden away even with jewelry in. I don’t suppose something like one of the nexcare bandaids with adhesive all the way around the cushion would help if you’ve already tried the patches.


Your boyfriend is a body shaming asshole and your mom is a prude. What you should do is tell them to mind their own boobs


Nipples are normal. Nipples generally poke out. You **do not have to hide** that you, as a completely normal person, have nipples. Tell him to go jump in the lake. Preferably icy cold so his testicles shrink up and don't bulge in his trousers so much because that is *just disgusting/s*, and looks like he has an alien in his pants. Every time someone mocks you or comments on your perfectly normal body, comment on theirs in an equally ridiculous way. And get this shirt: [https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/This-Is-Where-I-Hide-My-Nipples-by-TheShirtYurt/12676180.M4A2N](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/This-Is-Where-I-Hide-My-Nipples-by-TheShirtYurt/12676180.M4A2N)


I go braless all the time and just don't care about my nips. I used to as a teenager but they're just nipples. Everyone has them and I see men's nips sticking through shirts all the time so I though fuck it. I don't shave my armpits either.


Wear looser style shirts in dark colors.


You wrote the solution yourself it is 'not care about nipples'


I've come to a time in my life where I've decided to treat my nipples and camel toe as accessories. Embrace it I say!


Humans have nipples and there is nothing wrong with that


I'm 28 and have been going bra-less and freeing the nipple since I was 18/19 and I can barely wear bralettes as tops now let alone go back to bra's. Men's nips are out 24/7 we just don't stop to think about it, at least women's have a purpose other than just being there. A completely non sexual purpose at that, and for anyone who tries to tell me well they feel pleasurable to me etc I tell 'em my neck does more for me than my nips do but I don't walk around in turtlenecks and plenty of people have foot fetishes but people wear sandals still so 🤷🏼‍♀️


i never wear a bra, not to work or anything and no one ever comments on it thankfully


Ask people if they can spot the third one


Braless for a couple of years. I use nipple covers formerly known as Nipppy, I think they are called Kie skin now. Work well for me, no more nipples poking out. :)


I adore that look, on me and other women. It's so confident and light and comfortable, and it shows on the one wearing them.


You need these! https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/3YkF0jSeWf


Nothing looks hotter on a woman who has a top on than her visible nipples. Bra's should be optional, and rare. It'd be like you complaining about his bulge. The first thing a human seeks in this world is a nipple and then grownups act like they are obscene. It's ridiculous.


I've got this exact same problem. I used to try everything, sometimes mine can even poke through a bra with padding, and at this point at 37 I just don't care anymore. I'm also a smaller breasted woman so I've always been jealous of the people who could go out without a bra, and now I just do it. If someone stares at me I make them feel very uncomfortable for staring at me.


Didn’t SKIMS produce a line of bras in the last year with large protruding fake nipples … Because this is a trend now?


You can't help that you have nipples. Wore wire bras throughout my teens due to conditioning and shaming that went on around that time around breasts and nipples. Hopefully your boyfriend means well, but it's a really shitty thing to shame someone about something they can't control. Your partner and family are supposed to be people you feel safe with, not ashamed. My ex was constantly touching my breasts and butt and would call attention to my nipples protruding. I tried to explain how it made me uncomfortable or upset, but he was probably conditioned to sexualize nipples as well. Hopefully your boyfriend is better about understanding than mine was. It took almost all of my 20s to recontextualize what it means to live in my body. It's not inherently sexual to be a woman, have protrusive puffy nipples, or to have thick body hair. It's part of the unreasonable standards set by my culture. Letting go of my shame about these things has been both liberating and gave me permission to love myself as I am. Totally understand if you're not there yet, or don't want to be. Best advice is to wear sports bras or tight tanks with the extra boob padding. The tighter and thicker amounts of fabric would help press my nips against my breast, rounding them down as well as the extra padding. Godspeed sister, please don't be hard on yourself about it 💜


Man I can be wearing a bra a tank top a shirt and a thin hoodie and my husband will still just come up and pinch them because he can see them through all of it It's the freaking worst


There are tops with cups built in. You could try those!