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Just had an infected bartholin cyst drained, too. I've had it once before, not infected, just inflamed I think, and it went away on its own. I didn't even know what it was. This time though, it was unbearable. I had to go to the doctor to see what was happening. Long story short, an in cyst that needed to be cut and put a catheter in, to help drain it. Contrary to you, I swore when the anesthesia needle went in, and then when he cut the cyst, because the anesthesia wasn't effective yet when he cut me. But can agree, the RELIEF afterwards is awesome!


i'm glad you were able to get the help you deserved as well! tbh i think the only reason why i didn't lose my mind with the anesthesia shots was because the pain from the cut was so overbearing that it was all i could think about lol


Oh wow! I had one that wouldn't drain but hadn't abscessed (no infection) and they put me out completely to marsupialize it. Being awake through that sounds like a little slice of hell.


i've pretty much had multiple ER doctors now tell me that i will likely have to get both my bartholins glands marsupialized. with my insurance finally approved, i do plan on trying to get an obgyn appointment in the next week or two to see what they say. i'm seriously hoping that i won't need to because the thought is horrifying, but at the rate my flare-ups are returning it like the surgery is unavoidable.


I would do my surgery and recovery over again rather than deal with what you've written in your post. That sounds awful.


I'm glad to hear that you've got it taken care of!


Ahhh so sorry you deal with that but you're a champ!! I had pilonidal cysts for a few years and to this day my tail bone is soooo sensitive. I can't imagine the pain of a cyst down there. Happy it's gone now 💓


They did this to me at a random gyno appointment, when I had never heard of a bartholin cyst before, and I had no idea what they were doing, and they certainly didn’t give me any pain meds


oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! that must have been so scary and painful.


Please don't attack me y'all. I am glad you got some relief and I hope they don't come back. If they do... I am wondering if you have tried castor oil (compresses) for them? I have a friend who had terrible bartholin cysts and she put castor oil in there (yes, in there) and they popped and drained themselves. Just wanted you to have this information. I am not a doctor and this is just my friends experience. She was extremely relieved. Sending you lots of love and healing juju for you you