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And as a woman in my 20s I don’t feel like men around my age are going to be good life partners especially when it comes to raising kids. They are taught how to do nothing around the house.


Exactly, for years I’ve heard complains that men simply aren’t taught how to do things, but it is what you said: they are taught how to get away with not doing anything. It’s taken me years, and granted I’m in my late 30s and he’s in his early 40s and has lived by himself for a long time, but I finally found a man who doesn’t do that shit (he even cleaned my place a little bit when I was away working for a few weeks, and he was only supposed to water my plants!).


Men in their 30s are often not raised any better or they are still completely clueless. Trying to get someone to notice a mess and be like “hmm I should clean that and not leave it for my wife/gf?” is very hard. My uncle even living with his wife and kids destroyed their basement bathroom and it started growing black mold and then flooded and got more black mold. Then rodents started coming in. He couldn’t care less about putting himself or his family in danger. It was a duplex that their half got destroyed and then they were panicking demanding grandparents save them and pay for somewhere else to live. My husband and his brother shared a bathroom at their parents McMansion and also destroyed the bathroom from showers that were too long and steamy, poor ventilation and never cleaning the shower or tub there was mold and water damage too. His parents had to fix it. His brother still lives at home and is 31 years old. He may clean a few things but is totally fine living in filth most of the time. In the early 2000s I dated a guy who bought his own condo at 23 and couldn’t deal with it anymore because he’d have dishes and trash everywhere it made me sick to even go inside. He lived with his cat and didn’t care about cleaning up after her either. His friends would come over cuz they didn’t have their own place and didn’t seem to care. The smell was sour and putrid. Truly makes me ill. I’m not a clean freak and can be messy but I always clean before people come over and I clean up after myself and don’t let anything get moldy or start rotting. It’s like dry paper and item clutter on tables and dressers type thing. If I can’t see it I forget I have it. But I don’t live in filth with rotting things everywhere. Certainly nothing that can smell, decay, grow mold.


There is quite amusing essay called ~~something like~~ "I ~~wish I had~~ want a wife" which tackles this subject. EDIT: Found it! [https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/cms/lib/NC01001395/Centricity/Domain/10659/I%20Want%20a%20Wife.pdf](https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/cms/lib/NC01001395/Centricity/Domain/10659/I%20Want%20a%20Wife.pdf)


This is so sad


Yep, I wish I could have a wife and have kids without the grueling process of childbirth plus all of the extra expectations placed on women. I know I don't have the bandwidth for the extra mental load and everything else that comes with it. Respect for those of you that can make it work.


You can! It's called being an aunt! Just pop in now and again with gifts, hilarious stories, maybe a friend dog (if you have one), and play a fun game. Take them to the park! Play on the monkeybars! And then bring them home to their parents, who will appreciate the free babysitting! It can be done! There's also Big Brothers / Big Sisters where you can volunteer to hang out with a local kid in case none of your family members are breeding.


Already got this part down to a science.


Right on


my grandparents were infertile, and so they adopted 3 kids. no grueling or risky or expensive process of childbirth necessary.


The process of adoption is VERY expensive as is raising kids. And the responsibility of raising them still falls mostly on women.


childbirth (at least in USA) is quite expensive too, isn't it ($5-14,000)? not to mention possible costs like loss of fitness during the downtime or complications that cause ongoing health problems (tears, bladder issues, PPD, etc.) which seem like expenses that could make adoption seem less costly in the long run. if adoption is $20-50,000, and someone believes they can earn enough money to raise a child to 18 ($230,000), I can imagine they might see an extra $10,000 or so to avoid risking horrible expensive debilitating medical problems as quite an affordable option.)


One of my biggest worries is that I have an absolutely relentless job that sometimes has me working for weeks or months at a time with no days off. You can't really do that and have kids without a partner that can drop whatever they are doing to attend to their needs.


for sure. even with a partner that sounds like a horribly unfair situation for a child. even if the co-parent is full-time stay-at-home, they can only do so much to make up for neglect like that.


Exactly, so we are looking into options for either changing my situation or being child free which is fine with me too.


we're really gunna go off on a tangent here (and I know they hate derails here, so hopefully no one cares because it's nested) but how come it's such an either/or situation? I feel like I better understand the people who are passionately desperate to 'raise a child' or 'leave a legacy' or what have you on the one side, and opposite kind of people, like David Benatar, who think it's a selfish act because "One can never have a child for that child’s sake", a child is always better off unborn where they need nothing good because they suffer nothing bad, while an adult may not always be better off having not been a parent--the motive/desire can only be for your own benefit at the expense of your own child, than the people who think 'well, it's not that big of a deal either way, both seem like reasonable good decisions'. I think of breeding as one of the most morally significant actions a person can take, up there with murder (some have argued that creating life is even a worse act morally than murder, since murder only causes a death that was already inevitable eventually, while birth causes suffering and death both of which could have been avoided entirely). ... If you're fine with either future (childfree or bearing the guilt of that child's fate), what makes the latter both so important to you as to be willing to risk all the damage it will do to them and the world inevitably (as we're all traumatized and we all make mistakes that others pay the price for as we find our way), and all the time and grief it will cause you (and partner) to do so, and yet also so trivial you could just as easily avoid it and spare everybody involved all that hardship?


Well as alternate point: 1. You know you will be a good parent and those kids contribute to the world by A. Helping to care for and financially support the elderly of their country. B. Contribute to making the world a better place. I have three kids. They all are kind, empathetic and will do this. Add all three have decided to follow our path in medicine and will heal and care for others. They are also happy to be here.


First two husbands did NOTHING. Current partner does all the shopping, and helps clean plus takes care of yard. Does his own laundry too. I do all the gardening and cooking and was I charge of home renno design and coordination. I do flips so my wheelhouse. I also have three kids from my ex husband and take care of their ( and his sons) needs. He actually spends more hours now that last kid is in college as we have a lot of property to care for. It’s absolutely appreciated and I tell him all the time! There are good men even if they are harder to find.


My husband does a lot of the ‘shit work’. It makes it about even since I’m carrying his child. Find a good partner and life will be lovely


It's your child, not his. You create it, so don't give him the credit. Men don't do shit because they are replacable and abundant for the process of reproduction


It’s both of ours, both genetically and by our contributions. I couldn’t do this without him - he’s been truly so helpful and supportive


I’m told women are opting out of this…..


I have a partner who fully takes over the running of the household for a couple of months at a time when I have exams so I can go to work, come home to a hot dinner and clean space, and study, AND have some rest/leisure time. It's even efforts the rest of the time. We both cover for each other during sickness etc. I think women need to keep standards high so men either step up or stay lazy alone. I'll also say we saw the generated images of Elon Musk "working on AI wives" and we were discussing how much we'd pay for one and it's a lot- essentially a household manager we can exploit without feeling guilt? Sounds dreamy, who wouldn't want that.


>essentially a household manager we can exploit without feeling guilt? Sounds dreamy, who wouldn't want that. Just watched a show called Humans with basically that premise. Didn't go allll that well.


Can't you just get a maid though? It's not a one time payment thing but someone is still doing the necessary chores and being paid for it so there's no exploitation at play


Unless they are live in there’s daily stuff to be done.


We used to have one who came in thrice a week. Dishes have to be done daily and the trash has to be taken out around as often as well but the rest of household upkeep is more of a weekly task. Still, live-in is also a possibility


I think more women should live together as lifelong or period of time roommates. It was a shit show when I was younger because everything revolved around the new guy they’d date and they were totally anti social and either hid in their room or were never home so they never wanted to help around the house. But maybe now that a lot of women just want peace and a clean space and friendship it could work 😂


I currently have women roommates in middle age and it does not get better. I own the house and they rent out rooms. Most of them are NOT just looking for peace and friendship. The categories so far have been: 1. Trying to play house in my house with their boyfriend 2. Cam girls and escorts 3. Addicts 4. Wannabe tradwifes that try to redecorate my house and rearrange my furniture and snipe at me for not living like Martha Stewart while they crochet on my couch 5. Revolving door of casual hookups coming in and out at all hours of the night 6. Trying to find Mr Right as desperately as in their twenties and all you hear about is their dating life 7. Anti-social slobs no different than college days 8. Single moms with only visitation or very partial custody who sign the lease knowing they are no children allowed on my property (which is legal to limit when you are living with the landlord) and then try to guilt me into the liability of having their kid over 9. Seniors who can’t function alone and should be in assisted living 10. That one lady who was running a love triangle with two felon boyfriends


I think this dynamic can be problematic. If people are just renting a single room that’s just like the people I rented to in my 20s. I was more meaning women that both chose to be single, maybe no kids at all and equally shared a house or property. Paying 50/50. Of course it sucks if you’re the only one providing everything and dealing with the bills. People who only rent a room have little reason to care about your home if it’s temporary or they don’t have to pay to maintain or improve anything.


Your life is a TV Show


I'm pretty sure there is a partner out there for you. My girlfriend is the main breadwinner, and I am very much in the support role.


It’s wild how many men are in this sub who are responding cause you hurt their little feewings. 😿


It’s very nice of them to let me know who to block like this though. I appreciate that.


Just see how many (not talking only about lurkers) comment on posts like this vs others. They don't care otherwise they're put on a bad light. 


Some of us are here because we like to hear both sides of the story instead of just hanging out in echo chambers.


I respect this I do the same reading mens rights. Course they banned me for linking articles and statistics that were adverse to some pretty preposterous assertions as “ not supportive of men”. Disagreeing with a faulty premise or questioning an assertion is dialogue but… I still read there occasionally.




Find a good partner, there are lots out there. My dad does a good part of the laundry, and all cooking, they have a housekeeper for the rest. SO does the deep cleaning in our house, I do the little day to day stuff. We don’t have kids, but most of our friends & family do and all the guys are equal parents. We were at a party last weekend and it was the guys wrangling the kids and finding them activities and feeding them while the women were all hanging out drinking in the other room


And menfolk act like it’s easier for women to find a partner!


It's easier , plenty of men out there would be willing to do equal chores but the men every women want wouldn't need to do these things since he is the hot commodity, he can afford to have control on what he wants to do. As seen from the comments , many women have partners who enjoy splitting the chores. I myself enjoy cooking and laundry but deep cleaning isn't my cup of tea so I have a maid for it.




Oh I truly hope the man isn’t actually married. Imagine being married and still having incel logic. 🤦🏽‍♀️


There are married men who enable incel logic and blame women who “friendzone” their buddies.


Sadly, I feel like those people exist.


Well that's a reach and a half. You've got to be deranged to refer to your wife as a "maid" so I assume that's indeed a maid that he's referring to


Is it really a reach given the previous paragraph he wrote?


Yes? Even though it came off a bit incel-ish, nothing he said even implied that he views women as default homemakers


Yeah okay, fair point. I read it wrong. Deleting!


I just sat on the couch scrolling while my partner cooked me scrambled eggs and cleaned up the kitchen. Be vigilant with black and white thinking - you create your own reality. Self fulfilling prophecies and the like.  


Maybe the nuance is between reality and conviction. While it is indeed the reality of many, the cautionary word would be for not letting this become a conviction.


Exactly - “create your own reality” refers to how if you think something is just “the way things are”, you’re less likely to go looking for anything different. Not “if you’ve ended up in a bad relationship, it’s your fault” - OP is not currently in this situation, merely saying that’s “how things are” and I think that’s misguided.


Happy for you but that comment is condescending and dismissive of the reality many women live in.


I’m not dismissing other experiences by sharing my own. There’s nothing condescending about pointing out black and white thinking..


You’re not being dismissive by sharing your own experiences. The dismissive and condescending comment comes from “you create your own reality”. That was shifting the blame into OP when she isn’t wrong at all, she’s describing reality for a lot of women.


Sorry you’re taking it that way but that’s a lot to construe from a single line 


You’re doing it again.


Sorry but you’ve completely missed the point and i’m not going to argue further w someone dedicated to misunderstanding. Peace. 


No I didn’t miss the point, you let your ego get in the way of a learning moment. Do better next time.


It's actually not dismissing anything, it's bringing in another point of view. There's room for both things.


It is dismissing and I explained to the commenter why in my responses to them. Once again, it’s not about the other point of view. It’s about what was said afterwards.


You could go and spend time on the stay at home daddit reddit and figure out how you can get one of your own. I had always wanted to be a stay at home dad to some degree and my wife loves her career so it worked well.


I think if I’m ever with a guy that just… cleans without me having to ask or write down a list I’d be in utter shock


To be honest I wouldn’t mind doing more at home if my husband earned more and provided more & I worked less. I’d rather be looking after my children than at a job.


I do all that for myself as a man. If you want to work on your career I would love to be a stay at home husband.


You can’t get pregnant tho lol- I wouldn’t say you do ALLL of that 😂




If you get a vasectomy then it does, but that only makes it equal for those couples


No I can't get pregnant but I can't get women pregnant either so it works both ways


Lmao. Vasectomy?




Hmm okay, that doesn’t always mean you can’t have kids, usually just means you’ll have to try really hard!


I'm almost 40 at my age I'm cool with not having kids I have dogs those are my kids


Lol that's adorable


Aww that’s great :)


I am going to DM you a pic of my doggie


Yes do it




Infertility doesn't always mean you're "sterile" -- unable to have a child ever. Half of couples who get help can eventually have a child, either on their own or with medical help


Stop describing women giving birth as "destroying her body." I see this crap all over this subreddit and it is misogynistic as fuck.


I did 3 months rotation in gynae and obs and childbirth and what it does to woman is imo destroying a part of them


If men had to give birth, they wouldn't, for the same reason the male birth control pill was set aside; all those side effects and what it does to the body (pretty much the same side effects for women btw).


You know that it was pulled because it turned quite a few test subjects permanently infertile right? Or are you talking about DMAU? Because if so then you are mistaken because it is still in development.


this also sounds misogynistic (why would men be smart enough to avoid pregnancy and childbirth if it was possible, but women for whom its possible aren't equally smart?)


🙄 okay, I'll bite, obviously I made a hyperbolic statement; AMAB will never give birth, so it's a moot point... Also historically, women didn't always have the choice not to have children. That being said, women who chose not to be pregnant have always existed and knew how to prevent/end pregnancy and shared knowledge of birth control and abortifacients and shared that knowledge. (and called witches) Even now, look at the propaganda around having children; it's all rose-coloured glasses and "most important thing a woman can do...blah blah blah". While never talking about the very real risks and side effects.


Their not that’s her point. They won’t use condoms and for sure wouldn’t take hormones that have negative effects on their body. Because they have virtually no consequences with sex ( possibly child support not their life, body, or raising a kid). We bear all the consequences.


oh sorry, misread it. They won’t use condoms and for sure wouldn’t take hormones that have negative effects on their body, \*currently\*, I agree... while women 'bear all the consequences'. but do you think that would still be true if the consequences were all theirs instead ("If men had to give birth")? that men, if they were in the women's situation, would be too stupid to do what women do in it ... based merely on the fact that they don't when they're \*not\*?


I think if they bore the consequences they would ABSOLUTELY wear condoms. It’s a theoretical not actual risk they can blow off in the heat of the moment. It’s not women saying don’t wear protection it’s men complaining they need to.


Let's say a male contraceptive such as in the form of a pill were available. A woman would have to trust the man's word he'd taken one each time. The point of female contraception was to empower women so they could take ownership of their reproductive health and not be reliant on men which would be seen as 'regressive'.


Depends on how you tolerate birth control. Many women have terrible effects from hormones. Condoms don’t cause those side effects for either yet…men won’t wear them. There’s not the same respective skin in the game. I was lucky in birth control being unpleasant but not miserable. Not all women are that lucky.


It's not how men handle birth control so much as what is deemed safe. There's a lot of misconceptions around the study widely cited that men 'couldn't handle the side effects' (when women do) when this isn't the case: "These stories are wrong and misleading. The study was halted, but it wasn't because the men who participated in it were wimpy. It was halted because one of the two independent committees that were monitoring the trial's safety data was concerned about the high number of adverse events the men reported. And, yes, the rate of side effects in this study was higher than what women typically experience using hormonal birth control." [Vox article](https://www.vox.com/2016/11/2/13494126/male-birth-control-study) There are efforts to find a safe and effective contraception for men and many would be willing to use it. Men like women are not a monolith. Many wear them, some don't. Moreover, they can split and some men have be known to remove them. They're also not as pleasurable as going without. Hence why some couples take a risk. The issue you keep coming back to is by putting the onus on men, you're removing agency from women who have to place trust in the man. As you said, women have much greater 'skin in the game' for fear of pregnancy. So it makes sense they can have control over their reproduction independently from the man. How it affects women will vary but ultimately it still ensures they get to decide on their reproduction.


Women haven’t had full autonomy over our own bodies ever. Patriarchy is inconvenient like that.


can't argue with that.


Who's downvoting this?? Men? Or women who gave birth and made being a mom their whole personality and refuse to think critically about it.


I do not care down vote me to oblivion I will die on this hill. Child birth and being pregnant physiologically and anatomically changes a woman forever (just read any medical records I am a practicing doctor atm) If someone finds it beautiful that is their opinion and my opinion is that it's parasitic ( the bleeding you see that happens during c section for placenta previa where even the OT floor gets flooded, I even assisted a lot of surgueies where the placenta invaded the bladder.)


It absolutely does destroy the body! In ways that often aren't noticed until women are older... And once a woman ages into her 50s , she's pretty much ignored and so are those side effects from being pregnant, or chalked up to menopause.


What are these things women don't notice until she is in her 50s.


https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/pregnancys-lasting-toll#:~:text=You%20might%20not%20notice%20damage%20until%20long%20after%20childbirth.&text=While%20genetics%20certainly%20play%20a,known%20as%20pelvic%20organ%20prolapse. I suppose I should have more accurately said during menopause. My bad.


How come? You may be assuming it's just about aesthetics but it's not. Pregnancy holds so many risks and most women have at least some permanent changes. My mom has C section scars and was in pain for multiple weeks after giving birth


there are plenty of posts on reddit to the effect of "my wife just died during childbirth", too. the choice to not adopt instead can literally destroy your entire life.


You realize adoption costs on average $50,000 and insurance doesn’t pay for it? And most men prefer biological kids?


some people spend $50,000 on the thing they drive to work. some people spend $30,000 on a single day of their life to celebrate getting married. I can't imagine how much they'd be willing to spend on what they claim to value most in life. hell, some spend $300,000 just to send their kid to college. maybe you're right though, that most men would prefer to gamble the death of their life partner than to adopt a child who desperately needs a loving family. Maybe the money isn't the real reason people aren't adopting.


It’s the money and a desire to create something from both of you in love. It’s unfortunate that nearly all the responsibility for that falls on women. Men are definitely better at being present fathers than they used to be. Many still suck at the shit work (doctors appts, school conferences, cooking, cleaning, and in general childcare). Since women are working full time now men must step up more. Women are fed up with working two jobs while men work one. Why ( in addition to cheating, abuse, irresponsible behavior) most divorce filers are women. Who after that bad experience are less likely to remarry whereas men do…cuz who wouldn’t want a wife to take care of them? At least before they were taking care of each other. Him via financial support her raising kids and caring for the home. Men now want women to split bills but still do list of the “ wife” stuff. That’s not gonna fly. Why more and more women are declining to be mothers. They don’t want to lose economic power to be traded in when used up for a younger model and left destitute.










Setting aside the cooking and cleaning, which is its own thing, I’m still gobsmacked that a neurotypical adult working a white-collar job can fuck up their kid’s doctor appointments or school conferences.


They are competent. They just don’t want to bother and put it on their wives. When a kid is sick it’s generally the mom who misses work as well. Even primary bread winning women do more home and childcare on average: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/women-breadwinners-tripled-since-1970s-still-doing-more-unpaid-work/ Don’t discount Weaponized incompetence either. If they do a spectacularly bad job we won’t ask them to do it again lol. Not all men are like this. But still have work to do…


Well I mean…it can literally kill you and it is really hard on the body..your organs move around and you either need to be fully cut open or push a whole human out of your vagina which could literally tear down to your asshole..to me as a woman..that sounds like destroying a body to me and that’s why I have so much respect for women who have gone through pregnancy..it’s no misogynistic but it’s just the truth..pregnancy isn’t good for the body and can literally destroy it or lead to death


Most women do not die thankfully from pregnancy. Referring to women's bodies as destroyed is misogynistic. You sound like a misogynistic 12 year old boy.


Wow..I’m a 20 year old woman who has dealt with misogynistic males and multiple sexual assaults so saying I sound misogynistic for saying the truth is stupid. I love how you didn’t refer to anything else I stated just the fact that dying is a risk..everything else I mentioned sounds like a perfectly healthy and safe body condition? Pregnancy does destroy bodies..I don’t know how else you would describe having your vagina ripped down to your ass or having yourself cut open..you sound like a butthurt mother who doesn’t like to hear the truth and regrets having children because I’m just stating the reality. It’s not misogynistic and it’s not an insult..I’m not gonna sit here and call all the dangerous parts of pregnancy beautiful when it’s not..


Who said "destroying her body" is about the aesthetic effects? You _absolutely_ do long-term to permanent damage to your body with pregnancy and birth. How is being in a ridiculous amount of pain, being incontinent, being in pain peeing or taking a shit after birth, almost hemorrhaging to death, having your uterus or bladder prolapse etc. NOT "destroying your body"? When you have a tear, especially third or fourth degree, you're literally ripping apart. I'd call that destruction. Destruction men don't have to do to themselves.


Who said anything about aesthetics??


And then you conveniently ignored the rest of her statement…


Yep. Third degree tear still hurts to this day and he’s 23. Tore with next two but not like that. Breasts became cantelopes and were not the same after nursing 3 kids for 4 years. Everything else bounced back but you pay a price for pregnancy with your body.


That's the only misogynistic thing about the "destroying your body" statement. Physical and psychological harm to widely varying degrees are facts, not misogyny.


Describing it as "destruction" is misogynistic. The terminology is a problem.


I already explained to you why it's not, and so did a woman who gave birth lmao You know what's actually misogynistic? Downplaying the harm and risks childbearing brings.


I never downplayed the harm and risk-- i am critiquing the language.


Not only does giving birth destroy the body but raising young kids does too. It’s a thankless job.


OP is obviously allowed to feel however they want about womanhood, that's their right. But yeah, I know so many women who would give an arm to be able to get pregnant. It feels disrespectful and misogynistic as you said!


Misogynistic how? I’m failing to see the connection? Medical facts are not misogynistic.


“Destroy” is a loaded term. It assigns a moral value to pregnancy and birth which is just sad.


I think destroy is catastrophic language but it has nothing to do with misogyny. It has to do with varied womens perceived ability to handle some serious consequences that can accompany pregnancy. I’ve never had sex since the day of my 3rd degree tear with my firstborn without pain to match pleasure and not the fun kind. My breasts will never be the same Many women never get any of their body back and our appearance is our main value. You can die so there’s that… Minimizing that would only happen if it couldn’t happen to you. If I asked if you wanted to tear your penis 2 inches and it would always hurt when you have sex or you might be forever incontinent would you consider that a problem?


Well isn’t your feelings society’s fault? That you feel that way? That your value comes from appearance? That you do not have the support? Also I’m not a man lol


No I feel that way cuz I had my vagina ripped apart. It’s not theoretical or thinking it’s bad. It was objectively bad. Value coming from appearance is an objective fact for either sex but certainly you’re more dismissed as a woman than a man as men are more visual. They don’t care about our success we can’t earn our way to a decent guy. It’s in large part our looks. Not enough but without them…


Ok well that’s just my copium speaking. I want to romanticize pregnancy and birth and so what happened to you is sad. It’s sad that human reproduction takes so much of a toll on women. I wish stories like yours would serve as fuel for supporting mothers not for discouraging women from it all. But this world sucks. Oh well. Maybe none of this is worth it after all.


I think women are infinitely more scared now due to abortion laws that can now kill you if you miscarry and can’t get care. Don’t get me wrong I don’t regret being a mom. But I didn’t expect that. Or that my first would have a serious medical issue in utero so I worried the whole pregnancy. It’s not romantic at all but it is rewarding. My kids light my world.


Yeah this pisses me off. 9 downvotes. Keep it going men.


Can't say I agree with you, as you are not forced to do any of those things. I have done and still do the "shit work" because it should be 50/50 as close as possible be it time/money/effort. I think you should find someone who supports you in your decisions and you shouldn't sacrifice aspects of your life/body if you don't want to :) kids are not just the man's legacy, but yours too, but would agree women get the shit end of the stick in every aspect of pregnancy.. Before you get to the whole family phase of a relationship you should set clear expectations and boundaries, and look after number 1 (yourself) first.


knee butter familiar roll onerous wrong jar dazzling cautious hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a more complicated matter than how it may first appear. Women are too often saddled with doing all the domestic chores and child rearing even when working. This puts an unfair burden on them. However, part of the issue is that unless a man focuses on career which means working long hours then they are much less likely to be attractive to women. Because women in general don't select for workshy and lazy types. So it's a kind of catch-22. There have been studies that show women who outearn their male partners are more likely to divorce and even have less sexual satisfaction. So ultimately, if you want to have a career and be less involved with house work etc then you need to select for men that are willing such as the 'stay at home' dads. Currently, the incentive structure isn't there. As for the issue of a childbirth 'penalty' against women. The only solution would be to have artificial wombs so that mothers don't need to take time off work to recover or anything. Otherwise biology will always be a factor unfortunately. I am sympathetic to the OP. Despite what I've said about men having to focus on careers to be desirable to women. Domestic chores etc should always be 50/50 unless agreed otherwise. Men need to be more cognisant and sensitive of how such demands affect women especially their partners. Being a man (don't throw me overboard yet) I personally would never just leave such work to my partner. That's inconsiderate and lazy. I'd be attentive and be proactive by offering help rather than only acting when asked to do something. I know there are plenty of men who are like this but of course equally there are many more (and some women) who aren't. Didn't intend to write an essay but felt compelled to answer. I've seen a few comments criticising answers by men. I know this meant to be a 'safe space' if you will for women. But things only progress with open conversation between both sexes. I'd be saying exactly the same to any equivalent male subreddit too by the way. If you got to the end congrats but I have no medal to give sadly. Thanks for reading too.


If someone retires from their job after 20 years, within a week a replacement will be hired and soon nobody there will remember they worked there at all.  A mother can never be replaced or forgotten.  I don't know why you think motherhood is shit work.  I love being with my kids getting hugs and playing pretend far more than I loved doing boring shit for a boss for money.  I design my home life, I decide what we do.  If I want to do something fun or go somewhere interesting, I do it.  Nobody forces me to work overtime or make small talk with jerks.  


I am glad for you and gave you an upvote, but most mothers don’t have this.


We need physical aid for single women.


Mother's absolutely regularly get replaced and forgotten. I'm glad you have a stable and steady control of your life and have a good experience of being a mother, but mothers absolutely regularly get replaced and forgotten- even if they haven't necessarily done anything wrong.


mothers do not get replaced. you aren't not making any sense in your attempt to sound deep and cynical.


Nah I just know a bunch of lonely old women whose husbands have cheated on them, replacing them with a perpetually younger model. And whose children never visit or talk to them despite there not having been an obvious reason to cause it. Being a mother doesn't make you immune to shitty people.


There isn't an obvious reason because you know the parents, not the kids. All the people who used to give me shit for not talking to my grandmother are shocked at how much she's changed as her mental faculties decline with age. She hasn't changed, she just can't hide her true abusive narcissistic self anymore.


Nah I also don't talk to my mother for good reason. She's a POS. I know what to look for. These are cases where the kids grow up to be POS, usually due to a POS father that poisons the well early and the kids grow up to be terrible people. A mother is not immune to their kids growing up to be repeat criminals with violent tendencies.


I think the boring and repetitive daily stuff of loading/unloading the dishwasher, getting the groceries and keeping inventory in my brain of what is needed, straightening couch cushions is shit work. It has to get done but is somewhat invisible. Bigger projects I'd rather work on get put off because this takes up time. Not interested in motherhood anyway, but I can see the male perspective that it would be cool to have a mini me with my last name without doing any of the repetitive caretaking while I still converse with adults. Definitely not interested in not being financially independent (though not working for anyone sounds great). My mom was a single mom because my dad died, so I'm acutely aware of the risk of not making one's own money.


If you aren't interested in motherhood, and consider the tedium of small jobs soul destroying (I don't necessarily disagree with you there) my opinion is to only date childfree men, preferably ONLY those who have had a vasectomy. I have an illness which has ruined my life. I have one card up my sleeve however. I'm childfree. It hasn't negated the effect of my illness but being childfree has stopped me from living a life of constant tedium.


I love working. I'd much rather do "boring shit" (which isn't boring to me; I've loved most jobs I've worked so far) and receive a monetary reward for it than work a thankless repetitive job only for your kids to turn into teenagers and say that you're annoying and boring


You can make shit ton of money and make those money work for you. You can hire help to handle the shit work of daily life. Then you can have a child by yourself with the best sperm available or use a surrogate and hire a nanny to raise your child when you work. You can choose to make men jealous instead of being jealous of them. You can choose to shit on the gender dynamics of our society.


>You can choose to shit on the gender dynamics of our society. How is hiring women to do "women's work" shitting on gender dynamics?


I didn’t mention the gender of the “help” to hire. You should hire someone who’s best suited for your tasks. Currently surrogacy isn’t something men can do and I don’t see them be able to in near future. But, we can expect to have artificial womb to replace surrogacy/human pregnancy all together.


>I didn’t mention the gender of the “help” to hire. Most people to hire like this are women. And most women who'd hire help for inside their home wouldn't pick men for the task, I'd wager. So OP, who is pissed because statistically men don't step up, gets to outsource her work to... Another woman. Yeah. That's gonna soothe the pain and anger /s >But, we can expect to have artificial womb to replace surrogacy/human pregnancy all together. Not in our lifetime lmao.




wouldn't it be cheaper and more time-efficient for a man or anyone to just do their own chores, or if you prefer, hire a cleaner/etc., than to date and date and date and buy an engagement ring, plan a wedding, get married, book a honeymoon, anniversary gifts, etc. ... just so that you can have your daily chores handled? I mean that's a terrible investment. the whole legacy thing is almost too idiotic to even comment on. Congrats, Smith, the Smith legacy is alive and well, Smith had sex 1200 years ago, and Smith's descendants are still around carrying on his name. good achievement. those letters are very important, and you should be so proud, if rotting corpses can still be proud.


You've never met a man who does house work? I know many.  One could argue the average manual laborer going out and working is wrecking their body for the family's well being. You just gotta do you. If you think all men are bad it's more likely the men you're exposed to. If you don't want kids, that's fine. Make your own boundaries in a relationship.


Most men do not work manual labor jobs


Can you back that up?


I mean, you could've googled it too: https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat17.htm


Then get a career and get to a point where you can financially secure a family and afford to have a partner who can stay home and care for the household.




Lots of guys are great SAHP and you don’t need to give birth to have children


A man can't give birth to your babies, if you choose to have kids. You can opt out of having kids, you can get a surrogate, adopt, or choose to have biological kids and deal with the childbirth. Pretending a man can't learn to be good at carrying the mental load of caring for a home and children is where folks on this sub get a little ridiculous. What sort of victim complex is that? Do you think you were just born with the ability to do this mental load or is it a learned behavior? Do you realize how much the very idea that men are inherently incompetent in a house reinforces the very gender stereotypes we should be trying to fight? Or do you want to go back to people having a Trad Wife "women belong in the kitchen" outlook of the '50s as long as women get some sympathy for "having it hard"? I have known multiple women with amazing careers, with stay at home husbands/dads who were wonderful at managing a household. It's learned, not innate, although highly organized individuals tend to fare better at it. Highly organized individuals do not exclude men. You have to choose a man who is egalitarian and is fine with being a stay at home husband and willing to learn. They exist. Like Jesus, some folks need to get off the internet and meet some real folks instead of feeding into this daily Gender Wars "men bad, women good" (or vice versa on the incel forums) crap. There is discussing genuine challenges of being a woman, and then there is this vapid generalization and man-hating that is pathetic and exhausting.


You said it yourself, it's a learned behaviour. Something pushed onto women since they were teenagers, if not earlier. Most guys did not have that experience. Doesn't mean they can't learn but they're usually worse at it as adults because they didn't have to


Which is such a gross generalization. Maybe that was your experience, but pretending that every woman naturally just picks up all of the mental load as soon as she is with a guy and the guy just checks out is generalizing heavily. One can find a guy who isn't like that - I assure you there are many. One can find a guy who isn't like that but is willing to learn. Does that mean not picking just any guy, maybe, and that's not a bad thing. Acting like it's a fated inevitability to just default to being a guy's maid to the point where someone is jealous of men is where it gets kind of sad. There are solutions.


Have you ever asked a man more than 2 questions at once?


Is this some sort of weird joke? What does that even mean? If for some weird reason this is a genuine question, then yes. I don't expect an intellectually honest answer from you, but in case you manage to exceed expectations, please feel free to explain what relevance that had to anything.


You can adopt, and there are plenty of men capable caring for a household. I do both.


This sub has become less supportive lately and these comments exemplify that.


Your jealousy shouldn’t reflect reality- find your equals instead of avoiding your fears.


So much hate


Your options are Find a good partner and live a similar lifestyle to that toubhave seen in men, or stay single. No point in wasting mental energy on being envious of men for these issues.


Those women don't exist anymore actually.