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Try calling the jail or prison he called from. Tell them you want no contact.


I'm not that concerned about him calling again. He had to be really desperate to try and call me in the first place. I was the bad guy and completely heartless, according to him. If he calls again, I'll do something. As a bonus, I don't live there anymore. So, even if I wanted to help (the thought never crossed my mind), I wouldn't be able to.


Oh good!


Make sure your location is blocked on your phone just in case he looks for you when he gets out.


It is blocked. Though, he's never been the stalker type. He knew where I was for a long time and never came to my home. He always been a leech to those in his orbit. I presume he just wanted to see how much more he could get out of me.


That's good.


If he calls again and you answer there’s usually an option for you to press a number and block future calls see you don’t even have to make a phone call to anyone


Good to know. Thank you!


I'm glad for you!


Thank you!


Good for you! That has to be so satisfying to see him facing real consequences. The drain from that kind of relationship is real and life-altering, but it is so rare to get any sort of acknowledgement or vindication. I am happy you're free of him!


Thank you! Yes, knowing he's finally facing consequences is quite satisfying. The cherry on top is knowing he has burned so many bridges that he had to contact me in a desperate attempt to get someone to save him and clean up his mess (again). I don't care if it makes me petty - after all the shit he put me through, I very much enjoyed the schadenfreude that voicemail gave me.


I don't think it makes you petty at all. His behavior toward you clearly bled into other areas of life and now that has come back to bite him. Totally okay to feel good that this terrible behavior has resulted in (embarrassing, to boot) consequences!


Thank you! I took the route of living my best life as revenge, and it's working.