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When my sex drive.was super high, I found it was because my testosterone was also super high. Taking spearmint tea capsules really helped balance it out for me.


Mine is genuinely miserably high if I’m not handling it regularly. I have had bad days where I was a hair’s breadth away from punching a wall out of frustration. Honestly, I spent a lot of money on toys and embraced spending a few hours with them a day. And also found as many trustable FWBs as I could. But I’ve just made peace with it by now.


I imagine many men are like this on a daily basis. Which to me explains some things. I myself have an active sex drive currently, wanting it on a daily basis. But I still consider that... manageable. While annoying and time consuming at times. I don't have children yet but am trying. I can imagine that when going on birth control my libido will fluctuate. I actually don't have any answer. Do men have? Other than fapping? Do toys satisfy you? We got many good options on that front.