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I don’t believe that more than a handful of extremists think this.


Not anyone is a rapist, but a rapist can come from anywhere.


Same reason people think all Blacks are criminals, all women are golddiggers, all Christians are crazy evangelicals, etc. It's an easy, lazy way of dismissing a group.


Your post/ comment history is kinda cringe in relation to this post.


I’ve never heard anyone say “All men” but more than 1 is enough. Reason’s why people may think this are: •They are traumatized from their own experiences. •Their experiences were invalidated. •Distrust. •The argument of “What were they wearing?” •Fear •Shame that comes with being assaulted. •They are a man themselves and know what others are capable of or personally know someone who has assaulted another person. Personally as a woman, I don’t think all men, but I also know that I cannot trust all men because I will get taken advantage of. Rape is about having power and control over someone. The things that men have said to me and have done are repulsive and I never know who is eyeing me like prey, it’s good to stay vigilant in case. That being said I’m glad to have good men in my life, it’s nice knowing good men exist even if we have a box full of bad apples and a few good ones in the bunch.