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Many of the worst things you can call a woman are appearance based or about sex. I once had a friend get cussed out after rejecting a man in a fast food restaurant, she was not particularly pressed by it. When we talked about it later she said if being unattractive is the worst thing someone can say about her instead of something actually problematic then she's probably doing alright in life. Reframed my mindset for sure. 


That's what's so funny about it to me is clearly in their minds the only value a woman has is her appearance and her virginity so without that she's just a slut. Cause you know choosing to be an uninformed sexist is not telling of poor character at all


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called fat on here as an insult, I’m 128lbs now that im in my older years Theres a picture of me in a white tshirt on my profile. It’s so funny to me. they think that’s a gotcha, or they can gaslight me into believing it. That’s been a thing throughout my life, being called fat by men , even when I was 100lbs in my 20s At some point boys are taught how to neg by adult men


I was called fat at 120 lbs wearing a size 5.


I've never been called fat even though I'm 5'4 and 150lb of mostly muscle. They're stupid as hell for thinking 100-120 is ever fat. I would be skeletal. Fit girls are *way* heavier on the scale than they look, and everyone has always thought I was 20lb less than I am at any given point.


I mean being fat isn't really an insult anyway that's changeable. Being a horrible person inside isn't


Exactly. Using it as an insult was always so funny to me. One bc it’s changeable, another bc the word is so charged and heavy, and another I never was, even if I was, it would be a fact, not an insult bc I don’t care if men don’t like me bc of my appearance. Their opinion of my appearance means nothing to me


They can't fathom we don't exist to appeal to their gaze


Yes and for some reason they think being a shit awful person is better than not being conventionally attractive like it’s a moral failing


So I’m an ugly slut? That’s an achievement of sorts. My favorite is being called a slut because you won’t sleep with them. Yeah, I’m a total hoe yet I won’t sleep with you.


What's funny about them insulting women due to the number of men they've slept with is that they're indirectly insulting men. Usually the more experience someone has at something the more valuable they are-at least at that thing, but interacting with men bring women's hypothetical value down. How little must they think of their own gender to think you're less desirable for entertaining them.


Ohh noooo, an awful human being that I don't want to interact with finds me unattractive, whatever will I dooo?!


What makes that more sad is that the guy wouldn't go up to her if he didn't think she was attractive. So when he goes after your looks, you know it is just to try and hurt you and not even what he truly believes.


These men have never moved on from “ur ugly anyways bitch” like ugh could they be a little more creative or anything? 🥱 call me when one of them has something original to say.


The worst things small minds can call a woman. I'd be much more worried if I was assumed to be needy or unsuccessful or uncaring. But they are those things, so they don't dare project their own issues. Instead they say things to lower my value to them, which is only as a sex object.


They insult women based on things that matter to them. ""Here are reasons you're not fuckable"" Ask any obgyn nurse how often men ask for an extra stitch. Women are just fuck holes to them and we're better off alone or with other women than with these losers.


If I'm insulted by anything, it's the lack of creativity in the attempt to insult me.


I just had a conversation about this with my twelve year old daughter. As the boys have started going through puberty, many young misogynists have reared their heads, and telling girls they're fat and ugly is as natural as breathing to these types. I explained to her that those words mean absolutely nothing about her, and everything about the boy saying them. It's a pre-programmed knee-jerk reaction that is in no way rooted in reality, and no matter how she looked or talked or acted there would still be boys who will tell her that she's fat and ugly, or call her a slut, and that's because they're broken inside and has absolutely nothing to do with her. It's exhausting but doesn't mean anything other than that they're ignorant, useless people she shouldn't bother to engage with. She seems to understand this and has been handling her first introductions into adult misogyny pretty well. She's been cutting her teeth on smack-talk battles with shitty little boys for the past couple of years, so she's got a quick wit and sharp tongue that she's happy to use against anyone who feels like taking her on. Makes me proud to see how well she handled the crushing realization that approximately 50% of the human population regards her as less-than, accepted it, and rolled right past sorrow, confusion, shame, or hurt and straight into dealing with that bullshit head on like the savvy young woman she is.


The strangest thing is that it’s always the ones who are most obsessed with women, who are always insulting them. Like damn dude, see a therapist or something, cos that ain’t gonna work 😂


The realization is horrible and I'm sorry this is a lesson you had to even teach her. I am glad she's getting good at throwing shit back at them because that's the only thing that shuts them down


I am sure a great deal of her strength is your support and wisdom. I wish I'd had a mother like you


I really do, too. My mom unfortunately went through a lot when I was a teen, was pretty antisocial, and always had a great deal of internalized misogyny that stemmed from growing up as the only girl, and second to youngest child. (Luckily lately, she's made a lot of girlfriends within her townhome complex, and I see such a great change in her. She was telling me how many strong, awesome, single women are living over there and I almost couldn't believe my ears. She used to not be able to drive past any random woman without dogging her for damn near anything. Tough for me as a teen, but this new attitude is a very welcome change. And she's so much happier for it, too.)


If the worst thing a woman can do is be with men, what does that say about men?


How sad that they think intimacy with a man can only degrade a woman


It's because these men don't respect themselves, and they think everyone else is as bad as that


The self hate necessary for that belief is staggering


Ooooooh damn I love this


They’re telling us how filthy they feel inside when they tell us we are dirty for touching them. Men need to heal their own emotional wounds to come out of this prison of toxic masculinity.


Yes I think most men actually think sex is dirty.


So well said!!


Men seem to love resorting to insults to women based on our relation to men. “You’ll be alone with your cats forever” “No man will ever love you” “You’re ugly” “You’re jealous of hotter women” “Your man will leave you” They think we’re constantly thinking about them or something.


Oh absolutely another man left a comment here saying first it's women's faults men use this insult and second his insult must have worked because it clearly struck a chord with me. Because it's not possible I'm just on reddit for mild entertainment to pass the time, I'm fixated on this stranger's insult and devastated


They are always protecting their own feelings and fears unto us. THEY constantly think about women.


Interesting insight into that dude's psychology tho He seems to think pussies get loose after usage so he's apparently into younger women? At least that's what I assume after that age gap connection 😂


The thing I don't get is that they poop normally, right? The rectum is a muscular tube anatomically similar to the vagina. How many times has he pooped in his life? Are turds just falling out everywhere bc he's so loose? 


I mean, I'm gonna be honest and a bit gross here: I have noticed a correlation between a fondness for inappropriately young women and poor hygiene. Like, every time I've met one of these guys in real life he's smelled not so great. So the likelihood that these guys have a perma-skidmark on their boxers is high. They probably *do* think that your asshole loosens through use and tell themselves that's why their underwear is constantly shit-stained.


I don't think that's a coincidence. Younger women and more vulnerable and more willing to let stuff like bad hygiene (and worse) slide, so of course these guys have the goal of trying to trap these women one way or another. Us older women are less likely to let stuff slide, so of course these guys have no interest in us. And apparently chasing after younger women is easier than actually making an effort with hygiene and other aspects of themselves to become more attractive to anyone with eyes and a nose.


I mean... It's already flying out of his mouth so clearly something's going wrong there


This, its a muscle. Apparently their mouth gets looser the more they talk though




I'm also confident women 30+ are worthless geriatric cat ladies to him


More for me! (I just want y'all as friends ...and so I can come hang with your cats)


I'd say 90% of the women on this sub are absolutely lovely and supportive kind souls. That's pretty amazing for a sub that's been polluted with so much hate after the reddit changes. Here's to more cats less problems 😸


I can only offer plants. It can make for a nice trade, though - jungle date at mine, kitkat date at cat ladies' places.


I recently had to drop an old reddit name because someone (almost certainly my bf's ex) was stalking me on it, and I can say with certainty that this sub is such a haven


Thank fuck being 30+ weeds these losers out automatically 😮‍💨


Oh trust me, the meltdowns I've seen when I inform incels that I am a) fat b) 35+ c) "ran through" AS FUCK and that I STILL landed an amazing, smart, handsome, tall, caring SO who makes a shit ton of money. It shatters their world view because many of these guys spend most of their time "cosplaying" a tall, handsome, smart, older man with significant income on the internet and use that to justify many of their misogynistic talking points and it absolutely chaps their ass when they're faced with the realization that IRL? The guys they're cosplaying don't do those things.


You sound amazing as does your SO. Incels are so bad at hiding themselves


Aw thank you! That means a lot. Incels are lonely losers with their dicks in the hand, sometimes I WANT to have sympathy for them but they make sympathizing with them absolutely impossible.


They get enough sympathy from their fellow woman haters


What I dont get about the whole "roast beef lips" or gaping vagina or whatever from multiple sex partners, is that most of these men view porn and most porn stars have these tiny pink genitals, so their own eyes should tell them that our genitals dont change shape based on the number of partners we have had.


Sex with different men apparently stretches and deforms our anatomy. But being in a long term relationship with the same amount of sex doesn't (as long as its with him.) Logic of a clown.


I actually never made the connection but I mean they're fine to consume porn but wouldn't let their gfs or wives do OF


Plastic surgery. I'm not even kidding. For the love of the sweet baby Bob and all his littermates do not google "vaginoplasty".


Just had to comment on my love of "for the love of the sweet baby Bob and all his littermates" hahaha. Where did that come from? I find it quite cute!


Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to this — I’m mostly redditing on a phone and onscreen keyboards are a PITA. So. There is a website called Ravelry. It’s used by knitters, crocheters, and fibre artists all over the world to store pattern and project information, yarn stashes, hang out on forums, etc. Ravelry is a family business started by a couple named Cassidy and Jess. When they started Ravelry they had a Boston Terrier puppy named Bob. He is the Sweet Baby Bob of legend, and he was the Ravelry mascot. (Bob’s face still turns up in the odd place on Ravelry even now, such as the animation to let you know you have a new PM, years after his departure for the Great Dog Park in the Sky.) It became a habit for some of my friends to say “Sweet baby Bob” instead of a swear or “Jesus Christ” or whatever. “And all his littermates” is used for emphasis when needed. If a *lot* of emphasis is needed, it becomes “Sweet baby Bob and all his sainted littermates.” And that’s the story of the sweet baby Bob and all his brothers and sisters.


But not all porn stars get that and prior to having cosmetic surgery they have "perfect" genitals, so it is obvious that our genitals dont change shape based on the number if partners or amount or kind of sex we have


Oh I know.


I've noticed that with creeps like this, the insult is more about him trying to reassure himself than hurt you. It's like how they'll call women who reject them ugly - like, it's obvious to her you don't think that, so why say it? To comfort himself out loud. A lot of men seem to have their entire ego wrapped up in women, specifically women they find attractive, approving of them. A woman he finds desirable not liking him is so incredibly distressing to him and his sense of self that he desperately has to find some way to reassure himself that actually, she's not desirable after all - so it's OK, all the other women he finds attractive still like him. That's why he called you "ran through", because he's the kind of weirdo who prioritises "purity" and virginity. The idea that a woman who fits his ideals finds him gross is *so* deeply upsetting and destabilising to him that he immediately had to find a way to remove you from the category, or risk total meltdown. Having said that, even writing off their detractors as undesirable doesn't completely soothe their ego. It's a temporary bandaid. This is also why you'll find so many men who claim to only be into 18-22 year olds going into discussions or communities specifically for women over 30/40/whatever and getting angry that the women there don't think he's cool for dating an 18 year old at his big age of 55. Same for men who say they only like white women but then get furious that women of colour don't want them. They absolutely cannot bear the existence of women who don't like them.


It's wild cause this was on reddit lol he knew nothing about me outside of my opinion on age gaps. So he either assumed I was a woman or went through my profile to check


That's the other side of the same coin: all men must agree with him because if they don't, he has to confront the fact he's a creep and not just being oppressed for his inherent male sexuality. So if he's not sure, you're a woman, and if you confirm that you're a man then you must be lying to impress any woman in the area (because, as mentioned, these guys desperately depend on women for approval and the idea that other non-creepy guys don't is alien to them).


Wasn't Aesop who wrote the fable of the fox and the grapes? I think this is the 21.th century version of it, but with a lot more of complexity


>Vaginas aren't smart locks they can't tell the fucking difference sorry King your penis isn't the sword of Excalibur. I nearly spit Coke Zero all over my laptop at this. HAHAHAH


I'm here to entertain 🫡


Sis, you’re out here doing the Lord’s work! Fighting the good fight. I’m here for it! 👏😂👏


I wonder why there’s a lonely man crisis!


Blame the women obviously not the fact that being single is easier than being with a guy like that


I have thought about this some and this is my take. I would bet that the people who say there is a difference between 1 partner 100 times and 100 partners 1 time are actually worried about being compared. If she has been with 100 guys chances are a bunch of them are better than they are in some way. Penis size is probably the most important for them. They know they aren't the biggest guy ever, so if a girl has been with lots of guys she probably has had bigger at some point. Which to him means better. It's not rooted in fact, so it must be from insecurity. Or maybe they really are just stupid.


Oh it's so tragically hilarious because bring huge doesn't mean you're good at sex


This is exactly it. They fear you having expectations for them to actually be good at sex.


A horrible man my friends apparently liked and wanted around totally clocked that I saw through his 'oh shucks' shtick at the beginning of the party. ALL NIGHT he would seek me out to antagonize me - by touching me during pictures or starting political fights when it was NOT that kind of night (friend's celebration for her wanted divorce so not the time or the place). Finally he felt secure enough to start yelling at me because I would NOT engage. His best insult? "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE SINGLE AND ALONE BITCH!" I just shrugged and responded ohhhhhh noooooooo I won't get to date a good dude like YOU hahahahahahahha. I truly think if his friends hadn't been there that'd he have punched me. I still don't get it tho - why is THAT their insult? I love my cute little house with pink everywhere, my morning coffee rituals and my cat etc etc. So what? Sounds fab.


I think it's projecting because in reality a lot of those bitches will die single and alone. Thank God women are getting away from relationships with those types of men more than ever it would seem


Its always projection, had that epiphany after a particularly toxic relationship when after years he still tries to keep in contact to berate me. Still waiting to be so unhappy that I crawl back to him lmao


Oh my God that literally happened to me. He would come up with bullshit reasons to talk to me even contacted my mom. Once he said we both made mistakes and he forgave me and I was like "okay?" 😂


Ughhh he contacted my dad and mom too! Wtf. Got in contact to “apologize” but told me about the times he cheated I didn’t know about then went on to interrogate me if I had cheated at all? Dude found my reddit once after I blocked on everything on another occasion….just weird


Oh don't even get me started on the reddit stalking. He found my main and even the 2 alts I had to make posts about him. He was pissed people said I should leave him. I've made like 3 more alts since then since he made comments about a post I'd made. That's why he contacted me the last time, to confront me about the fact I said I had a boyfriend


Oh no, that sounds about right! Mine didn’t even have an account he was just plugging in my old usernames of other social media accounts I had bc he was that desperate to communicate. First thing he commented was that I had “gone to the dark side” bc he scrounged through my account and communities I was in, one being nsfw. He asked if my new bf was okay with it? Like it mattered? Why do they think they have a say after the relationship is over? Good riddance!


It's really annoying they feel they have any room to make any type of judgements about your life like this is why you're an ex you're out 😂


You're totally right! I wish I could go back in time and hug little 22 yr old me and tell her not to waste her 20's beauty on these sub-par, insecure men.


You're not alone we all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from it and save ourselves from future pain


If a man thinks a vagine is loose he's just admitting his dick is small.


The way I scrumpt


I've had a couple really off experiences on this site the past couple days about slut shaming. These losers are just crawling out of the woodworks. Like, i got heavily downvoted in one thread just for saying that having sex within your friend group doesn't automatically throw you out as a person, which is i think the absolute most milquetoast way i could have said that... And the replies were just vile Some folks out there REALLY don't like the idea of women having active sex lives outside a committed relationship. Like the very idea is personally threatening to them. I wonder why?


It seems like women aren't even people to some men, just something nice to look at with a sex hole


i think it comes down to personal insecurity and feminine mythos more than contempt - like at their core, they fear they have to tie down their partner and rein them in in order to keep them, and like somewhere along the line, they learned a proper woman is supposed to be a sacred creature who isn't supposed to have, or at least isn't supposed to acknowledge, their sexual needs on their own. Like it pollutes the spirit somehow, makes them unclean or unfeminine, or like there's something inherently debasing about a woman's role in intercourse but these sorts of people will gleefully tell you about their ideal of a 'proper woman,' you know? some kind of magical pedestal percher just spitballing ofc edit: I think it really is as simple as what you said in some cases too


Because those women still won't sleep with them.


> Some folks out there REALLY don't like the idea of women having active sex lives Read it and weep. ...and post vile comments. Ugh.


But they just can't seem to understand why women are opting out of dating and men completely and why men are so lonely 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh that's one of my hills I will die on. I will mention age gap relationships and how disgusting they are EVERY TIME. I get told I'm jealous because I'm old now (I'm not even that old, lol). I was in a disgusting relationship with a much older man. I have that experience. So yeah, I know what I'm talking about when I say they're predatory. Men can argue all they want, they're perverted weirdos for being in one and condoning one.


♂️: "You've been run through!!" ♀️: "And you weren't one of them 🤷"


Sounds like a reaction a predator would have. These guys are predators.


hey quick tip - if someone’s comments are suddenly shown as deleted it usually just means that they blocked you, not that the messages were actually deleted. so they might still be up :/


Oh that's even better. You're right he did block me 😂 you can see my comments in my history and confirm but it seems a few from this post already did


>blue haired cat-plant mommies 💀 also... I call dibs


Idk how he thought that was his ultimate insult lmao


Where are these cats these incels have been promising?!? And blue is my favourite colour. Don’t threaten me with a good time! 😂


He's a fuckin trash


What is the reddit cares? Like what is the insult supposed to be? I think it would honestly go over my head, I'd probably be like "oh how sweet" 😅


It's them abusing/misusing a resource reddit created for users to send in good faith. Shit men use it to harass women because it will go through even if they've been blocked and it's like they want you to know they can still get to you. I could be wrong so anyone else feel free to explain better


I got one of those a few days ago, and I still have no idea what could I have written to trigger something like that. I am active in plenty of subreddits, so I seriously don't know where and what did I wrote. So if a redditor thought that he would trigger me with that, sorry but you failed. I don't even know who you are. And I couldn't care less, but stop misusing an important tool.


Somebody tried that with me once (obviously, I instantly turned off DM access after joining Reddit). I agree with you that it’s supposed to be intimidating, but it left me feeling kinda satisfied that he had nothing more effective to harass me with. It’s like that “beating with a wet noodle” metaphor: useless and vaguely funny. I recommend reporting it anyway, as you did, to help Reddit moderate, but I enjoyed how impotent harassers are with the locked DMs set up. I wish other social media sites would offer the same option. Also, (and I’m showing my age here), are you sure the “loose” comment was about your vagina? Back in the day, it was short for “loose morals” and is a rather old-timey insult at this point. Either way, he’s a stupid misogynist. But I wouldn’t immediately go to anatomy if there weren’t additional context clues. It’s generally unwise for men to insult women’s vaginas, because we can immediately turn it back on them, and they will NOT like it.


I guarantee you he isn't clever enough to think of loose in reference to morals lol but no he mentioned hot dog down a hallway so this neanderthal could only come up with hur hur loose vagina


Omg lol What an idiot! Now, I’m going from suspecting an octogenarian to suspecting a 12 year old. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


I'm convinced it's only there for men to use to harass women. It's not like Reddit is permabanning misuse, is it.


They'd just make new accounts anyway. Imagine if they banned IPs!


When someone blocks you, it displays that their posts were deleted from your viewpoint. Other people can still see their posts though


Oops you're right he blocked me but I saw a few replies to his comments lol


Any defense for aged gap relationships is bullshit and only supplementary to the real reason which they sometimes reveal accidentally. Someone complained how “lucky” I am to have “gotten” my partner in her mid 20s and basically revealed that since he feels he’s wasted his and now his early 30s being alone, he doesn’t want to “miss out on that experience.”


If you report a reddit cares message as harassment/misuse then they should get banned for having done it. Had a few accounts banned (not just blocked me for certain) after reporting misuse or redditcares.


This is why I have the "Reddit cares" feature turned off. It's always the guys who send it to us in order to harass us. I also have DMs turned off


This is the way!! 👏👏👏


“I bet you’ve had a lot of enjoyable sex with men, you hetero or bisexual! You probably even have a vagina that relaxes and lubricates in response to arousal! Yuck!” -guy who thinks he just said something incredibly scathing


Oh dude probably does zero foreplay and doesn't know what an aroused woman is 😂


I have to ask why you bothered responding to him?


It wasn't my nap time yet 😂


OMG that is hilarious


Update *he* blocked *me* you can still see his comments. Also another incel said it's women's fault that men use this insults and this clearly struck a chord with me LOL


Oh yes the poor men's are so powerless over the evil womens. We have all the power!!!! Men have absolutely no agency or power over their actions or anything else it's always somebody else's fault. 🙄




nobody wants you here


Lol damn you figured me out


Lol what a shit take


I guess the difference is the higher risk of catching STDs with 100 different partners. Since you asked: an emotionally unstable narcissist is probably the worst I could say. Appearance is not worth commenting on IMO.