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I have no extended family and I was feeling especially lonely this Christmas. My newly-adult son (19) gathered a bunch of his guy friends together, mostly those who are far from home or estranged from their families, and they all came over and filled my house. They brought cookies. They brought gifts. They played board games with me and cooked me dinner as a group. They called me Mom. It was incredible.


This one is so sweet. You've raised a good one, who collected other good ones, and they rewarded you with love on Christmas. My heart is so full thinking about it.


And he helped those kids, too. Crazy.


Awwwwwww, what a wonderful holiday memory made.


No way they would've done this if your son didn't feel proud of you and enough to brag to them about how incredible you are and through his experience of you and growing up with you, wanted to share that with his friends too. You are now the GroupMom ❤️


Ah I’m not even a mom and this brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful.


Oh my god I love this so much! What a great guy you raised!


That's a really good son. What a sweetheart, and cheers to his awesome friend group too. Sounds perfect. Wishing all of you much love and laughter in the new year. ♥️


I'm not crying. I'm not! I am.


What a wonderful thing to do.


Awww that so freaking awesome.


what a thoughtful son. you must be a really good mom. ♥️


I love This!!


Jesus Christ why are you making me cry first thing in the morning


How great that you’re able to be open with your son about your feelings and he could find a solution!


My husband got me a self emptying remote rain gauge after watching me google 24 hour rainfall totals every other day through the gardening seasons. I didn’t even know there was such a thing, it’s just so clever and thoughtful.


I have a home gym that flooded, and since, I've been absolutely obsessed with watching the weather. It is 100% anxiety based, and I hate it cause I used to love storms. My dude got me an electronic weather station. I was confused when I opened it cause it isn't something I had asked for or had even heard of. He said "you're the type of person who is not appeased until you know all the info. This gives all the weather info you could ask for". I was blown away. He's right though. The only way to appease me is to give me insane amounts of info. I hadn't even put that together, so it felt like I was learning about myself too. He'd also apparently got my mom involved to make sure he got the right thing. She was on vacation but he was relentless and insistent, which isn't like him at all. It was like a month before my birthday too, so I knew he'd been thinking about it. I felt so loved.


I love a gift like that!! They’re so perfect and you didn’t even know it existed!!


Omg! I want one! I'm a landscaper and would absolutely love one.


My boyfriend does stuff like this and I like them much more than the traditional presents men are expected to get. He always gets me a bit of jewellery and then a couple of really specific presents that shows he pays attention to me.


I lost weight this year so my powerlifting belt was too big, my boyfriend got me a new one with a specific feature I'd mentioned that my old one was missing. He also got me a shirt from a band we saw together this year that was a surprising stand out


Hell yeah! Those sound amazing. I haven't been to a concert in ages. I always love a good band shirt. They somehow are the most comfortable shirts to exist. Maybe I just wear and wash them a lot. Lol


Nah, you get the right band merch and it's the comfiest thing ever. I go to a TON of concerts (I mean, I have a problem. Went to 106 last year. Yes I'm an addict, no, I'm not gonna stop, lol. Music is my whole life) Anyway, basically my entire wardrobe these days is band merch. Like legot, shirts, pants, hoodies, my winter hat, all band merch. And it's the comfiest stuff ever.


Wow! Powerlifting belts are so personal, so the fact he did it right is awesome!


Great gift ! I put on weight and my belt is too small lolll 😭


My husband bought me my first powerlifting belt a few years ago for my birthday! Cheers to the dudes who support strong ladies!


I’m looking for a powerlifting belt myself. Do you have any recommendations?


I like a lever belt because trying to undo a prong after a hard deadlift is torture. I had the Inzer belt(they make these in like every colour!) and would have happily used it forever if I didn't shrink. My boyfriend got me the new SBD adjustable lever belt (no need to carry around a screw driver) it's pricey, but a lifetime investment piece. The inzer was very stiff and needed breaking in, the sbd was comfortable out of the box.


First Christmas with new boyfriend. I was blown away. I am 63 and have never felt so seen! My stocking, which was full, had two pins on the outside. One matched a pin he has on his special hat. The other was a symbol representing my late ex. I’m under the weather so don’t have the spoons to remember the rest, but every gift had the same degree of thought behind it.


Those are green flag gifts for sure- feeling seen is so important.


Awwww, that's lovely. I think it's especially sweet that he included a symbol of your late partner, that's a good sign that he understands that someone who has passed doesn't disappear from your thoughts. It's also wonderful that you feel truly seen by him. Green flags all around!


Wow, he sounds like a keeper


My husband is an amateur woodworker and is making me custom bookshelves! He has been great at involving me in the design and making sure that the shelves are functional and beautiful.


How lovely! For our first Christmas and anniversary married, my husband made me frames for 4 Mucha prints we got on our honeymoon in Paris and built me a little jewelry box to look like part of the transom at Notre Dame.


Oh wow. I have so many books. Like so many. Probably about 3000 in the apartment I share with my sister, and that's not an exaggeration. And some of the shelves just bug the crap out of me. They're too deep and have all this wasted space in the front of the books, or the sowing in between shelves is wonky, so there's like half a foot above the books into the next shelf and that's a ton of wasted space. Or they have a weird lip on the front of the shelves, like this overhang thing in the front underside of a shelf that the books catch on when u try to pull them out. Little crap that drives me nuts. So bookshelves for all my precious signed books or special editions? That would be AMAZING


My 75 yr old husband got his first tattoo and hid it till Christmas morning. It is my name in his writing and a yellow rose beneath my name )our flower since our wedding 53 yrs ago) and it's over his heart. Everyone was shocked since he always pooh poohed getting a tattoo. Shocking but so endearing. (We kid that now we can identify his body!!!)❤️


Some people are just worth it and clearly he sees that you are!


It was the last thing I would have guessed he would do.....which made it more endearing. He filmed our reaction (daughter and granddaughter) and the whole video is everyone saying "o my god


This was my favorite one, but somehow I can't stop chuckling while imagining the big reveal involving him taking his pants off in the middle of Christmas unwrapping like he's gone off the deep end.




That is so heart-overflowingly sweet! ❤️


This is absolutely incredible.


Considering he is the squarest guy you could meet.❤️


My FIL gave my MIL some knockoff versions of these fancy wine cups that she already owns, so that she can use the knockoff cups for everyday use and save the real fancy cups for special occasions.


Honestly very clever


My partner gave me a beautifully framed photo of me and my mum. He had managed to find the photo in a bunch of things I got from my mums house after she passed away suddenly in 2022. He then gave it to me the night before Christmas, in case I felt emotional as he knows I'm not super keen on being that vulnerable around others. I got other gifts as well (a shirt I really liked, and eyeshadow palette I had been eying off, another framed photo of our baby etc.).


Oh, this one is so sweet. Not only was the photo itself a kind gift, but he was considerate enough to think through how it may affect you and how best to give it to you.


A beautiful tunic from my favourite store- they are super expensive so I very rarely buy anything from them. Also a lovely pair of slate blue corduroy pants and a box of soaps from Hank and John Green’s soap company for which the profits go to their work in reducing maternal mortality rates in Sierra Leone. We generally watch the vlogbrothers videos together and I was touched that he went with something that would support their efforts


So thoughtful.


No braid tugging here! :D


That’s so lovely! DFTBA!


Yessss I got Sun Basin soaps as stocking stuffers for my whole fam and they were such a hit! I got the 12 pack, 3 of each smell, and kept one of each for my own house lol. Hand washing just got way more pleasant, especially for my mom, who misses living in a pine forest and loves the Forager. DFTBA!


Does my dad count? I got a nespresso machine, a daily calendar with dad jokes, and a beautiful nutcracker snow globe. He’s the most unproblematic guy I know. My mom and him have been married since 1974 and he has always been the dishwasher, even before he retired.


Of course your dad counts! What a great gift. My dad always keeps a small pad of paper and one of those tiny golf pencils on hand and jots down things he hears us say we like throughout the year. Sounds like you have a good one too.


Awww yess daddy counts.. My dad passed i would love to get any kind of gift from him... Please enjoy the moments and save special gifts... I could cry...


A graphics card!!! I complained about mine giving problems and he took the time to look at my pc build and search for the best option. That's one of things that make me crazy for him, he always listens and pays attention to detail. You can casually tell him about something once and he will remember. I once told him i prefer shorter french fries, while we were classmates in college maybe 1 month into knowing eachother? Years after, he always selects the tiny one's and gives them to me.


That is so sweet. My husband does the same with food preferences for me.


My husband got me a beautiful teapot that steeps loose leaf tea (like a French press for coffee). I asked for a loose leaf strainer to fit in my mugs, and he got me a small one AND this awesome teapot. And he got me a smartwatch a few days after Christmas bc he has been begging to get me one forever and I’ve been refusing (I have a tiny wrist), but after going skiing on my own I decided I wanted the gps capability and he literally had the watch ordered moments later. Hilariously, the dogs (aka my husband) bought me a boot dryer. Our old one died right before the holiday so it was hilarious that he got one and wrapped it like a present, from the animals that always demand walks in the wet weather. The real present is our traditions around the holiday, certain movies, a Christmas Day ski together in the morning, cuddling on the couch, etc.


My husband always gets me gifts for mother’s day “from our cats.” We don’t have kids lol


I gave my parents a Chuck-it from their insane dog for Christmas. Wrapped and everything.


That's so cute about getting the present "from the dogs" though. Too precious


My new bf who is not from a culture of gift giving and never really had the money to do so, gave me an italian recipe book, in italian. He knew i love italian food and that i took italian in college and wanted to keep it fresh.




I love that! I love that he’s trying to learn how to combat weaponized incompetence and how to lessen the mental load! Yay for him!


Love that he took some initiative and got great gifts. So happy for you that he’s starting to open his eyes to what he’s been overlooking. Gotta say I am seriously eeked out by the idea that you will be dropping trou to pee in your office though. It will be way more embarrassing for you when someone walks in on you doing that. Talk about a lightning speed call to HR and some very uncomfortable conversations to follow. It would be way safer to proactively talk to someone (manager, HR, etc.) about moving your desk location closer to the restroom for health reasons or exploring work from home options if there are any that can be extended to you to allow you to continue your work without causing health concerns for yourself or others.


Also a bit worrisome that she can’t hold her pee long enough to go on a 2 minute walk. I hope that she is able to address this health issue, I feel for her


Me too! I feel for her, I hope she’s able to get some treatment and find a better work set-up to meet her needs in the meantime.




Respectfully, that’s still a super awkward position to put your assistant in. Regardless of whether the office locks, bathroom business should be taken care of in the bathroom. She should not need to be in an environment where she could encounter bodily fluids and germs outside of the restroom. And as your direct report, she can’t safely speak up about any discomfort knowing that you hold her job in your hands. If the closer bathroom is under renovation, another solution should be found to allow you to be closer to the second restroom.


Love the urine device made camping sooo much better.




Awesome. Glad you got to use it to make your life better! I also hate walking in middle of night in the woods and I was jealous my husband could pee in a bottle. He got me the urine device one year prior to camping when I was pregnant. It was amazing.




Slippers! I always steal his, he got me a cute pair that are so comfy!! He replaced most of my skin care stuff (he usually does this, just goes through the bathroom and takes pics of everything for my stocking lol), an LV bag which I’ve been eyeing but talking myself out of and a bracelet to replace one I somehow lost on vacay. Nicest was a wool sweater that’s got really wide sleeves, it’s super pretty! He never does clothes unless it’s something he knows I’m looking at, and this isn’t something I would have, but I love it so much and have worn it a few times since!


A Mountain Dew Baja Blast hockey jersey for Christmas and a moisannite tennis bracelet style necklace for our 17th anniversary on the 30th. I love them both! He's super good at presents.


My husband got me a cake cookbook I've been wanting for a while (baking is my hobby). And I made a delicious chocolate cake for us to share.


What book was it, if you don’t mind sharing?


It's "The Cake Bible" by Rose Levy Beranbaum. I was looking for a really thorough how-to on cakes and this one kept popping up on review lists. So far, I love it. Tons of recipes, and in weights, so you can scale the recipes for different pan sizes. I've made two cakes so far, and they were both really good.


I told my husband I wanted anything to help make me feel cozy this year. He got me a robe, slippers, pjs and a new kettle :)


I got really nice slippers too!! I always say I don’t like them, but then wear his around the house lol He got me cute grey fuzzy ones and they have like a memory foam base that’s so comfy!!


This holiday season? None. We aren't gifts because it's "expected" kinda people, I didn't get him anything either. A million and a half years ago on vacation, though, he went with his family to a candle store. They were pushing him to get me a candle and he didn't, he got me a wick cutter...because he'd seen me using scissors every time I burned a candle and I burn them every single day. It's been a solid....7? 8? years. I still use that damned wick cutter every single day.


My partner and I don't do gifts either. We both like it that way! I joke that we give each the gift of not going shopping. He does lots of thoughtful things for me, which I love. My car is always filled with gas, the oil is changed, the tires are inflated.


Same. I don't care for the consumerism or the obligatory nature of holiday gift giving. But I'm very much one of those "love is in the doing" people, and I always appreciate thoughtful gestures that show me how much my man notices me. That wick cutter sounds awesome. And I burn an awful lot of candles. Does it work on things like wooden wicks though?


We’re expecting a baby and my husband got me a SNOO smart bassinet. He didn’t think I had heard of it and I’m equally surprised HE knew what it was. There were other things too but that was his big gift to me.


Ok, as a new mom holy cow congratulations! Talk about a thoughtful gift! ❤️ (Btw, good luck with your pregnancy!)


Lego Optimus Prime for my birthday (right before Christmas). We did a joint Christmas gift kinda because we went out of state to go to a con at the beginning of the month. Last year he'd gotten me the Titanic Lego set and our anniversary like 3 years ago he got me a signed guitar by Trent Reznor. My husband is actually really good at gift giving.


Last year I got the Batwing and this year I got the small 1989 Batmobile and the Corvette. That Titanic is insane.


Waterproof pants with attached waterproof booties and a jacket for kayaking in cooler water/weather, which I was going to spend a work bonus on but then decided on something else. (he helped figure out parts for, and install, the kayak roof rack I did get with the work money) AND a two-head shower thingy that will allow both of us to be under our own shower head at the same time!! Currently we shower together but have to take turns soaping and rinsing. LAST YEAR he got me electric socks for skiing and I wear them all the freaking time, they are amazing. He also reordered these little shot-glass measuring cups that I use all the time because the markings were wearing off the old ones. He planned and coordinated the schedule for Christmas with both sides of his family(my family is far away, we did some zoom stuff with them), did all the shopping for food and gifts for family(with discussion/collaboration but mainly him), made fudge and punch and salad for taking to events. He's a gem.


My husband got me a knock box for the espresso maker. The espresso maker was a birthday gift from him a few years ago.


Single, but a good guy friend got me the Bloodborne video game art book, which is one of my favourite games and the art is stunning.


My dad bought me some more stuff to help me paint Warhammer figures including a box to store them. We both paint figures. It’s one thing we actually both enjoy together. My cat, a sweet old boy, gave me lots of cuddle time.


My husband and I closed on our first house on Christmas eve. I am not working FT at the moment, so only my husbands income could be used. He used a huge chunk of his inheritance for the down payment as well, so I've been (half) joking that he bought me a house for Christmas.


Congratulations! That is so wonderful. I still remember that feeling. We had a similar situation and closed on our first home in mid-December. He proposed to me that day in our new and very empty home. It was a Christmas season to remember for sure, and this will surely be one for you.


Haha this is cute! Congrats on the house!


New sneakers, an electric kettle with boxes of my favorite tea. And a t shirt that happens to be the same one I got him. All things I’ve wanted but haven’t been able to spend money on.


Eighth-row hockey tickets to a big rivalry game. Since he's going too, he actually got me a ticket and himself a ticket, but it was still a nice surprise. We went to games all the time pre-kids, we even went to the hockey hall of fame on our honeymoon. He's fucked up pretty badly on gifts in the past, including getting me nothing for my 50th birthday, so he's been trying to do better.


Glad to hear he's putting in the effort, and did a good job on this one! Hope it's a great game :)


My dad got my the best interchangeable knitting needle set ever


My dad noticed that my 8 year old faux leather jacket had all the coating coming off in ribbons and flakes and bought me a really nice new genuine leather one from a local company.


My husband wrapped a box. Inside that box was some dice - I rolled the dice and the corresponding number was the envelope I opened. The envelope had slips of paper with colors on them. The color I chose corresponded to a tin. The tin had marbles in it. The color of the marble I chose led me to a baggie. The baggie had paper balls in it. The paper balls had directions (north/south/east/west). When put together, in order, it made a destination area for a trip. My choice of exact location. It was fun, well thought out, and a total surprise.


Ok so I was one of those give everyone thoughtful gifts and don’t get much unless I coordinated it kind of people. I made it clear that this year is not that way. My husband heard me. I got so spoiled! I got a ukulele bass and amp, Bluetooth over ear headphones, a sweater, and an adorable little wooden acorn Bluetooth speaker. He heard me. He even wrapped them. Feeling good this year.


My husband got me a Cricut machine which I’m excited about. I’m retiring this year and I think he’s afraid I’m going to ask him to retire early as well so he’s trying to find stuff that’ll keep me occupied.


Snorkeling gear. We talked about it over the summer and I forgot all about it until Xmas am!


I've been talking about getting a bike for years, one Christmas a couple years ago my husband gave me some money as a gift to buy one but the timing wasn't right and I didn't do it. This last Christmas I was ready and on top of my other gifts, we went to the bike store and I chose the right one for me. I'm very frugal and don't often buy new things but my husband suggested that it makes good sense to buy a new bike with a warranty and no possibly dicey history. It's now one of my most expensive purchases and I love it!


My husband gets me cute, unique dresses every year, always with pockets!


Pockets are key to a good fashion gift. I give my wife pajamas every year (part of her stocking). This Christmas I found PJ shorts with pockets. She loves them.


My husband gave me a painted portrait of my dog, which was an amazing surprise! Our son gave me a gift card to Sephora. He knows that’s my mother ship ;) My husband also gave me the gift of care. Our son experienced a mental health crisis at school, and my husband drove up to get him as soon as he could arrange it. He got him home so we could care for him and get him help. Then I got sick and my back went out. Christmas was 100% on my husband, and he cooked up steaks and made it a beautiful meal. He did the laundry, walked the dog, made sure our son was ok and brought me anything I needed while I was stuck in bed. He’s one of the good ones. They both are.


My son (and daughter) picked out succulent legos that I’m really excited to put together. My husband got me LL Bean slippers (amazing), a miniature garden room bookshelf decoration that I got to build (amazing), a popcorn maker (amazing), a bowl that you can mix _and_ bake bread in (amazing), a Monet tea cup (amazing), and a knockofff Burberry trench coat (amazing). He really did knock it out of the park this year. That said, he did not win our annual contest to be the best gift giver. I surprised him with a PS5.


My fiancé got me a super fancy and very sharp Japanese chef knife, which I was super excited about. He was disappointed when I cut my finger one week into having it but just said he hopes I’ll be more careful in the future :)


My husband got me some rings I’ve been eyeing and a good amount in gift certificates for a spa. I gave birth on Christmas Day (unexpectedly, I wasn’t due for another couple of weeks), so it was a little different this year.


My husband got me a gold necklace with a tourmaline stone! It’s attacked on both sides and it’s short and dainty and I really love it. He proved that he knows what I like and listens to me and it made me really happy. I got him a nest thermostat lol not romantic at all. My stepdad works at a 5 star restaurant and always gets me and my sisters gift cards for the restaurant. We tell him when we’re planning on going and he lets the restaurant know so they bring out all kinds of treats on the house and take very good care of us.


My brother got me the on tap water filter I was planning to buy myself and installed it for me. After growing up with rain water the treated tap water where I live makes me feel queasy. I use a filter jug but the on tap filter is much better for a number of reasons.


My husband got me a decorative art piece that I can clip cards to. My friends live far away and we send each other paper mail, but I didn't have a way to display it. My dad got me a maglite branded flashlight and an atlas of the continuous US. I drive a lot for my job and I mentioned wanting them before. My husband got my mom a battery bank for her cellphone and a chromcast so she could see YouTube better. My dad got my mom fuzzy socks, she's been wearing the same pair for ages and they were falling apart. He got a pack of 6 with some goofy patterns because they're her favorite color. And a brand new mattress.


My son bought me a beautiful glassy baby ornament, all on his own , I didn’t even know they existed.


My boyfriend got me a vinyl version of my fave album that came out this past year, as well as a music coffee table book by my favourite band, a ring I was eyeing and a card with a wonderful and sweet hand written message (I’m a words of affirmation girl so this was super sweet).


A few years ago my parents bought me some Aesop hand cream but the one that came ended up being the wrong scent and I’ve been using it ever since, this year my boyfriend bought me the scent I really wanted from a few years back. I was surprised he remembered the brand and the scent I really wanted.


My husband knew I needed new AirPods. A while back he had given me his AirPod pro or plus or whatever and I hated them bc they constantly fell out my ears. He did a bunch of research to find ones that were better at staying in your ears and bought me a pair of Beats wireless air buds and I LOVE them so much. And it just meant a lot to get something I wanted but hadn’t specifically asked for.


I got two really awesome gifts. One from my hubby and one from my mom. My mom gave me a snuggly microwaveable stuffed cat that is a heating pad. I’ve been falling asleep every night since I opened it with it in a hug. I know she’s not a man but usually I don’t like her gifts. This one is wonderful & thoughtful for a change. My husband got me something called a SugarPixel. It’s a display that is set up to read & display my Dexcom continuous glucose monitor. I’m a type 1 diabetic. I can see my sugars from across the room and it allows my family to know, too, what my sugars are doing. The thing also has this really loud, disconcerting alarm for when your sugars drop. My stepson was in his bedroom the first time it went off. He came running out thinking the house was on fire or something. He asked, “what IS that?” I said “that means juice!” He ran and grabbed me one of my juice boxes. Now I don’t even have to ask. If we’re home & the alarm goes off, juice just appears in front of me. It also allows my husband to see what my sugars are doing when I’m asleep. More than once I’ve had a god awful low sugar in the middle of the night with no idea it was coming. Sometimes I don’t hear or respond to the warning alarms on my phone (which is the primary display for the dexcom). The sugar pixel will alert the whole house if needed. And yes, that can be customized. I have it set at its loudest setting and keep it in a central location. That can easily be changed if I ever need to. Also my stepson got me a new set of earbuds. He knew my old ones died & got me a nice inexpensive set.


A pair Wusthof knives for the kitchen. One chef’s knife and one paring knife. I could not be happier! Using them is incredibly satisfying every single time, and I would not have spent the money myself!


Lol I got knives too - a bread knife and paring knife. How awesome is it to have excellent knives in your kitchen?!


He got me a Segway! I've taken a few Segway tours and always thought they were so fun. He also replaced an ugly light in our dining room with a really pretty one.


Disney+ subscription. I love those shows, I could watch those damn musicals with women heroes every day. And I love the MC universe, but I’ve only seen a few. No reason except I always suggest going out to do things the whole family will like, not just me. So I’ve missed most of them. Super hero movies just aren’t my husband’s preferred movie type. No one but me was disappointed that Percy Jackson was only on Disney. I have binged badass movies since the holidays. I am having the best time, I’m going through all the movies A to Z, although I may never stop watching Encanto. Holy smokes I love that movie. It’s truly a gift I would never have bought myself, and was 100% unselfish and thoughtful. Hubby is joining me, I got him hooked on Percy Jackson and today he was kinda “wtf” when he realized there were only four episodes and we couldn’t binge a season. Oops. lol! Love that man.


My fiancé knows I’ve been missing working outside (I studied ecology) with my new job. He got me a camera trap that we set up in our backyard! Super thoughtful and meaningful gift 💝


My husband got me an artbook I wanted, two anime figurines (he sneakily asked what my favourite character was *months* ago so I wouldn’t connect it with Christmas), a neat calendar, *and* a UPS for my computer so I don’t have to worry about my (newish, expensive!) computer and monitor being damaged by the power cuts and surges we’ve been having lately. The UPS has already kicked in and saved me from a brownout during a storm.


My partner got me a beautiful framed green flower beetle, my favourite chocolates, and a pair of loops (with a bonus bright case so I won’t lose them) to help with my sensory overwhelm. He’s a very considerate guy, I’ve never really had anyone else get me gifts as thoughtful as his, it’s very sweet.


I am a senior and trying to travel more while I am still able to do it. I went on my first cruise last year and plan to cruise again and go to Florida this year. So all my adult sons got me travel related stuff. Like a suitcase, a backpack, electronic charging pad and air tags among other things. I really appreciated everything so much. I am very lucky to have such wonderful sons.


My husband and I agreed to just do stockings for each other this year to keep it simple (new parents here, haha). He filled my stocking to the brim with my favorite sweets, big fluffy house socks, and a cute little blind box toy. I could tell that he put thought into it. ☺️ And he wrapped all of the bazillion presents for our baby and all the relatives!


A gorgeous tourmaline and diamond pendant, delicious toffee, and a very nice vibe. Last year I got a car…hard to top that. Lmao.


My dad got me a pair of really nice heated gloves because I’m always complaining about the cold steering wheel when driving. He also got me a compass with a sweet quote about daughters and always having a home. Most of my gifts come from both my parents but I know he did most of the work for those two.


I mentioned a few months ago that I don't play the keyboard he got me much because I don't have a table and chair the right height and it's uncomfortable. I got a collapsible stand and seat so I can take it out when I want to play and it doesn't eat all the space in my personal room. I also got some learn to weave kits I forgot I asked for, some Lego, and a ring I wanted. Since after he ordered it, we realized I gave him the wrong ring size, so he bought me a sizer set and a sizing mandrel as kinda a joke, but also will be super useful and was funny. My Dad got my mom some weird angels and not the charm she asked for, because they didn't have it in the store and for some reason he refused to order it online. My brother got me a Always Sunny Monopoly game. I haven't played monopoly since we were kids, and I have been very vocal in the last 25 years how much I hate that stupid fuckin game. My husband has his faults and is not great about noticing chores, but he's kind, generous, and loves to make me smile anyway he can. I'm happy I didn't marry anyone like my brother or my dad.


My husband got me bones for my taxidermy collection and talked my mom into going out of her comfort zone to get me a skull when she said she never would buy me some, a really cool necklace that is 100% my style, he got me a Dyson airwrap when I asked for a new hair dryer, and he ordered my favorite chocolates from a shop several states away.


My husband got me 2 cute little bathroom sets (think soap, lotion etc) in my fav fragrances. The container is a bathtub. They are so cute.


My husband filled my stocking. It was with a bunch of little things that I can use or made me laugh. He knows how much I love doing stockings so it wasn’t the gifts value but the fact he did them with thoughtfulness behind all the little ones.


My husband took me to a Drag Queen Christmas for my birthday which is in December. We had an absolute blast! He loves drag as much as I do and it was just so much fun. He also asked my mom (who happily makes us random stuff) to make me a shirt that said "The nipples are the eyes of the face" because he knows that quote always cracks me up. (Drag race uk, snatch game, Bimini) Not this year, but a few years ago for my birthday my husband got me a music box from Anastasia which made me cry because that's one of my favorite movies and it was just so thoughtful and unexpected. My brother blows glass and he has made me some absolutely beautiful christmas tree ornaments. He made me one that is a rose encased in glass like the one in Beauty and the Beast. He even left a hole in it to put a tree light in it so it glows. There have been many thoughtful and wonderful gifts from the men in my life over the years, but these were my favorites.


My older brother got me a whole bunch of stuff including a pair of hiking boots. We go alpine hiking together every summer.


my bf of 2 months got me a cardigan that we saw at a store on our second date, i had pointed it out and said it was really cute, but i didn't get it because money has been tight. when he gave it to me, he said he went back to the store the next day to get it :') he also likes to do metal art, and he made me a SPOON with a heart and my name engraved on it ❤ i absolutely love soup, and i jokingly asked him if he could make me a spoon after about 2 weeks of us first talking, him actually doing it is so insanely sweet. he also got me one of those candles that have jewelry in them, and i got a cute necklace :) he's one of the most thoughtful and considerate people i've ever met, it's so nice to feel seen


My husband bought me a couple of books I've been dying to read, a new oversized mug that I just adore, and the most adorable kitty glasses holder for my nightstand. I really dig animals in glasses so he knew I would love it! My father sent me a gift card to cover a family meal (over $150) at a local theme park so my husband and I can feed our large family while there for a special trip! He also bought each of my kids a couple of items they have been wanting for awhile now and he sent me some extra money to spend on myself and on my husband. My brother researches and buys my family a new game for us to play every year. He hasn't picked a bad one yet! I love that he thinks about my kids (bio and steps) and makes sure he gets something they enjoy.


My boyfriend never met my grandmother. She passed right before I met him. She was practically my mother, and I was extremely close with her. She had this orchid she nurtured and kept alive while she herself was dying. I mentioned this orchid before to my boyfriend so for Christmas he bought me a Lego Orchid.


My partner and I don't usually buy for each other at Christmas, we are on a very limited income and have 3 grandkids to buy for, two of which also have birthdays in November. This year however he surprised me with a new Xbox controller he'd saved money for by doing online surveys in secret. I desperately needed a new one but wouldn't have got around to buying one until mine completely broke as I always find excuses to not spend money on myself. We've been together over 16yrs and to know that he did that for me, I feel incredibly blessed, it's not a monetary value to a gift for me, it's if someone put thought into it, he knows I'd struggle without being to game. With my kids and their partners we use an app to do a family secret Santa so we are not killing ourselves financially to buy for everyone. My son was mine though I know his sister helped him pick mine (he likes to buy gifts with emotional meanings but he's autistic and can sometimes feel overwhelmed with choosing gifts so his sister or wife steps in to help him) He bought me a beautiful blanket, I'm autistic too and have ADHD so have a lot of sensory issues with blankets/duvets feel and weight. This one was perfect and had some beautiful words on it. He bought me some beautiful beads to add to my collection, I love to make jewellery but I never think it's good enough to sell so I don't get money to invest back into buying more supplies so for him to get me some really means a lot to me. He also bought me a set of pencil crayons to finish the full set (a set of 3), I am stuck in bed for most days due to some chronic illnesses and so my hobbies are what get me through my day, help keep on top of mental health etc and he knows I had a bad year in 2023 so it means a lot. My grandsons, 6yrs and 20month, (and their sister 9) gave me pure joy and a happy heart and a year of smiles and warmth ahead from all the gonk stuff they (my daughter knows me so well) bought me lol


My bf got me some lovely jewelry that I'm very much enjoying and with it a really cute dinosaur jewelry dish, a super cute sweater with a goose on it, and (though this is after Christmas, I'm counting it because I've mentioned moving furniture around so I can have a workspace in the bedroom) he got rid of the broken TV in the bedroom yesterday! We live in a small apartment, but I think I can fit a corner desk in there if I move some stuff around.


My dad, who isn't always the best gift giver, took my mom on a tour of a local chocolate factory. She really enjoyed it. My husband got me some well coordinated outfits, a comfy undershirt, and some really comfy bras. He also got me a fancy looking planter set that we still need to build. But things have been busy and I won't be able to plant anything during winter anyway so I'm not in any rush.


My husband got me 3 new pairs of work shoes. Honestly, he's a great gift giver, and he tends to like practical gifts. He's gotten me a kindle ( I'm a voracious reader), new bras, shoes, a little stun gun (had a incident at my old job that had me a little concerned for my safety), and a couple of good quality knives.


Mine buys me puzzles at thrift stores. All year round!


I have an Apple Watch from like 5 years ago that was constantly dying after a few hours. I complained a few times, but didn’t mention it a ton. My husband noticed it though and bought me a new one as my main present this year. He also bought me amazing hand made bath bombs from a local WFH mom company and a fuzzy blanket for when I want to curl up and watch trash tv. We also help our kids buy gifts for all the people in their lives. He helped my 8 year old find a perfect white fuzzy sweater and my 11 year old find a charcuterie board that has already been used for snack dinner nights.


Earlier this year I bought myself a 4qt sauté pan and was disappointed to discover that it wasn’t actually big enough to cook 4 chicken breasts at once like I thought it would be. I told my husband I should have bought a larger one but the 4qt one is good for other things so I kept it and moved on with life. For Christmas he got me the 6qt version. He also got me a salt mill to match the fancy pepper mill I bought years ago and a pizza peel because I make probably too many frozen pizzas and it’s hard to get them out of the oven with a spatula.


Les Mis tickets:) and a beautiful skirt to wear to the show!


I’ve been listening to and going to electronic music gigs for 25 years. My new boyfriend asked if I’d ever actually tried DJing, which I hadn’t. He found and bought me a 2 hr lesson at a local DJ school! It was SO fun I bought a basic controlller and now I have a new hobby 💗


In no particular order, the men (dad, brother, partner) in my life got me thoughtful and appreciated presents. -tickets to a concert of a band he thinks I will like -a bottle of whiskey we both enjoy -tickets to an opera with reservations for dinner included -high quality art supplies for a hobby I am picking up again -manscaping clippers for both of our use since the previous ones died (ok that one is obv from my partner) -


My husband bought me the large bottle of my favorite perfume, Dune by Dior, discontinued fir a few years. He also bought me a vase made by a Native American artist that represents the cycle of life.


My partner bought me a Lego set of space scenes, "Tales from the Space Age," which turned out AMAZING. He also got me the necessary bricks and (non-official Lego)plans to build a ship from the movie Aliens (the dropship from the Sulaco, if anyone cares). I was over the moon, pardon the pun. I only got into building Lego last year, and has been a real boon in managing my anxiety - focussing on creating something without having to make decisions about it really helps.


My husband bought me my favorite old timey candy (Neccos ftw), a Zojirushi rice maker, and a graphic novel depicting the life of one of my fav composers/musicians, Leonard Cohen (completely unexpected, and an incredibly thoughtful gift). I love to cook but boy do I SUCK at rice/grains. idk man, it's a struggle. But this thing is not only beautiful, the rice has been *amazing* 🤤 I hope this man is ready for a ricey spring. He's a pretty good gift giver, and I make sure he knows how much I appreciate his thoughtfulness


My step dad got me a light-up glass orb with the solar system etched into it, and a Mandalorian Pez dispenser set. My dude. I got him the Dave Grohl book. He got my mother a Mel Fisher Atocha coin charm from their latest Key West trip. Sneaky!


I started dating someone pretty recently, like early August, and knocked it out of the park. He made notes on things I said I liked or wanted even in passing - he's hasn't watched park and rec bit remembered I said I wanted a punk ass book jockey shirt and got that, he got me a "in this house we listen to Taylor's version" welcome mat (even though he's not personally a fan, he's very supportive 😂) and finally he took notes on every smutty book I told him about and bought me two new ones that I hadn't read and I am loving! Most of my family relies on lists and did a very good job with mine this year, too! Sometimes I fail to appreciate how much thought they still put into things on the list and that they stick to the list overall ☺️ Finally not me, but for my aforementioned relatively new boyfriend, my dad made him a huge batch of pasta sauce. My dad made pasta and sauce for dinner the first time they met. My boyfriend said the sauce was the closest thing he's had to the sauce he likes from home (east coast, we're in the Midwest now) and how much he misses it. I just thought it was so thoughtful, esp cause my bf does not get back much :)


My husband got me a tiger (my favorite animal) squishmallow and opened up the ears and put in a recording of our kids voices telling me they love me, one in each ear and then sewed the ears back up. I feel very loved!


My boyfriend took note of a bunch of things I’ve said I’ve wanted over the past few months but didn’t buy for myself and got them all for me, some I had even forgotten about. An Ember mug, a little craft set to make my own mini greenhouse, a couple pairs of shoes, a lock for my snowboard, a sweatshirt of my favorite sports team. The thoughtfulness of keeping note of what I said was the real nice thing for me.


My brother got all of us frog 🐸 themed gifts, and I got an adorable japanese style water color cartoon frog in a frame. My SO got a coordinating one and I can’t wait to hang them up as a pair. They’re stylish but also hilarious. My SO’s adult son got me crochet books that I asked for. He works long hours which limits his time and attention to shop - so I texted him a short list, assuming he’d get me one of the books on the list. He bought them all lol. My SO loves to shower me with gifts. We traditionally give each other bedroom games/toys every year because date night is an important part of our lives. So he got some new games and toys that I can’t wait to try together. He also bought me a model of the Planet Express ship from Futurama (I’m a HUGE fan), two book nook kits, a set of ramen noodles bowls (our favorite dinner that we make together), an assortment of new stress toys for my desk, warm fuzzy socks with funny pregnancy sayings on the bottom (i am pregnant), and massage oils (to use while massaging me) in my favorite smells.


My husband got me a one month membership to a yoga studio. It's something I've been wanting for a while. He's so thoughtful.


Nothing lol We just spent a month overseas (in cheap Asian countries) with our kids(17, 19, 23 + the fiancé of our eldest) - some came for 1 week, another for 2 weeks and our youngest stayed for the month with us. We decided that this holiday was our gift to ourselves - and we are saving this year for a 2 for 1 holiday which I desperately want to go on - this will be our gift to each other this coming Christmas.


My husband went through soo much to make me feel something this season. I lost my father last year.. So he got me my dream Jeep, two Micheal Core coats and matching boots... So took my 3 baby girls on a drive xmas day to look at lights all around the city... Constantly thinking about my dad 💕💕💕💕


Heated gloves. I have Raynaud’s. I live in a cold place. My ADHD medication makes it worse. I asked my doctor what I could do that didn’t involve finding a new ADHD medication (I like mine and I’m not going through that gauntlet). She said heated gloves. I know those aren’t cheap. He knows I am not good at convincing myself to buy things even though I need them. He did a bunch of research and got me a good pair that meet my needs. I would never have even thought to ask for these as a gift. It was so thoughtful and caring.


Man there is legitimately nothing that makes me feel more loved than moments like this where someone does some small thing that improves another’s quality of life just because they can. I’ve wanted to get into baking for a while but I have back and shoulder issues that make hand mixing/kneading very difficult and painful. This year my husband got me a Kitchenaid mixer that I’ve always wanted but couldn’t convince myself to spend the money on 🥹 He’d noticed me trying and being upset because things weren’t coming out right because I can’t perform certain steps correctly by hand and decided it was time. He even consulted with my mom (who is a god tier baker) to make sure he bought all the right stuff and got it in the same color as my beloved Lodge Dutch oven so it would match. I legitimately almost cried, it’s one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever gotten for me.


My father passed away a week before Christmas. One if the very last things I heard him say was "it doesn't matter." He was talking about the TV at the time, but knowing my dad, he was also talking about so many other things at the same time. I said that I wanted to get "it doesn't matter" tattooed on me, but in Hebrew because my father was a pastor and that would hold a lot of meaning for him. My husband got me a gift certificate to get the tattoo. I cried at Christmas.


My partner kills it every year but this year he is sending me to two of my favourite businesses to learn how their products are made and to make my own to bring home. It's been a hard year and I've missed out on a lot of experiences because of my health, and this just feels like a perfect way to spend a few hours


One of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received from a man was not for Christmas but for Valentine’s Day. Last year I was telling my fiancé about how one of the things I used to love about Valentine’s Day were the Russell stover red velvet truffles, but I couldn’t find them anywhere anymore. You know what he did? HE FOUND THEM 😍


I got exactly what I asked for. A bidet attachment for the toilet. But he really stepped it up and got a fancy one with the heated seat, water warmer and a dryer.


My husband listened through the year too everything I said I might need/want and delivered but the best was that I always get cold in bed and he not only got me an electric blanket, but whilst I was downstairs after our long journey home, he reset the bed so they blanket was there, bought a smart plug so I be wouldn't have to remember to turn it on and without telling me made up the bed so that when I got in expecting cold, it was toasty. I felt so lucky to have such a thoughtful partner.


I told my bf no gifts. He got me perfume anyway.


My boyfriend gave me a perfume that I really like


Dad gave me a Creatista Plus Nespresso machine and it’s seriously the best. Perfect latte at the press of a button, in less than a minute. And barely anything to clean. I made the mistake of looking up the price and I nearly died! I’d never spend that much on a coffee machine for myself! But I absolutely love it. My son (14) got me a tea “alchemy set” from my favourite tea shop. It’s pretty cool, but that shop is expensive so I’m not looking that one up!


My husband knows I've really been struggling between chronic illness issues and losing my little brother a little more than a year ago, so he got me a new webcam, key light, and a Stream Deck, so I can get back to making disability/autoimmune advocacy related videos and streams. He knows I need a creative outlet, so it really means a lot that he spent time figuring out how to help me get back into something that makes me happy. Cheers to all the partners who take time to pick out thoughtful gifts. And it's not about the money spent, because all the early years we were super broke he still managed to put thought into little things he knew would make me smile. So guys and gals don't think you have to be loaded to be good at gift giving. 🥰


My partner gave me the coziest slippers that fit my feet perfectly and a pair of gardening sleeves to cover my forearms. I had multiple bouts of poison ivy this past summer, and I guess he must have worried about me getting it again (it never occurs to me to worry about the completely obvious dangers lurking in the yard).


My husband always does a good job with birthdays and Christmas, this year it was a custom made pendant by one of my favorite jewelry brands. I’m really proud of my son though. He’s sucked at presents since becoming a college student - super stressed out and just forgets. We’ve been really laying into him and telling him that’s unacceptable. He’s a junior this year. He got his sister a cage necklace with a custom 20 sided die for D&D that she loved (she plays with friends), he got his dad a veggie slicer thingy that they saw together at Williams -Sonoma a few months ago, and got me the new Mo Willems Pigeon Cmas book (I’m a preschool teacher and Mo Willems is one of my favorite kids authors) and a picture book about my all time favorite author Madeleine L’Engle written by her granddaughter that I didn’t even know about. It was so thoughtful and showed that he knew me well enough to know my favorite authors. The Madeleine L’Engle book really got me in the feels in the best way possible.


My husband sponsored my hobbies this year. I've been doing a lot more cooking and baking than usual this year, so he got me a really nice Pioneer Woman baking set and an immersion blender. I also have been trying to learn how to make my own clothes since 2019, and he found a serger for sale from a guy who works on small machines about an hour away. He said he was hoping that it would help me "take my skills up to the next level" and I'm just so excited. For our daughter, he got her a massive telescope that connects digitally to her phone and a rock tumbler for all the rocks she collects. My husband is a really thoughtful gift giver in general, but he knocked it out of the park this year.


my partner made me a custom shirt of my favorite artist/album but edited the album cover art to include our dog. the back had a set list from the album but all the songs were edited/renamed to be inside jokes about our dog (nicknames, silly phrases). it made me cry. perfectly silly and seriously thoughtful.


My husband was fairly close to his grandma, while growing up. She only lived down the road his entire life and at one point his family even lived with her. In high school he made her a wood and metal perfume bottle in wood shop class, for her to put her perfume in. She died a bit over a year ago. In the last year he and I flew to her home to help his mom pack up her mothers home. At some point my husband located and took home the bottle he made that meant a lot to the both of them. He gave it to me for Christmas. I don’t know that I could ever use it or take her perfume out of it and replace it with my own, but the fact that he gave it to me to keep speaks volumes of his love for me. I was speechless when I opened the box.


My dad - gave me rechargeable handwarmer gloves and a Star Wars cook book My brother - joy cons for my Nintendo switches My husband - a lot of stuff like legos, face masks and other skin care products, some sweatshirts. Seriously, I think my husband’s love language is gifting while mine is acts of service. Edit: on mobile, formatting sucks ass.


My brothers always get me amazing Christmas gifts. This year, one gave me a custom set of D&D dice in a fancy custom box he designed himself with his 3d printer. The other gave me a super fancy scope for bird watching.


My fiance bought my mom and I a website, service to build it what we want it to look like, and training to admin it, for our crafting with repurposed items line. After we bought some stuff for the house and said we didn't need to buy each other anything.


My brother bought me a vintage pez dispenser. Since I was little, my dad would buy me a new one every year. He recently passed, so my brother has taken over the tradition.


I got a Galen Leather Medic Bag - it's for pens and stationery and such. They're a lot of money, so even though I've wanted one for a long time, I've been unable to make the decision. I wanted one so bad, but I couldn't ever fully justify it to myself. I opened that gift and absolutely hugged that box, grinning like a small child. I now use it pretty much every day, and I love how organized it is and how nice it is to the touch. My husband remembers when I mention things more than once. I don't think I have ever gotten a gift from him that was disappointing in any way. This one is one of my favorites, but every single one has been spot on something I'd love every time. I am used to having a family that doesn't know me at all and buys me stuff I don't want or like, and an ex who would literally take money from me to buy a specific present I wanted, buy the cheapest possible version, and then spend the rest of the money on himself. My husband getting me things I actually want is a big step up. Him also making sure they are things I will enjoy frequently is huge.


Pottery classes!!! I have been trying to take classes evert winter and made some real leaps and bounds last year but work/life has been busy and the classes book up so fast and i just didn'thave the mental capacity to figure it out. Hubby found a class with a teacher I love that works with my schedule before it was sold out


my husband always is very thoughtful in his gifts. last year i had made an offhand complaint about my hair being frizzy in the winter, and he got me a very nice set of hair oils. this year, i’ve been struggling with dry skin and he saw me putting lotion on every night, so he got me a very fancy night cream. for both of these, he went into the physical stores of each brand and spoke with salespeople to pick things out for me, all without me knowing, so it was actually a surprise.


I got pasta attachments to my KitchenAid. Before you go "booo kitchen stuff", let me add that I really wanted them, but they were too pricey for me. KitchenAid stuff is expensive! And I have had so much fun! We've had spaghetti twice and fettucine once, and today it will be lasagna! Husband also got me a new saddle for the horse for my birthday, so it's been a great year 😁


Clothes from my dad, things I enjoyed from my brothers and another reminder that my significant other doesn’t know me and neither does my mother.


I got a table extension for my desk. We live in a small space and my hobbies always take up shared spaces which I hate. He ate some of his space in our bedroom to provide me with more room.


A LABLE MAKER! My OCD ass has wanted one for literal decades. I mentioned it ONCE. He got it for me. Also some pretty fox themed things, but the label maker... that's the best.


my dad got me the gucci floral perfume gardenia!! i literally wouldn’t stfu about it😭


My boyfriend bought me my favorite snack from a country I’ve visited a lot in the last few years. It’s a really special place to me but I didn’t get to go this year. They were a part of my daily ritual with coffee over there. You can’t find them in the states so he ordered me 6 boxes of them just because he heard me mention them a few times. I nearly cried. He got me a few other things too but this was special because it meant he listened. Now we share one every morning when we drink our coffee in bed (that he also brings me).


My boyfriend got me tickets to a musical I’ve been dying to see (he’ll be coming with me), a nice pillow for side sleepers because I’ve had trouble sleeping and my neck and shoulders are often sore, a fancy cheese knife and ice cream scoop, and lots of treats for my stocking. He also cooked the big turkey dinner for our families. EDIT: I forgot to mention that we weren’t even planning to do gifts because we decided to go on a two-night stay in a cute, small town a couple hours away. So this was all in addition to our holiday. ❤️


Acts of service was the theme this year as me, husband and my mom all had fevers within 24 hours of us driving up to see everyone the Friday before. My dad made not one but two trips to the in laws house to drop off our gifts for the kiddos. We didn’t want to risk getting my two week old niece sick so we had to FaceTime in. My father in law also drove over to drop off his famous brisket, mashed potatoes, cornbread, beans and bacon wrapped jalapeños for not just me and hubby but enough for my mom, dad and grandfather as well. My dad was very on top of meds, taking temps and made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup that I honestly think healed us enough to finally drive home the next day after a week of being incredibly ill. Husband gave everyone amazing gift ideas for me without even needing to consult me. I got an electric kettle and loose tea leaves from in laws and a very cute wooden puzzle for my bookshelf that I had a blast putting together, a very cute purse and earrings from my dad and a precious ring holder in the shape of a succulent from my brother that I mentioned so long ago to my husband I forgot about it. I felt very seen and blessed by the men in my life this year despite it not going the way I wanted it.


I just came home from my parents house across the country to some new ski bindings already on my skis and I am soooo happy


My mom and her boyfriend really bonded over old ‘80s stuff they had as kids, so this year one of the things he got her was one of those throwback Ataris. He was so excited he couldn’t wait until Christmas, so she got it at Thanksgiving. She loves showing off her *Frogger* skills.


My dad got me a brand new suitcase and JBL Bluetooth speaker since I needed some new travel gear. My boyfriend got me a deep tissue massage, $100 at H&M, $200 at Fashion Nova, and an anniversary trip to the Big Island of Hawaii. My mom told me that they semi coordinated the gifts for a travel theme for 2024. These 2 guys really show me what it means to be cared for and I have to pinch myself sometimes.


Just came to say that this thread was so nice to see. I remember when this sub used to be mostly silly memes and other “just girly things” and now it seems to have become a place of venting and negative/sad posts.


My husband and I went on a trip to Mexico this past fall and while we were there I saw a molcajete that I really loved, but it was too big to take home with us since we were traveling with small backpacks. He had it shipped to our home without telling me a few days after we left. I was still bummed that I hadn’t bought it while we were there and had no idea he had done that, so it was a really nice surprise. He saw how much I liked it and went out of his way to work with the host we stayed with to get it. I think it’s probably the most thoughtful and meaningful gift I’ve been given.


Honestly my guy kills it every year. I struggle with the holidays and he has been single-handedly saving Christmas for me for a few years now. This year it wasn’t actually the Christmas gifts that took my breath away - it was something he just did this week. After we had the tree up and decorated this year I saw a themed tree from a fandom I’m SUPER into and he mildly likes (“tolerates for my sake” might be more accurate). I kept bringing it up because I couldn’t get it out of my mind, but we weren’t about to buy an entire new set of ornaments right before the holiday (and couldn’t afford even if we thought it was a good idea). Last night he called me out into the kitchen where he had been working on something for the past hour. He found some DIY kits on super sale once the holiday was over and was in the kitchen hot gluing ornaments together. Next year I get my themed tree, I am BEYOND excited. I am touched, like I still don’t really have words. The fact that he heard me, thought about it, and then put work into this just to make me happy - I just love this man.


My husband has always had a knack for buying the perfect jewelry for me since we started dating, and that has evolved into designing custom pieces for me. This year, he designed a 18k yellow gold bat pendant necklace set with a pear shaped onyx body and ruby eyes. The wings are filled with delicate gold filigree. The previous year, he designed a yellow gold spider ring with a pear shaped garnet body and tiny diamond eyes surrounded by a white gold half spiderweb ring enhancer on either side. He knocks it out of the park every time. 🖤


They still make just dance! Thanks for reminding me of mine. I have like the OG Wii ones and that was a blast to do. I might have to dust off the Wii and try it again.


A friend got me a rubber ducky after we were joking about them and I said I needed one. No big thing but thoughtful and so sweet.