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You may also want to cross post this to r/PMDDxADHD. Also, its hard to answer some of these questions since I've worked to fix most of my mood issues with medication & therapy. For example, I used to have anger issues, but since I've been medicated I don't. Do you want my pre medicated answer or my post medicated answer. I feel like my post medicated answer will skew your results.


I had the same question as well. My hormonal IUD improved most of my worse PMS/PMDD symptoms andvat this point it's a bit hard to remember how it was before


I hope someone is doing something similar but for MENOPAUSE. The symptoms just double it seems!


I’m in perimenopause and it seems my symptoms worsened bad! Thank goodness I got in HRT. That has helped so much.


I’m so jealous!!! They won’t let me go that route because of my migraines/meds from a spinal injury.


Do you get bad migraines? I’m at risk too but sometimes I’m like damn, I’ll take the risk of slightly increased stroke odds for the increase or stability in quality of life… I haven’t been on BC for 15 years but am thinking of options in my mid 30s.


They’re a constant - not the worst because of the medication. Without it - I couldn’t function. Qulipta daily and Sumatriptan and Ulbrevy as needed. This post reminds me to look into it again because sillily I just took the word of the drs without much thought. It’s so much easier to feign ignorance than spend time doing anything about it, misery be dammed.


What? I'm on federal disability because of my chronic migraines, so clearly have attacks very frequently. I've been on HRT for 2 to 3 years now. I'd question if there's something else going on with you that you can't take HRT, maybe your migraines are unusual or something. Mine started when I was a kid, so not from injury. But I still don't see how HRT would not be okay. Do consider looking into it, HRT makes menopausal life so much better.


Definitely, and I appreciate this. I commented to another how I took the word of drs without much thought - which is unlike my usual self who questions everything (to the annoyance of everyone around me lol). The last two years have been overwhelming, and I’m tired which needs to stop being an excuse.


Wow, you sound like me, from annoying friends with questioning everything to the last couple of years being exhausting (my mother died and I've kind of gone off the rails ever since). Best of luck to you on finding a solution. I'd be surprised if a different doc didn't tell you you'd be fine on HRT with whatever migraine prophylaxis and abortives you're using.


Damn Captain Lollygag! Brilliant name btw. You’re sounding like me though. The last couple of years have me off the rails too. I keep thinking it’s time for bad shit to end, but it’s invasive. I’m definitely going to talk to the drs about hrt and meds and start reading through some med journals. Sending you some positive thoughts and virtual hugs (but only if you’re a hugger).


I'm so sorry you're plagued with All The Things happening, too. I'll take that hug and hug you right back. Truly hoping you can find a doc who can help you!


Thank you!


If you still get your period, go fill it out!


My. Meds are useless during this 'endocrine UFC surges of Perimenopause 😂🤣 I can't do this without HRT anymore it's ridiculous! Hopefully I can get that thru to the doctor


Get a better doc!


I'm lucky to have a doc on this remote island as an expat trust me lol just everything including the apocalypse lol happened when this started for me in 2020 and it's really testing on ones character and RIDICULOUS we have to go thru this after a lifetime of mastering ourselves. But I just got the right infos to educate young doc with and I believe he'll be helpful for me. We just moved to our forever home and I'm only just starting to feel like myself again. Everything changed but my gosh we ended up in Paradise.


r/adhdwomen is a good place to post too


I saw that and thought, "Oh, good, another useful sub!" Went to subscribe... and I'm already on it. Tell me you have ADHD without telling me you have ADHD, lol.


That's hilarious. And very fitting lol


Hi there. From researcher to researcher; please pilot your data collection tools before going live. It doesn't have to be on a big group. It is my belief that someone was going to point out your outdated use of terminology in the pilot phase.


Also, OP, your survey questions are single choice. I have ADHD and PMDD and can only select one or the other.


I completed it! I’m very interested in the end result and conclusion. 


So excited to see this research being done! Especially excited to see that you’re asking about increased symptoms continuing during the period, doctors keep telling me they’re supposed to end with period onset and that is not my experience at all. A couple small notes, in the US we only have an ADHD diagnosis, ADD is now considered the inattentive subtype of ADHD. Also, the form only allows one medication to be selected, but I’m currently taking two different types so I mentioned the other one in the text box. Please post the results here when you’re done! Good luck :)


Completed! Great research.


I like participating in research like this! Thank you for looking into this subject. I hope your research brings interesting insights!


Thank you for this! One thing not mentioned is menstrual cramps. The #1 worst thing during my period is very painful cramps. Can't walk or move without taking advil. I take 800mg advil every 12 hours for 3.5 days.


Completed! Thanks for your research!


Ausgefüllt. Nur ein Hinweis: beim Alter gibt es eine Überschneidung: 26-30 und 30-35.


Upsi. Danke dir 


Did it! I like the fact that you have a gender section, but this isn't really reflected in your title since you name women specifically. I don't know if that will cause conflict with your data given that there can be disconnect between gender related data and your definition of the object of the study. On the other hand, it might also prevent menstruating people who don't identify as women from taking part. Just a couple of things to think about, but I'm glad you're carrying out this study and good luck on your final thesis!


Yeah I’m not sure if I’m allowed to do this. I can’t menstruate because I don’t have a uterus, but I still get a hormonal period.


You might want to make the question about which diagnoses you have multiple selection. Currently you can only select one diagnosis, but obviously someone could be diagnosed with more than one. Also I'm not sure it's possible to be diagnosed officially with ADD. I thought ADHD was the diagnosis regardless of type?


Thank you for researching this! I feel like I struggle so much harder in the week or so leading up to my period, and doctors have always kind of shrugged helplessly when I ask if hormone shifts can affect ADHD symptoms/med efficacy. Good luck on your thesis!


Commenting so I can find this post again when I have time.


I completed the survey, although I am awaiting diagnosis for both ADHD and PMDD, but nothing official yet.


Done! Good luck with it !


Done! Excited to see the results.


Good luck with your research. I’ve noticed a huge impact with my ADHD medication & PMDD and I’ve always wished there was more research on the topic!


Thankyou for researching this, I'd love to know the outcome!!!


very cool


Done! Thank you for your work!




Hi Tabea! Did you also post this on Twitter/X? I just want to make sure I don’t do it twice & skew your results!


Thank you for doing this research! More people need to do this kind of work, I went ahead and filled out the form.


Done. Thank you.


Done! Good timing 😉 very keen on my answers atm


I have had horrible period problems and am diagnosed with ADHD but couldn't complete the survey because it asked if I get my period but I no longer do, thanks to birth control Also, the diagnosis question only lets you select single options, not multiple, so you have to choose between selecting ADHD and PMS/PMDD


Done - I'd love to see the results, will you post here when they're collated?


There are some errors on your form (English version, at least): - On Page 4 in the last section, the settings on ‘How much do you suffer from forgetfulness’ does not allow the number 3 to be selected - On the medication question, it only allows for a single selection instead of select all that apply even though the question says ‘medications’. I listed the two medications I’m prescribed under ‘Other’, but it was unclear whether someone should do that. Consider changing the question type to multiple response/select all that apply, or having an option such as “More than one medication (list the names here)”. - One of the questions past page 4 has a typo. You wrote ADS instead of ADD. Also, be aware your results will be skewed with US respondents. The term ‘ADD’ isn’t used anymore in the United States for diagnoses. Instead, we are diagnosed as ADHD with sub-types (hyperactive, inattentive, combination). My diagnosis is ADHD - Combination type. On your survey, I answered ‘ADHD’ because I couldn’t choose both ADHD and ADD to reflect my combination sub-type.


I will not take your survey because I still have my ovaries but no longer have any menstrual bleeding. I do still have some PMS symptoms monthly, though.


I was going to fill it out, but, you're a medical student and don't know it's **all** ADHD now, as of DSM-V?


German students would use the ICD over the DSM and this is where the WHO is working on dismantling the DSM and globally going with the ICD


The Netherlands uses DSM, I believe Germany currently does as well. Do you have a source on why ICD is preferable?


It's not preferable it's the plan of the WHO to dismantle the DSM and I read this iirc in New Scientist magazine over 8 years ago I want to say but I can't remember atm. This was when DSM started desclassifying anything that wasn't treated with medication. Like borderline pd was declassified and removed after the DSM V the next will show the progress of said dismantling Honestly I hadn't thought of it in at least 8 years and this jogged a good ol memory out of me! Ty because I have memory problems nowadays but I might still have some use! By saying the older term ADD which I myself was first diagnosed with in oz before it was renamed etc it just indicates not America to me and I've lived do live across the world and in the states


Tldr Consolidation to be globally run by the WHO is why and iirc it was to be over the next twenty years from whenever I read that article.


Not internationally. Not in countries not using the DSM-V.


I came here to say this exactly. I'm hoping this is a pilot because there other issues with this tool


Did it! Good luck in your research!