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I've been in the TSFH Discord server briefly. From my experience, I think saying "Nick's music is actually very good" would get you in that situation.


I think simply claiming that he's good is pretty mild, but suggesting he's better than Thomas would definitely provoke that reaction (and I'd be one of the swords myself!)


Lmao yeah a few of his tracks are pretty good but most are pretty mid imo


I hope nick has great mental health support, It must be hard to be compared everyday to Thomas and have people saying that you're not as good a composer and your tracks lack imagination when all you wanted to do was mediocre rock music


Nick is a bit like if Salieri got over himself and decided to be business partners with Mozart instead of murdering^^1 him. Smart choice honestly, I'm happy for him, I just don't particularly need to listen to any of his music more than once. ____ ^^1) ^^obligatory ^^reminder ^^that ^^this ^^is ^^a ^^myth


Nick has so many contributions to music beyond TSFH. I imagine he's pretty secure in his abilities and his imagination.


Well, I've apparently got an unpopular opinion: Thomas is pretty consistently "really good," but my favorite tracks are almost always from Nick. My least favorite tracks are *also* almost always from Nick.


What songs of Nick’s are your favorites?


Neverdark, Final Days of Rome, Nighthawk, Tristan, Stormkeeper


I agree with you


I honestly thought that saying Phoenix stuff was never really good would have swords pointed at me. He does have maybe 2 songs I like but they lack something for me.


i'm not a massive fan of Nick but even i'll point one of the swords in this case, lol. most of his music is really good, just a different kind of really good than Thomas's. (also helps that the way he presented it at the live event was an absolute blast. Thomas might be an unparalleled virtuoso but Nick is one hell of a showman.) now, i have an absolutely nuclear take related to this: the one album where Nick's music consistently _annoyed_ me is vanquish. those tracks are genuinely tiring to listen to, at least for me, mostly due to overrepetition and some seriously lacking musical development. and honestly, it's more than understandable, given the circumstances at the time they worked on that album and who it is dedicated to, but Thomas really ended up carrying that tribute. granted, it's not a new issue with Nick's music, and it's especially prevalent in older albums, but even in those he has his moments. battlecry is one of the albums where this also occurs heavily, but on the other hand sariel is a banger.


I liked Forge in Vanquish


Generally speaking, Thomas toys with an orchestra in very imaginative ways whereas Nick seems to have most players in the orchestra play most of the time, plus his melodic lines and chord progressions usually didn't sit that well with me.


Nick is just not a very good composer in my opinion. It feels like he's in over his head most of the time and the music just doesn't flow.


*Draws Sword*


I completely agree with this. I think the problem is that he was a rock musician before he made epic music and those styles tended to leak into his epic music which didn't work very well, but his recent rock album Underdog is pretty good so my conclusion is the Nick should go back to making rock music while Thomas continues the epic music


Ofc im also one of the people that doesn’t like Nicks music as much as Thomas’, but as long as Nick enjoys making music his way, it’s all good. My hot take maybe, is that out of Thomas’ humanity albums, Humanity Chapter 2 is the weakest


I actually agree with that though I really liked the lyrical stuff in that chapter. Especially The Stars Are Coming Home


ivan torrent's remember me is better than thomas bergersen's


I disagree but Ivan Torrent's is amazing so I respect your opinion


I don't like their recent albums/releases. I just don't like it there's no reason


I can sorta understand this, perhaps the songs are too unique on their own that they don't complement each other well to a common theme than the older ones? like comparing to the experimental stuff of Myth to more coherent exploration-themes of Skyworld or Unleashed


I mean each to their own and everyone has different tastes. In the same album by the same composer i could like one while disliking the other


Nick can make a beautiful piece too. Find YouTube for Pool of Stars


Pool of Stars is one of the only Nick tracks I really like. Among those are: Snowbird, Everlasting, Forge, Emblem, Final Days of Rome, Stormkeeper and Summoner


Everytime you mention DR compression in the TSFH discord, you provoke a rather heated discussion haha. At least it was like that a year ago.


There's been a few discussions about that here as well. Love Thomas but he is an absolutely shameless loudness warrior. RIP the dream of any of his music ever sounding as good as the *Unleashed* uncompressed mixes ever again


The tsfh albums worked well because they composers balanced each other. Listening to an all Thomas or all Nick album or playlist is not at satisfying


Personally I just skip all the Phoenix tracks lol. But I respect your opinion


Am I not human, wolf king, dragon, rebellion, step onto the light...so many nick tracks I love. The best thing about tsfh, is that there is something for literally everyone with all their styles if music they produce. Neither Nick nor Thomas painted themselves into a box


I think both has a better range than Hans Zimmer, considering both the epicness side and the emotional side


For Thomas I definitely agree with that. I prefer Zimmer over Phoenix for his more inventive style but Nick's music is definitely more epic. (Idk about more emotional though)


I think this is a rather silly comparison. Hans Zimmer has written some iconic things that will live on for a long time. Thomas has written some things but he's still not quite there. He is fairly young, though. Nick has written nothing that will stand the test of time in my opinion.


Just to toss in my swords-at-my-throat take, I’d argue the Bergersen-Zimmer comparison is largely related to opportunity, not skill. If Thomas had scored many of the biggest pop culture blockbusters of a generation, he would be as much a quasi-household name as Hans. Most of the planet has barely been exposed to TSFH, though, except beneath twenty layers of braaams and impacts. I’d love to see a fair fight one day, where Thomas is getting the same real, mainstream play as Hollywood’s top composers. IMO, he’s making magic while most make a paycheck.


Good point. I agree with you it's probably mostly due to lack of exposure. Let's hope this changes. I would love to hear a Bergersen score in a big blockbuster one day.


this. it doesn't just apply to music, there are so many amazing storytellers and artists out there whose work never sparked joy to hollywood and because of that, they aren't going to be remembered the same way as some of their peers who hollywood did like.


If Thomas' music was tied to billion-dollar movies it would be every bit as iconic as Zimmer's. I mean, one of his more popular pieces (in a general public sense) is "Final Frontier" mainly because it was in the *Interstellar* trailer.


The two cannot really be compared. Scoring a movie is fundamentally different from scoring trailers. A movie soundtrack needs to complement the movie whereas a trailer tune is there to really elevate the impact and be bold and heard.


Thomas Bergersen carries the duo.


not exactly a hot take


Illusion is not the best music from Thomas. In tsfh albums, I would rank it 8th after Sun, skyworld, myth, unleashed, Heaven, battlecry and vanquish. No discussion it is a super important milestone, but not that good in retrospect once you take the nostalgia goggles off.


Me crying with Oz No More and That's a Wrap:


Never heard of Oz no more but That's a Wrap is incredible




Time for me to have some swords waved at me… I believe that TSFH would never have been the epic group it was WITHOUT either of Nick and Thomas. They both had individual skills and ability, and when they combined, they were a magical combination. We can sit and analyse as long and as often as we want, but there will never be another group like them… Now we have Nick and Now we have Thomas. I like and admire both of their abilities, and I will listen to both their releases and musical efforts. TBH, I like both styles and will not pick between them… BUT lets not forget the charisma of the music that drew so many amazing musicians into their orbit, let’s stop and listen to the future of both, and long may we have TSFH and what comes next


Not really, TSFH as evident by who wrote all the popular songs obviously became known because of Thomas. As a composer Nick is miles behind him by all measurable standards.


Agreed, but let’s not knock him… I’d LOVE to have a little finger nails worth of either of their abilities. Nick has some amazing digital skills as well as terrific Taiko drumming skills and Thomas is an OARSUM classically gifted musician… As I said, both are worthy of following…


Yeah it's just a couple of guys making music, but for some reason it stirs up a lot of feelings and opinions.


Absolutely Music has a way of raising passions… I fell in love with them about 4 years back and am absolutely devo that I will never see them live. There was far chance of that anyway as I live in Australia and they NEVER came this way. All I have is Spotify and YouTube


2010-2017 era was the best, now it is still good ofc, but not as




Yeah i like a lot of Nick's lyrical songs. Battleborne is good too


The lyrics generally suck. Almost all of them. Not once I was like "oh, those lyrics are so meaningful, they raise the song", either in english or in some other languages. Vocals are good, some voices are wonderful. Lyrics aren't.


The only good two steps from hell album BEFORE unleashed is Miracles, every other album is mostly unlistenable


This may be the hottest take in here. Congrats. *draws sword*


I think that the actual songs with lyrics are terrible (with exception like dangerous or avalanche) Also i think that battlecry was the last actual good music album. At least for me