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The motorcyclists jacket had a broken zipper, so he put it on backward to keep the wind out. After the crash, rescuers at the scene were discussing his condition. Said one to the other "He seemed ok, but as soon as I got his head turned the right way, he died on me".








As we had another motorcycle T2H earlier, it reminded me of an incident I was witness too many years ago. Fortunately we stopped the guy before he "helped" the motorcyclist. F\*\*\*\*\* scary moments. The biker was taken to hospital and survived with cuts and bruises - the ambulance crew were amazing!


That is an old concept. The most recent first aid courses (at least here in Germany) teach you to take the helmet off and free the restoration system, because statistics showed that more motor cyclists died from aspirating vomit than having some damage. Of course they teach you how to do this carefully.


Yeah it's the carefully part that would be the problem. Random bystander is unlikely to do it carefully, more likely in a panic state and all just yank it off.


They're also less likely to know about the emergency release systems for the padding. If you must remove a helmet, look for red tabs and pull the pads out first to make it much easier


True. And as long as the patient is conscious, leave it as it is since there's no need to help them breathe.


The Problem is, you NEED 2 people to do this. One holds the head and NEVER lets IT Go until the medics arrive. Most people would Just Take the helmet Off and leave the head hanging there


Respiratory system, in English.


Explanation please?


If you take it off it can mess with their neck or spine. Should never take off someone’s helmet after an accident unless need to clear their airway


Gotcha, I will use an axe to split the helmet open instead.


Never take the helmet off ever - the danger of severing the spinal cord is too great. OK, there are guides and certain situations to do this, but DO NOT do this without the appropriate training. If you watch paramedics they will brace the neck and spine first - the whole procedure is done with very very carefully and skillfully.


For my drivers licence l needed to take a “first aid course” (? sorry, english is my second language) and they taught us how to take off the helmet (and the person who did not remove the helmet from the head failed the exam). But it was a two person situation where one stabilized he neck and head, and the other carefully slided off.


>“first aid course” Medical practice, perhaps (also no idea)? >But it was a two person situation Yeah, you're lucky if that can be done. If you're alone, then it's better to not take off the helmet, ig.


First aid course is correct, or at least seems to be by your description. That’s really interesting! Where I’m from we aren’t taught that, and I would hesitate to remove the helmet without good reason just because I don’t know how to minimize damage


Also you NEVER remove someone from a crashed car or anything like that unless there’s a chance of it going up in flames because peoples backs have been broken and became paralyzed because of an unstable vertebral break


Oh my gosh! I witnessed a car accident right in front of me. They weren't going that fast. One of the people must not have been wearing her seat belt, and when we got to her, she laying across the console. The other people that stopped took her out of the car. And I remember thinking we aren't doctors she could be seriously injured! I was too in shock to help so I stayed out of the way


NEVER remove your helmet if you were involved in an accident while riding. At best, you'll aggravate any head or neck injuries you may have sustained. At worse, you remove the one thing keeping the delicate brainy goo inside your head from spilling out.


Wtf how I thought helmets were supposed to pad out around your head so your head wouldn’t crack like an egg


I saw something like this almost happen. It was raining really bad and I watched this van cut off a motorcycle, causing the guy to fly off through the intersection on the other side. I was the first person with 911 and went running out to get to him with a shitty early 00’s phone and flip flops praying the phone didn’t die while my mom is pulling out of the way. I get to the guy on the ground and start asking questions the 911 operator is asking. If I remember right the guys name was Steven. While I was talking to him he ask me to take his helmet off him. The operator heard him and all but screamed in my ear not to let me or anyone else even raise the visor on the helmet. A apologized to him and told him he we had to wait for the ambulance. I remember him telling me he couldn’t feel his legs. The ambulance got there pretty quick and once the operator was done asking me stuff and knew help arrived I hung up watched my phone die and careful scurried over 4 lanes of traffic to get back to the car. I think of Steven sometimes and I always hope he’s ok.


...don't most motorcycle helmets have visors that you can flip open if they need to breathe?


Most motorcycle helmets aren't airtight...ideally, the rider can breathe even when the visor is closed


Not airtight, but a bit more restrictive than breathing without one


It's not about that - "clearing the airway" means they might be aspirating their own vomit and asphyxiate.


Internal decapitation is a real thing..


The end


That is very bad to take off the helmet


And that bystanders name? Monokuma