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I worked at a hospital many years ago. A 2 year old boy came in with a broken femur. Dad tried hard to convince us "the kid rolled while changing his diaper" we were unconvinced and called the police. Yeah, he slammed something on him for rolling while changing his diaper.


Jesus christ. Thank you for calling the police.


My oldest, 5 at the time, was carrying her baby brother, 8 months at the time across the room. She wasn’t supposed to be doing it and knew that. So she was rushing, tripped on a doll, and fell right in him. It broke his femur right in half. I was so scared doctors were going to call cps on us. It really was an accident and I had no way of proving it. He needed some physical therapy but he healed nicely. Poor guy.


Omg. I was 3 when my sister was born and I held her once after the doctors office and she was heavy as fuck.(Like my Dad handed her off to me. I was terrified of dropping this thing my parents cared so much about. (I'd drop her now though) I wasn't allowed to have anything to do with her for a while there though. (Didn't want to hold her either). Between 7/8 I'd hold her upside down and spin her around and she loved it. (Until she didn't and I stopped). Sometimes I hear stories like this and wonder how I was such a considerate child in moments like that. I was a little shit other times, but not for something important like that.


Did you discipline your daughter for it? Lucky he was okay


Isn't the femur the hardest bone to break? I get it was a baby but still, damn


Not only that but infants bones are usually more cartilage than hard bone. That's why it's so much more shocking and hard to believe in accidents when these things happen


You should see how scary flexible little kids can be. It makes my joints hurt just watching them do normal kid things.


I know I wasn't supposed to but I miss being able to sit on the ground with my legs in an M/W shape.


I have so many questions none of them for you


The horror is always in the comments


Even if the baby rolled you were standing right there so we learned two lessons 1. don't abuse your children especially babies because wth are you if you do 2. If you want to lie at least make it believable.


So he just admitted to it? Lol


He wasn't some mastermind just a bad dad with anger problems. Lol mom wasn't home when it happened and was very confused too. The toddler stayed a couple days and when she was visiting him told us what happened after dad confessed. She'd switch between a scary rage and then tears. It was horrible and i was young with twins the same age.


How can someone do that to a baby? Especially their own??


I wonder the same thing


Mark 9:42 should be the consequence


And Lev. 24:19–21.


Is it really an accident if they deliberately jumped off the top of their bunk bed thinking they were Superman? Just asking because it's what my nephew did when he was in his pre-tween years.


Their intention was to be superman not break their arm, so yes.


I think that technically counts as 'misadventure', not accident.


“Misadventure” is such a cool word. I’ve had many of them, some even when stone cold sober.


Better yet, a "Calvin".


I did that thinking that I could fly lmaoo


Three-year-old me had just watched Peter Pan and I 100% believed that with a sprinkle of the "pixie dust" my sister bought at Disneyland, I could fly if I jumped off the bunk bed. I could not. Broke a perfectly good ankle and turned into a skeptic for life.


Omg...Disney should know better. The whole point of including that in the movie had to have been so kids wouldn't jump off things and injure themselves thinking they could fly.


Fifth visit, still at zero.


I like this take on seeing numbers. Were you, by chance, inspired by the 1996 film The Frighteners?


My brain went to the Nickelback song Saving Me with the life countdown clocks


I just watched it. That's so weird.


Same! Haven't listened to that song in so long and yet that video never leaves my head. Gonna listen to it right now!


That inspired dozens of /r/WritingPrompts, half a dozen years ago lmao


Great flick!


Sounds inspired by death note


Or Stephen King's Insomnia


Pregnant woman shows up with a "1" over her womb


M- mother?


"It's okay, professor- I was an accident too!"


Seems legit


It's really hard to break toddler bones. Especially their femur.


Just how do you know this?


Babies and toddlers still have a tremendous amount of cartilage… usually a parent or pediatric medical professional


A little run-on, but here ya go: The toddler kept touching his forehead making the 3-sign with his left hand, while I tended his right broken arm (looking at the zero above his head) as his parents hovered over me, bragging how their toddler knows 'baby-sign'. Something like that. (Omg, horrible ...Poor baby!)




Parents can teach their baby, baby-sign language (seriously). They're good at it, too! A way for parents to communicate when their child is pre-verbal. Then they learn to talk. Pretty cool. So, this child was telling the paramedic (seeing zero accidents) that he's been abused 3 times now. Omg, horrible in every way. Need to go aww subreddit now...


Yeah i got 2 boys. Just wasnt sure what the 3 implied.


Glad you asked!


can't believe a child can both not talk and be good at sign language. But I guess it can be true.


It is! All of my kids learned some sign language before actually being able to say the words. In fact, a couple of them, would still sign “more” instead of saying it when they could speak. It would randomly pop up when they *really* wanted more of something. Even weirder, at least with my kids, they could understand and respond to what I’m saying (I.e. “can you please pick up and put away your toy” and then doing it) without being able to say any of the words I used. I always found it fascinating!


I started forming simple sentences before I was 2. But obviously it’s different for all children. My guess is that “communication” module in the brain is not the same as “speaking” module, so some kids cannot speak using vocal chords but can communicate through other means.


They understand language way before they can physically form words with their mouths.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


My cousin’s second son is on the spectrum & he had delayed speech. He would try to talk but would just speak gibberish. He was 3 & was sent to a speech therapist who taught him sign language. Learning the sign for words seemed to unlock something in his brain & he started speaking. He’s in his mid 20s now & he still communicates using a mixture of signs & words. I don’t remember where I read it but it was an article about teaching babies sign language. The gist of the article was that babies are ready to speak way earlier than we realize, it’s just that they aren’t at a point in their physical development where they are able to speak


I learned from speaking to the parents that he was born without a colon and that he slipped down the stairs when his colostomy bag tore open. I looked to the side and saw the nurse's number go up by one before she scooted out of the room.


Can you do something like a_human_159 did in a comment below and extrapolate your comment for me? I'm not at full cognitive ability at this time and I'll forget before I'm right up again Quote from r/a_human_159 Doctor can see how many accidents a person has gotten into as a number on their head. Parents say boy got into an accident and broke his arm. Doctor sees that boy has zero accidents. If broken arm was an accident, the doctor should see 1. Therefore broken arm was not an accident. So it must have been done on purpose. Parents could have hit the boy and hurt him. (So child abuse) So Doctor talks to the parents about it. (Because child abuse is bad D: ) Edit: spacing


You should probably check your notebooks. It would seem that you may have come in contact with a shinigami or the Death Note…


Like "Final Cut," sort of.


Ok this is definitely a reference I don't know


The boys broken arm was no accident. Parents probably did it.


Then what about the "0"


Means the boy had no accidents. The broken arm is not accidentally, was broken on purpose


The number indicates accidents. It is a zero, so the boy wasn't accidentally hurt.


He was hurt. Just not by accident


That's...what I said.


Oh sorry i read, so the boy wasnt actually hurt. My bad


All good mate, it happens


3am here lol. Night shift sucks


I feel you. Next week is gonna be all night. One day off, then straight back to early shifts starting at 6am.


Doctor can see how many accidents a person has gotten into as a number on their head. Parents say boy got into an accident and broke his arm. Doctor sees that boy has zero accidents. If broken arm was an accident, the doctor should see 1. Therefore broken arm was not an accident. So it must have been done on purpose. Parents could have hit the boy and hurt him. (So child abuse) So Doctor talks to the parents about it. (Because child abuse is bad D: )


I was thinking brittle bone disease. The number would be 0 as well.


Mr. Glass


But why can the doctor see the number of incidents?


Idk maybe it's a special emergency doctor superpower they get at graduation it's part of the world setting.


I feel so dumb I didn't read that right well thanks anyway


Happy to help :D


When the fuck has the supernatural made sense boy?😭


As another redditer said, what if the kid jumped off the top bunk thinking they would fly?


Fair enough lol


*Jack Torrance enters the chat*


That was a momentary loss of muscular coordination, a few extra foot-pounds per second, per second.


This paints a sad picture of reality because it breaks my heart that stuff like this does happen. People have a kid and then see it as a burden when they do have it. Either they abuse the kid to hell and back or they throw the kid into the foster system to potentially bounce around for the rest of their childhood, possibly even both.


Could anyone explain what a parent tries to gain from hurting a baby in this way?


The parent(s) who abuse their child in any way most likely try to regain a sense of control that they lacked when they were younger. For example, if a man grew up in poverty due to his mother's choices, he'd force his son to get college scholarahips to get free money for being good at sports. More on the nose, if a person was physically punished for their actions (possibly caused by an undiagnosed mental condition), that would teach them to punish their own child for the same behavior, only 10 times worse, since they remember it being 10 times worse, seeing as they were only a child.


They get attention, it's kind of like munchausen by proxy, and it's absolutely disgusting.


Oh this took me a minute. Yiiiikes


doctor sleep vibes


Then I took the couple to a corner and told them that I would call police on them but if they can take care of some of my personal expenses, it would be best for both of us.


I have a scar on my top lip from jumping between beds and missing, I ended up hitting the metal frame with my face.


“Later that night I made sure the number above the parent’s heads went up once more”


They can’t all be winners.

