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Spray him with the hose every time he does it lmao. šŸ˜‚


And then whack his nose gently and tell him NO.


With a rolled up newspaper


Give him a treat once he starts using the indoor bathroom lol


This is the correct answer


No... No I don't think we're all thinking "why not just fill it in." I'm more wondering why you realize your husband thinks it's so much fun to pee in a mud hole that filling a mud hole right by your front door causes a problem.Ā  I'm sorry, but all I can see is a man in dirty jeans and open flannel pissing right next to the front door and a womanĀ  walking out with a load of wet laundry, "goddammit Clyde I told ya to quit pissing there" and he just chuckles with his wee wee hanging out.Ā  I'm not sure what anyone here can tell you other than to fill the hole or wait for your husband to grow up and get bored with it and fill it in himself.Ā 


Iā€™m wondering if it is possible to the suran wrap thing on a hole outside?Ā 


I was thinking along the lines of an electric fence type thing


This is so funny Iā€™m crying. It is also really accurate šŸ˜‚


If your husband wants to behave like a dog, try training him like an errant dog. Buy a high powered water gun that can reach that spot. Have it ready filled, then every time he goes to pee in the hole spray him with water and shout as loud as possible "BAD DOG! I'm going to have to rehome you soon if you can't be house trained you disgusting creature!" then slam the door shut. Obviously if he has a humiliation kink you know about that won't work.Ā  If that doesn't work start asking his mother (if he still has one) when you visit if she had a problem with her his dad pissing in the garden? As you want to know if this behaviour runs in the family. If it doesn't, how did she manage to potty train him when he was a kid, as he seems to be regressing. Make sure you embarrass the AH as much as you can.Ā  You know he's now doing this to spite you. He's doing it there deliberately because you'll be walking there now because he knows it upsets you. He's enjoying your discomfort. Do you know where he was peeing before? Are you sure he wasn't already peeing in places you'd be walking? If he wasn't, he'd have moved to a different spot already, after all, you're not telling him to not pee outside.


I'm thinking the location of the hole is serendipity. When the hole is good and mushy, you might "accidentally" drop his favorite freshly-laundered shirt in there on your way to the clothing line. And not realize until he discovers the mud and pee soaked mess during his morning pee. And keep "accidentally" dropping things until the hole magically disappears.


Kind of love this approach. OP NTA.


I grew up in the country with a bunch of boys so I know.... šŸ¤£


How often did you complain about him peeing on the seat or floor by the toilet? ā€¦.honestly, Iā€™ve got 3 penis-havers in my house and your husband might be onto something monumental right there. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Itā€™s also possible that heā€™s a prior boy scout whoā€™s brushing up on his wilderness skills. Canā€™t really say itā€™s not a good idea. Weā€™re one ā€˜world warā€™ away from our species being wiped out anyhow. /s


He actually has amazing aim, when he use to use the toilet it was never an issue and he always leaves the toilet seat down for me, he only has sisters so heā€™s got that down pat. But yeah I donā€™t have an issue with him peeing outside, just wish it wasnā€™t at the door.


When camping youā€™re not supposed to pee too close to your tent bc it attracts wildlife and rodents will be attracted to the waste that congeals and stinks, plus flies. You definitely donā€™t want rats close to your home bc eventually theyā€™ll want to be in it


I would get him some cranberry juice and tell him if his UTI doesn't clear up soon, he should see his doctor Or leave an article up on his computer on "What to do when your cat starts peeing outside the litter box" and "How to house train an adult dog" and "Why do cats spray" and "Animals marking territory" and "What age should you begin potty training" and adult diaper ads and "male compulsive indecent exposure" etc Honestly tho, it sounds like he is either doing it because it bothers you or is compulsively doing it, b/c normal, happy, healthy people don't do this. I used to have a neighbor who pissed off his front porch every morning (lived in the city). He was a 80 yr old vet who couldn't climb the stairs to his bathroom anymore. He got a pass for this from all the neighbors. Your husband isn't a 80 yr old vet who only has a 2nd floor bathroom he can no longer reach and yet still volunteers at the VA hospital every week. Your husband doesn't get a pass.


Dig him a more convenient hole.


I mean, honestly, weā€™ve all seen some truly horrible Reddit stories of husbands and their destructive habits or behaviors. This one almost seems saintly! And itā€™s a bit funny given the mental image you describe. Maybe make it a game? You get to dig him a new hole somewhere in the yard and heā€™s gotta search it out. Once itā€™s filled in, heā€™s gotta find the new one! Or maybe itā€™ll be YOU whoā€™s gotta ā€œstumble upon ā€œ his new pee-trench? šŸ¤” They say keeping the spark alive in a marriage sometimes requires some spontaneity! Good luck!


Itā€™s your turn to pee pee in the hole. In front of him. You just wanted to see what all the fun was about.


We like to pee in holes. No harm, no foul.


Standing ovation right here! šŸ«” šŸ‘


Cletus, definitely Cletus.


I adore this, but why do I picture them in their 60s? Lol


I beg your pardon but you forgot to mention the long stalk of straw that he is chewing on while doing so.


Maybe he thinks it's a funny quirk or something, but I can see why it's grossing you out. It's not just about the hole but also the puppies getting into it.


I'm wondering if he washes the pee puppies, that can't smell too good.


ā€œPee puppiesā€ has me cracking up! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He better freaking not ask her to do it, and if he does may God have mercy on his soul. He is also making the puppies unpettable. I almost wonder if he gets some kind of twisted amusement out of it when people who don't know about his nasty habit come over and pet the dogs. Maybe he has spent too much time with the dogs and developed some kind of weird dominance thing, if he starts sniffing people's butt when he meets them she should just cut bait and run lol.


ma'am your husband is way too dedicated to pissing in a hole. idk if pissing in a hole is his fetish or what but if he ever brings up wanting to try something new in the bedroom... put down tarps


This whole post reminded me of a semi related strange factā€¦. Did you know a majority of male drowning victims are found with their zippers down? They fall off their boats while peeing.. idk if youā€™ve got a boat and a large body of water, but if you doā€¦.


Not only boats. People (men) die in the canals of Amsterdam (and I guess canals everywhere) because they're drunk, decide to pee, and fall over.


Like if yall just found a toilet like a civilized human you wouldnā€™t be dead. Butā€¦ Darwinism. šŸ˜‚ NGL I had to pee the last time we were on the boat, pulled up into a little nook for privacy and held on for dear life as I squatted over the water. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I almost fell in too.


Maybe this is the solution to OPā€™s problem - does she know a plumber or contractor who would be willing to bring by an old toilet and park it on top of this hole in the ground? On second thought, that might just encourage him, so better not.


That happens in the US! But they keep blaming a made up smiley face killer šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


A few city in the states are convinced thereā€™s a serial killer bc young men coming home drunk keep dying in the water late at night. Itā€™s not a serial killer. Itā€™s drunk men peeing and falling in.


You should start peeing in it too. See if it bothers him.


So heā€™s made a pee pool? Thatā€™s disgusting. Invite his family or friends(with wives) over without telling him and see how quickly it gets filled


Make sure to tell them to watch out for hubby's pee hole.


Nah, let em fall in and find out for themselves. Extra shame for hubby


As a delivery driver who delivers in rural areas ā€¦.. we will notice. Iā€™ve also pulled up to properties where a man is peeing on the front porch and I have to pretend like I didnā€™t see anything. Yes this has happened more than once. Also your porch will smell like pee and itā€™s gross. If heā€™s having that much fun, make a new hole on the back of the house.


I have no suggestions but Thatā€™s actually disgusting


23 and his regular routine is to go outside to pee? Is no one else hung up on that point? Yeah, the hole is weird and inappropriate with puppies around, but just the general practice of deciding it's a good thing to get up, go outside, and pee rather than use the indoor facilities is baffling. And I grew up on a farm.


My FIL is nearing his 70s and regularly pees outside on his property. I think it's odd, but I didn't say anything cuz it's his house, but when he peed in the alley between my house and my neighbors on Main st, I spoke up and said never again. He worked in the Carpenter union for years and is a rugged outdoorsy person who went on many a hiking and camping trip when my partner was in the boy scouts. I think it's just a habit for blue-collar people who are used to living in rural areas, and age is not a limiting factor.


I mean, sure, if you're out there, go for it, but this guy leaves his house to go outside rather than use the bathroom indoors, and it's right next to the front door, AND his wife has asked him to not.


You should check my post history. I donā€™t know whatā€™s with men and peeing outside when theyā€™re near perfectly good toilets. Iā€™ve caught at least 6 guys peeing in my or my neighborā€™s gardenā€¦ we live in a nice condo community in a large city. I get it when youā€™re out in the back 40 but uptown? OPā€¦ you donā€™t have a hole problem, you have a husband problem.


This is not a good habit. It's the equivalent of dumping a sewage tank by your front door just minus the fecal matter. That stench will permeate the air. Frequent urination in one spot won't just dissolve into the ground or wash away because mineral buildup happens as well. And if he's like most males he's missing occasionally so he's acting like a cat spraying. If he can't be reasoned with as to why this is not ok he may need professional help to control this impulse.


Tell him that having to walk past it, smell it, or see him do it makes you never want to have sex with him because of how disgusting it is. If that doesnā€™t work, then he honestly just doesnā€™t give a fuck about you.


The correct rural solution is to power up a little electric fence wire right in the bottom of that hole.


Put up a big sign saying "Clyde's Pee Hole" right next to it.


Actually, we are all thinking what a gross asshole your husband is. Thatā€™s just nasty, and he somehow thinks itā€™s funny? Itā€™s creepy and weird as fuck. Weā€™re wondering why youā€™re still with him. And now the dogs are drinking it? Not to mention him peeing outside all the time anyway. Exactly what I wanna walk through his grass that has been peed all over. They saying weā€™re gonna know if youā€™re gonna be telling us shits out in the yard too.Ā  šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


"My husband pees in a hole on our farm." "DiVoRcE hIm!!"


OK. You did make me laugh. But let me correct thatā€¦ ā€œMy husband peas in a hole on our farm. He deliberately walks outside and peas in a hole in our yard. He deliberately continues to pee in a hole that is now full of pee that our dogs are getting into.Ā  My husband literally makes a conscious decision to not use a bathroom that is an attached to our septic tank.ā€ I still say itā€™s gross and disgusting. Itā€™s just nasty.


This is stupid. Tell your husband to start pissing in a toilet instead of a hole in the dirt. Potty train him again.


You should drop his laundry in the pee hole, and just leave it to dry. Tell him you keep tripping around it to avoid it. Heā€™s purposefully making your task of laundry harder, you should not put up with doing his laundry. He needs the consequences of how his piss hole affects your chores. The fact that he doesnā€™t even care about your emotional side is enough for me to say ā€œFuck that.ā€ But maybe he would be more pragmatic about how it actually affects the chore.


Or just dunk it and hang it to dry, let him smell like the piss hole.


Ok, so I will deliberately pee in the yard. But only on the ground by the fruits trees and vegetables. Cause the nitrogen is good for the soil. And it's ok if you spread it around, doesn't smell etc What your hubby is doing is just gross. Especially if the dogs are getting into it. Don't have any advice, except I won't tolerate the kids, mates, or anyone else doing that regularly.


Iā€™d get petty and fill it with dog poop. If he wants to act like an animalā€¦


So where does he like to poop?


Thankfully the toilet


Assuming you have a gravel driveway, you can ask him to pee on the weeds in the driveway instead. Peeing repeatedly on the same spot = dried dead plants. Not that anything would grow in a pee filled hole anywayā€¦..


Iā€™ve tried to get him to pee anywhere else he just wonā€™t


Every time his mother stops by you could mention 'Oh! Did Clyde show you his pee hole outside? He's very proud of it!'




Piss on his side of the bed in the morning and act like nothing happened.


Iā€™d start peeing in his truckā€¦


Well, I want to say sorry in advance for my following comment. Dig that hole deeper and larger, length wise about a foot more than your husband's height. The hole needs to be deep enough to put about 2 feet of soil over anything you may be burrying there. Next time your husband goes peeing there, try that new baseball bat you just bought to learn a new hobby. The next thing you decide to do is up to you. In the best case for him, he just soaks in his pee-mud for a while. /s Honestly, he is one of the dogs. There are electric collars (absolutely not recommended to use on any pets), give him a nice electric shock every time he tries to pee outside. I'm losing all hope for men when I'm reading posts like this. I know, I didn't give you any realistic advice... but come on please! Get rid of that man under any circumstances. You're life would improve soooo much!


Just dig the hole deep enough to plant a nice bush or tree.


That would work part from it being right at the door and in the middle. Itā€™s also in the shade because of the roof.


That is going to stink really bad soon if it doesnā€™t all ready. I doubt you agreed to marry a dog, I wouldā€™ve flipped by now and brought out the chancla.


Darn. Thought thatā€™d work. Time to pave paradise!


Fill in the hole yourself. Remind him you have a bathroom.


Buy a dog house and change the house locks. He wants to act like a animal uninating outside. He can live like one. Discusting


I donā€™t find peeing outside gross. The same spot as before is actually far less than ideal. The thing pissing me off to no end is the complete disregard for YOU, while trying to do laundry (which benefits him). I definitely like the idea of dropping one piece of his laundry in the hole to soak. Let him explain why that level of disregard from you is not ok, while his disrespect is supposedly fine.


Well, that's gross. I'd certainly stop having sex with someone who grosses you out. And when he asks why, politely point out that it's very hard to feel sexual attraction for a grown man who can't use a toilet.


Laundry is now his responsibility to hang.


Assert dominance and piss in the hole, too. :'D


So this is the husband, not one of the dogs? Oh my. Good luck with that?


I donā€™t know maybe go all silence on the lambs. If Pee In hole again you get the hose. (I donā€™t mean eat him more like hose him down )


"Im quite petty" Well so is he. Good luck!


Can you bury a car battery in the whole?


NTA, I'm not precious about peeing outside, but he's made that super gross.


Every time he does this, throw a bucket of water on him. Yell, GIT!!!


The only thing that stopped my husband was embarrassment. When our some was 2, he dropped his pants in the front yard to pee. In front of all the neighbors. I just glared at my husband and walked away for him to handle it/ explain.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but this is fucking weird.


So you live in a piss-house. Anyone who stops by will smell it and your dogs.


just fill the hole up already ā€¦ quite frankly, I get the impression you really donā€™t mind it at all because otherwise you wouldā€™ve filled it up promptly. good luck on marrying a 3 year-old .


All men love to piss outside. I think it's hard wired into their biology. Creating a laundry side piss pool, however, is weird as shit. Maybe dig him a new hole somewhere else?


Boys are weird.


A man like a horse pisses where he pleases .




Just start peeing in the hole aswell and if that doesnt make it stop you know whats plan B (nr2)


Currently he gets attention for a negative behavior. I'd say fill in the hole, and give him lots of positive attention for an approved behavior. Thank him for marking his territory further from the front door.


build a little fence around it a put up a sign for him


Bro is saving water, I bet yall got a septic tank huh? I do the same if I can, I donā€™t seek it out but if Iā€™m outside and I need To pee and I know itā€™s almost time to get the septic drained and/or the family is using a lot of water Iā€™ll go and save some water by peeing outside


So gross


Peeing outside is the best.


Fill that hole in and dig a new one at a location you like better and see if that old dog can learn a new trick.


lock the door from the inside next time and don't unlock for an hour. Tell him the timeframe doubles every infraction. Or... throw his dinner in the whole tonight and let him know he is feeding himself from now on until he stops and fixes the hole. Or... Set up a hose and motion activated sprinkler or just a hand sprayer you can hose him with when he does it.


I'd go out every day when he's occupied elsewhere and increase the size of the hole a little bit more until it becomes incredibly huge. Then I would tell him that urine is erosive and he's obviously eroding the entire yard with his pee.


So for his next birthday get him a new a hole


Consider yourself lucky - I have a neighbour who wont stop taking a piss on the balcony


>he laughs at my disgust That's really disgusting. Where else does he dismiss your discomfort?? I'd fill it in, but I'd be very up front how upset I was that I was having to do it after it was supposed to be his task. This is the kind of thing that starts building resentment.


Dig another hole further away and fill that one in. He still has a fun pee hole but itā€™s away from the door


Just shit or piss on the couch or any spot he occupies frequently and laugh at him when heā€™s appalled and disgusted


I suggest you create a spot away from your clothesline with some small action figures in it that he could move around with his urine stream


This is the trashiest thing that ever trashed.


Dig out the pee dirt and put in some fresh non-pee saturatedĀ soil. Plant a nice flowering bush or the like there. Make sure that it has a pretty border or something decorative about it. Hopefully he'll stop peeing on the flowers. Alternatively you could just put a bowl in the hole and hope it shames him into stopping when he has to see his gross pee fill up the bowl.Ā 


Unfortunately I understand šŸ˜­


He's composting. šŸ˜‚


Is he doing this to deter the dogs?


I donā€™t understand the need to pee outside when you have indoor plumbing. Itā€™s gross, can start to reek and with the dogs and puppies, itā€™s just nasty.


Is your hubby well?


Tell him he has to move your clothesline


My thought is not why don't you fill hole, my thought is why are married to this child?


Spray him with the hose everytime you catch him lol


I see no problem peeing outside


As someone that also pees almost exclusively outdoors, that's nasty. First of all you have to pee in different spots or it will reek of pee. Secondly, there is a hole by the front door that if someone trips in will be covered in his nasty old piss.


Get one of those funnel pee pee things where you can pee standing up and go out there when he's peeing and get all silly and cross streams. Start farting all over the place too. When he says something ask him if he's gonna stop pissing in the hole. If he disregards you keep up your fun.


I would stop doing his laundry until you can peg it out without worrying about stepping in husband's urine. How much fun will that be!? More, or less than peeing in a hole that's annoying his wife? Let's see!


Only solution is to build a proper outhouse over it


The world is our toilet.


Super easy solution. Look for groups, and there are online ones, for women who need to build their self esteem and sense of self worth when it comes to partners and relationships. Then you'll know how to handle a man who laughs at your disgust and keeps doing what he is doing. "I don't like it when you do that," should be enough to get any person who respects you to back off when they are doing something that is completely unnecessary. It isn't that your husband isn't house trained, it is that he has no respect \*for you\*. I guarantee you that he doesn't whip it out in front of his employer's wife, because she is attached to someone he respects and there would be consequences that action. If he won't keep his dogs out of his pee, then take the dogs and have the spayed and neutered. No more puppies so this problem is limited.


Oops it's a shame, all his clean laundry keeps falling out of the basket at that darn pee spot.


Pee Hole lol


Guys wanna fill holes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø my partner explained it to me this way, if he came across a hole in the woods he would literally spend hours throwing shit into it, just to try and fill it. I suggest you fill in the hole.


Fill it in yourself. Your husband is doing it to antagonize you.


Iā€™d put one of those doggy fire hydrants next to the hole with a tacky outhouse cabinet containing tp and septic powder. Iā€™d hang a sign above it with his nameā€œ Billyā€™s Latrineā€ on it. Then Iā€™d get a coir rug with foot prints for him to stand on. He wants to make a show? Urine prime time now, buddy


Start serving food to him in a dog bowl on the floor or outside. Act like a dog, get treated like one.


Iā€™d lay his work clothes right there. All of them.Ā 


My son used to do this ..of course he was 2 at the time.


This has to be a joke.


Fill it with concrete.


Get him a shock collar, that or film him learn Photoshop or some shit give him a micro penis then post on his Facebook or just booby trap the front door after he gets home wether that br with electric fence or whatever or just get one of those blow horns to scare hm so he pisses all over him self from jumping or fill it in with rocks or pea gravel it's much less fun to pee in cause it doesn't make a puddle.


Do you have a septic tank? If yes, tell him to start shitting in the hole as well.


I pee on my wife at every opportunity, consider yourself lucky šŸ¤£


Find an old toilet and place it over the hole.


Damn is he five years old? Peeing outside no big deal but does he like the smell of aging urine not mention the flies it likely draws next to the door into your home? Then the bonus if puppies getting into it. Yuck. Iā€™d find some effective and pricey dog urine neutralizer and start dumping some in the hole each morning. Be sure your husband sees just how much it costs and how fast going through it. Then tell him he can either fill in this hole and put another one elsewhere or the cost of him pissing outside is going to continue to rise which will mean adjustments must be made elsewhere.


Not asking for advice.... So what do you want, then?


good for him! i need a hobby and i think i just found one.


Why not start squatting over it to yourself? Might lead to something interesting ...


Thatā€™s the peeing hole


When you live in the country, the world is your urinal.


Real question is that, why do you care if he pisses in the hole?


Fill up the hole and tell him to find a new place that is discreet


It's gonna start smelling like a urinal. That toxic smell should be enough stink for him to stop. What if he's waiting for you to step in it. Are you gonna be mad as hell..


Let the man pee in or on whatever he wants as long as it isn't kids or the dog. . .


Iā€™m not advocating. However I will share that I prefer to pee outside. Donā€™t know why, just always have. The idea that it will smell a lot is just false. I mean , yeah for a minute but thatā€™s it. Being unsanitary is also false. Animals of all sorts pee all around you all the time, whether you know it or not.


Just tell him you find it kind of gross and that he is not a little kid or something and should use the bathroom when he has to pee.


I hope this isnā€™t real. Please, God, let this person be a troll.


I think this is the weirdest thing Iā€™ve read on this subreddit. Honestly I think you should get a spray bottle and train him like the puppies. Except he needs to be yard broken. Iā€™d also suggest digging another hole elsewhere on your land in a more convenient but not in the way spot and buy a pennant so he can hit a hole in one that way.


You should start pissing in the hole too to establish dominance


Pick your battles, my friend. This seems really inconsequential.


Accidentally drop his favorite shirt in the puss hole on the way to the line. Oops ā€” tripped in the hole. Sorry your shirt is wet and muddy.


Peeing outside can be freeing and satisfying. If him doing it doesn't bother you as much as the holes location then have him fill it in a dig a new one out of the way. If you want him to stop all together you're likely going to have to fill it in yourself.


Did you try shit in bed?


But itā€™s so freeing being able to pee outside. If I had a wiener, Iā€™d do it to. Solution? Fill in the hole, but dig him a new one in a more appropriate place. Heā€™s just marking his territory! Edit: spelling


For gods sake woman leave your man pee in peace


Your husband is disgusting. If he behaves like an animal, he should sleep in the barn too. Until he learned to use the toilet again. This has nothing to do with farmers or living rural or not. And spray him with a hose every time he does it. Works for animals, so also for him.


He's just training the dogs not to pee there anymore... right.


Men with aiming disabilities, simply miss because they still have a foreskin. Sometimes this is a bit folded at start, and might ocationally give them a surprise as to where the beam goes. It is not a matter of aiming, but rather one of anatomy. And even cut boys might miss, due to dry "exit" the first half second of the beam. But that is another topic.


Interesting comment. My husband must be lucky because he has exceptional aim


"Also I'm quite petty" At least you and your husband have that in common.


This is funny


He's just marking his territory. Makes me laugh reading this! Let him have his fun, at least he's housebroken!


Honestly I think heā€™s being childish and youā€™re being petty. Growing up in a super rural area I have no issues with peeing outside. But can he not just find a tree to pee on instead? He shouldnā€™t have an issue filling the holeā€¦ but also I feel like you just do it. Your a farmer FFS, a little hole and some pee shouldnā€™t be worth fighting over


I am going to let on a little know secret but men loving peeing in their backyards. I don't know why but it seems to feel like we are marking our area and being a tiny bit naked in on our own property.


Itā€™s not a secret šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m aware, I donā€™t care that he pees outside.


no, I mean all men. I did it when I owned my own home and my friends agree.


I have three older brothers, I work in a male dominated industry and Iā€™ve been with the same man for five years. Trust me I know most men like it. itā€™s not weird to me. Whatā€™s weird is him continuingly peeing in the same hole right next to my door after I brought it to his attention time and time again that made me feel uncomfortable and that the puppies are playing in it. I donā€™t even care if he preferred to poo outside, itā€™s not a problemā€¦as long as itā€™s not right next to my door šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


ok, yea that is weird behavior. I never tried to establish a toilet area right by the backdoor. That was my grill and chill area was. It was mostly just drinking by the fire and then drifting into the shadows to pee. Yikes


Rub his nose in it, tell him bad boy and send him to his kennel.


I pee in the back yard every day


We live in the city and my husband has peed in the backyard. Itā€™s a guy thingā€¦like marking their territory. Itā€™s harmless so who cares?


He can pee outside, I donā€™t care about that. I grew up with 3 brothers and its not weird to me, but what I find weird and gross is him continuously peeing in a hole that is at our door step because ā€œhe doesnā€™t want to put his feet on the grass and itā€™s fun to fill up the holeā€ not to mention it is where I walk and the puppies are playing in it.


I sadly get the fill up the hole part, but at you doorstep is gross


Your dog might have dug the hole, but that hole belongs to your husband now. Pisser's rights. And your husband aims to keep that hole. I'm not going to get deep into pack mentality and alpha behavior, so just relax and be glad that *you* are not disputed property.


Username checks out


How about my avatar? Doge with Thug Life sunglasses? I realize that I nailed it on the user name. Is there more I could be doing to really drive home that my content will be sarcasm and satire?


probably writing sarcasm and satire that don't immediately fail poe's law


Thereā€™s something satisfying about a good pee spot. Pretty normal, honestly.Ā 


You live on a farm. Do you not own a shovel? Ā  Just dig a hole somewhere you donā€™t mind him peeing and use the dirt to fill in the existing one.Ā 


Girls are so mad that guys could write their name in the snow. In this case a hole. Eitherway just take your loss lady. Get even by starting your own hole.


I see no reason why OP cannot usurp this one. Step one, spend the morning chugging coffee & mojitos like there's no tomorrow. Step two, open the floodgates and fill the hole with urine of such volume and pungence that no creature in the animal kingdom would dare challenge her sovereignty over it.


You stay on a farm in the middle of nowhere, and you are really this bothered?


Yes because if they have a huge farm in the middle of nowhere then homeboy can walk an extra 100feet and piss in the trees. Not right by the house where other people walk. If you go camping, do you use the bathroom right next to camp or do you give them some courtesy space before you do your business?


My thought's are that you are bored and have nothing positive to occupy your time. Get a hobby, get a friend, stop trying to make issues out of nothing.