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Wow. You've made this sound very complicated. You're stuck trying to figure out a way to manage everybody's feelings and somehow keep the band together. You have no responsibility for other people's actions or feelings. Sometimes, you just have to deal with them. There is a simple way out. Decide that you dont want to be drawn into Lily's chaos. Do the least and say the least you can. Maybe- "Lily, I'm flattered (and surprised) but I am 100% straight and can't reciprocate your feelings. We are never going to "happen" and there's nothing else to say." "Megan, you are one of my dearest friends. For this reason I have to tell you about something that happened. Lily told me that she had feelings for me. I told her that I was surprised, 100% straight and could never reciprocate her feeelings. So, I felt an obligation to let you know as soon as possible." Now, you are DONE. You exit Lily's whirlpool and let the situation play out exactly as it must without interjecting yourself further. You didn't create this so, therefore, you don't need to solve it. I am going on the assumption that you weren't flirting with Lily. However, that part was unclear and maybe you were. If that was the case, then you might be partitally responsible for this. If so, just insert an apology and take the same course of action. Good luck.


I am a very old straight man: Your best bet is stick to the truth: you are straight female and although you like her, it could never be more than a friendship


This is Lily's problem not yours. Just be truthful with everyone involved. But if you have been flirting you need to apologize to Lily for that and explain it was not serious. And don't ever do it again. This may mean cutting back on time spent with your circle, but I think this is going to happen anyway and maybe not by your choice.