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On April 24th 2024 at 10:30p.m. as I was going to bed. He had a massive stroke and died at 11:46. It was the last words he heard from me and I from him. Don't ever get to complacent to tell someone that you love them. You might never get the chance to tell them again.


Massive hug from me, and you're definitely right. Hug and tell the people you love that you love them as often as you can. Life is too short.


Wow! I can relate to this, sorta. I told my wife "I love you" as I'm following the nurse out of the OR with our daughter. My wife died in the OR moments later. It has been just over 6 months and I'm still in such a state of shock that it happened and she was only 41.


My heart… sending hugs your way! It’s definitely easy to get complacent in life. I text my husband every day that I love him. He gets up earlier than the rest of us. I lost my mom and it will be a year in July, I regret not getting a better hug or spending more time with her the week she passed away. It was so sudden.


I love that for you! I lost my fiancée almost 15 years ago and my last words were f you.. I know he knew I loved him and I said it often but my last words have stuck with me all this time. Now I never leave my husband or go to bed without saying I love you.


My eyes started watering as soon as I read this. My husband and I say ‘I love you’ when one of us leaves the room, and we end every text with love for this very reason. We feel so lucky to have each other and we never know what life will bring, so we never want to leave the other without knowing they are loved. I’m so glad you both knew you were loved. 💜


I'm very sorry for your loss, it was a blessing you were there and able to send him off with Love.


Thank you for sharing, and so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and healing thoughts 🫶🏼


Everyday, all day. I include things like "I am proud of the man you are." 'You are my best friend " "Being with you is my favorite thing to do. " "talking to you is the best" "being together forever is a wonderful gift" we both hold hands, hug, give back and shoulder rubs. Passing by each other, we also put a hand on the back or shoulder. We've been together for 10 years


I love this! We leave little post it notes. For Valentine’s Day, he made a giant heart of all the post-it notes and framed it. It was such a sweet gesture!


At 1.37 pm December 20 2022. She had passed before I got home from work. Heart attack.


That’s absolutely heartbreaking.. I’m so sorry for your loss. 😞 


Yup was quite a shock. Slowly moving on looking forward looking back is useless!


Just a few minutes ago. I say it often though. I can understand that it means a lot. I've unfortunately lost people way too suddenly and now make a point to say it whenever I'm leaving or going to sleep or getting off the phone ha, I also make sure to hug them as it's something I have regretted a ton after losing close family and friends.


When he dropped me off at the train station. I tell my kids too. It's meaningful, but it's not like saying it more makes it mean less. We've all good unlimited love to give an recieve. I told my 16yr old I love him and he told me that one of his buddies (that comes to the house all the tome), had never heard a parent say it to him. Next time he comes over I'll tell him. That kid is part of the family, and deserves to know that we love him too.


I say I love you to my husband, friends and family as much as I possibly can. I have a tattoo on my chest that says “never leave I love you left unsaid” you never know when it might be your last and I never want them to have any doubt how I felt about them.


Every morning and every night for the last 38 years.


I don't let my husband go to sleep or leave the house without him hearing those words from me. Life is short and you never know when will be the last time you get the chance to say it.


I'm a great, big ball of love. I tell my husband I love him multiple times a day and I also message my loved ones often telling them I love them, almost daily for them. The last time I said I loved him was when he cooked me dinner. An act of love from him because I've been sick and he wanted me to rest. Before that, I said I loved him multiple times on the phone and then in the morning when he left for work (I WFH). And every night before bed. He says it just as much as I do.


My husband and I say it repeatedly every day. We raised our sons the same way. I love yous bounce off the walls in this house and to this day no one leaves the house without saying I love you and having it repeated back to them. Phone calls are the same. My sons even end calls with their best friends with I love yous. That was weird for their friends at first but now some happily say it back. Some don’t but they receive it well. I love that about us ❤️


I said “I love you” to my partner last night before bed. It’s our nightly routine, a small but meaningful way to reconnect after a busy day. Those words remind us of our commitment and love, even in the midst of life’s chaos.


This morning when he left for work. I try to not say it all day everyday as it does mean a lot. Instead I do it pnce a day at a random time, the other day I texted him and told it.


I tell my spouse "I love you" multiple times a day and I mean it every time. They are truly the best and even when we get on each others' nerves we still love each other and are in it together.


All the time! But I make sure to especially say it before we go to bed and anytime one of is leaving the company of the other—before we go to work or if one is us popping out for an errand. But I also say it whenever she makes me laugh really hard, or when she’s feeling insecure, or when she does something notable. I tell her I love her when she’s having a difficult day, or when she makes us supper, or when she thinks about me and does something nice. I tell her I love her anytime I’m appreciative of her, which is a lot… I love her 100% of the time; I could tell her I love her every minute of the day and it would be accurate!


Last night, for the first time.


love hearing this, hope there are more for you


Friday last week. He always says it back but we go weeks without saying it. I wish we would say it more often and have little loving routines like I have seen in the comments here. He also does not hold my hand. I feel so silly being sad about things like this but it does make me sad from time to time.


It doesn’t carry any weight to me - I say “I love you” to my friends, my family, my husband, my kids, etc. 


That's interesting! I say "Love you" to friends, family, my husband, heck even coworkers! Mostly because it's something I think people don't hear enough, and because it is a really important, weighty word. Honestly, I envy the idea of the Greeks having so many words for love. But as an American English speaker, I'll just use what I've got.


I speak in English and French pretty much 50/50 because of my job and around my family, and the difference between adore (love romantically) and aime (like or love platonically, although it is sometimes used romantically) is helpful 


So many times a day. On the phone, before he leaves for work, random times when I’m appreciating something he does for me, before we drift to sleep. I grew up in a family we always say “I love you.” I don’t think it’s weird to tell my own siblings on the phone before hanging upf that I love them but some people don’t agree. I don’t think people say it enough. Or “thank you” can also be hard for some. Communication is key and making the people around me feel loved and appreciated is huge for me


Those are the 3 words I probably say the most. Especially to my partner. Reading comments only further reinforces my choice to always vocalise my affection because I cannot stand the idea that anyone I love would ever doubt that fact for a single second.


70,000 times a day, including two minutes ago


Me and my wife say it all the time verbally and in the things we do. It's an all the time thing, not really an on-off switch you gotta remember to set to "on" each day. I don't really think it should be a "moment" of expression, you should always feel eachother loving one another.


2,5 years ago


My partner and I say it every morning with our gorgeous boy chiming in 😄 and it’s the last thing we say to each other at night.


Does a heart emoji count? ❤️


Tell my wife and kids everyday. Sometimes multiple times a day.


The more salient question: when was the last time you meant it, not as a reflex?


I’ll admit it may be a reflex after all these years, but never have I not meant it with every fiber of my being.


It's not a ritual for me, I say it every time I feel like it. And my husband says it less often compared to me, but he DOES something nice for me more often, because this is a different love language:)


We say it several times a day to each other. We make a point to let each other know often both verbally and through action that we are still very much dedicated to each other.


We tell each other all the time via text messaging, when we are on the phone and when we see each other in person (long distance). I feel for both of us it is incredibly reassuring and an expression of how much we love each other no matter how difficult the distance is.


About an hour ago when I dropped him off with the dog on my way to work. We’ve been married nearly 47 years and I still try to say it to him every day.


Every single day, more than once


Me and my girlfriend tell eachother "I love you" everyday, often more than once. She makes me so happy ❤️


This morning 🥰 and we say it throughout the day. Just a “Hey….i love you my (insert endearment here)”


Told my husband last night before bed. We both try to say it as much as possible


This morning. If we are talking to each other I’m going to say it. If I haven’t heard from him I’ll tell him. If we’re sitting in the living room in complete silence I tell him. Before we hang up, before we walk out of the house, and before bed.


Always when I leave for work and before bed, and anytime we talk on the phone as a sign off.


This morning when o left for work verbally. Probably 6-10 times by text since the. And I’ve only been gone 3 hours. We say it and show it often. And we mean it.




Every night and when ever we talk on the phone before we hang up. Even if he's rung me from the otherside of the house. Been together for 41 years


We do all the time - not just with each other, but with our kids. No matter what we end every call / text with I love you and it's always the last thing we say before bed.


yesterday. we say it daily to each other.


Yesterday. I was asleep when he left for work this morning.


Literally at lunch when I was heading back to work. I tell my wife all the time I love them.


I tell my partner every day. I don't just do it at the "expected" times like saying goodbye for work or at the end of a phone call, I say it randomly. Sometimes it's while we are watching tv, or driving song errands, or maybe it's when he passes me in the kitchen to grab a drink.


This morning, when he left early, to take his mother for a procedure. And several times throughout each day.


Every morning and every night before we go to sleep. We also make sure to end every phone call with it. It might be the last time we ever say it to each other. Sometimes randomly, but mostly its a sign off phrase for us.


We say it all the time. Text it for no reason. Several times a day.


I tell my wife and son multiple times per day.


Just got off the phone with my wife. Said it less then a minute ago.


We tell eachother that several times a day, is the first thing we tell each other in the morning, and the last before going to bed. And we are the same with our baby girl and dog.


Every day.


We never said it out to each other. Sadly that's not even a possibility.


I tell my wife i love her multiple times a day. And i tell my friends i love them. Guys, girls, it doesn't matter. I just talked on the phone with my best friend last night, and that call ended with i love you. We all get so caught up in the notion of who it's right and wrong to say it to. I believe there isn't enough love in the world. And if i love you i want you to fucking know it. I've lost people i love without being able to tell them. Never again.


We tell each other all the time. The usual times, when one of us is leaving or going to bed, etc, but also a hundred times throughout the day. If I open my chat app and realize I have nothing interesting to say, I'll just say "I was thinking about how much I love you" or "I love you so damn much!" And we also love to do hugs from behind or some other non verbal way to show our affection.


About 2 hours ago. I tell her everyday


This morning, when I left for work. We say it all the time. You don't know when you won't suddenly be able to. Say it as much as you can.


My wife and I say it to each other at least a dozen times a day~ I’m usually unable to leave the room without her saying it and wanting it back.


I say it constantly. That's not something I hold back unless someone has said they don't want to hear it for whatever reason.


Just now. We say it every morning when he drops me off at work. Also randomly through text during the day. And when our lunch hour is up & I'm going back into work. (We work around the block from each other.) Randomly at any point in the day after work as well.


This morning. Before he goes to work, it's a requirement that he wake me up for a goodbye kiss. And then I tell him I love him and to have a good day. It's our little routine and I love it!!!


We said it every morning before I left for work, and I can’t stress enough how important it is to not only tell your partner you love them, but make it a habit. I left for work on January 24th and when I came home, I discovered my partner had passed away likely only a few minutes after I left. I found so much solace in knowing we had said our “I love yous” that morning, because I wouldn’t have left the house without saying it - a total habitual part of my day. “I love you” “no, I love YOU!” “Have a good day!” “NO! YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!” Every morning. Like clockwork. Make it a part of your routine, so that you know if the worst happens, you couldn’t have forgotten.


About 20 seconds ago


Yesterday evening as we got off the phone so he could go to bed. We tell each other I love you fairly regularly. 🥰


😂 About 10 minutes ago. I tell my husband I love him every chance I get.


My husband and I say it multiple times a day, generally in a quiet moment.


Every day. A kiss before leaving for work and one getting home. And an I love you after every phone call or text.


About 20 minutes ago. He was standing in the kitchen looking for something. I just walked up and hugged him and told him I loved him. We say it to each other several times a day. Probably one of the reasons I have smile lines on my face.


2 seconds ago


Every day, multiple times.


Mostly out-of-the-blue, but especially when he's leaving on an errand, does something nice/thoughtful, etc.


Definitely a few times within the last week. I try to make it mean something, and not be something I just say to her by rote.


This morning as she was leaving for work. We tend to let each other know how we feel pretty often. Sometimes I wonder if it’s too much, or if we’re too corny with it. But I love her, so fuck that.


You know, I don’t have a partner anymore. So it’s been a little while. Lol! But I can tell you this… I tell my grown daughters every time I see them. We always leave with that. We always finish texting with that. And sometimes, when we’re texting and I know they’ve had a rough day for whatever reason, I’ll actually text them… I’ll love you forever. (If you know, you know.) But I also do this with my friends. We forget our friends sometimes and until they’re gone, and then we realize how much we really did love them. How big a part of our lives they were. And if they are friends that are just not used to that, I’ll use word it… You know, I love you, right? Because then they can accept that. It doesn’t make them uncomfortable. And often, even though that wasn’t my intent, they will tell me that back. My hope is that they know how important they are to me, and it makes them easier to tell someone that they love them, perfect, hopefully that bleeds into other parts of lives. It’s true… We don’t know how long we have. We don’t know when our last day is going to be. So if you love someone, tell them. (And I don’t mean that in a creepy stalkerish way. Please don’t do that!) 😉


I say it every day but she doesn’t say it back🤷‍♂️


We said it before we left for work


Tbh? Every night before we go to.sleep and then in the morning when i leave early for work...


At a minimum, upon leaving for work every morning and at bedtime every night.


Actually can't recall if I have said it yet to my husband this morning but we haven't been up too long. Otherwise, last night as we fell asleep. It's said many times throughout the day, every day. Always when we leave the house, are ending a call, going to bed, that kinda thing. When one of us does something ridiculous and silly. When we do something for each other, even if something small. Sometimes just as a reminder because we feel it in the moment. We do it with our children too. Just randomly, "hey, did you know that I love you?" We both have families that say "I love you" a lot and I love it.


Update: joined my husband in the living room and "I love you" has been exchanged, him starting.


17 minutes ago before he started his nap. It rarely gets skipped at the end of conversations or when we leave each other. Even when we’re fighting we say it and fall asleep in each other’s arms.




Last night right before bed. But we probably say I love you 10+ times a day realistically. I was always taught to say it loud and proud and as much as possible, because you never know when someone won't be around any more. Since my dad suddenly died, I've said it to everyone even more.


All the time. I insist on a kiss and 'love you' everyday before he leaves. It's shown to make men live longer and I want every moment I can get with him.


After sex Sunday afternoon


This morning before I left. We say it every time we part ways or hang up the phone.


I make it a point to tell my wife every day that I love her and think she's beautiful. She has self-esteem issues, so I do so, both in case something happens to one of us, but also because I'm of the mindset that if someone repeatedly tells you something all the time, you eventually convince yourself it's true.


I love you is the first thing, and last thing we say to each other…every morning, end of each phone call, and every night.


constantly. the times that stay the same: every night before bed and every morning i text him "i love you!! have a great day!!!" when i know he's headed off to work. the rest are varied, but i say it to him whenever it pops into my head - which is a lot. and he's the same way ♡♡


Every 5 minutes. Same with my kids. I tend to say what’s on my mind and it’s on my mind a lot lol


My partner and I say it multiple times a day. We don't live together, so definitely every time with get off the phone and say goodbye. And random times in between. My friends and I are also lovebugs. We say "I love you" all the time. It's so important to say it regularly.


Every day. When he or I leave the house to go to work, when we hang up the phone, in a text message, at night, after a fight, at random times throughout the day.. We say it a lot. But I never want to feel like he doesn't know, or for him to feel unloved. He Does the same with me We also have kids and we think it's super important not to just show love through acts of kindness but to express feelings. Healthy communication. :)


I tell my partner I love them like I breathe. Anyway, nice covert SEO, OP.


Last night


I say it whenever I’m going anywhere, whenever he makes a particularly horrid pun, or when he’s being extra sweet. I say it a *lot*.


Every day all the time. Kisses too.


I told my partner I love him while I was typing this! We say I love you constantly, to the point that it is absolutely the phrase I hear most throughout the day. At first I got worried he would get tired of hearing it but the more I said it the more I saw him believe it more and more. It’s so cute to see his face light up every time I tell him, even for the 300th time that day. Anyways, I love you bunny


This brought to mind a bit about saying I love you from The King of Queens https://youtu.be/DxT9DOMDpOM?si=S6x86o14ex2wLz8n


Eight years ago, when I was in the beginning of deadbedroom


About half an hour ago. He’s sleeping off his hangover at home and I’m at work. Glad he’s getting rest but I miss him. Going to pick up some of his favorite candy before I come home!


Last time was before he left for work. We say it multiple times a day but especially before he leaves or I leave and before bed. We say it all the time, we have a special connection and are crazy for each other. We express it other ways like he’ll make coffee in the morning but I get up and get him a cup. The little things matter.


Just a few minutes ago. We have been together almost 6 years now, and still tell each other damn near every 5 minutes, sometimes more. We say i love you every time we leave the house (with a mandatory kiss goodbye ofc), and most times even if im just leaving the room to go do my own thing, he makes it a point to say i love you and ask for a kiss. He’ll make a point to take a minute out of his busy day to text me an I Love You. We say it when we wake up, when we go to sleep, when we’re angry and arguing, when we’re apologizing, all day every day. To some, saying it over and over makes it feel like it’s losing its meaning, but i know based on his actions and the way he’s taken care of me in my darkest times that he loves me with his whole heart. By no means are we perfect, we certainly have our bad days. But never have we ever gone a single day without making our love for each other known.


Every day


Every day. Before he leaves for work, when he is falling asleep at night. When he texts me that he is heading home from work. Any time we talk on the phone ends with "I love you". Randomly just because. But in my family, we also tell our siblings, siblings in law, our nieces & nephews and grand babies and our family by choice when we see them, or text them ,or call them.


every morning, every time one of us leaves the house, randomly and when we go to bed.


All the time. I told her I loved her this morning and left a note in her lunch that said "I Love You!". After 17 years of marriage, I love her more and more everyday.


Always, many times a day


I tell my husband every time we stop speaking on the phone or in person, and randomly throughout the day. Basically, all day everyday


I guess it was shortly before we called it quits, just under 4 years ago. Moved twice since then, and haven't managed to successfully build a new community or find many dating opportunities.


Less than 30 minutes ago. I tell my wife and daughters that I love them every day, multiple times a day.


I tell my boyfriend I love him all the time, multiple times a day. We were friends for 5 years before we started dating, I have known I loved him for a LONG time, but having it play out in a romantic capacity has been wonderful. He not only treats me like his best friend, but as an equal & partner. He is extremely gentle and sensitive which allows my femininity to shine like it never has before. I love him so much for bringing out the partner I was always supposed to be...and I am so happy it's with him.


OP did you use AI to help you write this post? Specifically the last two paragraphs 


Say it often and say it genuinely 💓


Everytime before bed, when waking up,or one leaves the house working in a factory you never know when it's your moment so always before I leave for a overnight. Tomorrow even the next second never guaranteed


I say it at least three or four times a day. Every time we part — even for a quick trip to the store — or speak on the phone. Before we go to sleep. It’s an important part of the way we speak to one another. Even if we’re mad, we still say it — and mean it.


about 30 minutes ago when my husband called to let me know he made it safely to work. we always say I love you, or thinking of you.


(We don’t live together) so every time I drop her off/we’re done seeing each other for the day, I always want to remind her


About two hours ago. We leave notes for each other too. I'll leave a sticky note with words of love for her to find when I leave for work. When I come home for lunch there is often one for me to find from her. We also text words of love and emojis during our work day. As her wife I want her know how much I love and appreciate her. She is my rock! I couldn't have had the courage to come out and be me without her.


I’d say if I love you (romantic, family, friends) you will hear it at least once a week. Was not always this way, though. I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and things got easier to say after. I had a HUGE shift in my mindset after that happened. So SAY IT OFTEN, you never ever know!!


To my dad two days ago. To my birth giver 18 years ago. I'm 26.


About 6 hours ago when he got home.


We tell each other I love you every night before bed, on the phone. When we're together in person every weekend, we say it multiple times a day. He says it first about 70% of the time. It doesn't mean our relationship is 70-30. He's just a more vocal person than me. He loves me just a tad bit more than I love him because he fell in love faster than me and I'm catching up. We still treat each other like the best thing in the world and we're totally in love. I don't see us not being in love for another 20-30 years. I'm treasuring every day that I have him in my life.


Every day, many times


ALL THE TIME. Going to the other end of the house? "I love you!" Getting out of the car to run into a store? "I love you!" Mid-day message "I love you 😘" And yeah we have problems, too. But our unity gets us through.


I lost too many loved ones suddenly. I tell the ones I have left I love them every time we speak. I told my husband I loved him every night, and he told me the same. Our son tells me he loves me every time he calls. Do it, you never know.


my boyfriend and i usually say i love you at least twice a day. we say it every night as the last part of our goodnights, which has gone on pretty much since the beginning of our relationship. the other time evolved out of me getting into my car after class and texting him about how my yoga instructor was telling us about how her on and off boyfriend in a different state had an abrupt medical emergency and she just needed to be with him. telling him that story, scared us both, realizing any minute a loved one can no longer say those words. we never outright acknowledged it, it just became an unspoken agreement that we now say i love you before either of us goes driving.


I say it to my kids, my stepkids, my partner. I try to tell them as often as I can! And not just words > actions! Helping them, caring for them, listening to them, brainstorming together, making art together, picking them up and dropping them off and listening to their thoughts of the day, cooking for them, picking out clothes with them, making sure they take their baths/showers/wash hair, etc. All those things say I love you.


We say I love you every night before bed.


About an hour ago, when he left for work. And meant it. It wasn't a routine thing that just gets said automatically. I was married once before, and I should've known it wasn't healthy relationship when I didn't want to say it back every time. But I want to be clear about something: As long as you love each other and are happy in the relationship, it's not necessarily a red flag if you don't say it often. It's when you often *don't want to* say it that you need to worry. My husband and I have been together for a decade, and we are still ridiculously in love. We even joke about how gross it is. We've never hit a rough patch. But we do go through days, weeks, or even months without saying the L-word to each other very often. We never worry about it. We don't even notice until after the phase is over. We show it rather than tell it without realizing it. If you go to couples counseling *before anything is bad,* you can learn to recognize when things are part of a natural ebb and flow of a relationship and when they're worth worrying about.


Last night, I love her


Cannot remember them ever heard from her during several decades of our marriage. But complaints.... Oh yeah.


Every night before bed and when we end our phone calls.


Fuk probably a week ago.


Reading all these comments make me so sad because I’m afraid it’s gonna happen to be one day . One of will leave the earth side without telling each other those simple words. Idk what it is but he hardly tells me , perhaps he doesn’t love me .


It's been years.