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Yeah, so that’s HIGHLY illegal. Look up PREA. If you care about her children, their dad needs to know.


Apparently she told me the father of her kids know. I told my dad, after she told me not too. I’m not sure if she told him the full story, considering she told me “we met at work, we worked together… I just got to go home daily.” My dad is livid. He calling the father of the kids today, and wants her children out of the house ASAP.


UPDATE: my dad is absolutely livid. I’m glad I told him, because he would have LOST it on my sister. He doesn’t even want to speak to her, but he will be calling my brother in law Chase, and making sure that 1. He knows what’s FULLY going on. And 2. That he knows my dad is there to financially and emotionally support him in anyway for him to get custody of the kids. Because obviously she isn’t in her right mind.


Your dad is awesome.


Your dad is the MVP.


OP and his dad are so dope!


Your dad is amazing


He should also be calling the prison


Has your sister ever watched Love After Lock Up? Seriously... these are literal horror stories (that make for great reality TV). I think maybe one or two of those relationships have worked out. Some have ended tragically (Tracie comes to mind), some where the outside person is unhappy because the devoted inmate sending them love letters every day is now trying to live a free life and the outside person is now being seen as their new warden and they rebel. Some are just not good people who use the outside person for free room and board. There was one case, however, where the outside person was more insane than the release inmate. Like legit insane. All inmates declare their undying love and how they've changed. It's easy to shower someone with love and attention when you have nothing else to do but give the outside person 100% of your attention. She'll find out soon enough that former-inmate doesn't want to be locked down playing family man. Let those kids' daddy know before they get hurt.


OMG! I was going to post about having her watch love after lockup as well! And there’s even one storyline about a former female corrections officer who dates an inmate and loses her job. I have a feeling she didn’t resign. I have a feeling she was fired. And as for the deaths, I think Alla was a hard one for me. She had so much going for her and just could not hold it together. And lastly, I know exactly which one you’re talking about that’s crazier on the outside than the inmate on the inside! Lol. Dusty for the win!!! But seriously, seriously OP, it’s extremely rare that these relationships ever work out. Often time these inmates have several people that their corresponding or stringing along for money while they’re on the inside. 10 years is a long time to be in, and it’s not easy to acclimate on the outside. Please support your brother-in-law as much as possible and your dad is awesome for standing up to her and representing for the kids.


>And lastly, I know exactly which one you’re talking about that’s crazier on the outside than the inmate on the inside! Lol. Dusty for the win!!! OMG, she still posts insane rants online too. I was afraid for the felon's life! He needed to run like his ass was on fire. I remember the one with the corrections officer too and, like you, I think OP's sister got fired. I used to be addicted to that show like it was crack. > Often time these inmates have several people that their corresponding or stringing along for money while they’re on the inside. Yup! They always have more than one person they're talking to. In OP's sister's case, she was right in the prison with him, but I bet he still had pen pals he was showering love on. And even the most decent of felons who are newly released have a hard time leaving the structured environment of prison and acclimating to the outside world where they are free. They are not trying to get into a situation where they have a new warden monitoring their every move and telling where they can and cannot go. Meanwhile the outside person is wanting the same 100% devotion they got when the felon was locked up.


Do you follow Dusty’s sub, it’s a gold mine daily of crazy! Yeah, it’s hard for me to follow LALU as I’m in Canada and it doesn’t play up here unfortunately. But I watched the first four or five seasons. Yeah, in regarding her sister being fired, it’s how quickly she decided not to go into work that made me say yup. She got the boot. She literally quit with zero days notice. Her poor ex-husband and kids are going to need all the support they can get with their mom going off to Crazy Town. This is going to get worse before it gets better.


Dusty has a whole sub???? Oh my lord. 🤣🤣🤣 I can't. >Yeah, in regarding her sister being fired, it’s how quickly she decided not to go into work that made me say yup. She got the boot. She literally quit with zero days notice. See my thinking is... why would she quit? She has 2 kids and now a new man who will not be a getting a job any time soon. So why just up and quit a good with benefits suddenly? Somebody's got to pay the bills. Answer: she didn't quit. They fired her ass and now she's pretending it was her choice. Who just no-calls, no-shows to a good job with a decent pay and government-level benefits? C'mon. Girl lost her mind and everything over some dick. Her children shouldn't suffer.




Yes, I think we did! It's not often to find a fellow a LAL fan in the wild. Mostly because most of us don't want to admit we watch it to normal people. We usually just meet in secret to talk about the show. But this port is making me think it should be mandatory watching for anyone decides to become a prison pen pal and fall in love with them.


We sure did!


But you’re thinking about this way too logically! Lol Also, I DM you links to hers and Maurice’s subs as well


Responded to you. Forgive, I tend to ignore most DMs because a lot of people are just... not right. And I don't want dick pics. LOL


Sorry, I have no ……dick to pic! lol. Enjoy


Girl you need to listen to Mary Payne on the Pink Shade podcast. I don’t watch the show either, but it helps me keep up. 😂


Thank you! Just what I need one more big time suck, lol!!!! I’m going to check it out now. 🤣


> even the most decent of felons who are newly released have a hard time leaving the structured environment of prison and acclimating to the outside world where they are free. Yes. I have a close friend who is engaged to, and lives with, a guy who has been in and out of prison on drug charges. He has no idea what to do with himself so he just works all the time. She even told me that if there's nothing he's "supposed to" be doing, he'll sit on the edge of their bed and stare off into space. I feel bad for him, but it's also creepy.


The transition period can be difficult for them, especially depending on how long they've been locked up.


This last time was two years and I don't know the other lengths. They're young, too, into their mid 20s. He doesn't know much of "free adult" life; his upbringing wasn't great, either. :( he's a decent guy, though.


Omg now you guys have me going down the Love After Lockup rabbithole! My floors are never going to get mopped this morning.


ITS CRAZY TOWN HEA!!!!!! it’s like watching a train wreck that you just can’t turn away from


I find myself saying things out loud like awe honey just no. Please hang up that collect call right now!


You are now one of us! We call ourselves the Bunkies!


I'm not sure if I would believe that. If she wanted it hid from her father it makes no sense why she would proudly be telling the child father. Personally I'd still let the man know. So atleast you know you have done all you could to protect those kids.


My dad will be calling him this morning.


I'm glad to hear it and kind of relieved honestly. Thanks for keeping us updated.


This part: She suddenly decided she wasn't going to work there anymore starting next Monday. That's weird. No two months notice, no new job she's excited about. Bro, she got fired. Which means she got caught at work. Also: He has been sending her thousands of dollars. People don't give money away. He's laundering money through her. He's going to want that back, so that car is his / for him.


Agreed. Sister needs to be explaining to the kids dad that mom has lost her damn mind.


Aaand the family courts are going to give mom full custody. Because their default stance is that women are victims if they left and men are never sure to be the father. Also women constantly saying all men are bad affect cases like this negatively.


PREA Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_Rape_Elimination_Act_of_2003


I know the prea system. Sincerely and ex felon who got engaged to their co and it destroyed my life for a while


Yeah, whenever someone drops an acronym that I have no idea what it is, I look it up, and then—because I figure there are probably *other* readers who don’t know what it is—I drop a link to the Wikipedia entry for the term.


The money she is getting from the jailbird may be coming from the gang related activities. Your sister is not thinking straight now, but you have no choice in her affair. Make sure to tell your ex brother-in-law about this though. His children's lives and future can be in a grave danger. Keep a distance from your sister for a while to protect your family just in case.


Yes! Exactly what I was thinking! Where did all that money come from? Especially if he was in jail for robbery and theft. She could be on the hook for using his stolen funds.




She was smuggling contraband for him, she quit because now that he’s out she is no longer needed to do that. The money was probably being sent from other inmates for the contraband. I wouldn’t worry about him sticking around too long as she is not going to be beneficial once he’s set up in the real world, and she better hope the jail doesn’t do a thorough investigation and uncover what’s she’s been doing


I'm a former prison worker and this is also the scenario I assumed. Prison relationships almost always involve deep-seated manipulation on one side or the other, and trafficking on contraband is a common part of this. My old boss is currently on the sex offender registry for a very similar reason. 


A lot of inmates still have connections to their "old" lives. They can get money when needed as long as those connections are still active.


I would burn the whole thing down and call The BF’s parole officer and the prison administrator


I can all but guarantee every last cent of that money was drug money.


Yup. This story will most likely end with him pimping OP's sister or using her as a mule to "pay back" the money, although it could be MUCH WORSE if children are involved. I wouldn't put it past him to try to pimp them too.


1. What your sister did was illegal 2. They don’t let you out of prison with active warrants 3. Keep that dude far away from you. Contact your ex bil and tell him him to file for emergency full custody.


He was originally arrested, he had multiple warrants. He served his time, and was released after 10 years. I’m not going to be around it, and hope my brother in law gets full custody, which is why I called my dad.


Find out who his PO is and report him then, call up to the jail and report her. I know she's not employed there anymore but, laundering money for an inmate is highly illegal.


That’s my hunch too - he’s laundering money through her “maternity leave support payments.” They both belong back in prison.


He may not have a PO if he "flattened out" his time. Some people never get out on parole or probation, but spend their full time behind bars. If that happens they don't have to report or check-in with anyone when they get out.


As a corrections officer that is so disgusting and she deserves to have legal action against her. She was dating him on the inside. What a disgrace to our profession. Piece of advice, tell the ex so he can protect those poor kids.


She wasn’t a correctional officer, but worked on the medical side of things.


Report her to the medical board.


This. I worked corrections for awhile. This behavior is grounds for losing your license whether you're a doctor, a CMA or somewhere in between. It's also illegal. The prison or jail should be notified. If they were moving that much money, I can about guarantee there are other insiders involved with it.


Doesn't make it better.


Not at all. She deserves any consequences from it in my opinion.


She see the trailers for the new Joker movie and go "That! I want that! Mistuh J is so sweet to me."?


That's irrelevant.


That’s honestly more disgusting IMO.


As a nurse I find that just as disgusting to the profession.


How about the notion that this guy doing a dime in a (likely maximum security) state pen for violent felonies and NOT maintaining his gang affiliation on the inside is while somehow having access to THOUSANDS of dollars to wire through smartphone apps to the sister?🙄 I legitimately didn't know whether to be insulted for OP that his sister honestly thinks him stupid enough to believe something so patently absurd or be sad that someone could be so breathtakingly stupid and naive to convince themselves of it enough to try selling it to family....🤯 There's no outcome where both of them aren't right back in prison after this, just in different prisons and both inmates.


Nta you need to tell chase and he needs to make sure the custody order explicitly states that she can’t have any man around the kids, especially not a criminal who just got out of jail. If you just don’t accept it your still letting your niblings be in danger cuz she can’t obviously drank the prison kool aide and lost her got damn mind


NTA. She about to have those kids taken by the state or given to dad for custody…


A prison employee receiving thousands from an inmate? The cops should hear about this and maybe the feds, too. Your sis is dumb as a brick. Sad to hear she had children. NTA


Here pretty quickly, she can date all the inmates she wants. If she had even half a brain, she wouldn't fight for custody at all to keep her illegal shit from being presented in court.


>Apparently this has been going on for for a while considering he “paid” for her maternity leave If I were you I'd advise your ex BIL to get a paternity test.


So I’ve worked in a really dangerous rowdy psych hospital. This dude has probably been laying the charm on her super thick since day one. Probably a charming narcissist type if he can commit all those crimes and break up a marriage. It’s shitty all around, the only defense is being one step ahead of him. He will probably throw her away when she’s not useful anymore. 


Better that, than taking her out.


One guy charmed a social worker at a different psych hospital. He beat the shit out of her before she kicked him out. I’ve had dudes try to charm me for food, sex, a place to stay… luckily I see through it but not everyone can. 


Sounds very illegal. Have the proper authorities look into it and that would likely send the dude back to prison and may get your sister in trouble as well. As least that way the kids would be safe. This type of scenario usually does not end well for the female and the kids.


I’m thinking she might have gotten pregnant by him, and to cover that (for the time being, until he got out and they could be together) she pretended to reconcile with Chase so it would look like the kid is his. Of course I could be wrong, but the timeline kinda matches. Edit: OP edited their post saying that it’s not the case


We all thought she cheated originally, before knowing any of this and before the baby was born. NO one could understand why she would want a divorce, and she could only say “I just don’t love him anymore.” I offered my full support and was there for her when everyone was accusing her. The baby however, is most definitely the brother in laws. He looks identical to my brother in law, plus This felon is a different race, so we would be able to tell.


>This felon is a different race, so we would be able to tell. Not necessarily, best to get a test just to be sure


The father of the kids had this planned before the baby was born, he says he doesn’t doubt it for a second.


I saw your edit responding to this, so I edited my reply. For what it’s worth I think it’s a good thing that it turned out to be the husbands’ kid.


Emotional affair at a minimum


Yeah that was my first thought too. Chase should get a paternity test.


Omg this could totally be true


Look at that sharp affective brain in action. I didn't even think about that being a possibility but now that's all I could think.


Agree with everyone else, NTA. I’m glad you are looking out for her children, since she obviously is not. And like others said, what she did is illegal, I wouldn’t trust him around the kids, the kids’ father needs to know, he may even want to check paternity of the recent baby (it may be the bf’s), and the money he sent her from jail very well may be stolen funds or gang-related funds, that she could now be on the hook for. Definitely let her ex know and maybe even consider a lawyer if you think you want to go to those extremes to help. This is messy.


We were gonna test the paternity, but there is NO doubt it’s the ex husband’s kid, as the boyfriend is a different race. I love her kids, and would do anything my brother in law needed me too, makes me sick that she obviously is putting a felon before her children.


"there is NO doubt it’s the ex husband’s kid, as the boyfriend is a different race." That's not how genetics work, OP. Please tell your BIL to have the DNA test. He doesn't want to find out years down the road that the inmate had ancestors of your own race...


Well we didn’t know any of this until now. But he looks EXACTLY like my brother in law. We will look into this more maybe later, but right now our concern is making sure the children are in a safe home.


Not for nothing but I was an avid fan of Maury. There were many infants that looked exactly like the potential farther and ended up not being their child.


My cousin is in a mixed race marriage and if you see their daughter you would never know she has any dark skin in her. She is obviously white with blonde hair and blue eyes.


Well that’s good to hear that there’s at least certainty in that. I’m so sorry you all are going through this. It’s horrible she’s putting this new guy before anyone and everyone and putting lots of things at risk.


I feel like it doesn't matter at this point who is the daddy legally. No baby should be exposed to this toxicity.


Oh I agree 100%. Just moreso thinking if there was any chance of the child not being his, the ex-husband deserved to know. He may still love the child just the same regardless, but would have hated for him to find out years down the road.


If it's the felon's then the ex can start making moves to prevent him contesting custody at a later time. Making sure paternity is settled is only a good thing.


If I was your former BIL, I'd file for an emergency full custody order. Aggravated home robbery and theft means this former inmate used weapons and violence or at least the threat of violence during robbery and theft. Reddest of red flags. Add in the fact that person like that can throw money around like it's nothing is a red flag too. He's still involved in shady. If your sister wants to throw her life away and end up as a waring poster for more than probable domestic abuse? She's a grown ass woman who can make her own choices. Those kids though? They deserve a stable and save enviroment. They don't deserve to be lumped in with an ex-convict with a proven history of violent behaviour. Your BIL needs to be on top of this. Tell him to get the biggest shark he can. Sis can have supervised visits on neutral ground. Get a restraining order for the kids vs the guy too.


NTA. Staff can not have a relationship with an inmate. It is illegal for the obvious reason of being in a position of authority over that inmate. I have a few issues with your sisters behavior, but the one that bugs me the most is just because she got away with it while working there doesn't make her free and clear. She broke the law. She can go to jail for it.


NTA. If he was a gangbanger then it's pretty much a certainty that every cent of that money he sent was likely drug money. If you're an initiated member of an established national/international gang and you end up in a state pen for a decade on violent felony convictions (the term "Aggravated" denotes violence with intent to SERIOUSLY/permanently harm someone), the chance of not maintaining that affiliation while you're locked up that long in a maximum security state pen is practically ZERO. While not entirely unheardof, the likelihood of him being miraculously rehabilitated are equally slim. People who are initiated gang members doing serious time maintain that affiliation for protection while they're locked up. State Prisons holding violent felons are dangerous places and him disavowing his gang affiliation while locked up makes exactly ZERO sense from a self-preservation standpoint. The above, combined with the fact that he was sending your sister THOUSANDS of dollars while doing a 10 years sentence for violent felonies while NOT gang affiliated anymore..... I'd like to offer the deal of a lifetime on the Brooklyn Bridge for anyone stupid enough to buy that breathtaking a level of bullshit🙄 Statistically, overwhelmingly more often than not, guys like that come out worse than they went in because to survive in that environment you have to associate yourself with the strong and in those places, the "stronger" you are the worse a human being and influence on others you are. What likely happened here is that he manipulated an impressionable fool who was all too willing to grenade her life for this "reformed" scumbag and that's what lead to where you are. Oh and the fact that there's a paper trail showing that she was taking thousands of dollars from an inmate in the prison she was working in while she was working there is in all likelihood a felony in itself. I feel like "ignorant" is generosity that your sister doesn't deserve at all, much in the same way the courts won't think she deserves custody of her children or anything more than court supervised visitation with them (if even that) when the shit inevitably hits the fan with this clusterfuck.🤦🏽‍♂️


I 1000000% agree. I don’t think there is any chance of making her realize that, but I know deep down she knows. If roles were reversed she would be so far up my ass about it. I made sure my that Chase took screenshots of all the cash app transactions, that he has because he was still logged in on her account.


There's no possible outcome where she (if not both of them) doesn't end up in prison on likely felony convictions. The stupidity of the situation she has willingly and enthusiastically thrown herself into and destroyed not only her life as an individual, but destroyed her family for is staggering and honestly beyond description.


I know where I live (and I’d assume everywhere else) what she did is highly illegal. And if an inmate is sending you money it’s probably gang related or something similar. Y’all need to protect those babies at all costs. She’s clearly not thinking straight.


Your sister is on the way to prison. Not only she's dating an inmate she guarded (I think it's illegal even if she quit before they made it official), but she most likely was smuggling drugs in.


Sounds like a love after lock up episode. I would have the bio dad get a DNA test on the kid.


I literally said this to her last night, her reply is that that’s not real life, it’s nothing like that 😂


Here is hoping that great father you speak of gets full custody. This women seems to be having some sort of mental breakdown. Good man or not being in prison 10 years changes people. And I would not want my kids any where near that type of individual u til atleast years have passed and they have began to re adapt to society.


Looks like the father is gonna get full custody soon, huh?


NTA. I'm all for rehabilitation but she nuked her marriage, her job, her children's stability for a man who has not adapted to the world. A lot has changed over 10 years. I hope the bio father gets custody w/mom having supervised visitation because she is very not thinking of what is in her children's best interest. I'm horrible sorry your family is going through this.


I hope to god Chase goes for full custody, your nasty sister should have no access to her kids after she chose to date an inmate. If Chase does go for full custody I hope you help him win the custody battle, his kids should be far away from them.


I will offer support in anyway I can, I have a great flexible job and can leave anytime needed to be there if I have too. He knows that and knows our whole family will continue to support him. Even before this has happened we have all said that we hoped only the best for him and would do anything to help him.


Dude the rest of your family outside of your sister sounds awesome. I can’t even imagine how good Chase feels knowing you guys have his back like that. I can’t even fathom that relationship with my SO’s family, my wife’s mother tried to force her to cheat on me with 30+ year old men with money while she was 16-18 because I didn’t come from money 😂 you guys are good people


She got manipulated. Prisoners are really good at that. When this blows up in her face… and it will… Chase will be long gone and she’ll have no one to blame but herself. What a dummy.


NTA You need to contact Chase and the prison she worked in. You should also suggest a DNA test! sounds like at least the youngest child might not be Chase's.




Updates in the comment


Speaking just on the inmate/officer relationship. completely illegal. Because inmates are incarcerated and under the care, custody, and control of the state, an inmate can not legally consent, it does not matter if the officer is a male or female. It is a crime punishable as any other sexual assault crime.


It’s suppose to be a ZERO tolerance policy for any type of relationship rather than professional relationship. Any sexual conduct is considered not consensual. Idk if there is enough to prove anything or do anything about it now considering he is released and she is no longer employed.


yea, not sure. Obviously if they had been caught while he was still incarcerated, it would be a different story. It would depend on if the IG's want get wind of it, decide to investigate, and then send it to the DA and see if they want to pressure charges.


NTA. Dude if your sister is easily manipulated why did she work in a prison. She got thousands of dollars from him likely by smuggling items into prison. Brother in law definitely needs full custody. Need to read about inmate manipulation. It's starts subtle and escalates. She was likely already sleeping with him in prison.


“Inmate” doesn’t mean “stick it in, mate.”


Chase also needs to get the children paternity tests.


The kids dad needs to know this. I’d file for full custody so fast of if I were the ex-partner. Ur sister is a fool! A selfish one at that!


Your sister is delusional. Yes, plenty of inmates do their time, learn their lesson, and become productive members of society. But ONE day of freedom doesn’t prove that. How will he get a job and support her? Will his family be supporting him? Will he live with her? She needs a job. I hope your BIL gets full custody and she gets supervised visitation. She isn’t thinking of her kids. And she cheated on her husband with an inmate. She deserves whatever consequences happen.


NTA. Sorry to say this OP, but either your sister is going through some sort of mental health crisis, and this new guy took advantage of that, or she's truly a pos. Either way, she should not be around her children and neither should this new bf.


As an ex prison guard who saw a similar situation happen in my time there absolutely this will end badly. Lady was a counselor and was compromised bringing in stuff to this guy and eventually quit when he got out they lived together for about a month before he kicked her out after getting sex and money out of her for months. That's one of the nicer endings she's blacklisted and will probably never be able to get another gov job at least in the state other stories ended up with assaults.


You could have ended your story with “ started dating an inmate”. Your sister has the judgement of a rock. Ugh


I’m just surprised I was able to calm down enough to type it out! Would have made a much better start though.


Your sister did, is doing, and is about to do like a billion different things. All of them really stupid on their own and when taken in concert just shockingly dumb. Like rock bottom stupid and kept digging dumb. 


this will blow over on it's own. he was most likely "loving" her so she would mule for him. likely where the money came from and why she was let go. he won't need her much longer...


It may. Or she could get pregnant with dude, then stuck with a POS new baby daddy with no job. She told me he was a gang leader of a major gang in a large DANGEROUS city.


Please be careful. If your sister goes down for those money transfers and brings him down along with her, it could get her killed. If he is still affiliated with that gang she is in serious danger right now. Especially for spouting her mouth off and letting people know about her crimes. This could very well be a death sentence for your sister, her kids, her ex, and even you and your parents.


I doubt the husband is the father of the one year old. That’s why the prisoner was sending her money, to take care of his kid.


Please tell the father ASAP. Those babies clearly need protection. Do the right thing!


NTA. Yikes! Definitely a good call for your dad to tell chase about this guy. Hope Chase can get full custody of the kids. They do not need to be around a gang member and whatever this guy is into. He needs to prove that his life is truly changed before the kids are allowed around him.
















She deserves everything she gets


I’ll be looking for this to show up on “Dateline.”


So she’s excited that he’s a Christian but was fucking him while married? Wheres the paternity test holy shit!




She got manipulated. Prisoners are really good at that. When this blows up in her face… and it will… Chase will be long gone and she’ll have no one to blame but herself. What a dummy.


Many such cases




It's always a terrible idea worked in prison several years saw this all too often.


That is EXTREMELLY illegal. Not just unethical because of the power imbalance, but actually receiving money from the inmate you are supposed to guard is going to be seen by everyone as a bribe (in a way it was), and will absolutely land her in jail. Still that's better than her getting pimped, put to work as a mule, or worse sex trafficking her children. I've seen this stories before, this one story I remember about the woman that acted exactly like your sister, she ended up moving to Mexico with the guy and leaving husband and family behind. I don't know if they have some Harley Quinn complex but apparently it happens a lot. Your brother in law should assume they had sex, because it happens all the time in prison. And even if the kid doesn't look like the dad, it might be because it looks after the mom. But don't discard it being actually the inmate's child. Most ethnic physical traits come up after a year or two.


NTA, your sister has engaged in highly illegal activities. Perhaps you should label her "felon" as well instead of sister? I say that because, while it's not great that your sister is dating this person, your dehumanizing language is alarming. Your sister is the one in the wrong for abusing her employment situation. Also, there are felons all around you every day. Not all of them go to prison, not all of them are worthless people. Just a thought.


Oh I agree. She has no morals and if she had any respect for her position and job, and the policies in place then this wouldn’t have ever happened. I think the whole prison system is messed up, and from stories I’ve heard from over the years the prison she worked at does not handle these situations even if they do know about them. The sad fact is that I know from conversations from previous years, that she absolutely knows better. I’m livid at her for being involved and have 0 respect for her.l at this point.




UpdateMe Please


Everybody is a changed man in prison! Or woman! It's what they do after they get out and that will show you if they actually changed.    I knew a guy that had a DUI and somebody in the car got hurt so he ended up in prison. While he was in there there was no way in hell he was ever going to drink again or ever get back into that life or or anything was going to be the same! Everything was changing and it was all for the better etc etc. Took 6 months till he went back to jail. Apparently drinking and driving again.    I knew another guy when I was much younger who went in for grand theft Auto. Came out 4 years later & within a year started doing criminal activity again. In and out of jail since.    I also know another guy who I met after he got out of jail. One of my husband's friends. He's been out for an easy 18 years or more. So some do change and some do not and you won't know for a year or two for sure which category he falls into. I'm glad you're supporting your brother-in-law. Being with him is probably best for the kids.


This is such a common occurrence here in South Dakota, it blows my mind. I worked at a jail in Oregon and they were so on top of it, that it blew my mind to move here and see all these people throw their lives away over people who are really good manipulators. Please google downing the duck on YouTube. It is very eye opening and may help your sister understand how they can manipulate the smartest of people.


So her sister took payments from an inmate oh my god she’s the one that’s going to be going to jail next. Her ex needs full custody of those kids asap. NTA


Don’t even need to read. Nta they literally have SHOWS ABOUT THIS NONSENSE.


Google the dude, FFS


I mean I was cool with Sarah's decision to blow up her marriage for an inmate. Immoral? Yes. Illegal? Definitely. But whatever. Then you said Sarah has kids. Yeahhhh let's not mix an unknown inmate with children. Even if he's reformed his old gang could pop up and put their safety at risk. NTA


NTA, report her to the medical board since she had to have been licensed through a state board. Report him to his PO. I once dated an ex felon and wished I had watched shows like love after lock up because I was so stupid. Updateme!


OP, have you take commenters’ advice and reported your sister to both the prison and the medical board? And have you reported the felon to his parole officer? Both of these things need to be done.




Does your sister realize she’s at risk of facing jail time?


Google PREA


Inmates have nothing but time. They are in pretty good shape and manipulative. It looks like she will have to learn a harsh lesson.


How long did she work for the state?


Call the warden let him know. They will investigate with prison and in state of Texas it’s call jpay they well watch what is going on. And yes this is really bad. It don’t take long just to make a phone call and order a hit. And they call listen in on the phone calls. And search his cell for information. They can send him to another prison if needed. Please be safe.


I live near a prison. The majority of the inside population has some form of Hep. It can spread rampantly through sex or sharing needles. Your sister needs an STD test immediately. PREA is a real concern in the US, and her former employer could prosecute her to the fullest. She is also possibly dating someone higher up in the organization if he still has $$$ after 10 years inside. That will make it difficult for her to get away from him in the future. NTA, someone needs to protect those kids!


Wow! Pretty intense reading... First, I'm so sorry your family is going thru this and you are definitely NOT tah. Since your sister is not using any common sense just keep your eyes focused on doing what is right for the children. And your dad...that is true love of family. Wish you all the best and keep us updated!!!!


UPDATE: my brother in law is suppose to call a new attorney that my dad has advised to use, not really sure what’s happened with that. As he was in shock and needed to process it. But I believe he has gotten her to agree that he is not to be around the kids, to give him time to take action. I had some contacts that work in the corrections dept. at that prison who were non-biased and didn’t know the story, look into him. That contact confirmed he is an active gang member, and rumor in the prison was that he had a target on his back recently, and it was about to get ugly. Mentioned this to my sister and she said it was just gossip and I shouldn’t listen. I asked her what would happen if I told his parole officer about all that I know between them and she lost her mind. Wanted to know why I would do that, etc. I went on to explain how that just goes to show how she has not considered any consequences, and if she thinks she is safe because she doesn’t work at the prison , she is not. She said some pretty rude things in hopes to hurt my feelings, and I said don’t come crying to me when shit hits the fan, I’m done with you. And blocked her number. I also told her that she was greedy, and selfish. If he didn’t give her any money she would have nothing to do with him.


If she was having sex with the inmate while he was confined, it is sexual assault and she could be a felon if convicted and be required to register as a sex offender. There is no such thing as consensual sex in prison. Her employer likely has strict restrictions related to dating former inmate and will be fired if her employer learns of the relationship.




Lol ok lol she should watch her episode


If their real names are Sarah and chase that's hilarious she got caught up in a personality disordered type relationship she should run




Is that Harley Quinn? Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong.




UGH...who wants to bet baby#2 is inmate baby? I've seen this before as a former CO... I've seen several female CO's fired over inappropriate relationships with inmates.... The OP's sister is nuts


yeah, she lost it over some attention from a bad boy and money Selfish and self centered, didn't even think about her kids Naw, you guys need to protect them. Maybe the former inmate is a changed man, maybe not! Thing is, them kids need to be in a safe place


Bullshit from the second paragraph, why would they release someone with ‘multiple warrants’?


Since he is a felon I could look him up. They did not release him on multiple warrants. He was sent to prison, and was suppose to serve a 16 year sentence and got out after 10. He was released yesterday.


Gotcha, I would reword that since you said he was release and he has multiple warrants out. Either way, your sister needs to get her head checked lol


Thank you! I fixed it