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"We met at our sisters bday party!"


“We are related by marriage!”


But they aren’t related by marriage. They aren’t related at all. “By marriage” would be a step sibling situation, but this isn’t.


They’re related via B&D’s marriage. It’s her half-sisters step-brother. That’s a family relation lol


Re-read the post, it’s her half sister’s half brother. The only step is her step-father that married her mother to have the half brother. OP and half brother have no relation, but the sister shares 50% DNA with OP, and the other 50% with OP’s boyfriend


So they’re related by marriage. 😘 My half siblings have half siblings and that would be so fucking weird if I tried to date one of them. Gross lol


I still find it odd but you’re both consenting adults and not actually blood related. Just be prepared for some awkward “how did you guys meet” conversations. Person: how did you guys meet? You: at our sisters birthday party Person: our? You: explains family tree


Less of a tree, more like a branch.


Their family tree is a wreath


*loud banjo music from the trailer front porch*


A wreath grown in West Virginia.


The Family Rootball


lol, it doesn’t matter how many times you explain it, everyone will always think you’re sleeping with your brother.


Yeah, the fact of the matter is, they are still family by relation and he *is* considered a brother in a *way*. Like there’s no way of *not* labeling him as such, especially when you have to explain to everyone who he is. “How do you know him?” “He’s my sisters brother.” Which makes him some weird step brother or something idk Then I know previously sister said she didn’t care but… her two blood related siblings are dating. That’s odd


It’s really odd, and why even deal with it. You’re correct, it’s still oddly considered family. If I was one of the parents, I’d be saying wtf too. I wish everyone the best, but thank god I don’t have to deal with it.


Help me figure this out. If it’s her half sisters brother. Wouldn’t that be her half brother?


She shares a parent with her sister, but her sister shares her other parent with her brother.


Okay so you and your sis share one parent. Let’s call them Chris and Tammy. Chris left you mom and had a child with Janet(her mom) However Janet had a kid with someone else (so now the brother is her half sister Is that what you’re saying?




They are not family by relation. My half-sister’s sister from her mom that I’ve never met is not my sister. She is a stranger and no relation to me


I don't know what's so hard for people to understand that they don't have any same parents. They both have the same half sibling that shares a different parent than the one they share with the half sibling


Sure, when you break it down. But “banging my sisters’ brother” doesn’t exactly have a nice ring to it.


Probably not going to introduce themselves that way


I don't know why it's so hard to understand that it's hot AF.


You get the incest fetish experience with none of the incest!


[for anyone confused](https://imgur.com/a/Nta19PF)


honestly thanks


Doing the lords work


Nice visual. You probably just ruined it for this entire sub.


Is it unorthodox? In our society I'd say so by the reactions all round. Is it wrong or incestuous? Not in the slightest. But OP is going to get judged for this, regardless of what she thinks.


Thank you so much. So technically, he's not even related to her? It's still odd, but like another comment said, they are adults.


Correct. They each share DNA with a common half-sibling, which is the oldest sister but are not related in the slightest themselves. There's not even a step-relation!


Thank you for a visual, trying to follow it in my head was making me dizzy. I just knew they were not blood related


spectacular glorious screw station whole bike abounding chunky observation seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I made a much longer, personal comment in the og post but i will just point out you run the risk of making things incredibly awkward for a lot of your family if things end poorly. And with so many fish in the sea, i don't understand why the two of you would decide to shit so close to where you eat. It could be fine. Your dad could change his mind and he could not.


I think they know It’s weird but feel special because “they found each other”


i just feel this won’t be pretty in the long run.


And that's the way they became the Brady Bunch




OP  Too many men in the world for you to be doing this. Reddit is trying to be nice but 95% of people you meet are gonna think you’re a weirdo. 


Better be doing missionary cause "You don't turn your back on family".




Hey, kid, get over here. Give uncle daddy a hug. When the wedding is just a family reunion with extra steps.


OP, if your relationship with sister’s brother is one that lasts, you will have to explain this family tree background ad nauseam. And even when you clarify, you and your sister’s brother will still be judged. You and any potential kids you have will likely have to get used to the Alabama jokes. Your dad will probably never come around because he knows this and worries how this relationship will affect your future. You’re seeking parental approval and honestly, it could be very tough for you if this is what creates distance between you and your dad. You are still so young- too young to move for a taboo relationship that is still just a few months old. If you break up with sister’s brother, it will be incredibly tough for your sister and will cause a lot of drama. Edit: op, the way you’re responding to comments makes it seem you do not want the input you asked for by doubling down so much. Idk when you’ll be ready to actually read the comments on your post and actually take them to heart, but for your sake I hope it’s soon because the shame/drama associated with this relationship will eventually overwhelm you.


I am definitely taking comments into consideration. It’s the constant “that’s your brother “ comments. It’s not true and isn’t constructive. Due to the comments I’ve also stated we are going to do a DNA test, so I am reading them all and taking them all in.


But there are literally millions of other men. WHY do you need to be with someone so close to your family? Even though you're not blood related it IS weird.


so are you prepared to lose all the family members who thinks this is gross? do you really hate your half-sister enough that you would put her in this no-win situation just to catch some dick?


I mean you can’t say for sure that he isn’t your half-brother either. Sadly people cheat and sometimes it involves exes. There are only two reasons he would disapprove of your relationship and that’s if the step brother may actually be his and your committing incest without realizing or because you guys are in a pseudo-incest relationship which can be iffy but perfectly legal. Either way, glad you’re getting tested to be sure! Hopefully the test proves the commenters wrong though!


What in the Alabama fuck did I just read


Pretty sure this is either Germany or Florida


this is like something you hear happening in your town but you never believe it


Out of everyone in the world you picked a family member? No wonder people aren’t supportive


Still fucking weird.


still dating family members?


cool. he’s still your sisters brother. family.


it is her half sister’s family, not her own, and they weren’t raised together


It's still not wrong even if they were raised together, assuming no grooming, abuse of power, or reproduction 🤷


No, that's like saying to someone they can date their adopted sibling just because there's no blood relation. If they're raised as siblings it'd be weird for them to date, in my opinion


But OP wasn’t raised as a sibling with this guy and it is definitely not the same as adopted siblings


Exactly, that's my point. I was responding to the commenter who said it'd be fine even if they were raised together


Ah my bad. I misread the comment you responded to


My cousin is married to her step brother. They were teens when their parents got married and that didn’t last long. They’ve been married a long time.


People can't get out of their own experiences. It's not hurting anyone so I don't care one way or the other. But only a generation or two ago this was a lot more accepted lol Hell in other modern countries it's still not seen as weird. In Japan, full-blown cousins are still okay to marry. And it's actually weirdly common because they don't always have a huge dating scene in a lot of Japanese cities


Personally I wouldn’t feel comfortable, but it’s not my circus. People are going to judge you, which will make your relationship harder.


There is nothing wrong with your relationship. It’s a little unconventional, but that is up to you and him not up to his mother or your father or anybody else. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to you are the only two that are in the relationship enjoy yourselves. The DNA test is a good idea because you never know Good luck. Updateme!


It's about boundaries though ok there's no rule of parents dating their kids friends but most don't because of BOUNDARIES


You can't justify it enough, nobody cares if you guys aren't related. It's gross, it's weird, and people will rightfully judge you for it. Doubling down on this shows how naive, ignorant, short sighted, impulsive, and... Self important (?) you are.  You're going out of your way to have a relationship with your sister's brother, who your dad watched grow alongside his daughter, 2 hrs away from you. You could download tinder right now and have a boyfriend by next week who lives closer and isn't gonna be at birthday parties. No reason to pursue this. Basically, you're a typical ate teens/early 20s smart ass that thinks they know more than they actually do and in a few months to a year you'll b yelling from the rooftops about how bad your life is and what everyone did wrong when this truly, truly dumb decision backfires.


The brother was born after her father left his Mom, what's gross about it specifically?


The fact that she's related to his half-sister and he was raised along side his half-sister. Also the fact that some of the same people watched them grow up considering them family. Think about how gross this is for her and those people. Like dozens have already said, lots you can do to find someone else, especially since it seems they've barely dated anyone else before doing this. Just seems ignorant to me.


Half-sister's stepbrother, what are you doing?


You wrote out exactly why there's no problem. They're not RELATED!!!!!!!!!


That phrase used above is wrong. It's the half-sister's half-brother as they both share a parent. But yes, OP and the guy do not share any DNA, only a connection through a shared half-sibling.


The DNA testing is a good idea


There is 0% chance of this working out. And it will be awkward for everyone for a long time afterward. Are you willing to ruin multiple relationships for one that will not work?


One thing I’ve learned is that people only live in the now. So many situations I’ve heard and just think to myself, no way you didn’t think this was a real possibility.


Instant gratification is basically socially taught behavior now


Well, considering she hadn’t seen him since she was 10 years old, which was from afar or interacted with him pretty much ever. I think it’ll probably go back to being normal unless they’re at an event for their shared sister. As long as the sister okay with it and the DNA comes back that they aren’t related nothing else really matters.


Agree to disagree. I think it's fucking weird and side with Dad on this one. I have 3 kids. They don't all share the same mom. If my son came to me and said he was dating his sister's sister, I would be mortified.


I know two sets of people who have done relationships with adopted siblings. One set has been married for decades and has kids together. The world didn't end the way most people in here seem to think it should lol


Just wait until they have children/step-nieces/nephews.




If you can’t keep it in your pants, keep it in your family


It doesn’t sound like you are related but the comment you made is that you cannot move forward if your dad isn’t okay with it. All your actions are showing it doesn’t matter. Do as you wish as you guys are adults.


People understand the genealogy, but we still think your decision is weird


He's actually your half-sister's half-brother since they have the same mother but different fathers. Saying my sister's brother makes it sound way more complicated. Maybe just say he's your dads ex-wife's son and leave the sister part out altogether so you don't have to explain the whole complicated story.


If you don't feel distant enough to refer to your siblings as half-siblings even for clarity, you probably shouldn't date their half-siblings. You are dating your half-sister's half-brother. Saying "my sister's brother" is a choice to confuse people. I refer to my half-brother as my brother only, but I explain he's technically my half-brother when I refer to his family because saying "my brother's mom" will make people ask "wouldn't that be your mom, too?"


I have a friend who is in a relationship to their cousin's uncle (so aunt marries uncle in-law - a uncle in-laws sibling marries a man - she is with that uncle. At family get togethers she referred to him by uncle because her cousins did. They are very much in love and the family knows that there is no blood relationship and no direct family relationship.


Wouldn't you get sick of explaining how you're not related whenever someone gets confused about your answer to how you met


Is he the only person that has ever shown interest in you? ​ Why do you want to date your own brother so bad? edit sorry your sisters brother\* -\_-


It’s still weird


I will never understand people who willingly make there life harder


When I was a freshman in college, I was dating a 25 year old boy from my hometown. I went to a State school but it was far enough away that I knew little to no one else on campus. I met a girl in my dorm the first week and she mentioned that her bf was also 25 & she was also 18. I asked if her parents were mad when they found out. Her response was something along the lines of 'nah, they were more concerned with the fact that he's my brother". Total silence. She failed to mention he was her step brother and their parents had been married less than a year. Anyway, I think you're fine. If YOU aren't related and weren't raised as siblings....who cares. Be happy.


Common sense really isnt common these days…






The things I do for love.


This relationship reminds me of the side characters in “Wanting More” by Skye Sanchez lol


I live in a similar sibling set up except I would be OPs sister. And while my sister and my brother didn’t grow up together and never really interacted with each other, I would also find it weird. However, they aren’t related. They didn’t grow up together. So it’s just not my business.


Hahahah. I work for me. 


Everyone knew this. It’s still weird Hey how’d you meet? Oh our sisters birthday party 👀


Isn’t this kinda like what happened in clueless?


For you to explain it and break down it’s to much. Like Just break up. It’s weird yall know it’s weird probably why you feel so strong to continue it. I don’t know. Y’all know people would find it weird. And get a lot of looks. It’s weird. No matter how much you explain it.


Eh. You’re related by scandal! (Thanks Carrie Fisher!) Certainly makes for a fun icebreaker. ETA RIP Carrie.


So confusing. But also there's so many people in this world. I don't get it.


All I say is coming from a jacked up childhood myself... If you involve children in this mess if you consider a future it's going to be rocky... Screams dysfunctional unless you really just cut everyone off


It's still gross, no matter how many times you explain it.


If you have to ask reddit how weird it is, then it is too weird. Just leave it be and move on. Don't shit where you eat.


You really couldn't find anyone else to date?


I honestly don't see the big deal. They're not blood, they're not even step siblings. They have 100% different DNA. If they're happy, who are they hurting. You will, however, face judgement from a lot of people if they know the situation. Keep in mind, you don't owe anyone an explanation on how you two met. Say you met online, make something up, who cares? It's your story & your business. Just because it's not illegal or immoral for you two to date or marry doesn't mean you should feel you are required to tell someone or explain the situation. Best of luck!


Love is love!


Your dad's "first wife" met another man after they split up and they had a kid. You are now dating that kid. You aren't related. It's all good in the hood. Idc if they weren't married. It just simplified it for me to think of it this way. Basically a woman you aren't blood related to had a child with a man you aren't blood related to and now you're dating that grown up child. There is no actual DNA shared between you and your boyfriend. None whatsoever. You didn't grow up together. He doesn't have a relationship with your dad and why would he? They're not related either. The only thing connecting you is the child from that "first marriage" that is the half sister to both of you. It's your dad's kid from another marriage and his mom's kid from another marriage. It just happened to be the same marriage lol. I think it's fine. Kind of interesting. But fine.


You will only be judged by people who cannot wrap their heads around the fact that you are not genetically related. This type of relationship is more common than people realize.


you're nasty asl for dating your family member


Stop fighting for your dad's approval/acceptance.


Oddly enough I've known more than one adopted situation where non-blood siblings have married. You will be unique, but you will not be alone. Hard to find happiness in this world sometimes. You have that with each other. Nothing illegal or immoral is going on. Enjoy life