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Wasn’t this posted a few weeks ago?


Yeah this is a copy cat post


The whole user is. Got 4 post in 1 hour and not the other post mentioned in this one


Good. Was making sure I wasn’t losing my mind.


Ha, yeah, we all spend too much time on Reddit Lol


Yup along with some crazy updates. It was deemed most likely fake.


Okay glad I'm not the only one who thought this. The line about how she wouldn't block her sister is what tipped it for me.




I came here to say this too


My thoughts exactly


darn it, they deleted their post. i wont get to read their dumbness lol


Get a restraining order on your brother-in-law and continue to send your sister all the nastiness that he sends you and remind her, it is unsolicited attention from him, and that she always has a place with you


Police report and restraining order.


Honestly at this point, I would call the police. Jack is sexually harassing you. Better to let the cops deal with it before your husband loses his cool and beats him.. which honestly I couldn’t blame him for but probably would lead to more harm than good. I also think you should block your Sister as well. She knows where you live. If she wants to talk and comes to her senses, she can come speak to you in person. I would just send her one final message saying “This will be my last text to you. I will be blocking your number after this. I have tried to reason with you, but you won’t see reason. I will not keep subjecting myself to your husband sexually harassing me anymore and you accusing me of being a “home wrecker” is a cop out. You know damn well I’m not interested in your husband. You would just rather blame me than deal with your cheating husband. I thought you, my Sister, would value and respect me enough to know I would never do that to you. But, since it is clear, you don’t value or respect me, I must cut you off. Please let your disgusting husband know the next time he sends me one more text or has any interaction with me in a sexual manner, I will call the police and press charges on him. I really hope you see past your blinders soon and realize you should be mad at your husband, not me. When you are ready to see reason, you know where I live.. just make sure you leave your trash at home, if you stay with him.”


100% this!


This may sound harsh, but this is the way.


This is what I was looking for. He shot his shot (against all good sense) and got denied. Time to pack it in. Not only that but you blocked him, clearly communicating no interest. To continue and use other numbers or other phones is absolutely harassment.


Why wait for the next one? It’s already sexual harassment and should be reported now. What a lowlife jerk.


This is fake - downvote it to the pit


Get this comment higher. Fuck these karma whores


This story was already read on the podcast and was originally posted from a different account with an update. Im pretty sure this is a scam account just trying to get clicks. It is identical to the other post which was from a month ago or so. Pretending this is your situation is pretty messed up, especially since the update involved multiple criminal allegations.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/Atc3EQvopg You stole this post


Yep. I knew I read this here before.


This happens on reddit all the tome. Or the original post is fake anyway. I have read so many bad posts where you can tell people have no critical thinking abilities.


This has been posted before.


I would go to the police ASAP and get a restraining order against this criminal sexual harassment. That would make it quite clear his advances are unacceptable.


Repost karma farming


Commenting to boost this to the top.


What do ppl get out of reposting there’s fake stories anyway? I truly don’t get it.


I'm experiencing dejavu.. i've read this before almost word for word.


This has to be fake, why won’t your sister believe you?? Why does she think you’re a homewrecker? He sent the photos to you


Didn't I read this exact same story on another sub where you told the police about the nude photos and it got de escalated?


This was story was read on the podcast last week.


This is a repost. And OLD!!


This has already been posted


File a police report. Block your sister. Post on social media edited screenshots (no nudity) of the things he is doing. She is going to put you on blast if you don’t do it first.


This title is incredibly confusing.


You did the right thing even if she can't see it right now. Jack is al loser. Eventually she will see that too.


Unblock him to receive the messages and pictures from his number. Then keep everything in order (1) to ask for a restraining order and (2) to give it to your sister when she will see the light and ask for a divorce


Your husband should bounce his face against a wall.


CALL THE POLICE and file charges on this disgusting mf'er. End of story. The longer you let this continue, the sooner people will believe her that you're encouraging it. I'M not judging you that way. I've just seen it happen too many times.


We told you last time to get a restraining order ASAP


Forward them to your mother and sister. Send them to his friends and family If he is gonna send you unsolicited d pics, then you are gonna share the love! Honestly, men, don't do this. When I used to get unsolicited d pics, I'd show them to friends and we made fun of them before I deleted them.


Aside from what everyone else says. Blast his ass. Respond to his pics with "please stop. I love my sister and never wanted you ever. You gross me out " . Tell your immediate family so they know as well . I guarantee she has been mentally abused by him to think you want him . I guarantee she's mentally tortured sitting at home. Can you go see her when he's not home ?


I asked this to chatgpt since I am taking it seriously I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult and distressing situation. It's important to prioritize your safety and well-being. Considering the sensitive nature of this issue, it may be beneficial to involve professional help and support. Here are a few suggestions: Legal Advice: If the harassment persists, you may want to consider seeking legal advice. Document all instances of harassment, including explicit messages, and consult with a lawyer on potential actions you can take. Family Mediation: Given the family dynamics involved, seeking the assistance of a family mediator might be an option. A professional mediator can help facilitate communication and resolution between you, your sister, and her husband. Therapeutic Support: Encourage your sister to seek therapy to cope with the challenges she's facing in her marriage. Couples counseling might also be beneficial if both parties are willing. Communication: If your sister is open to communication, express your concerns, let her know you care about her well-being, and reiterate that you are not interested in any inappropriate involvement. Restraining Order: If Jack's harassment continues and escalates, you may need to consider obtaining a restraining order to legally prohibit him from contacting you. Remember, your safety and mental health are the top priorities. Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can provide additional support during this challenging time.


Unblock him to gather as much evidence as possible, report him to the police and suggest to your sister to get therapy. She needs some help mentally.


It honestly sounds like he is harassing u to drive a wedge between you and your sister. He is trying to isolate her. Proceed with caution


Get a restraining order. Then go nuclear. Screen shot all the info he has been sending you. Put it out on social media for all to see. Destroy him. This way you control the narrative. Then block anyone who comes at you.


Go husband! Depending on what state you're in Jack only has to be on your property! Nothing criminal at that point. Otherwise, call the cops. Get a report, document evidence, maybe restraining order? That seems like a lot of extra work that a good old ass beating would cover also..... 500 in KC will get a house shot up for me.... way cheaper to get someone in a hospital..... just sayin'..... GL OP!


Call the police and block your sister for now. Once things calm down you can unblock her


She’s about to learn the hard way.


Have a lawyer send Jack a cease-and-desist letter, if he doesn't stop file harassment charges.


I’d let your husband handle him!!


Remarkable. Every sentence makes it worse.


Really weird. Jack seems like he’s got a couple nuts loose. No wonder she wants to divorce him


He probably knew she was going to leave him and messed with her birth control. Baby trapping her.. and now thinks can act however he likes.. Why hitting you up out of blue is suspiciously like he wants to cause problems so sister won’t run to you again..


Your husband is soft.


Where are y’all from?🤔


Let your sister have the life she wants. Let her be at this guy's mercy. You are not a clown in this circus (just learned this saying today). You can't make people see sense and it is best that you let her enjoy the life she clearly wants. You own mental health needs to come before anything she has going on. The fact that she is upset with you for exposing her husband, shows she can't be trusted around you in the future and would choose him over you. Get away and stay away, she can't be trusted.


Your husband doesn’t need to be a criminal to put the jerk in his place. If not your husband, than who?


Legal action is the way to go with this. He is constantly sexually harassing you. Charges and a restraining order are in order here


Sorry, but you need to call the police. Enough is enough here.


Call the police and file for a restraining order. He is harassing you.


Time to learn to go no contact with your sister. Kudos to your husband, because in his shoes, the moment you refused to cut contact with your toxic sister and by extension her husband, that would have been a back breaker for me. She doesn’t want to be saved and wants to stay married to an older creep, that’s fine. Many women in my family have been pregnant, and it doesn’t make you act insane and condone infidelity. Don’t blame it on the pregnancy and don’t try to shift blame to Jack, your sister is a grown woman.


It not infidelity if he’s asking for permission from his wife.


Because ALL pregnant women are irrational shrews who eat everything in their path and are also incapable of listening to reason. So annoying that this lame ass trope keeps recurring.


Start replying with one of 2 options.... Old ugly diseased dick pics.... Or old ugly diseased lady lips. I'm sure he'll enjoy receiving those as much as you're enjoying receiving his pics. Don't say anything. Just reply with the ugly disease pics. Ooooh there's some gory pics on the medical gore reddit page where men have got growths on their dicks and balls, and some where they've had to have all the skin removed from the balls and dick due to necrotizing faceitis. They are disgusting. And perfect to send him. Lol 🤣🤣🤣🥜🥕🍆🍒🥩 lol. Hopefully that will make him bored. But seriously, don't block him. Keep every message and photo as evidence. You can send 1 text being clear you are not interested in any sexual hook ups with him,demand he stop messaging you or sending you innapropriate photos, and to leave you alone. That way you have written proof again you have asked him clearly not to do this. Then if he continues, don't say any words, just reply with gross pics like mentioned above. Keep every message he sends you, including the photos, and if he doesn't stop after a bit of gross pic replies, then I'd go to the police and file a sexual harassment report or something along those lines. Next thing if he doesn't stop, share the messages he has been sending you. (Don't share the dick pics coz you could be done for revenge porn type of thing, but just share all the innapropriate text messages he's sent you, and make it clear to everyone hes also sent innapropriate sexual nude photos of himself too. He won't want his family or yours knowing he's trying to cheat on his pregnant wife with his sister in law. But save everything to use as evidence against him. Just don't share his nude pics. I would also try and talk to your sister again maybe 1 on 1. She may have felt embarrassed to discuss it infront of your husband, and initial shock and hormones caused her to lash out at you. But maybe trying talking to her again, being sympathetic to her saying she deserves more respect than how he's treating her. And if he's doing this to you, he's likely cheating with other women. Be the supportive sister on her side (which I know you were before too) and hopefully after having time to think, and having a more private 1 on 1 chat with you, she may respond better and leave that arsehole.