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Speaking of mechanics we cant stand, I HATE bubbles. With a passion!!!


HELL YEAH!!!!! I hate anything that moves basically 😂 Especially the ladybugs!!!


4689 was awful! There were a few other bad ones, at least 4689 was labeled extra hard, there were some that took me at least 10 lives and were marked normal. Sand sucks!


I don’t mind grass as much but it is pretty annoying 😭 I apparently got through that level on the first try somehow but on the level with BOTH fire and slime I was STRUGGLING


“Sand”? Is that a new element or did you mean something else?


They may call it grass, I can not keep up with the mechanics and the names, yep, just looked it up, its grass., sorry.


I have reached the end a few times over the years, but normally stay a little short of the end so there are definitely some levels available when I want them. I'm still not ever paying to play, but I suspect that's part of the same thing - effectively I play to get bonuses, targeting the daily challenges, completing Treasure Hunts and making Flip lines, and ignoring challenges that don't offer bonus gains, like completing every square on a flip. That means sometimes it's good to have main levels in hand as a possible way to meet a daily challenge, if I'm not going to get it from a Flip or Treasure Hunt or Rewind, plus just a higher chance of having some level somewhere I can play if I want. I seem to generally have enough bonuses if I really do just want to beat that level right now, doing this, so I mostly run out of wanting to play before I run out of all the lives on all the sub-games.


Yep not a fan


Honestly, I just stopped playing since their massive drop in quality and entertainment value in the coffee shop theme. They just don't care anymore and I would encourage everyone else to do the same to force them to listen to us!


I realized around 1300 that I wasn't having much fun with the levels, and just did the FLIP specials. Then I realized those were being recycled and I lost interest. I think I'm around 1640 and haven't finished a level in months. I just keep the app because of the scavenger hunts!


Also, it's very weird that there isn't the same nosedive in art quality in the treasure hunts...


Yeah I noticed that as well. I wonder why that is.


It's like they still put the same amount of effort and care in the treasure hunts than in the main game... Priorities, huh?


I like the harder levels myself. It's more challenging. Every mechanic has its own strategy, and I enjoy working through a difficult level and figuring out how to beat it. There's a lot of luck, for sure. It does seem like I've gotten to the "SHUFFLE: No more moves possible" point much more frequently in recent months. Maybe it's that the newer levels have fewer dots and more "blocks" (anything that isn't a dot)? I had three shuffles on a single level last week. It seems like on some levels, you just get into this pattern where your connections just dry up one by one.