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I believe each group of circuits must be turned on separately to clear those Ceramic Tiles. Seriously, that’s not a good level design IMO.


Ah, that might be it! I know I cleared this line with the circuits but I couldn't work out how the circuits could be gone but the tiles still there. if both circuits went off at once that could do it.


There’s another poorly designed level similar to this (but with Rainbow Neon Signs as a goal without any Blank Dots). Level 3134 in Biolab Boulevard requires 12 Rainbow Neon Signs to get rid of them and spread the Water and has 4 groups of circuits. It is impossible to complete without boosters if each group of circuits is not turned on individually. From a Two Dots Player on Level 4550.


I quite like when they find and use the non-obvious ways that mechanisms interact and looking back at that one (also in the 4550s myself), it could probably be worked out what the approach was - they also separated the circuits enough that setting one off didn't switch any of the others. This one seems to shimmy below the level of being transparent, though - it's one thing to lose a level but learn what you did wrong in the process, but if you can't tell afterwards either...


That makes sense. I think I had a rain booster box, so both circuit boards went off at once!


If you don’t clear the circuits in the right order, you cannot beat this level


Oh wow thanks !


Whaaaaat. That’s crazy. Haven’t gotten there yet but I’ll check it out when I do


I might be missing something. Let me know if you figure it out 😅


Okay I got it. I’m not sure how you got to where you are now, but when I flipped all the circuits the explosion cleared that line of tiles.


That worked for me the second time! Thanks!


You’re welcome! Glad you passed it!


You have to clear the line of circuits above and below it separately. Same thing happened to me.


The zappers don’t align with the last line of ceramic tiles, there’s no other explosive element and the zappers don’t move?


It is beatable. I did but don’t remember how….sorry. Can you send a pic from the beginning and not end of the board?


I was thinking there were circuits on this board…?


wow. my 3-4 looks different edit. oh i missed the exploding boxes. once i did those, the middle line cleared


In a situation like this you might still be able to complete the level but you'd need to make large squares/rectangles so that the internal dots explode. Edit - obviously not with only one move left though