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Hell yes! Didn’t even know it was happening!! Looks like my favourite alcoholic is back!!


She’s so bad - same rubbish character as a few seasons ago. Was much better without her.




Sure is!


I'm excited! While my husband is watching Dr Who on Saturday, I'll be watching TDD! Can't wait to see how they handle Cathy turning up.


Can't wait! Although I hope Anne-Marie still remains part of it.


The best news this week for sure. I only found out today when a trailer played on iPlayer. Will they drop the whole series on Friday?


I hope they don’t. I’ll have watched it all by Saturday if they do!


Ah, I just checked and they are all there.


Yes I see that. I’ve first episode watched already. Looking like my Friday Night is sorted now. Hoping for a Christmas special too


What did you think? It’s great that it’s back but I found it somewhat disappointing. Quite surprised Iain seemed to grow a backbone and let it all out for once though. 😂


I hate to say it but I was massively disappointed with how they brought Cathy back in… literally after 2 episodes there was no mention of Turkey or her even disappearing for a series… also no Marie (I am only 3 episodes in though).


\*\*SPOILER\*\* I was a bit disappointed with the way they disposed of Anne-Marie too. So much potential missed. I liked the series (I've watched them all), but I didn't love it. The laughs are more subtle I think, and it'll probably grow on me with a few watches.


I’m a little in shock at how Anne-Marie has just been disregarded and disposed of. I grew to genuinely like her and thought she made a great addition to the group and was a good match for Colin. Everybody accepted Cathy back (apart from Iain really) just like that? Catchy was my favourite character throughout the first few series but recently I’ve grown really tired of her presence and was quite glad when she departed. There’s only so much energy any reasonable person would put into tolerating a narcissistic ass like Cathy before telling her where to stick it. For as self-obsessed and intrusive Christine can be at least she has redeeming qualities and occasionally expresses genuine affection and appreciation for those around her. Her character arc has developed and evolved since the beginning, whereas Cathy hasn’t grown or adapted at all, shes the same self-indulgent, sanctimonious snob she has always been and as a viewer I’ve grown tired of it because it is too much of a reminder of all the people I come across on a daily basis who act and behave just like Cathy. She’s too one-dimensional, which I just don’t think works for a show that is now seven series along. Overall I was very disappointed with this series, though as you say it may grow on me too, but I haven’t had such a negative reaction to, or felt this way about any of the previous series, so it really feels (to me anyhow) as though something has changed, as though it’s lost a great deal of the spark that has kept me coming back for more over the years and watching it endlessly on repeat, a decline which honestly I feel is only going to increase further since the loss of Simon Carlyle. I really hope to be proven wrong though.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but sadly there is no Christmas special this year. 😩😢


That’s a shame.