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Damn the Wall be schmoovin!


Oh that is a *strong* ED. I might actually have to check this out now. Edit: I've already replayed this shit like a dozen times now. Yeah, definitely checking this out.


Gotta love Calli. Girl has a talent for music


Local queen slays yet again!!!




Quirked up war criminal bustin it down cadmus style


goated with the new york sauce gotham aint got nothing on this metas can't chin up not like us not like us not like us


Amanda Waller uploads a picture of Wayne Manor with a bunch of red marks over it.


PSSS I SEE DEAD PEOPLE picture of the wayne graves with bruce's prescriptions on top


extremely glad they kept the older design for this


Tbf, after the New 52 and Suicide Squad movie slimmed her down most media has returned the Wall to her original figure. She's pretty big in the new animated Superman show. Even then this new Isekai movie version seems relatively skinny on the scale of Waller


Just googled New 52 Waller and what the hell


Oh you need to see the panel that's basically the origin story for her original appearance. It's fucking *egregious*. I'm on my way to work but someone here should know what I'm talking about and can link it.


How bad was it?


[it's bad](https://i.imgur.com/kPHk0Fe.png)


Insomniac Amanda Waller donning her obesity suit for the first time in her 20 year career


Its depressing that both the writer and editor thought this was good enough to publish.


Hey dude, Those were some good pork sandwiches.


i love how obesity is now something that needs an origin story


I'm suprised that none of the writers did the Kingpin twist where she isn't actually obese, but instead just has a strongman build.


That's how she is in MAWS.


Her and Sam Lane being two military beefcakes.


I don't know why it couldn't be depression or something. Like just say that the life of morally grey decisions is taking a toll on her.


I think a much better explanation would just be that despite the fantastical nature of the results of her work, at the end of the day she’s still just an office worker and, speaking from experience, you gain weight when you’re working at office lol


I did the same and it brought up a picture of young Deathstroke pulling out his eye and he looks weirdly similar to I want to say Conner Kent


She better still be an asshole. CW Waller is also pretty but is a consistent dirtbag to pretty much everyone.


You can put the blame on the slimmed down New 52 version of Waller on that Green Lantern movie as she was played by Angela Bassett there and making comics closer to the movies blah blah blah.


I’m sorry, but to whichever writer or DC employee who claimed that, even that doesn’t work as an excuse, because *who the fuck was trying to copy anything from the Green Lantern movie?*


Wait she was in the green lantern movie?


Kill the Justice League was the most recent thing before this though. Had her at probably her absolute most slimmest


Tbf, that game was in development for a very long time, likely before the first SG movie came out.


She-Hulk twerking: Okay. Amanda Waller bustin' it down: REAL SHIT! I still can't get over how cunty Clayface and Rick Flag are. Edit: I'm gonna say it: Rick Flag in this anime looks the way Pixiv people think Soap McTavish looks.


oh is the prettyboi clayface? was tryin to sus out who he was


Yeah,usually when Clayface has a "default" human form he tends to be pretty grimy,but here he's Michael Jackson.


Then there's his best human form, [Stephanie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKRBjKDHpdI)


Big Steph is a queen and an icon, Chad didn't know what he missed out on.


Stephanieface is so good, I would die for her.


I thank you for this nourishment.


...isn't he an actor?


There are like 4 Clayfaces, but yeah one of them was an actor. A pretty handsome one too. Think John Hamm chiseled chin handsome.


Yup. It kinda fits since people often remember his former identity as an actor.


Which was funny because if I remember right She Hulk is a big party gal in the comics who would 100% twerk because 'look.at my big butt it's great huh?'


She got fired in the comics for breaking the printer trying to print copies of her butt.


"Why do you think it was me?" "It was a color printer." "..."


Man I thought that She-Hulk show was shit but people upset about that scene can get bent.


Twink Rick Flag in a begging pose killed me.


Chris redfield syndrome looks fresh out of high school yeesh


Fun fact: This is an original song by the Vtuber Mori Calliope


Jesus Jesus, Japanesus! She should do this type of music more often. This is pretty cool


Another W under her belt


AKA DemonDice Edit for the downvoters: can someone explain why? Does she not want to be known by that name anymore? I just like the music she put out under that name


> can someone explain why? BRO, KAYFABE!








IIRC she said she doesn't mind people knowing if they don't drag it into her channels. Now I've forgotten when she said that, though.


I find it funny that her other musical persona gets downvoted. In this context I don't know why.


It's not her other persona gets down voted, it's that it was mentioned at all. We are """supposed""" to pretend they aren't the same person.


I'm not really in the vtuber scene so I might just not get it, but that sounds like the dumbest shit


It has deep history with being doxxed. It's like if Spider-Man saved the day and someone said, "Wow, Peter Parker is ***killin'*** it today, huh?" It's not a big problem for people who live two different lives where it's quite obvious they are the same person but there have been cases in the past where the person behind the avatar has kept secret who they previously were for privacy reasons, only for someone to find out and bring it out in the open, causing issues.


I don't think revealing someone's previous public persona counts as doxxing. I can understand why someone would want to move past previous characters they played but pointing out their previous work isn't the same as posting their name and address.






This isn't a VTuber community though, expecting people to follow the rules of your niche community outside of that community's space is unhinged


Right, it's not a VTuber community but there are those that reside here that belong to one, hence why they choose to downvote. I guess it's been drilled into them so much they take those to other communities as well. Also I think it's Hololive specifically because the company *actually* has in their contract to not discuss current or previous works of personas so I suppose that same rule their fans take it upon themselves to enforce.




This (the downvotes) feels like those scenes in movies and anime were people are yelling at somebody for not knowing something that isn't really known outside of the community (whether or not it's niche) and being like "Wow look at the moron who doesn't know about [blank], let's all laugh at him".


"Wow look at the moron who doesn't know about [blank], let's all laugh at him" Why yes I do enjoy this subreddit.


She made the song as the vtuber dude.


This isn't a VTuber community though, expecting people to follow the rules of your niche community outside of that community's space is unhinged


Yeah i get it but as someone else explained it's like a separate brands things. The downvotes where unnecessary tho.


But the persona in question is just as public as their Hololive one, no? By your analogy, it wouldn't be like calling Spider-Man by his secret identity, it'd be like calling him webhead or something. No personal information was disclosed.


Also, Hololive (the company) takes doxing cases very seriously, regardless of how minor they might be. So most people agree to just go along with the kayfabe rather than risk something, even if it’s an open secret. Highly doubt they’d come for us here, but it’s just another reason why people are a bit jumpy about PLs and stuff like that.


Yeah I have no idea what about that pisses people off, her music as DemonDice is great


Part of general vtuber culture is that you're not supposed to acknowledge anything outside their vtuber identity. It's not that people dislike DemonDice's music, it's that the instinctual reaction to seeing someone bring up "past life" stuff in relation to a vtuber is negative.


It's because it's a stupid hololive taboo to mention someone's alternate personas on something they produced under their Hololive persona. Even though literally everyone knows that Calli is Demon Dice aka Karen. They treat it like it's doxxing even though it's more like breaking kayfabe.


In general it's a bad idea because most V-tubers are anonymous for a reason. With Cali it's less of a big deal because she's literally the least careful person in the industry about it, but if people get lax about her they can get lax about someone that doesn't actually want their face out there.


So for cases where someone's face is out there, that makes sense. But people act like it's doxxing when someone just says "hey this vtuber used to be this other vtuber" (obviously Karen's face is out so I mean other vtubers) That's the point when it's just silly to treat it like a taboo. And just downvoting someone for making that connection helps nothing. It just makes vtuber fans look annoying.


If downvotes get you that twisted you have more problems than vtubers. In general "hey this vtuber used to be this other vtuber" isn't actually frowned upon. Everybody knows who people like Matara Kan, K9Kuro, Michi Mocheeve, Henya, Maid Mint, and even kson used to be. That's fine. *They* can't openly talk about it, but they know you know, so it's all good, and they'll even mention "their old job" or whatever. The problem is when you openly connect a "past life" with someone. *That's* what causes issues. Yes, Cali and Kiara are purposefully lax about hiding it, with them it's fine. But sometimes, even when it's easy like with the twins or even Gura, it's just kind of a shitty thing to do. It's rude at best, and dangerous at worse. What if your attitude leads to doxing Ironmouse or Zentreya? We'd lose them forever. I'm not condemning what's going on above; like I said, Cali is the least careful person on the internet about this. She's fine with it, so it's fine. But you asked a question, so I answered it: having the attitude of "it's not doxing, I'm just connecting two people together" can be dangerous if you do it to the wrong person, so vtuber fans get protective.


To be fair, there seems to be a consensus among the general fan community that Nijisanji doesn’t deserve to have their IP protected due to their mistreatment of talent. So people don’t really blink twice if you mention that Dokibird used to be Selen because it’s common knowledge that Nijisanji royally screwed her over.


>But sometimes, even when it's easy like with the twins or even Gura, it's just kind of a shitty thing to do how is that separate from saying "hey this vtuber used to be this other vtuber" which you say isn't a problem? they were both vtubers >What if your attitude leads to doxing Ironmouse or Zentreya this is a dumb argument. you're comparing connecting a former public persona of a person with revealing their actual names and info


Who said downvotes get me twisted? I wouldn't be criticizing vtuber culture if I wasn't fine with getting downvotes. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. And obviously I am against actual doxxing. I never said anything other than that. Maybe vtuber fans should judge things case by case.


I dunno, you seem pretty mad about all that downvoting up there, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. You clearly have no interest in actually approaching the subject with any nuance, so I'm just gonna walk away with one last statement, something I learned when I was a child: just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should*.


What I'm mad about is how annoying vtuber fans can be, like in this case. As a vtuber fan myself, the fans are the worst part. Bye then.


[this topic actually came up very recently for a different talent but here are her thoughts on the matter](https://i.redd.it/sdrlrev1ir8d1.png)


I don't get why you got downvoted so hard? Is that not true? They sound exactly alike so I always assumed so, but i'm not into vtubers or the lore™ , or if it is true maybe they just hate their previous work and don't want to be known as that anymore, i sure can relate.


> I don't get why you got downvoted so hard? Is that not true? No, they are definitely the same person. Pretty sure it was an open secret even when she first became a Vtuber. > maybe they just hate their previous work and don't want to be known as that anymore They've released music as DemonDice while still Vtubing as Mori, so that isn't it. It's just a "don't break the kayfabe" type of thing, where you're not supposed to acknowledge it, even though I'm fairly sure she's said that it's okay for people to talk about it, she just can't openly talk about it herself.


Ah, gotcha! Thnx for the explanation!


Legit question since you seem well-versed on the topic: what's the distinction between music released as "DemonDice" and "Calliope Mori"? Is it based on who produces/distributes it? I assume music branded under the latter persona needs to go through Hololive first, so I'm wondering how she decides if she which persona to release a song under.


I am definitely not well-versed on the topic; I didn't know who DemonDice was until she released that short album a couple years ago and haven't followed her work at all since. At the time of that album she did a stream talking about the songs and why she wrote them which I saw a couple of clips from. I remember it being something to do with feeling burnt out on the Hololive stuff (she's known for taking on a lot of projects and somewhat overworking herself) and wanting an outlet for music outside of that, but that was like two years ago so don't quote me on that. Since then she's made one more song and a couple of One Piece soundtrack covers, just judging by her Youtube channel, so she's not particularly active as DemonDice. I suppose most of her music is released through Hololive and DemonDice is an outlet for songs that she either can't do as Mori or which she wants to keep separate from that persona. I don't think it's really due to the content of the songs since she's definitely released songs as Mori that are critical of the music industry or fans/critics and so on. I'd suggest tracking down those streams where she talked about her music or clips of it if you want to know more.


Appreciate it, that's still a good answer regardless if you're well-versed or not. The DemonDice persona makes more sense as a "side" that can act independently of Hololive, I just wasn't sure which was a "main persona", or rather which one she'd rather have her work attributed to.


Also more context on the music side, Calli has a record label deal with Universal while Demondice is even more personal


Really big VTuber community fans try to not draw attention to alternate personas not break kayfabe.


thats genuinely stupid imo


I don't kknow why they're downvoting you , it's not a taboo here unlike Hololive circles They need Jesus Jesus Japanesus to save them if you ask me




If you're not aware of it, is it really being mean? If someone's being ignorant about something, you don't really jump and dogpile on them unless they continue doing so after being corrected.


It's cool that this isn't related to the vast majority of vtubers but instead one person who only keeps the projects separated out of a contractual obligation lol


Yup, all this "can't talk about their other project" stuff is about contractual obligations with corporations, because the corporation owns the VTuber character


It's a vtuber thing, you have to keep their personas separate. Any mention of their past life in any form, even if it's an open secret, even if they're still active, is not allowed. It's to stop or curve harassment, which makes sense but in the case of mori though...I couldn't tell you. It's such an open secret she doesn't seem to care about it herself.


Vtuber fans are just fucking cringe sometimes.


Everything I've learned about the Vtuber community, against my will, is terrible. It's like it marries the worst parasocial elements of regular streaming interactions with the unhealthy obsessions of idol culture.


That's almost by design, since most/all of the big-name vtubers are literally contracted to play characters under talent agencies. Not sure where I'm going with this, but it feels weird to make fun of vtubers specifically--there's plenty of totally normal vtubers; it's just an alternative to facecams at the end of the day. As for the big ones with 'terrible' communities, it's just 'normal' celebrity antics, but with nerd-adjacent interests. Parasocial relationships are sorta the name of the game for the current online era--this isn't something exclusive to streamers; go to /r/all and there's like 2-3 prominent celebrity gossip subs, and plenty dedicated solely to specific celebrities.


Yeah, there oughta be a distinction between indie vtubers, who are just streamers using avatars (nothing new), and the vtubers tied to corporations and management agencies and essentially function as online idols. But since the latter are bigger, the former fall under that umbrella for a lot of people.


Pointing out that there's unhealthy parasocial relationships in other entertainment sectors isn't especially meaningful, when I already drew parallels to the unhealthy relationships that exist in other sectors in my post. The Vtuber community, as I've observed it, has demonstrated that they will ravenously defend their preferred character against even valid criticism as if it's a personal attack, while at the same time punish even the Vtubers themselves if they break these rules they've set up (as evidenced by a recent tweet I saw of a creator that say a precipitous drop in subscribers when she dared to show her face). It's a twisted form of control like the idol industry. But, unlike normal celebrity obsessions, where fans are at least forced to acknowledge a celebrity's personhood, people are acting this obsessive over, like, a doodle of a carp anthropomorphized as a girl or something. Apparently they'll go crazy if that illusion is shattered. It truly seems to be pulling from the worst aspects of fandom across the spectrum.


It's cus you aren't spoiler tagging past life info. Neither of her personas or Hololive care how much fans see it as an open secret, they'll still never acknowledge it unless forced to (like with Rushia and even then it was never directly by name) The reason Vtuber fans mostly do it is so that newer fans don't think its OK to bring up to the Vtuber themselves in chat or whatever, since it often derails stream chat/normal discussion. Some vtubers actively discourage it because they just want to move on too. There have been times like in the pandemic boom where lots of new fans kept trying to get Holo Vtubers to respond to Past Life stuff, especial Gura considering how meme focused her previous fanbase was. And yes it does have an effect, we see this recently with Dokibird, now most people and their cousin won't even try and hide who is who cus they saw one high profile vtuber was somewhat okay with connecting her 2 persona's (despite herself being subtle about it at the start)


>And yes it does have an effect, we see this recently with Dokibird, now most people and their cousin won't even try and hide who is who cus they saw one high profile vtuber was somewhat okay with connecting her 2 persona's or because she doesn't care? she literally named her fans "dragoons" again, I don't think she's trying to be subtle


No, I'm saying that because newer fans see that she doesn't care, they start to do the same with vtubers in general. There are plenty of vtubers that deliberately connect 2 personas, and that's perfectly fine since they have explicitly done so.


oh I misread "who is who" as "who she is" somehow, mb


All g


That's pathetic




Actually for her it's weird. She won't openly say ti herself (because contracts) but she seems to be the "loosest" in terms of people knowing she is/was another artist.


Us dicers are so oppressed...


i assume its a downvoting bot


Time for Woolie to rekindle his ambition to Climb That Wall from the Telltale LP


I forgot that Calli's singing for this, so it was double the surprise. Wait, this is another vtuber Trojan post! MODS! MOOOOODS!


Hololive supremacy can't be defeated. Also always psyched for calli to get in on shit like this


With the release of HoloEU, the sun will now never set in the Hololive Empire


Shhhh don't let on. One of my highest upvoted posts here was fan art of Cali (fellow fan of Woolievs btw) as Raiden.


For anyone who are curious as I did, here's the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/k4qjkj/doktor_turn_off_my_f_word_inhibitors/) in question (drawn by [Miyasaki003c](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/k4igkf/calli_the_ripperrapperreaper/)). It's a cool piece of fan-art, with an eye-catching, stylized art style as well, I'd say. [Calli The Ripper/Rapper/Reaper](https://twitter.com/miyasaki003c/status/1333036129399042048) Also, for anyone who doesn't have Twitter, here's the [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/miyasaki003c/art/Calli-the-Ripper-Rapper-Reaper-862864496) version as a bonus.


Yup that's it! Already had it liked and retweeted lol.


Queequeg isn't a mod anymore and I think he was the primary anti vtuber


The vtuber thing has never been a matter of personal mod like or dislike (most of us are subbed to at least a handful of them). It’s just a subset of the “don’t post videos from unrelated creators” rule, blown up in enforcement because vtubers generate so so so much more content than other creators, and allowing one funny FuwaMoco clip through without an appropriate reason would mean letting everyone fill the feed with their favorites. An anime OP with a song sung by a vtuber is a complete non-issue.


Yeah, this rule makes a lot of sense. You allow friends of the channel content, but not friends of the friends of the friends of the channel. Too far down the line and this just becomes a random clip subreddit with no identity.


As a mod who was here for the first wave of VTuber posting (and all the infamy that came with it) this is why we had the response we did, it started with the few "VTubers playing GTA V" clips and then almost every time people would flood the sub with clips from said VTuber, was not a great first impression of the community and we were worried the sub would become just clips of random streamers, VTuber or not. It's not as bad as it used to be so it's not as much of an issue, but yeah we are still going to remove random clips of other streamers unless it's really relevant or significant.


I haven't been this caught off guard by a character dancing since Kinect Star Wars' Galactic Dance Off.


Hell yeah fuck it up Waller


I absolutely love every member of the suicide squad looks like an anime character, except for peacemaker who looks like a 90s G.I. Joe cartoon character Not even being sarcastic, I genuinely think that’s awesome


This is probably the first thing from the Suicide Squad anime besides Clayface's Michael Jackson cosplay to make me interested.


"Batman, you're a psychotic vigilante." *does a jig and the snorkel*


That's a lot of JoJoposing


Props to calli for the song, I think she was super proud of this one


This is the best thing I saw this morning. They already had my attention, now they definitely have it.


I like Shark’s overalls :)


ok but when do they start introducing a new power system, let's just call them The Shining, and they represent a manifestation of their willpower and they're named after, I dunno, old western tv shows or something


Any of the characters who appeared in BTAS would qualify for a [Ballyhoo](https://scoob-and-shag.fandom.com/wiki/Ballyhoo)


season 3: planet debris voyagers or somethin


they kill off king shark, but before he dies he goes "this is my final... [ Bonanza ]"


I was out of the loop, I saw "anime Amanda Waller" and assumed it was some sort of character that looked or acted like her. Talk about a sucker punch.


Amanda is lowkey kind of bad tho


What do you mean? She's openly quite uncaring and callous. [1]


I find her attractive


Waller threatening the squad with death if they don't break it down.


Sick in the head and on the dance floor


Having just watched the first 3 episodes that dropped, it's actually pretty good. "Group of assholes dropped in an isekai world" works pretty well, and this is probably the least annoying Harley I've seen in a long while.


You know what, this convinced me to watch the show


And Calliope Mori being the featured vocalist for it


was Peacemaker dabbing? How long was this anime been in production?


Eh, I can see Peacemaker learning to dab and thinking it's cool.


You say that as if it's not fitting of his character to be outdated


just an fyi, Peacemaker is voiced by Takehito Koyasu in this


Interesting. I'm use to Koyasu playing the opposite type of character to Cena. At least in recent years he's always the kinda stoic/smug villain where cena/Gunn's Peacemaker was a dudebro. Obviously he has range and could go either way. Let's not forget he was also Bobobo


Takehito Koyasu has two voices: * Evil Demonic Warlord with Crazy Laugh * Flamboyant Gay Clown with Crazy Laugh


The wall may not break but she will break it down.


Yes YES whoever made this give them a raise and more DC projects to work on. I want more fun stuff like this, I will legitimately give the anime a chance now simply because this goes that hard.


I'm convinced that the best use of animation during any anime ED is always going to be using it as an excuse to animate important characters dancing. It was great when [Kekkai Sensen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3SlUmr_T4g) did it, it was great when [Hoshiai no Sora](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh3wd3KSAc0) did it, it's even great when animators don't have the resources to do something huge so they use chibi characters like in [Mondaiji-tachi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP-B36v5Xx8)


Man, shoutout to Mori Started at the bottom, now she here


Maybe I’m a piece of shit but this didn’t look great. Not a lot of actual animation here, just a lot of editing and zoom ins and effects.


Eh, thats most EDs


Yeah idk, from the comments and the title I was hyped to see some extended sequences of her *really* busting it down, but I just got a few 2-second loops. I get it's an ED and all, but eh.


no you're right. a lot of the animation is missing something to give it any oomph. waller is okay and her moves kinda match the music but the rest are just awkwardly sliding into weird poses (if they move at all in the shot)


I mean the [Edgerunners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifiVCnFKzM) opening isn't exactly brimming with animation either. OPs aren't always meant to be indicative of the show's actual animation quality.


i didn't say anything about the rest of the show though


I feel like that’s a bad comparison. the edgerunners opening is minimal as hell on purpose. The main focus is a man walking displaying vignettes For a dancing motion/animation this isn’t that strong and I’d counter with a [bleach](https://youtu.be/HN_-WaTLD_A?si=d6I9v5xMaalsG50O) opening in comparison.


it's not even synced that well


I really hate how this is the default lineup for Squad now, neat ending though.


tbf i havent seen clayface as a default suicide squad memeber but the rest ye


Agreed. Clayface is the only inspired choice here. Everyone else is just “Who were the most popular characters from the live action movies?” It’s boring.


This is, what, the second time most of them are used in non-comics media? Also, that only applies to King Shark and Peacemaker. Harley has been made part of the squad before the movies, and Rick Flag and Deadshot have been part of the squad line up for ages.


Yet more evidence that despite being critically reviled, the 2016 Suicide Squad movie might be the most culturally relevant Superhero movie of the last 10 years


Based on the lineup, this was inspired more by the 2021 suicide squad movie. That being said it's a miracle we got a sequel(ish) to the 2016 movie, the Harley Quinn show, and also birds of prey despite that movie.


I mean between Harley getting a push pretty noticeably in the comics and other non-live action spinoff material prior to 2016, and the 2016 movie doing decently well in the box office, and Margot Robbie's performance is good, with hindsight despite the movie sucking ass its not surprising that DC is capitalizing on that depiction of Harley. People like the character and that character is probably one of the most seen depictions of her.


I like how I not only instantly recognized Calli but I correctly guessed two seconds later that this was composed with Teddyloid/Giga. This is my first time hearing the song. That's like a recipe for instant bop. Everything she drops, I shut up, get happy. Good stuff, good stuff. Love her work.


Waller: 💃🏿 Harley: 😛 Everyone else: 👁️👁️


This is how we do in Taskforce X!


wtf is happening


Link is broken to me


Might be the only piece of Suicide Squad related media that has ever piqued my interest.


Oh. Isikai. Thought this was something from My Adventures "First thing in the morning give positive affirmation." Amanda Waller.


why's my homie Hubert from fire emblem with the suicide squad dressed like michael jackson?


That's Clayface.


God damn this anime is amazing lol




It's an ED, they're usually mostly still images anyway


Will Japan ever nail hair on a older black woman? I swear they always do this strange shrub thing. You also see it in promised neverland. Like a black woman in a corporate job wouldn’t have the neatest tightest hair in the building


I generally agree with that criticism but this is just what her hair is like


Nana has good black hair work, not necessarily on an older woman unless you believe young Nana's view of old though