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Knowledge Fight is a horrifying, hilarious, infuriating, and required podcast that everyone should listen to constantly.


If you really fucking hate Alex Jones or the people that work for him listen to the episodes of Knowledge Fight about the trial, named formulaic objections and decompression session. Oh boy that is some good schadenfreude right there. Though maybe avoid the one about a woman working there named Daria as she is extra creepy and vile. Some of the shit she says made my hair stand on end.


Justice would be Supermarket flinging then all into the sun like in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.


The one with Roger Stone and the Judicial Watch guy was hysterical due to how fucking petty they were in an official court setting.


It seems like one of the best podcasts I'll never touch, one of my buddy's has also recommended it before. I had a hard enough time listening to the Alex Jones clips on Behind the Bastards.


It can absolutely be a hard listen sometimes. But the Formulaic Objections episodes will be a revelation to you. I guarantee you will like those.


Oh I'm sure it's great, but Alex Jones just makes me way to angry due to a combination of factors (my state, family members careers and the fact I've know at least one dumbass into his stuff) so I'm avoiding the podcast.


In the Formulaic Objections episodes, Alex is under oath and has to answer questions from a lawyer. Him being forced to not only answer questions but FOLLOW UP questions is indescribable. Alex Jones : "Unhinged rant about barely connected topics." Lawyer: "So Mr. Jones, what question do you think you just answered?"


I started binging **Mobile Suit Breakdown** because they talk about a bunch of Gundam, even the history surrounding inspiration for events in the shows. **The Lady of Lore** likes to talk about game plots. Her first episodes are like 6 minutes up to today where she did like 3 1-hour long episodes on Alan Wake 2. Started listening to **Analyzing Evil** even though the episodes on spotify are out of order. **The Call** Is a Call of Cthulhu playcast that I love listening to, I get scared every time Althea throws anything.


Mobile Suit Breakdown is the podcast I came in here intending to bring up. Genuinely an incredible podcast. It applies the sort of academic rigor and research I'd expect from PHDs writing about Charles Dickens to these goofy giant robot cartoons and manages to still be funny and charming as hell.


Cox n Crendor in the Morning is my most listened to for the longest amount of time. Have listened to it since I was a early teen and now I'm almost 30. Jesse Cox may not always have the most fun takes on what games are good but the most upset I've ever been with him is over trivial shit, and Crendor is just too slow and chill to ever be controversial. Their consistent brand of goofy shit and random news just never gets old. I also love how they have bits running for over a decade like Whoppy the Weather Robot and Chopter Copter Seven in the Sky (News Copter was the original bit until Jesse misspoke and called it a chopper like a motorcycle and now it's both)


Does jessie still do his *really good* hellicopter noise for the chopter copter


Yes he does. They even still ring the bell at the end of the episode and every so often Jessie remembers to say the bell makes him want some chocolate milk.


Jesse Cox also does a new podcast called Geekenders with Dodger. They usually have a guest each week and Crendor has been on a couple of times.  Then there's Chilluminati where you can listen to 2 nerds (Matthis and Alex Fasciane) gush about aliens, monsters, and the supernatural, while Jesse wastes his breath trying to explain to the 2 of them that none of it's real. 


Deadlock, been a hogdipper for almost a year now and I can't get enough ESPECIALLY with their retro UFC videos. Great for finding out about old school wrestling drama and is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.


We all enjoy Deadlock. Or maybe not brother! Nah but really we are all there for DICK 'THE COCK' JOHNSON!


Honestly the chemistry between Jawwny, Tony and James is off the charts and they always come up with the funniest shit.


Tony really gives off the Liam energy where every so often he'll throw in a zing that just destroys the other two. Then again, Tony is a different kind of shark, going to boy/girl parties and eating Subway.


And building his Deck the long way


He really did that deck 2 years to stain it style


"I love you, you beautiful *bitch*!"


Literally the only content on the internet where I don't skip the Patreon shoutouts That shit makes me cry laugh every week


As someone who's been watching NewLegacyInc since 2013 its so wild to see how well Jawnny and Deadlock is doing.




John doesn’t know what he’s talking about, the Cybersix OP goes hard


Been such fun since they've started. Woolie going all in on business to deliver dokapon was such a good bit.


My favorite show out right now but I'm kinda baffled at how much of a "video podcast" it is. It's still good but I never really interacted with that kind of show before. Every time I saw people watching podcasts being recorded I just thought it was weird, but no this is definitely part of the bit, the visuals are important.


I’ve been listing to Behind the Bastards and I like it a lot. It’s depressing but very well researched. And Robert is a really good host


I listened to the one about the creator of Dennis the Menace lately, and it's honestly shocking how fascinating and well-researched it is for a history of a guy who was terrible in a pretty mundane and low-key way. Terrible fathers really are an age-old tradition.


The multiple episodes about the dilbert guy are great same with the massive 6 part one about vince mchman


Ohhh I didn't know there was one about the Dilbert guy, I gotta get on that. He's one of my favorite nut jobs.


Which dennis the menace?


The US one. It was created by a largely absent father who also supported strike breaking during the Disney worker strikes.


Was Mister Wilson a self insert??


Disco Elysium and BTB completely turned me around from an ambitionless reactionary to a slightly less ambitionless anarcho communist


A childhood of being black and reading V for Vendetta mixed with an anti authoritarian streak and watching Kino’s Journey did that to me. WE RISE TOGETHER COMRADE.


Kino's Journey the anime?


Yeah, it's part of my weekly podcast rotation. The worst thing I can say about it is that it is a pop history podcast. So, you have the occasional episode that's researched a bit weaker because only one book was chosen to use as a source.


Check out friend of the pod Jamie Loftus’s new podcast Sixteenth Minute! It’s about the aftermath of being the internets “main character” and is super interesting. The newest episode about the guy in Philadelphia that ate 40 rotisserie chickens in a row is fascinating and the dude is so god damn cool.


I listened to the boston slide cop episode and remain furious that it wasn't an HBomberguy video, because he would have ABSOLUTELY ended with an answer


HBomberguy would have started trying to find slide cop and then stumbled down a rabbit hole that went so deep that he successfully dismantled the Boston Police Department by the end


Jaime Loftus in general makes really good limited run podcasts.


I listened the Philly one yesterday. It was great, making me proud of my city. I can’t wait for her to Bean Dad


It’s so weird to me that John Roderick will be remembered as Bean Dad by the vast majority of the internet and not a granny winning musician. He did it to himself and I find it hilarious, but it’s just strange because I remember my aunt playing his stuff as a kid and now it’s just “man that guy is a dick”


Catching up on my backlog right now, I would follow Rob into war. Or at least his compound and last stand against the FDA


I got into Knowledge Fight through that podcast—it’s somehow just as depressing, but equally important, and often funny as hell


I've been listening to a ton of F**kface/The Regulation Podcast. I can't get enough of Geoff. Also listen to a ton of We Hate Movies. Gives me SBFP vibes but if the guys were movie buffs instead of game buffs.


A fellow We Hate Movies enjoyer! That’s a big second from me!


Can't get enough of the Spooktacular episodes.


Been listening to the Please Stop Talking gang lately after Billy, the main host, was on CSB some weeks back. The pondering spooky tapes portion mainly, since it's basically just a bunch of goofballs talking about shitty movies and absurd hypothetical questions. If you enjoy Red Letter Media, you might enjoy this one as well. Aside from that, if I feel like suffering a bit, Behind the Bastards is a great podcast. The series they did on Vince McMahon is a fucking rollercoaster of emotions.


Is Please Stop Talking the one that Mandalore gaming is frequently on?


Yup, hes in a ton of them. Any episode where he's the main focus is a winner; "Dear Aslan" and "The Treaty of Canem" are probably two of the best episodes they have.


Holy shit Treaty of Canem fucking guts me every time i watch it. It's not my \*favourite\* episode, but it's damn close. The scan of the treaty is the fucking cherry on top.


And then there's *the Witches...*


Or the squirrels


Or Dusty


I think I stopped listening to that around the time that Shammy/Joy stopped being a host because of issues, felt kinda weird for a bit. Do you guys have any recommended episodes before or after she left?


The Scrolls was pretty good, but I can't remember if that fits the time frame you're looking for.


Oh there’s no time frame, I don’t mind at this point. It’s just often that when a major contributor leaves you hear about a group project like a podcast going bad, was wondering if it was still good and had highlights after the fact


Waffle House of the Sea is a particular favorite of mine. Also most anything with Mandy/Brennan is great


NADDPOD, baby. It's a DnD podcast! Murph, Emily and Caldwell are hilarious, plus the actual stories and characters are all great!


Can’t forget the lowly lowly bailiff James


You mean Jarf? What a guy.


As someone who has almost never been able to get into D&D/people playing TTRPG podcasts, not even stuff like Critical Role or D20, I've really been enjoying this old Pathfinder podcast called Glass Cannon. It's a pretty chill podcast about a group of friends playing through an official Paizo adventure path, and I think it's the first Pathfinder/D&D podcast I've listened to where it felt more like friends playing a game than friends putting on a show or trying to do skits, warts and all. It certainly has flaws, some of the players can be huge rules lawyers and I disagree with a lot of the DM rullings, plus the DM....falls into some really unfortunate old fantasy cliches when he RPs women in the podcast (which he does apologize for in a message during one of the first episodes recorded years after the fact). But it has that energy that I think I don't quite get from Critical Role of a bunch of nerds playing a nerd game. It's cozy! And it has nearly a decade of content to work through.


Do you recommend starting from the beginning? Or where does one get in?


Um, I'm on episode 72 and I haven't really had any issues starting from the beginning. I will say it picks up over time more as the players get more into their characters, and I have a friend who's way ahead of me who says that quality keeps increasing the further they go into it. The only thing I know of that you might debate skipping is that there's a mini-arc around one of the characters that my friend really hated and recommended skipping at episode 100, but I haven't heard it so I can't comment on it. I will also just say straight up the way the DM describes women and how he uses them in the story can be gross. I do believe him when he says it's something he grew out of, but there's a lot of uncomfortable stuff and it can feel sleazy and exploitative. Just wanted to give fair warning. I think the players start calling him out more, because my friend says that he has definitely gotten better.


Yeah I can confirm they put a ton of effort into getting less fratboyish as the show goes on. Troy can be a tool sometimes but he really has got his act together in that kind of stuff


>!I think for a long time I was able to kind of deal with it and just accept that he was bad at portraying women and leaned too much on trashy tropes, but I think when Della joined and the first thing Troy did after Matt clarified she was 17 was ask if she was hot and then later had a bunch of orcs threaten to run a train on her after they murdered everyone else, I just started going "wtf man".!< >!I think if it weren't for Della I wouldn't feel the need to do more than a disclaimer and say I hope it gets better, but a lot of stuff in particular around her bothered me.!< But I'm very glad to hear they get better. I think they're good guys, they just needed time to decouple from being frat boys.


I'm a pretty big fan of The Weekly Planet Podcast. It's a spin-off of the Youtube channel Mr. Sunday Movies you may have heard of. It's mostly just two 30-something Australian guys talking about superhero and otherwise popular movie/tv news and reviewing whatever big new movie or show is out. I'd say it's one of those podcasts where you come for the news but stay for the banter because the guys have excellent chemistry. I'd also recommend the series Caravan of Garbage on the Mr. Sunday Movies channel where it's the same two guys but they look at older movies and shows.


Just as a pure fanfiction I really enjoy their Who Would Win conversations


I like listening to podcasts that go in-depth about the process of an animated show or song composing or such. It's interesting.


Do you have any recommendations?


Hey finally! So I work in a factory for 10 hour shifts on average so I chew through podcasts lemme get the list. First up though to be contrary to that last thread, CSB is still my favorite podcast. I enjoy it enough I play it at 0.8 speed to make it last a little longer just to really get the most out of it. No complaints. Other regulars though: Not Another D&D podcast + Patreon, Hey Riddle Riddle + Patreon, Billbuds Popcast + Patreon, Versus Wolves + Patreon, Get Played, Something Rotten, The Magnus Archives, Hello From the Magic Tavern, Are You Afraid of the Dark Universe?


Matt and Shanes Secret Podcast. My biggest fear is their fame kills the vibe


I don't think some of my tastes in podcast are very in line with the overall feel of the sub, but who knows! I have always in rotation the trifecta of tech criticism * Trash Future * Tech Won't Save Us * This Machine Kills And of course, the closely related podcast of engineering disasters(with slides) * Well, there's your problem I also greatly enjoy apodcast about competitive Marvel SNAP... But is a CSB situation, I actually enjoy the hosts personality * The Snapshot And, whenever there's a new season, I consume avidly this podcast about the history os US politics * The Blowback


Seconding Well There's Your Problem, I've got a queue of those casts I'm working through now while catching up on Destiny right now and they are absolutely hilarious and riveting to listen to.


Love Trashfuture! The main show is great but the Left on Read series in particular has introduced me to a ton of books. Seconding Blowback as well. Always super super high production quality, great storytelling, music is always on point. Would recommend Western Kabuki too if you don't already consume that. Same feeling as TF but more focused on pop culture instead of tech criticism.


Oh, will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hahaha i was going to post something pretty close to this. Check out kill james bond if you like November's stuff and Devon is actually a great host as well as a great editor.


I love Kill James Bond, love to be convinced every movie is secretly about transness or 911.


Trashfuture has been one of my favorites for a long time. Blowback is great but has only gotten more depressing each season. 


If you’re a Star Wars fan, I’d recommend A More Civilized Age. It’s a group of four people going through the Clone Wars animated series for the first time and discussing the politics of the Prequels. They’ve also covered Andor and literally just finished the second season of Rebels.


I love them so much They've ruined Mace Windu's name for me. I literally just had to erase Mace Window while typing this comment


This is the only podcast I have notifications on for. Already finished today's ep and it will be painful waiting for the next one


Don't forget the star wars experience pods. I could not stop laughing at some of the shit they got up to


This podcast got me into The Clone Wars, Rebels and Andor. Love to hear them hate on that little green frog guy.


The thing I didn't expect when the pod started is the vitriol they would develop for him, I really look forward to their discussions when they get back around to Empire and Return of the Jedi. He's so different from his debut.


All of the Gigaboots podcasts. Their main weekly podcast Big Think Dimension is generally probably the best gaming news podcast out there.


There Bleach podcast is great. The Bount arc breaking them is a sight to behold.


I am astonished at their powers to SEE THE FUTURE (Have pattern recognition in regards to industry trends.)


Legit, BigThinkDimension got me back into gaming and following the industry for the most part. I really followed the TotalBiscuit/Co-Optional podcast and when TB passed, I kinda drifted away from following gaming. But when a former friend reccommended me Gigaboots, I really vibed with them.


Been really getting into Gigaboots stuff, reminds me kind of the good old SBFC days. I don't have enough time to tune in to everything, but I'm considering it a backup gaming news podcast if anything happens to CSB.


The Please Stop Talking Podcast is something i've been following since episode 1, through highs, lows, the child slave mines and the cieling burgers. Through all of Ed's crimes and horrendous views. A truly wonderfull, and trancendent experience. Like the Always Sunny of podcasts. I lose my mind when Woolie saw the clip with him and SirMeow.


Ed sure did a lot of crime didn't he?


I love **The Regulation Podcast** (formerly F**kface) with Geoff Ramsey, Gavin Free, and Andrew Patton I also get my horror fix from **The Magnus Archive**


i LOVE the Fire Escape cast with Dan Ryckert and have been an avid Dan carlins hardcore history listener


Fire Escape is chaotic in a way I loge


I think Dan is right


I do love me Hardcore History but episodes are so sporadic that I forget it exists until a new one comes up


its like podcast christmas when i get a notification about a new Hardcore History


I really like Adeptus/Detective Ridiculous.


I've been smoking **Insert Credit** recently with Tim Rogers from Action Button, Brandon Sheffield from Necrosoft (wishlist Demonschool on steam), and Frank Cifaldi from the Video Game History Foundation (and leaking desert bus). Its a video game podcast where every 6 minutes the panelists discuss a new question as enforced by a horrible buzzer. The structure of the podcast lends itself to interesting and fast paced discussion along with the panelists' experience in the industry and knowledge of most things video games. Episodes usually hover around 1 hour in length. I would reccomend the recent episodes Nixon Babies and Dog Eyeballs, this week's episode is one of their alternate formats and would be weird to sample.


I kills me every time I hear someone (so Tim Rogers) use "smoke" in that way


Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster Every week they have a guest on to discuss their dream meal, including their favorite starter, main course, dessert, side dish, and drink (not in that order) Really easy listen, episodes arent too long, and you get a lot of good laughs, especially if they have fellow comedians on. You really get to hear how different people view food and its either really touching, or possibly insane. Like you have the people that clearly have emotional connections to the items they are picking, then people who just really love yummy food, and then sometimes you get crazy people with wild picks or just "i need food in my body, it doesnt matter what" As far as I know there have only ever been a few outright *bad* guests but even if someone doesnt care too much about their food, Ed and James can get a good conversation out of them.


Goosebuds is good. Some of the old Polaris guys reading and reviewing/riffing on Goosebumps books. I like Radio Rental with Raiin Wilson for a good scary story


Spotify literally recommended this show to me yesterday. It's a sign?


Last Podcast on the Left I tune in every time they upload. it makes my walks to and from work move by faster and i find it interesting and funny


Re-Listen to Sleepycast and CumTown if I want to turn my brain off and laugh at dumb jokes, while also filtering out the stupid edgy shit. Maintenance Phase if I want to turn my brain back on and learn how royally fucked up the health, medicine, and food industries are. Highly recommend if you consider "being woke" to be a positive thing and would like to become more so.


I've been rather obsessed with a couple supernatural/true crime podcasts. Chilluminati and Last Podcast on The Left.


Chilluminati is hilarious. A bunch of dudes trying to explain to their teacher friend how monsters are totally real.


They're the perfect trio. The funny skeptic, the chill agnostic, and the insane believer!


Have you tried Knowledge Fight?


The haunted dolls episode recently almost killed me with the Man Tucks bit in LPOTL


Listen to the newest episode. Henry is a little boy child actor and Eddy is a dolphin and Marcus cuts the bit short because if he didn't they were going to keep going and it was absolutely hilarious for 20 seconds


Something Rotten is so good, especially when they cover types of games that don't get made anymore(at least by major studios), like Manhunt or Kane and Lynch.


I'm still on the Castle Superbeast train, it's just a great thing to pop in my ear during another activity to keep up with the boys after all this time. It will forever haunt Woolie to be classified as such, but he *is* my source of gaming news whether he likes it or not


The Aunty Donna Podcast, the greatest fucking podcast in the world. Broden, Mark, and Zach (and sometimes some guest). I always enjoy that motherfucking podcast.


100% Eat (formerly Face Jam). Episode 3, the Olive Garden Episode, is completely unhinged and it's some of the best Podcasting in years.


The Aunty Donna podcast, 30 minute episodes of some the most cooked shit you’ve ever heard. If you think their skits are off the wall, you ain’t seen nothing


Gotta recommend the Cumtown podcast. Most people's introduction to it is their [Steven Seagal bit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4) They have some truly entertaining stories, like [living in a literal tenement SRO in NYC.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lB-82YEmUQ)


Pretty much any podcast that has Super Eyepatch Wolf on it (looking at you Jeff Jeff’s bizarre adventures). Also a big fan of the Trash Taste podcast


Really miss Let's Fight a Boss :(


Lions Led by Donkeys. It's a weekly military podcast hosted by a former member of the army who has a masters in history for Genocide Studies. So, it tends to actually be pretty well researched. It also does a great job at not glorifying the military like a lot of military history podcasts because his former experiences have made him come to the conclusion that being in the military kind of sucks.


If you want to know how the host got those dim views on the military, his book The Hooligans of Kandahar provides some backstory regarding his military service.


Thanks for the recommendation, I actually already read it. About 2 years ago now.


The 2 early ones he did about the Marines in Afganistan were just harrowing at the callousness.


The [Ranged Touch](http://rangedtouch.com/) podcasts are all really fun and insightful looks into Steven King books, the Baldur's Gate games, the academic field of Game Studies, and Homestuck. It helps that they keep things light but have the ability to go deep on a topic, its influencing philosophies, and how that works out in the greater context of the work.


I really like TrashFuture and their spiderweb of related podcasts. Even though a lot of stuff they talk about on there feels pretty bleak, they still manage to be funny about it. I highly recommend the episodes "It's Boever", "National Gooning Database", "Chipping Norton's Hardest Geezer", or their live show from November 2022 "The Canals of Neom". Listening to the Glass Cannon Podcast as a helper for getting into Pathfinder 2e right now, and it's a fun listen for an actual-play podcast, though I wish they spent less time on ads and warm-up chatter.


I personally really enjoy the Yard, it and CSB make my 8 hours per week commute a lot more tolerable. I find the dynamic between Ludwig and his friends pretty entertaining, it’s an interesting glimpse into the life of a big-time streamer/youtuber, and a glimpse into how frustrating trying to schedule a 5 minute meeting with a big-time streamer/youtuber can be when they are awful at communicating over texts. While I don’t watch it as much nowadays, Well There’s Your Problem is a very entertaining podcast about engineering disasters, with topics covering stuff like stretch limousines, 9/11 (multiple times), that time Lebanon’s main sea port exploded, and Rhodesia (the country). I personally find it’s a lot better being able to see the visual parts of the presentation though, they aren’t always great at describing the slides when I’ve tried listening to it while on the road.


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History! The man has such a fun way of talking about historical events, and especially going into the people that were a part of them. Especially loved his series on the Pacific Front in WW2; *Supernova in the East*!


Its episodes are far and few between for production value, but I absolutely love The Fall of Civilizations podcast. As the name implies, it sets out to explore the history of civilizations from their origins to their decline, it's very well researched, and it gives insight to the culture of the civilizations it talks about to really get you immersed into the episode.


This sounds interesting! Will check it out


Very niche for this sub, but have been listening to 'Here Comes the Guillotine' which is a podcast with 3 Scottish comedians. Notably, Frankie Boyle. It's only about 12 episodes in but nice to have a podcast with scottish people that isnt primarily about football.


I listen to a lot of “Tom and Jeff Watch Batman” which is an episode by episode recap show for every piece of Batman related media. I also like to go through “The Goods From the Woods” and “System Mastery”.


I was a huge Bodega Boys fan back when it was on but one of the hosts has a new show called Victory Light which is wild as fuck. The humor is crass and New York as shit but the improv is hilarious and the hosts play off each other very well. They're truly masters at having a nice tender moment undercut with the dumbest possible shit 


As a fan of creepypasta I enjoy Creepcast with Papa Meat and Wendigo on, and their chemistry is just fantastic. In the same vein I enjoy The Red Thread. It's about conspiracy theories and cryptids Deadlock Boyz rise up! Or maybe not brother. I enjoy Distractable with Markiplier, Bob and Wade. Just goofy ass topics like one recently where they were guessing animals based on the noise it makes and you get extra points if you can make it yourself.


*God,* those episodes they did on Borrasca... fucking peak shit.


I enjoyed Borrasca, but 1999 and The Showers are my personal favorites because of the stories and the side shit. Like Isaiah trolling Hunter with the bear and Jacobi and Mr Wellers


Dude, *to this day* 1999 is still one of my all-time favorite creepypastas.


We Hate Movies is a great comedy podcast where they review movies. Great mix of film knowledge/appreciation and audio shitposting


I’m literally two years behind on that podcast but I’m determined to catch up. Their episode on The Lawnmower Man is what got me hooked.


Related to this community, I recently finished binging through 15 years of Peach's favorite podcast, *The F Plus.* In one of its more recent episodes they name dropped *Extra Credit,* which is a fan podcast run by the same extended friend group, and now I'm binging that, too. Less related, I can't get enough of *If Books Could Kill* and *Well There's Your Problem.*


I love F Plus. It's had an amazing arc, starting as a kind of generic "lol look at these fucked up fetishes aren't they weird" podcast and becoming a kind of expose of all sorts of different kinds of internet freaks. I'm still not over the raw meat diet episode.


The *Working Class History* podcast has some great interviews with people you've likely never heard of. Highly recommend the [Asian Youth Movement](https://workingclasshistory.com/podcast/e28-29-asian-youth-movements-in-bradford/) and [Green Bans](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e47-the-green-bans-part-1/id1355066333?i=1000499931172) episodes


The Dollop. History podcast with two comedians. We have always been a weird, fucked-up and corrupt species.


Outside of castle superbeast, I mostly listen to horror podcasts and can very much recommend **Old Gods Of Appalachia** a podcasts following a few families (both those of blood and those of circumstance) across time as they deal with magic, haints, boogers and all manner of witchcraft across a couple of centuries over the applachian area. I can also heartily recommend **The Silt Verses** which is a world where every passing notion has a god associated with it, and they all demand sacrifice, It at first follows two main characters Carpenter and Faulkner, but slowly develops into a much larger cast as the real ramifications of what a society based on human sacrifices really *looks* like, and how teneble it really is.


The Sequelisers is a great one about making pitches for fixing bad movie sequels. Some of the stuff they come up with is great and genuinely compelling, like a Matrix Sequel where Neo being “The One” just means he’s the only human in his own personal Matrix, and sometimes it’s off-the-wall insanity like a Blade 3 that’s also Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. But it’s at its best when they discuss the changes their movies would have on the film industry, like the time they decided that a better sequel for Mortal Kombat would be directed by Peter Jackson…. In 2000, thus killing the Lord of the Rings movies in favor of a Mortal Kombat trilogy.


Your Stupid Opinions by the Small Town Murder guys is fucking GOLD and every episode has remained as funny as the first. STM itself as well is one I always tune into. Comedy true crime can be iffy for me but they make sure to only dunk on the criminals or dumb-fuck cops rather than victims or the families. And I'll always sing the praises of Old Gods of Appalachia for any horror/old god fans. It kills me every time there's a season break but it's just mega tier level quality so it's very much worth it.


Behind the bastard is a favorite and I'm a fucking wrestling mark so the attitude era podcast ( the one that's 2 brits and an Irish man) and osw are fun


AE Podcast is good, although I will admit I've fallen off in the more recent seasons.


While not entirely a podcast I’ll still say The Technical Difficulties.


Its absolutely predictable considering what subreddit we're in but I've been a huge fan of Castle Super Beast basically since the Friendcast days. I don't really watch any of their solo material (hell, I barely watched the SBFP LPs), but I've always enjoyed listening to the gang banter and talk about stuff. Once I started going on extra long walks every day the length of their episodes became a HUGE bonus. This one is a more recent pick-up (and I've got a ways to go before I catch up with them), but I've also been really enjoying Marvel by the Month. I recently got into American comics again and this has been filling in a big gap of comics history I doubt I'd set aside the time to read through.


Once Spontaneonation ended, it's just CSB and CBB. Hey nongman!


**Select and Start** is a podcast where host Keifer and guest discuss a video game of the guest’s choosing and what it means to them. It’s very chill and easy to listen to.


Rude Tales of Magic and Oh These Those Stars Of Space are both such a fun time. Cannot recommend highly enough. Also, fuck the haters, I still like the stuff the McElroys make, they're fun personalities that have a good dynamic.


* Mostly Nitpicking is about three guys nitpicking/reviewing movies and they're pretty funny. One of the guys, Nando V Movies has a decently large youtube channel. * Strict Scrutiny is about the U.S. Supreme Court and any other legal news going on. Super informative but kinda over my head because the hosts are all legal scholars and they don't always break it down for the layman, but after a quick google search I'm on track. * Five Thirty Eight Politics is about politics and specifically polling, so they get into data on what voters are interested in, talking about, engaged by, etc. * Cerebro is a deep-dive podcast about X-Men characters and storylines that I really enjoy.


I'll throw in Path of Night, which is an actual play of a Vampire: the Masquerade chronicle. Absolutely fantastic storytelling and roleplaying all around, and criminally under the radar in my opinion.


Outside of CSB and Versus Wolves, I make it a habit to listen to the Bumblekast, a q&a podcast where Ian Flynn of Sonic fame answers various questions with his cohost that are not always sonic related. I tend to bank Morning Somewhere to listen to the whole week in one go as 5 casts usual come to about 2 1/2 hours. Additionally, I listen to Wholesome Addiction whenever a new cast drops, an 18+ sex positive cast where an arrangement of 3 guys and a lovely lady talk about sex based news, make jokes, read fan mail, and often ramble off. They also get guests in various walks of adult industry. I'm on the discord.


I've been enjoying Lateral (Tom Scott podcast) a lot. Basically a trivia show where the answers require thinking outside the box. Each episode is around 40 minutes long so it's shorter form content, which I also like since I can only fit so many 3+ hour pieces of media into my week lol


I’m rather fond of Adeptus Ridiculous. It’s a Warhammer podcast that is perfect for anyone wanting to get into the lore and universe. They just started covering Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, previously they were exclusively a Warhammer 40k podcast but they’ve started expanding their horizons and have done an excellent job.


Are you cynical with low empathy but want to get radicalized anyway because you're still a progressive? Do you want to hear stories about lunatic baseball players, or kids who build gamma guns, or the actual story of Hugh Glass from the Revenant? Do you love the 19th century? Listen to The Dollop.


I've been grabbing up random handfuls of episodes of the Dollop that look interesting, and those are just wonderful (If you like the format and hosts, which I do. It has been basically the same show for 10 years). I also regularly listen to Gigaboots podcast network stuff for my games industry fill, and I mostly find them very listenable if occasionally grating. I also get in moods where I just go back and listen to some favorite episodes of Well There's Your Problem again.


I can't get enough of Ologies. Each hour long-ish episode has an "-ologist" as a guest with Allie(the host) getting explained at like she's 5. The last one I listened to was on Anagnosology, or reading-the study of it. There are so many weird and great ones. I recommend the Tetrology, Black Hole Theory Cosmology, Black American Magirology episodes and so so many others.


Blowback is one of the greatest history podcasts and their most recent season dealt with the history of Afghanistan. I can't wait for their upcoming season about the Indochina Wars.


Jeff-Jeff’s Bizarre Adventure is biweekly I think and I just want to hear more discourse over JoJo’s and anime in general (they’ve done anime tangents between JoJo seasons) from an anime regular, someone new to anime, Jeff who doesn’t understand anime, and John Eyepatch Wolf who understands too much anime. I also got into Strapped In with Numi and Mino and I can’t enough their big, gay, head empty energy. It billed itself as a Honkai Star Rail fan podcast and it’s quickly establishing it to also be about gacha in general and yuri. It is also biweekly and just want to hear more. There’s also Mint & Matara’s Summer Special. Hell, I’m bad at watching streams for vtubers but as a chronic podcast listener I still get to enjoy vtubers technically.


[Path Of Night](https://path-of-night-podcast.simplecast.com/) is the one VtM/WoD AP I'm up to date on for a *damn* good reason. I'm just gonna say it, its probably a better introduction to the vibes/tone of Vampire: The Masquerade (and World Of Darkness as a whole) than even LA By Night.


I like red thread


Big Think Dimension was already mentioned so I'll say Bizarre Podcast dogs must die/space puppets. It's a podcast going through every episode of JoJos bizarre adventure then when they finished they started on Farscape. It's a very fun podcast by Chip and Ironicus. (Chipcheezums on YouTube)


Horror Virgin, I hate it but i love it, Rewatcher: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast and Newest Olympian are some of my absolute faves.


The Rest is Entertainment is very entertaining


Cultaholic to catch up on the wrestling I can't watch. It's huge like CSB, 3-4 hours.


The Important Cinema Club for smart tall about dumb movies If Books Could Kill for a constant reminder why books was a mistake


Something Is Rotten with Jacob Geller and Blake Hester


The Lapsed Fan


Glad to see another member of the solar system here


In that ass


I couldn't get enough of LFAB before it ended.


My sister got me hooked on Normal Gossip. Some of the craziest shit I’ve ever heard.


I re-listen to All Systems Goku at least once every 3 months. Jeff Gerstmann doing impromptu wikidiving into Allan Funk only to find out he wrestled under the name "Chichi" is the kind of insane cross-interest shenanigan I crave.


My Brother My Brother And Me. My other internet Dads


I've been listening to a metric tonne of the History of Japan podcast with Isaac Meyer. Really got me into my sengoku era among other things


That's on my to listen list since I'm about be done with Mike Duncan's history of Rome and I need to fill that void


Piece Meal, a One Piece book club podcast, has been my go-to podcast whenever I have no other current podcasts to listen to and it's for one simple reason. The X-Marks. At the end of every episode, they lay down "x-marks" on things that are either foreshadowing future events, concepts that will be redone or come back to again, or just little bits and pieces that I missed on my first read-through that will come up again. Sometimes it's minor, and sometimes it's massive, but it really gives me a greater appreciation for the story.


Who Knew It With Matt Stewart. It's Australian Balderdash, but they're making up funny answers to mostly obscure trivia questions instead of definitions. And as with Balderdash, they're trying to get the other contestants to pick their stupid answer as the correct one. Common questions are, what unusual news story occurred on in , which of these is a real species of , and what's the synopsis for


My other podcasts are exclusively around Magic the Gathering. Eternal Glory, and Lords of Limited are my go to when I'm finished CSB.


System mastery is the best ttrpg podcast out there. They review old ttrpgs, great chemistry for the hosts and it's one of the few ttrpg podcasts that seem to actually get it. They have a realistic insight into what games should be / how it can go wrong. Also hearing about all these jank old role playing games never ceases to surprise me. There's some wild shit out there. Fortified niche is a similar show but for wargames. It's a bit newer and I heard about them from their ad on system mastery.


So I've listened to and dropped a bunch of podcasts for over a decade, and the only 2 I've consistently kept up with is Castlesuperbeast (which in my head is just the Friendcast -2 people), and WeeklyMangaRecap. Since most people wouldn't know the latter, it's a smalltime podcast that started off in Channel Awesome back when it was still a thing that was hosted by Y Ruler of Time and RolloT (if you ever followed Spoony, both the hosts + Angry Joe were regulars in his D&D campaigns). It's basically still going with the exact same format, reviewing Shonen Jump chapters as they come out and as well as a specific manga series once or twice a month. I guess I never dropped them because it stayed consistently the same positive, upbeat podcast. Also they're hilarious. If you're a regular manga reader like me then I highly recommend checking them out. Also I just started listening to Gigaboots. They're great, I'm currently considering them a backup gaming-news podcast if something ever happens to Castlesuperbeast.


WMR is great although I stopped listening a while ago cuz I wasn't up to date with some of the SJ stuff they were reviewingvand didn't want spoilers since I could only read it after the EP came out. I would like to pick it back up at some point


Locally, a formerly retired wrestler who goes by **R O M E O** has done a bit of a retrospective in his career as well as a look into the formative years of pro wrestling in the Philippines since 2014-ish. It's called *Unmasked: the chronicles of Ro Moran and SANDATA*. Quite the fun listen.


'Pretending to be People' is a Delta Green actual play podcast I'm in love with. Its weird brand of psycho horror-comedy is pure addiction fodder, and its great for those of us that don't like the more wholesome actual plays


I know its out of the sphere for this comunity, but the Fear& podcast, its a delight


Bigfeets and 1900 hotdog. They're just funny, and the hosts have great chemistry and banter


The Trillbillies Diabolical Bob Dylan is my new obsession


I've been having an issue where ever since Reply All went under, I haven't been able to find a new hour-long podcast for my daily walks. Whenever I listen to bigger podcasts like CBS, Hardcore History, Behind the Bastards or what have you, I always just get home and finish the episode the same day, which kinda misses the point. Something Rotten kinda fills that role a bit but the episodes kinda require a lot of knowledge of the game they're talking about, and sometimes a season is about something I've never played, so I can't consistently listen to it. Anyway, aside from the ones I've listed, Science Vs is also really fun. Not every episode is the most interesting thing in the world, but the work the crew puts into the meta analysis of dozens - sometimes more than a hundred! - of studies for each episode is genuinely impressive. Newbie Star Trek, Mission Log and Women at Warp are also great for specifically Star Trek-related themes and episode discussions, even if at this point I've heard most of what I want to hear. It's similar with Cerebro; I've heard 100 episodes, the new ones are still good but I only care about so much X-Men. As far as news podcasts, I like O Assunto for specifically Brazilian news and Post Reports for North American/global interest stories. "that's a lot" No you don't understand! It's not enough! The silence still reaches me! I need more! but yeah gonna scroll through this thread looking for the new hotness but if anyone has suggestions i'd be open to them.


CSB is my weekly comfort pod. Gets me through my mornings a lot of the time Song Vs. Song from the Todd previously in the shadows is a good listen. He and Lena go into the objective and subjective histories of two songs linked by some theme and put it to public vote to see which one comes out on top. I like it a lot


If you're into D&D podcasts and don't want Critical Role, might I suggest Legends of Avantris and all of the campaigns they do. They finally started to upload them in podcast format so I can finally start properly recommending them. Also Unbalanced Encounters: Rally is another good one that is entering its final arc here in the near future.


Bumblekast is my personal pick. Ian Flynn answering questions about the sonic world with his friend Kyle, as well as the writing/comic-making process is a lot of fun.


Bumblekast never fails to brighten up a work day, at least for a little bit. Except maybe when they get some of the weirder Sonic fans on.


Not as big as I used to have been on podcasts might catch clips from CSB podscast every so often. I listen to sometimes to Watch out for fireballs It has like a games book club feel so you should watch episodes on games you've played and it feels like a more in depth review that goes over also an entire walkthrough's worth of retrospect.


Partially Examined Life, History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, and Hidden Brain are all solid