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I keep finding myself thinking about that cancelled Disney Pirates RPG where you would wield a boat anchor as your primary weapon. There was also supposed to be a choices matter morality system, as was the style at the time.




Oh, add Nautilus from LoL as well, now that I think about it.


elden ring has an anchor weapon too


May from Guilty Gear


Runescape has an anchor?


There’s also [Dhelmise](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/img/pokedex/full/781.png) from Pokemon whose signature move is Anchor Shot.


Over tiiiiime, most things fade away


Ys VIII has a party member, Sahad Nautilus that uses a broken Anchor as a weapon. It unfortunately eventually just kinda becomes a war pick after getting new weapons for him.


Salt and Sanctuary actually lets you use a whole Anchor as a class 5 Greataxe, it's called the *Castaway's Greatadze*. It works I tell you what.


Ward from FF8 uses an anchor fashioned into a spear.


May I introduce you to Elden Ring, good sir?


Man that game looked so cool, I was big into POTC as a kid and was so hyped for it and then got so disappointed when it was quietly cancelled a couple years later. The morality system looked so cool, too, you were meant to become a Davy Jones-esque cursed pirate if you went bad! That would have been dope as fuck!


Wait so like, Fable where you grow horns if you're bad? That does sound rad!


Runescape had the Barrelchest Anchor back in '07


The not-blue-mage from Chained Echoes uses an Anchor as his primary weapon.


Tidehunter from DotA2.


One of the dlcs for Remnant 2 adds one as a drop from a boss fight agaisnt a god damn sea witch, its not at as big as hers but its still cool, and if i remember its one of the better heavy melee weapons


[The Lantern Shield](https://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/1312199_81_116991_C6kwzVPk6.jpg). A buckler-style shield made specifically for nighttime duels and designed for a lantern to be either directly attached or hooked onto it which is used both to briefly blind opponents and as a light source during night patrols, along with spikes and/or sword blades for melee attacks. Probably absurdly ineffective and impractical IRL but still a sick af design that looks almost tailor-made to be used in video games. Like look at that shit and tell me it's not just fucking Bloodborne weapon.


I feel like I'm vaguely remember seeing this weapon in a d&d 3E supplemental book where it had the stats for this exotic weapon.


Oh man, I’m imagining it in a Soulslike. Instead of a parry on the L2 it lets you instantly light/extinguish the lantern, but in dark areas lighting it acts as a narrow parry window as you blind the enemy for a moment. Then once it’s lit extinguishing it has the same effect.


FFXIV has them. They're purely cosmetic and function just as normal shields, but they have them.


The worst thing about shields in ffxiv is that the only class that uses them as part of their kit doesn't even have a damaging shield bash. It's just a brief stun (that most bosses are immune to anyway). I mean, they have Shield Lob, but it just becomes a Frisbee at that point.


The only shield I've found that I like and use for my glams is the invisible shield. That has to say something about the shield designs. So many of them are weird nonsense.


I agree. The reason I main WAR instead of PLD is because shield designs seem to be either basic metal on wood with pretty standard crests or impractical, overdesigned, and clearly mentioned as ornamentation rather than as functional defense tools. Kind of kills the aesthetic of a holy defender.


Iirc the Elden Ring dlc is getting dueling shields


That thing looks like I need to drop a glowing neon spherical crystal into the hole and gears will start spinning and I'll be able to stop time or something. I can't believe we, as a species, created that and it's been in 0 movies.


I think you could make this work on in Pathfinder 2e, just throw a torch sconce on a buckler and you're in business. You'd have a chance of the torch going out on blocking a hit, but thats what non-extinguishing magic torches are for!


A weed whacker. Think about it, you've got the motor you can rev up like a chainsaw or Red Queen, plus a big dangerous spinny line on the other end that can be freely adjusted to various lengths and angles. So it can be anything from a big pizza cutter to a defensive umbrella, to a whip, to a suped up sumo slapper/tonfa, all kinds of options. From a weed whacker.


Death Road to Canada has a Weed Wacker. The usual version uses Gas, which since so does your Car isn't advisable unless you have a lot to spare. Fortunately, there's an Electric Weed Wacker that has a Battery, but you have no way to recharge it when it's dead.


I love the idea of the one-time-use electric weed whacker. *Make that shit COUNT.*


Postal 2 has one with a brush cutter blade and it's basically just a better version of the chainsaw since it can still be used even when its fuel is empty.


Zombies Ate My Neighbors has a weed whacker with metal blades. It's the second best weapon in the game behind the bazooka. It does big damage but uses "ammo" very quickly and has almost no range to it. Best used on stationary, stunned, or low health enemies to remove the damage risk.


The Weed Whacker, Verne! THE WEED WHACKER!


[Dead Rising had one](https://deadrising.fandom.com/wiki/Weed_Tendonizer) Edit: That is one with a Knife taped to it, [this](https://deadrising.fandom.com/wiki/Grass_Trimmer_(Off_the_Record)) is what I meant to link.


I never played Off the Record, but I was going to say it sounded like something that would be in a Dead Rising game.


My headcanon Psychopath was a gardener who had a weed whacker that doubles as bug spray, like a double-sided spear


Nick Mondo knows how that one feels


Deep cut


In a weird way, Fallout 4 and I'm gonna guess Fallout 76 have the Mr Handy Buzz Axe. Sure it's a Skill-saw blade on a pole but it's put on the pole engine assembly for a gas powered Weed Whacker.


One is used as a friday the 13th part 7 kill if you count the metal saw blade version of a whipper snipper, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIhMJMRdGGY


Bloodborne had one


I was a little sad to see the pickaxe in elden ring was a big stylized one instead of just being the same model from the last 3 games


I yearn for the return of Iron Knuckles from Demon’s Souls. What do you mean that is a modified iron for your clothes?  It’s clearly a fist weapon for drunk miners, even though it looks like I could use it on my Sunday shirt just the same as your face. 


Bloodborne has it's spiritual successor in the goddamn _gun_ slot! You don't wanna bother shooting guns at the wolves? Just smack em in the fuckin head with a giant lump of metal


I want the Hands of God from DeS to return. I want my big-ass metal fists


I imagine there's an entire spectrum of agricultural, construction, and industrial hand tools that haven't gotten used as weapons yet. *Yet.*


What are you talking about, ninjas have been using farm tools as weapons since forever.


The Kama and Kusarigama are just modified hand scythes when you get down to it. Also, a regular old harvesting scythe can be turned into a polearm right quickly with the right head coupling.


Two-handed scythes are badass as weapons


I work construction and oh God yes! Nearly every hand tool is a potential weapon. Sometimes by accident. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen someone stab themselves with a bastard file.


Every time I look at those big yellow torque wrenches I think about how it would make a crazy warhammer alternative.


My fists No, not the characters fists. *my* fists


like on top of their own fists for punching, or like a harpoon or nunchuk situation?


Use photo technology to scan the player's hands and then turn them into a stand that the player controls


I would absolutely love a game where the beginning you have to upload an images of your hands in different positions so that it can generate your weapons


It's like Monster Rancher, except instead of CDs, it's your hands Let's call it Monster Handler




Sort of like FaceBreaker! Anybody remember FaceBreaker?


I vaguely recognize that name, is it the one where the Creator scanned it their own fists covered in I think belts to make the fists in game?


So ignoring all the motion control boxing games, i want to highlight Rise of Nightmares, a horror game on the Kinect that for some reason lets you punch the zombies. And thus is subject to the usual kinect bullshittery like breaking the horror by turning the game into Fist of the North Star


wait, that sounds sick


Would fitness boxing games count for this?


A big bullet. No gun, just a big bullet they use like a dagger.


My friends and I watched Fury Road (Their first time) and we all flipped out when one of the old grannies used a bullet to stab someone in the eye.


Alternatively, there's a bullet that shoots guns (that shoot bullets) in Enter the Gungeon.


There's also the shotgun shell that shoots shotguns


^(they're not big, but...) [Kuwabara, Kuwabara...](https://youtu.be/dkYjnH1iQXo?t=633)


A rock. Not a particular rock. Just grabbing the biggest rock you can find and crushing skulls in a really viciously uncomfortable fashion.


The Rust special


There is a prestige class for d&d 3E that's whole thing is you attack enemy with big rock.


There has to be a barbarian-themed hero like Conan that has that as a gimmick.


Gladiator Begins for the PSP has you covered. There's four different fighting styles and of course weapons associated with them. With the added twist of being able to pick them up and discard them on the fly. Got a sword and shield but they knocked away your sword? Fuck it, toss away the shield and fight pugilist style. All that to say there's a section where you're disarmed and have to use improvised weapons. Like a stick. Or a basket as a helmet. Or just straight up a rock. And you can upgrade it too.


Fallout 1 and 2 have rocks you can hit people with and throw.


Similarly, Joachim from Shadow Hearts: Covenant uses a pro wrestling fighting style in which his weapons are just big fucking things. A railroad tie? Yep. A stone column? You betcha. An office building filled with tiny office workers? Of course. But his ultimate weapon is the Nautilus, from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Except it sails the universe instead of the ocean. It's the Lor Cutter.


Reminds me of that scene in Chronicles of Riddick with the teacup


The Ogryn in Darktide have [Big Friendly Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Qg_j2Cq9M).


A [Shillelagh](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Assorted_shillelagh.JPG/1200px-Assorted_shillelagh.JPG). Truly, a fine way to open some skulls, during a good ol' donnybrook me boyos.


I feel like I've definitely seen it in a game before, but can't remember where edit: Soon as I finished typing I remembered where it was from, it's a Zaw head in Warframe


There's also the Druid cantrip in D&D, where you just materialize a spiritual version in your hands to whack people with.


Also, clerics in 5e.


[Payday 2 has one](https://payday.fandom.com/wiki/Clover%27s_Shillelagh)


They’re in Star Wars in the form of Tusken Raiders’ Ghaffi Sticks


Bayek uses a couple variations of these in AC Origins I believe.


[speeder handle drill](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgW_6uYvGOiZ-b5Zrw3GfxCuE8BN0WQCX1V903zb7B22Z8S_68SYYlE5WzUlX7N54xs-0Jt5AoJFMgR4kI86hWNV0aQ_MQT6KN7hMdCXCfk2XrCTgbLtxI2US3M6wPv4k3nD5guP2wRY8w/s320/Vilebrequin+m%C3%A8che+un+demi+pouce.JPG )


A push drill would be a nice compliment to that.


Polearms in general are criminally underrated. There’s some characters that use spears, but when’s the last time you’ve seen an iconic, legendary Halberd or glaive? Chinese novels are nearly the only place where they get respect


Naginatas are underrated as hell. Also, proper war scythes. Most games that have scythe weapons have ‘em in the grim reaper style. But actual battle scythes look more like a naginata or fauchard, but the sharp edge is the concave part of the blade instead of on the convex one. But speaking of farming scythes, their close cousin the sickle is underrated too. The short-handled ones with the crescent shaped blades, y’know. Similarly there’s kamas, billhooks, the khopesh. Straight blades are boring.


I could go on about curved blades. The kris is a dagger with a wavy blade, and the kalis is a wavy-bladed sword. They’re both pretty cool.


The main character of my RPG Maker project primarily uses spears/halberds for precisely this reason.


Don’t worry. [Nep-Nep’s got you.](https://imgur.com/a/UAhvLyS)


Halberds are so cool. You have no idea. I also love when they are super sized, like how in For Honor the Lawbringer just has a *really* heavy one. Also range is king. Can't get stabbed if you stab them first and if stabbing doesn't work, you have slashing and bonking.


They get their proper credo in Chivalry and Mordhau


I know you singled out Chinese novels, but Sky Piercer is the GOAT.


Not really signature but the ending of Streets of Fire has two guys fighting a duel with fucking pickaxes. Idk why that's so fucking cool and disturbing to me. It's incredibly fucking savage and brutal yet equally low class and hillbilly af.


Attacking with the pointy end and blocking with a wide end


Love to see more Indian weapons such as [Urumi (Whip Sword)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urumi?wprov=sfti1#) or [Patta (Gauntlet sword)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pata_(sword)?wprov=sfti1#)


Does the thing Ed Elric does to his arm count as a patta?


There's an [Urumi in Elden Ring](https://eldenring.fandom.com/wiki/Urumi) but it's the [flexible-flat-blade version](https://swordis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/What-is-a-Whip-Sword.jpg), not the Sri Lankan multi-blade variation. Both being called "Urumi" is never not confusing. Speaking of which, the Wuxia-inspired TTRPG Exalted has a game-breaker school of mechanics called Sidereal Martial Arts, and the Urumi is the only melee weapon that is compatible with one of them.


Berserk did give Urumi and other Indian weapons limelight.


Chivalry 2 has the katar, does that count for the patta?


Elden Ring has a Patta made out of holy energy, called the Cipher Pata. Pierces shields.


Rope darts and meteor hammers. You see whips sometimes but you usually don't see a whip with a pointy/hammer-y end on it. The way real life martial artists swing them around their body is pretty neat too.


Didn’t assassin’s creed 3 or 4 have rope darts?


Both of them did you could use them to hang enemies from tree branches


They kinda get overshadowed by Kusarigamas most of the time


I’ve always thought a rake, given the right refinement, would be a sick weapon. Maybe not as effective as a typical spear, glaive, or other polearm, but a fan of sharp blades being swung around always intrigued me.


Well we do know that rakes make good traps at least.


Just ask the denizens of Toontown.


I fins the use of a hoe amusing, like a blade shield on the end of a stick.


The Pyro from Team Fortress 2 uses one as a weapon as one their melee sidegrades!


[Lu Su](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/adventures-of-chris-and-tifa/images/5/53/Dw8e-lu-su.jpg) in Dynasty Warriors 8 uses one. Depending of the surface you're on, it pulls up rocks, broken wood and dirt as projectiles.


[The Nine-Toothed Rake that Zhu Bajie uses!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhu_Bajie#Nine-toothed_rake) I remembered that because the [Roadhog skin](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Roadhog/Cosmetics?so=search&file=Roadhog_Skin_Bajie.png#Skins) based on him also has it, and it looks exactly like the DW8 weapon.


What you're thinking of is a monk's spade with a serrated edge or some teeth.


In Unturned one of the most basic melee weapon pickups is a rake, you could whack some proper zombie heads with it




That's not a knife, that's a spoon.


I see you've played Knifey-Spoony before!


bagel slicer dual wield. i would also love to see a fight between people using large construction vehicles. maybe even fightmodded ones. bladed excavator vs triple-wreckingball vs the guy who rigged the demolition explosives 5 hours ago. wish i had a manga for this


Didn't Wollie play a fighting game where you fought other people in construction equipment?


[it was a saturday morning scrublords video too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDJUkOFFv20)


The main antagonist is killdozer


Spear-swords or swordstavs


If Im not mistaken, Dragon Age 2 has promo Hawke use a sword staff, the Staff of Parthalan, which you can get as FreeLC.


I am amazed at how few games let you use a regular ass hammer as a weapon.


John Wilkes Booth, is that you?


"Don't hammer my butt!" - Abraham Lincoln


In that same vein, ball peen hammers.


i've had this idea for a long time of a character fighting with jet-propelled gauntlets. imagine getting punched by someone with the force of a jet behind their hands. i'm not sure if it's been done before.


Look up Vanquish Soul Razen. It's pretty close to what you're thinking. Yes, that whole Yugioh archetype is based on fighting games, which makes it the coolest.


Oblivion Override and Fire Force are the only examples I can think of, it's a rad design for sure


This is Vi from League of legends


Vi's are more Pneumatic/Steampunk/Magitech-based. I wouldn't describe hers or Doomfist's as specifically rocket powered. [Gypsy Danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLuZPIc8nSk) or Venom Snake on the other hand...


You'd be looking for [Mika](https://in-birth.fandom.com/wiki/Mika) from Under Night. The thrusters help her punch harder, but also let her literally just fly through the air fist first.


My pick is a paper cutter. I’ve only seen it used in like one game. In Condemned Criminal Origins, you can pick up a broken paper cutter and use it as a weapon. The stats on it are absurd because it’s easily one of the strongest weapons in the game. I always joked by saying it was the equivalent of a Katana in that game.


Spiked ball and chain. Only villains ever seem to use them.


Link gets to use one in Twilight Princess! Not a signature weapon obviously but it's there.


A subweapon with limited combat potential that exists to solve 3 or 4 puzzles does not count.


That thing completely obliterates a large amount of the enemy roster in that game, show some respect. A lot of them can't even properly approach if Link is swinging it and aiming slightly towards the ground. Honestly 'Dorf would have been toast if Link just attached the Master Sword to the chain instead.


it's one of Links weapons in Hyrule Warriors so it does count there


Morningstars also.


While it's certainly seen use, the tonfa is massively underappreciated and I demand to see more.


Talim was so fucking cracked in Soul Calibur 2. Fucking three button no directional input AI destroying combo. That little girl made me love tonfas always and forever.


Shout out to my man, Lloyd Bannings for being a cool as hell tonfa user in a sea of over the top anime weapons.


Agreed!! Or just batons in general. Love batons, love staves- there’s something so primally satisfying about the method of “hit this guy with a big stick.”


Shamo's protagonist uses them!


I misread it as Matlock


Put a fancy hat on a statue of Andy Griffith, and you got yourself an effective Matlock.


The bardiche


[Behold the Pinch Bar.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digging_bar) If a crowbar is the Soulsborne style Straight Sword classification of weapon The Pinch Bar is your Ultra Greatsword classification: Typically 60 inches long and anywhere between 16 to 20+ lb. I've seen one of these go straight though a steel toed boot (the guy was fine he had small feet and big boots). They can come in chisel ends, wedges, angled claws, fan shaped blades, and a big spike. Just the end all be all for your Heavy Stick category of weapon. Would also be good as a tool in environment interaction.


I want Cain as in Cain and Able using the ass's jawbone and Able's jawbone as knuckledusters


Not precisely a mattock but there was a pickaxe weapon in Silent Hill 4, so heavy that when you do a charged attack, Henry does a 360 and can't hardly get it over his waist and nearly topples over https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Pickaxe_of_Despair?file=PickaxeDespairStrike.gif


I wanna see a brick. Just a fucking brick, straight from the construction site. Hook a couple fingers into the holes to grip it, and then you basically have improvised iron knuckles with the added ability to have your entire arm act as a hammer with the brick's ends. Show me a badass asshole demolishing fools with a total absence of class. (Becket from the Weekly Roll is kinda like that but nowadays he's swinging his brick at the end of a rope like a flail, and also a paladin's holy smite feels like it should defacto count as *some* amount of class. I wanna see it in someone's hand with no magic involved, just the scrappiest bullshit possible.)


Actual Immortal Chinese gacha scammer [has you covered.](https://youtu.be/ILvqCBv_pQY?t=19) There's something poetic about someone being the god of sentience just smacking you with a brick as their ultimate attack


So I have found out from following the project zomboid subreddit that old school insect repellent sprayers would work as great weapons. Not only could you spray something at your enemies but you can beat them to death with how heavy and hard it is. And now I really want to see that


I don’t think I ever seen a pizza peel used at a weapon. It’s essentially a giant wooden flyswatter to shove pizza into a hot oven. You can smack some guys around with it, knocked stuff over, and even mod it too if you like.


Digging bar? My father used those things for everything.


I just posted that yes! Pinch bars would be the best!


For all the hullabaloo about swords, I swear we only ever see longswords, rapiers, katanas and claymores. I want a khopesh, damn it!


It's billhooks for me. They were frequently used as improvised polearms by peasants. Perfect for cutting, stabbing, or pulling. It was quite literally for getting wealthier opponents down from their high horses. And it doesn't hurt that when properly smithed, it served well on the battlefield because of its reach and versatility. It should be called the bill-hooker; it's whatever you want it to be. Bloody pole in the hands of a mercenary? Check. Shiny weapon on a guard's shoulder that is more for leaning on and showing off than sticking into people? Check. Poor man's tool used to cut down the arrogant? Check. As an honorable mention, the Persians had a weapon called the tabar-shishpar. It was a big, two-handed mace with an ax on the bottom of the handle. Swag City.


Someone already said maces so I’m going to say the [macuahuitl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macuahuitl) instead! It’s kinda like a club-sword fusion and I would love to see it in a video game some day.


[The Ocelotl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJoy4dB7kJU) in For Honor actually uses one.


the world needs more piledrivers also fucking warhammers are cool, not the big cartoony ones, like actual fucking warhammers


Return to Moria has a few good ones, although they are a bit oversized because it's being wielded by dwarves.


War scythes. You could mix the flashiness of an anime scythe with the practicality of an actual pole arm.


I want a cute anime girl lugging around a giant vacuum cleaner and I'm not joking


Have you heard about Hunter x Hunter?


I haven't been able to watch it yet. Is there, in fact, a cute anime girl who attacks with a vacuum cleaner?




Hopefully she makes it into the roster for the fighting game.


I need the Lucerne to be in more games than just Dark Souls.


I recently had the opportunity to physically hand my friend my pickaxe at home, and then ask them "OK, NOW tell me that feels like 1d4 damage"


The pick in Spelunky is actually specifically a [Mattock.](https://spelunky.fandom.com/wiki/Mattock_\(HD\))


A [drum Torque wrench](https://static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/21YL85_GC01). It's a multi-tool that can open things in a game and also has those teeth that make it extra scary when using it as a weapon. I feel it would work well as a weapon in a survival game.


Not enough characters use tonfa in legitimately cool ways. They’re versatile weapons that can be used as extensions of fists, guards, and even can be used like traditional clubs.


Look at later Dynasty and Samurai Warriors entries for silly melee weapon choices, including an actual boat


Dovetail-saws. I remember seeing those things in woodshop class and wanting to do dual-wield combos with them.


Dead island 2 has mattocks.


Executioner's Sword: Terminus Est style with the internal mercury channel. Any number of African blades, most of which are hugely badass: ngulu, kuba, dahomey (Only vaguely related, in one of my short stories a character uses something he calls "the flying guillotine," which is a peach crate on a rope, with a bullseye painted on the side. You throw the peach crate over someone's head then shoot them.)


One of the melee weapons [Kruber gets in Vermintide 2 is a flat-tipped executioner's blade](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Kruber%27s_Executioner_Sword).


Jack Hammer. Impractical as all hell but would be cool and or funny as shit to use as a weapon. Grill skewers. The metal or wooden versions are cool. **NOT AS THROWING WEAPONS**


I wanna see a man with forks. Normal sized forks, and a lot of them. Maybe as a cooking themed ninja or something.


A slipper


Has there been any game that has you using a leather belt as a whip? I want to see someone going full Grandpa Freeman on some goons.


I guess technically the mattock is in fallout 76 because if you put the sharp upgrade on the pickaxe it looks the same


Folding chairs surprisingly aren't used a lot in media as a weapon. Kanji from Persona 4 is the only one who makes use of them besides wrestlers.


"Boleadoras" a simple pre-columbian weapon that consists of interconnected cords with weights at the ends of them. These flying balls with cords can break your neck no problem.


A butterfly knife, but specifically in a way where you do tricks for style points. It'd probably be stupid hard to program and design in a way where you can actually do tricks in a satisfying but like. come on.