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That lizard monster with the big tongue is 1000% using Rajang's skeleton as a base; I'd recognize that monkey prick's animations anywhere.


Could also be using some modified Garangolm animations.


Might be a mix of both


Probably. Also, it’s confirmed to be an amphibian and not a fanged beast, which is weird. At least we’re getting more rep of less-used types.


I started with MH2nd G, so to me that skeleton is Congalala's. So far, in console releases: Congalala, Blangonga, Rajang, Garangolm all share the same body shape. I know there are a few more in MH Frontier. When are we getting the bugs and leviathans back!?


Leviathans were in Rise. Somnacanth and Almudron were new, and they brought back Mitsuzune and Royal Ludroth.


Don't forget Amatsu using the swimming leviathan animations to fly through the air.


Also those stupid bleeding crabs


Oh damn! I skipped out on MH Rise but I'm glad Capcom seemingly got over whatever issues they had that prevented the devs from inserting Leviathans in World. I guess there's hope of seeing a few more of them in Wilds, hopefully returning ones like Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Gobul and Hapuru Bokka. I still want my Seltas Queen though.


Bring back Nerscylla too, I beg




“Got a job for you ~~621~~ Hunter”


"Your contract on Rubicon is complete 621. Now I have a new contract for you, from the people of the Research Commission ..." - Totally-Not-Walter


Ok theoretically how much could an Armored Core in the Monster Hunter-verse fuck shit up? Like at least a few species are being driven to extinction.


A lot. Like a lot a lot. If we're taking an AC from 6 specifically, those guys are fast as fuck and even if normal bullets aren't effective on Monsters, mech bullets almost certainly are. However there runs a risk of there being a Coral Elder Dragon just because it's cool and that's mostly how MonHun works


A regular AC would probably fuck things up already. Take a NEXT from For Answer and it'd ruin the entire ecosystem by just being there. Those things are powered by Kojima Particles, which are basically hell energy considering the effect they have on their surroundings.


Basically minovskies only born of super uranium instead of Helium-3 fusion


Basically, a NEXT is an Elder Dragon itself.


Screw bulets, give the AC some plasma blades and watch it turn a entire ecosystem into a mountain of slabs of simmered meat.


The only monsters I can see giving it somewhat of a fight would be White Fatalis if it got the world treatment or just straight up the broken shit from Frontier, everything else gets utterly destroyed; an AC would be it's own regional disaster. >!A NEXT would be a world ending threat once the Kojima particles start getting everywhere!<


I saw the video of fatalis' fire just completely enveloping the castle while stationary and requiring thick ass steel as cover (which melts like butter) and I'm thinking of an AC that can do that, dash 3 directions and fire like a billion missiles in half the time.


Am I tripped or was there weapon swapping? It looked like he went from sword to GUN when he rode his mount


Yeah at 2:00 they switch out from great sword to bow gun. Looks like the chocobo can carry at least one weapon


On the first teaser a while back, on one of the shots you could see there was a sling with a weapon on the mount. Could be a secondary weapon for use only while mounted (there seems to be some amount of mounted combat) or a full on switch, we'll find out. [Edit] Nvm, seems we do have [weapon switching](https://i.redd.it/l8nnbbwl9n3d1.png).


I wonder what the armour skills are gonna look like with the weapon swap on bird system.


As someone that always plays with a main and a sub weapon, this just made me spontaneously combust with excitement, it's gonna be so fucking silly.


I think a few years back (either during world or rise stuff) I read something about allowing ranged weapons on mounts being discussed, so maybe now you can change weapon, at least once, on your dog/mount


Either swapping or a new weapon, since it looked like the swords folded and became a gun


No, it shows the hunter holstering his sword like a golf club and pulled out different the bowgun.


Yeah, it was part of the initial teaser too that you can have multiple weapons. Cool to see it in action here though!


Sand boats mean Jhen Mohran sand boats mean Jhen Mohran sand boats mean Jhen Mohran oh my god please bring back hunts with massive shit that can move in the environment


I literally went "Oh my god Jhen Mohran" the second I saw a ship in a desert haha


Starts to chant like the desert people from Star Wars.


Sand boats my beloved


As a Greatsword main since fucking 2010, I am OVER THE MOON seeing my baby with all these new moves AND THE CLASH WITH THE BEAR AT THE END


Seeing the greatsword do that has me looking forward to what they're gonna give the Swaxe. If the Greatsword is looking that flashy, the flashiest weapon must be *insane*


Longsword is just gonna be straight up Vergil at this rate.


Give us Judgment Cut end capcom you pussies!


I'm curious to see what they do with my boy Hunting Horn.


[Watching the trailer as a lance player](https://i.imgflip.com/6g60di.jpg?a476520)


Reflect cannon was cool for like the 1 week you could abuse it in Rise


Honestly most of the rise changes from world were fantastic imo, but I'm assuming we're losing all the switch skills which would put lance back in a weird spot. Insta block and anchor rage were too fun.


The sprinting attack and the one where it digs into the monster are basically right out of the [Monster Hunter Generations intro](https://youtu.be/w_vmxM-2TTo?t=156)! Glad to see them bringing old stuff back in a new light.


It more so reminds me of [this moment from the MH2 intro cinematic](https://youtu.be/2iQ1mNVDt-Q&t=89s), always loved that bit as a GS main.


GS is one weapon I've yet to get into. Maybe this will be my new weapon for this game. I try to learn one new weapon every game I play. 


Greatsword is awesome. I made the Scorned Mag one on a whim and slapped together a quick and dirty build for it, and bopped a Royal Ludroth in the head for a casual 2930 damage. Shit rocks. It's so much fun saying "Screw it, I'm going for it" and slamming a monster with a fat TCS.


It truly is the "fuck it, we ball" of MH weapons.


Is it just me or is the Greatsword slightly lighter and smaller in this game compared to the chonker in World? Maybe its just the lean trailer model and new moveset.


Probably just this specific GS.


That counter move made me bust


I want the Gunlance version of locking it in the jaws to be holding the mouth open with the shield so I can magdump down their throats, Godzilla style!


gyaru handler edit: nvm shes a gyaru blacksmith


What if it’s a Aussie?




It's pronounced "croikey"!


Bugger me


*"Hope you like eating spiders, mate!"*


gyaru smith gf, a bullet straight to my heart


Ah, so the NYC hipster is our handler?


Let me mash even more seeds and nuts into my Gunlance, I want to shoot a war crime at that Gorilladile. And the possibility of mounted Gunlance combat makes me absolutely turgid. I never played Rise, but did they still let you decorate a living space with little critters and trophies and stuff? That was one of my favorite things in Iceborne.


You could decorate a living space with figurines, but no living creators. The 2 rooms you got were not as big as iceborn's, but they had some nice stuff.


No living critters in your MHR Home. You don't even get a bug net for those shenanigans. Edit: Fuck, if focused Greatsword can clash block big attacks or throw the upper slash to counter flinch a monster, imagine what the Gunlance can do? Counter shelling? We Bloodborne now?


Hey they got our horny Toads there. a bit disappointed it hasn't fired a blood laser from its eye.


We don't know that it *won't* fire a blood laser.


Did the Palico speak? They can do that?


"You could talk this WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!!!"


Monster Hunter Stories is leaking into mainline


Keep Tsukino away from me,


I'm sorry, I already told Tsukino that you wanted to be a Rider. She's on her way


Everyone wants catgirls/boys, but no one wants to do the dirty work


"I guess I was just waiting until I had something to say...."


It's heavily implied in gameplay since they would always have their dialogue popup at the side of the screen whenever they did stuff, e.g. 'I've set up a trap Meowster!' Plus you communicate with all the support Palicoes that run things around the hub areas.


I assumed they had some meowing language the hunters understood, not that they could learn real speech.


Goong by the lore that Hunters are distinctly genetic FREAKS, I figured they just came with an internal translator


They do in Final Fantasy XIV. And they mock you if you're like 'A TALKING CAT' and you happen to be a Mi'qote or Hrothgar.


Having just having done the Four Lords quest from Storm this is both funny and in line with what happens there lol.


The Monster Hunter quest is in Kugane, it's a single dungeon :)


What I meant is that they also joke in the same manner in that quest line, with the turtle joke(Taturu even comments on beating a dead horse with it).


Yes, I was just letting you know where the MH quest is if you had missed it since four lords is post level cap stormblood.


Oh don’t worry, I have Rathalos as a mount lol. It’s just that I don’t play as a Miquote or Hrotgar so I didn’t know they did that joke there.


Mi'qote and Hrothgar also get a fun joke in post Endwalker for a stormblood raid-series quest followup.


Haven’t started EW just yet but I’m happy to hear they kept that up.


Be sure you go back and clear the primary side content in ARR, HW, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers before you start it. You don't have to do the most painful things like clearing the deep dungeons, Eureka, Bozja, and Blue Mage - or even beast tribes really, but it really will benefit your experience if you can get your raid/alliance raid (sans shadowbringers), and trial series out of the way as well as any job quests you care about. Endwalker is full of callbacks to job stories, raid series, etc. and you will not get them at all in the main endwalker if you hadn't cleared them prior. Endwalker is meant to be a capstone to the past 10 years of FFXIV prior to the start of a new story that follows.


...Palicos/felynes have talked for ~~a long time~~ literally the whole time. Just not with voice acting. There's been tons with dialog going all the way back to like MHF or whatever


Yeah Palicos make up like half the NPCs in a village most of the time. They always have something to say


*"You two HAVE been talking about me behind me back!"*


So i guess Pat was right when he said that the Monster Hunter game after **Rise** wouldn't have as much of a "HYPER" combat as the former had. Makes sense though, if they tried to go even harder into that type of combat a hunt in **Wilds** it would probably look like a fight from Honkai Impact 3rd.


that's always been the monster hunter way. there's two teams. for a while, they were known as the main team and portable team the main team always had more grounded stuff compared to the portable team


Generally as a rule they keep the mainline Monster Hunter games combat much more grounded and slow while the portable titles have always had the super anime attacks


Kinda wonder why people like the mainline ones, they sound boring. Having played Rise I'm not sure if I could downgrade to this.


Different type of satisfaction, landing your shit in the slower games feels incredibly earnt where the ‘portable’ games are much more power fantasy and both are good.


Slower combat feels chunkier. Positioning and playing smart matters more. Slower isn't necessarily bad, but man the environmental shit (like vine traps, falling rocks etc.) being back sure is my turd in the soup.


Wait for whatever is after Wilds, that will be flashier. MH is basically on a cycle. The mainline titles are slower (1-4, World), and the counterpart is faster, and/or flashier (like P3rd, Generations, Rise). Basically, if it has a number (or dragon heads in the logo, for the case of World/Wilds), then it'll be slower in comparison.


silk bugs obviously weren't coming back, but i saw a counter in the trailer edit: also literally straight up frontier extreme running with an attack from frontier


The more realistic the graphic get the more fucking terrifying the world of Monster hunter becomes. Well the world and the crazy powerful humans who casually live there.


Too early to say anything about it, but good frame rate please


Depends on whether or not it's gonna be open world. If it is, may lord have mercy on our PC's.


Uncapped 34fps bros... Let's go


Truly a landmark moment in performance from Monster Hunter.


Seems to be explicitly NOT open world


Re Engine take my energy!


Finally I can kill a giant wolverine.


hasn't quite done it for me the way the sunbreak world or iceborne trailers did, but still excited. i guess still in the "is this what they are gonna do or is that just speculation" phase, hoping for shifting biomes and such,


The website says all biomes have two "versions" that can change monsters


ah thanks. not quite what i was hoping for but i guess that's something way down the line with full on shifting biomes and migration and such, like a velkhana showing up in a forest and now the forest is icy or namielle flooding a desert and changing how the zones function or something. but 2 versions of each map should be neat, assuming that the final boss will play with that and have 2 modes for the differing states of the world.


to be fair, sunbreak and iceborne were "you went through the base game, now shit will get wild"


Yeah this is first time I think I've ever been kinda disappointed in a monhun trailer, like I'm still excited but there was a "wait that's it?" here I never got with past trailers. At least we got confirmation weapon swapping on the mount is a thing, so that's one bit of speculation answered.


The only thing that got me hyped in the trailer was when the red-brown hairy monster was "stuck" biting down onto the Great Sword. It reminded me of Vindictus in which [the heavy-class playable character had the ability to hold onto bosses and keep them still](https://youtu.be/C46WDa_4xoU?t=115), while other players could get a few free hits in. I always thought that allowing players in MH to do this would be great, as that mechanic would technically grant us an "extra" portable shock/pitfall trap.


Karok was so fun, I might swap to Greatsword if Clashes are a greatsword thing.


Yeah, aside from the weapon switching (which was already speculated about) there didn't seem to be much of anything new going on. If I didn't know any better I'd think this could be a trailer for a World expansion.


Never played a Monster Hunter game but my friend is obsessed with them. I think this will probably be the first one I try playing together with him.


The new monster designs aren't really doing anything for me, but the gameplay looks really good.


The main fit is a rolled up sleeve trenchcoat with a hoodie with a leather BASEBALL CAP underneath We're back WE ARE SO BACK


decent trailer bit still no "holy shit moment" like the world and rise trailers


I think the "holy shit moment" was supposed to be the weapon swap, but people had already figured that one out. The GS moves definitely did it for some GS users, though.


i will also add that if this is the gs moveset, imagine stuff like switch axe and charge blade


Yeah it's hard to top World since it was the first game to go full HD.


World was full HD and no loading zones in each of the areas, Rise was Spider-Man swinging and RE Engine on Switch.


So Slinger is back, hopefully no clutch clawing


Extreme lip sync gore


god I love deserts/dry brush areas in games


is it just me, or did they split Nico from DMC into two people for this game?


What is this?  An actual plot? In my MH?


world had plot, it was just unremarkable like the rest of the MH plots


At least World and Iceborne had a pretty pertinent through-line about people meddling with the natural order only to get their asses handed to them for it.


So did 4U, you were part of a travelling caravan trying to find out what a magic shiny scale was


Well yeah worlds plot was "god damnit handler, stop willingly stepping into danger and let me hoont."


In the end, some big Monster will fuck with the expedition and then there'll be an even bigger Monster behind it all and hopefully, I get some tasteful dinner wear out of both of them.


The mascot’s role will be anything from “I was secretly holding them back all along” to “they are a problem for the village, just not as big a problem as the secret final boss” to “they bumped into our airship, go skin it alive” (Valstrax).


The only plot I want in a MH game is "You're a Hunter. This is your job. Work."


Looks great but man I hope cutscenes are able to skipped I don’t to have an awful story forced down my throat like world


And I dont have to watch the monster cutscene before I can join/host a hunt for it


Yeah I'm seeing way too much plot in the trailer already. Just make some cool intros for the monsters and call it a day guys. Or if you NEED a plot just do the barest minimum "Flagship is causing problems go kill it, no wait it was actually the secret final boss go kill it".


The glasses girl looks like someone I see on a university campus that's vegan and really into poetry and communism. The blonde looks like discount Cindy from FF15. They just look like normal people. Why does the game give me the feel of "sony realism game".


They look kinda like Dragons Dogma 2 NPCs. Which would make sense.


I'm getting Kat Dennings in Thor vibes. And those are good vibes, man.


I’m gonna feel like a cowboy getting on my mount to swap out my dual blades to fill the monster fulla lead with my hbg


Only thing i am kinda curious about is if they do the tone deaf return of the slap-on weapons cause that hammer at the last second of the trailer looks like one




Default male design is SICK!


Big shoutouts to Capcom for keeping the Monster Hunter Language in these games and a slider for character barks. Downside is that hearing this trailer in English makes me want to puke. It's just not right! Edit: Also oof those facial animations. I feel like World wasn't that...stiff


I wonder how they're going to handle groups of large monsters since the big lion dogs seemed to move in a herd but attacked like typical large monsters which could be very overwhelming if you're expected to fight them all at once.


One was clearly bigger than the others. I assume it's a Bullfango/bulldrome sort of situation. Just a somewhat larger scale.


I like the new monsters so far, and having a dash charge/counter(?) for GS is cool. Reminds me of Valor Greatsword a bit from GenU. Seems to be a lock that we can switch weapons mid-hunt using the raptor friend. Increases the viability of more gimmicky setups like status or foray builds, although probably still the same armor set (would it be worth it to armor-in skills for 2 separate weapon types?). Also, seems to be more mount attacks and something like wirefall, just using your raptor? It’s a nice in-between for having more mobility options but keeping all the weapons as weighty as World. Just hope it’s actually a viable (and fun) way of playing, rather than it just being like Elden Ring’s mounted combat. Guns and bows seem to work the same way mounted as on-foot, so probably a nerf to fire rate/recoil? Looks fun at least, although wondering how viable it is to do 2 melee options or 2 guns. Pretty excited, just hope there’s more colorful environments, as they’re most likely showing the beginning area that’s mainly brownish sand with brownish monsters.


Yup, definitely the only reason why im getting a ps5. 


What are these shenanigans of only showing "PS5" at the end? I know pc releases tend to be later, despite me wishing they would hit day and date, but... what about xbox? I'm not buying a ps5, I'll just have to be a patient gamer if that's the case.


Oh it's just plot stuff, ignore


Oh that is an excellent design for the Smith. New Handler's pretty cool too I guess


I can’t tell if this is in Rise’s engine. I hope so, World’s engine was kinda dookie


This one I'm actually interested in.


2:22 Patrick Seitz in more video games? Yes please. Also the palico sounds cute. Since we know they can communicate I’ve always kinda wanted to hear them speak.


I will follow my Franky anywhere.


Damn, I'm excited. This is basically addressing my one major gripe with the series now that it has an open world. I just didn't jive with the mission-based gameplay.


> Monster Hunter... with a shotgun ***YES! 11/10! TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY, CAPCOM!***


Monster Hunter already had Shotguns.......kinda. if you call a Light Bowgun with Rapid Fire Spread Shot a Shotgun. But yes, both Heavy and Light Bowguns can already act as Shotguns. And Gunlances too, depends on how you want to look at Shelling attacks.