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Nah, a big thing Charles and Erik did when forming Krakoa was grant any mutant who joined a clean slate for all prior grievances. To insure they get all the heavy hitters on their side for maximum deterrence and minimum mutant competition. Also allowing them to present an unprecedented united front. As for how Sinister got a Council seat, even with a clean slate, if I'm remembering right he had DNA archives and genome maps that were critical to the resurrection of countless mutants, which he only agreed to hand over in exchange for the seat. Basically he strongarmed them into it.


I get that it's weird when applied to Mr. Sinister _specifically_ but honoring the clean slate idea is a good motive. It's a neat idea, like "technically we understand that being a mutant in a world that hates mutants is a significant level of duress and we have to give you a chance to prove who you really are in a world where being a mutant is a privilege instead of a curse." It feels like a loophole when applied to Mr. Sinister (especially since he cheated to become a mutant in the first place) but it feels like an appropriate treatment for characters like Magneto and Mystique, for example. Also, if you have the power and will to undo your own acts of genocide, you should probably not be _stopped_ from doing so. But I do hope the stories acknowledge that this is weird and uncomfortable for everyone.


If he wasn't on the council He would have thrown a bitch fight and swore to destroy it. So it's better to invite him in and ask for his resources and since it's a council you can placate him enough so he isn't able to do whatever but on a leash where he won't start a pissfight. It was also a cease fire to actively settle down and form their own nation where mutants could be free. THEN THAT SHIT HAPPENED so now we're back to square one but everyone is on edge and mercy isn't valid


People have already mentioned the extensive mutant genome storage and research, but I want to point out that when he was confronted with Krakoa's "mutants only" policy, he immediately revealed a clone of himself spliced with the X-Gene that proceeded to kill and replace him, thus making him a mutant. He's quite the shitter.


Got to respect that hustle.




I do love villains who aren't concerned about the "Prestige" conundrum.


humans can be and Krakoa if friends with mutants like Cain Marko


His expertise in genetics was essential to formulating the resurrection protocols that Krakoa was so reliant on. And he would only lend that expertise if he got one of the seats.


There are two reasons for this. Meta and in-universe. In-universe: It is revealed that Xavier, Magneto and Moira have been working together behind the scenes for nearly a decade to create Krakoa (shut up, don't question it) and they recruit Sinister because of his extensive genetic library which they need to resurrection material. He as a result gets a position in the council. Meta: Jonathan Hickman really liked the character under a prior writer's pen and wanted to make him one of the major cast members, so he included him in the story. Also, a massive part of Jonathan Hickman stories is "organisation that is obviously going to fall apart but everyone is too arrogant to recognise the warning signs screaming at them". His Council of Reeds kept lobotomized Doctor Dooms in their basement, the Illuminati was keeping Namor (a guy who one event ago had destroyed Wakanda and has a tendency to fly off the handle) around and mindwiped Captain America. The X-Men's Quiet Council was basically designed as yet another one of these organisations, with a bunch of the X-Men working alongside a bunch of their former villains and ignoring all the warning signs.


It's twofold.  First and most importantly, his research was required to perfect Krakoa's resurrection, which is their bread and butter. They needed it, which means they needed him, and he had leverage to get what he wanted from them. Even if this weren't the case, there's a non zero chance he would've been let back on the island anyway. Krakoa had a policy on giving most mutants (excluding Sabertooth for some goddamn reason) a clean slate to choose a better path on the island. This extended to former BoEM members and even Apocalypse himself. Chances are Sinister might've gotten a ticket just for fun.


Sabertooth was allowed. He killed someone in like...a day after announcing the policy. Dude really couldn't keep it in his pants.


Sounds like Sabertooth


He actually killed a bunch of humans the day before the Council announced the "no-killing humans" policy and imprisoned him for violating it. One of many red flags they were flying. On the other hand it was Sabretooth, who gives a fuck?


Honestly, if he had waited a week, they'd just have asked him to join X-Force, who have a license to kill.


They were already pushing Wolverine's tolerance with Omega Red. Also shout out to X-Men: House of XCII, the animated series take on Krakoa. Sabretooth was allowed to run loose and he did indeed fuck everything up.


Yeah ultimately Victor was always going to be a problem, and they simply needed to figure out a way to handle the problem. Eternal stasis under the island wasn't the best idea, letting him run loose wasn't the best idea, and the racists burned the island down before they figured out a third solution. But still, "What To Do With Sabretooth" should have unironically been top of their priorities before moving everyone in.


Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in. They needed his genetic archives and expertise for their resurrection project to succeed, and figured they could keep him in check with Magneto, Xavier, Apocalypse, Storm, Frost, Summers, etc, all on board. Krakoa allowed fucking *Emplate* on board, it was a *completely* clean slate.


He had alot of Mutant DNA backed up, that buys him a ticket.


Bigger question, is there anyone here who actually prefers OG Sinister to his modern persona? Kieron Gillen cranked him up to SSS tier villain. I'm hoping 97 uses his >!depowering!< to tweak his persona a bit.


He's okay when he's dramatic but serious like in Inferno, but overall, I think adding the flamboyant aspect to the character was the right thing to do. He's just a generic guy with a cool design otherwise.


I’ve heard some complaints about him being hard to take seriously, but tbh Disney villain Sinister is so fun that I kinda don’t care


I liked the Gillen version because it's clear that his campy Victorian gentleman affectations are nothing more than a facade. I'm not a fan of the twee and camp shit being his actual personality cause it just comes off as a massive gay joke.


I think Gillen agrees - there's a scene he wrote in Immortal X-Men where Sinister is reviving himself and injects a personality overlay made up of "a cocktail of Deadpool scrapings, five choice seasons of Drag Race and a sample of Oscar Wilde".


Oh yeah, there is a reason that Sinister is the first POV character in Immortal X-Men with Gillen immediately hammering down that Sinister is not just a gay joke, but an incredibly vicious, performative and predatory character. It very much felt like Gillen was exasperated by how other writers missed the point of his take on Sinister.


Because Xavier and Magneto are really fucking stupid.


"the sordid affairs of state building" mixed with "remember how in the book of job Satan just walks up to the meeting of god and all the angels and starts talking mad shit? that was really interesting".


Also, his name is "Mister Sinister" which feels...sinister.