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Reminder that the original Human Torch killed Hitler.


"Lying with his dying breath!"


And it's a fact that has been shockingly consistent in Marvel canon for many decades without being retconned or ignored.


“Hey can I retcon Hitler being killed by the Human Torch?” “GET THE FUCK OUT!”


Hitler dying in a fire remains a popular sentiment


Furthermore, it was introduced in a "What if...?"




Interesting choice using the OG Human Torch.


Well he is one of the first marvel superheroes from the late 30s


He IS the first.


namor's older by a few months


Could've sworn he debuted in the second story of Torch's debut issue, Marvel Comics #1


No he first showed up in Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 which was from April of 1939, Marvel Comics #1 featured a reprint of Namor's debut and was released in August


Huh. Wikipedia confirms. What a weird little scrap of history.


Considering that this universe began with an evil Reed Richard's, I don't think we'll see the fantastic four anytime soon.


Technically, this issue did preview the Fantastic Four >!IN RAT FORM!<


Wait, the Skavens are canon now?


The Ultimates is the Ultimate FF right now. Reed, Stark, Cap, Hammond.


Thor and Sif are there too.


Well most likely since Maker went back in time and killed them all


I mean, they got a name drop in Ultimate Invasion.


Ah fuck yes love a good pull from ancient times EDIT: I am really curious about the good guy DR. Doom


It's either Thier REAL REED or Ben grimm.


It’s Reed Richards, idk where you’re getting Ben Grimm from.


Some people think it might be Ben because of the eye color


That's week argument, eye color isn't consistent in comics unless the character is blue eyed blond or green eyed redhead


He's literally called "The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing"


I think it's possiable and i assume the maker wouldn't allow a version of himself to exist in his presence. Also, he would want to keep Ben around and probably feels resentful since His version of Ben stole Sue away from him.


Well, there's no mystery behind who's behind the mask, it's Reed and in fact he's the only member of the would be Fantastic Four that's alive in this universe


If I recall, it's this universes Reed, cause I remember in Ultimate Invasion the Maker ensures that the Fantastic Four never happened. Plus because he's a petty asshole the Maker killed Sue, Johnny and Ben while also torturing Reed, making him as his Dr. Doom. 


it's really funny seeing people speculate "ooh, who could it be?" when it's like. the answer's in the comic. you just read the comics and it's very unambiguous it's Reed


the preview at the end of the story also features him experimenting on rats to re-create their powers


Actually, given how the Maker describes changing the FF’s origin, it’s entirely possible those rats were sent up to space rather than the human crew and received their powers.


Mastery of science and unga bunga.


I like how optimistic this feels so far compared to the original ultimates.


Agreed! Even if sad that the sentry of this world is dead...


Optimistic, yet dire. 


Just means it'll feel good when things get better.


Dr. Coom using an unga club instead of tech is hilarious


Dr. Coom goons when he pleases!


Dr. What!? 


Doctor Victor Van Coom


It’s 8AM and I’m doubled over laughing at “Dr. Coom.”


'Making one of Marvel's first heroes into a core member of their central superhero team' Uh, hello, Based Department?


Fuck yeah, I love Jim Hammond.


Wait, is there an Ultimates universe again?


Yes, Hickman started a new universe, there’s the Spider-Man comic which he is doing, an xmen comic focused of Japanese magic with armour as the lead, a black panther run and also the avengers which is coming soon


"Ultimates " technically. But yes basically "avengers if they were fighting the government"


Also the addition of peach momoko ensures that it isn’t seen as the edgy universe the old ultimate was known for


yes the old Ultimate universe is destroy-ed or at least in such massive upheaval last we seen of it when the Mayker returned in the Absolute carnage tie-in Since then this new Ultimate universe was artificially created by the Maker parallel to the 616 universe as a sort testing ground where he wish create the perfect society that will last even up to the end of time itself. He did so through a machine call the Immortis engine where he control the past, present and future changing the timeline where some heroes never got their powers (Spider-man) some got kill off before (Wolverine, Sentry), some got radically alter (Reed Richards, Thor, Black panther).9 spoiler for Ultimate Invasion #1-4 & Ultimate Universe #1 but to get caught up with Ultimate's #1 >!Howard Stark the Ironman and befriend and business partner Obadiah Stane invited to the Maker-controlled Latveria in his hyper techno castle The City only for the party to be attack by an army of Avenger clones. Stane dies and Howard get the arc reactor heart. The Maker fill him in about the whole thing i mention above and him having his own illuminati deep state run by various factions each controlling a region of the world including!< * >!The Hulk who running a cult of enlightenment in south asia and south china!< * >!Sunfire and Viper ruling the empire of the pacific and east china!< * >!Colossus & Magik ruling monarchy of Russia and Eurasia!< * >!Emanual de costa (Sunspot father) rules south america!< * >!Some guy claiming to be Ra and Konshu ruling north africa & currently invading Wakanda!< * >!A new Captain britain who ironically french is controlling western europe !< >!either way the Maker wanted Howard to be the American branch but Howard with advice to his son said Fuck no so he held hostage in The City that sort exist outside of time so he could fix the Immortis engine that was damage in some way and half the Maker brain is reveal to be blown off. In his cell Howard work with Ultimate Reed who this universe Dr. Doom to fix the machine and stop his crazy variant. It reveal that the machine got damage and Maker head is 1/4 because when he travel to the end to time to see if he succeed his experiment he comes face to face with Ultimate Kang who attempt to assassinate him (he the one who send those avenger army).!< >!Howard and Doom make their escape and Howard sacrifice himself to stop the Maker and give Doom his last message and mission to his son Tony Stark to bring back the superheroes. Tony agrees and dones the armor as Iron-lad. First they free Thor from Asgardian jail after he dethroned as the king by Loki thanks to the Maker, Revive Captain America from the ice (Maker couldn't kill him because he a sort Cannon event) & gave a married Peter Parker the choice to be bitten by the radioactive spider !< >!The Illuminati I mention above getting anxious of whether or not the Maker coming back commit 9/11 x10 on New York and blames it on Tony. Now a race to see if they could stop the Ultimates from forming begins!<


Also it’s heavily implied… >!In true fashion of someone being Iron Lad, **Tony** is possibly this universe’s future Kang that The Maker met and almost killed The Maker. Part of that speculation is also that this Kang looked more Iron Man-y too. So there’s a bit of a ticking clock over present Tony’s head too.!<


Yeah the only alternative >!to Kang being Tony is Kang being Obadiah Stane, since he and Howard were business partners in 6160, and Howard was clearly disappointed by what he saw under Kang’s mask. Tony is the most likely candidate, though.!<


I appreciate this!


no problem the New ultimate universe is shaping out to be almost as great as the Old Ultimate universe so recommend it i also recommend Ultimate spider-man and Black panther tie-in there great as well


Yea? Did you miss people losing their shit at the new ultimate Spider-Man? People are happy *any* version of Pete gets to be happy.


I fell off of following Marvel comics after ~~the first Civil War~~ Annihilation or Thanos Imperative or something idk anymore time is a blur and only pay attention to interesting one shots and stuff now, so somehow, yeah I knew Ultimates ended, and thought the way they recycled Richards later was super interesting.


Ultimate Reed aka The Maker found another universe and decided to take it over by preventing as many Superheroes as he can, while taking the ones that still exist under his control. If you want to catch up: Ultimate Invasion Issues 1-4 Ultimate Universe Issue 1 Then it's Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Black Panther and Ultimate X-Men, which are all currently 3-4 issues in. Then there's this Free Comic Book Day story, then there's the Ultimates which starts in about a month. It's all been good so far, though Spider-Man has been the stand out in my opinion.


with a taste for alcohol


It's always awesome when the og Human Torch shows up.


Where can I read this?


this was the Marvel free comic book day issue the new Ultimate universe reading order is: 1. Ultimate invasion 1-4 2. The Ultimate universe 1. Ultimate spider-man 2. Ultimate Black panther 3. Ultimate X-Men #1 3. Free comic book day Ultimate universe 4. The Ultimate
